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Moore, Braga and Berman
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sol System: [QB] Based on a few rumors? Look, Braga isn't a popular guy. A lot of Hollywood types think he's pretty damned odd, in fact. How much of that is true, I can't say. But I can say that he's been responsible for a fine season of Voyager. That's the only thing I know for sure. Now, having said that, this news wouldn't surprise me, especially once you take into account the rumors that surrounded Jennifer Lien's departure. But what about the other side of the story? If Braga and Moore were at such odds, why have they rather consistantly worked together as a writing team, both in and out of Star Trek. Surely Moore would have been aware of Braga's tendancies during their tenure on TNG. Even if he wasn't, by the time they wrote First Contact together, wouldn't some warning bells have gone off? And yet they still stayed together to pitch a script for Mission Impossible 2. (And Area 51? Or was that just a Moore script?) So while I don't discount the idea of Braga acting in such a manner, I have a hard time believing that Moore didn't know what he was getting into. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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