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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK this is my galaxy map - used on an astrometrics pic - its not THAT clear - but I just did it last night (the actual pic - but the ideas have been brewing from about 4 incarnations of this board before)

here is a legend for the map:

(a) Dominion Space
(b) Borg Space
(c) The United Federation of Planets
(d) The Klingon Empire
(e) The Romulan Star Empire
(f) The Cardassian Union
(g) Breen Space
(h) The Ferengi Alliance
(h1)Talarian/Tzenkathi/Klaestron space
(i) Gorn Space
(j) Kazon/Trabe/Vidiian Space
(k) The Nekrit Expanse
(l) Cytherian Space
(m) Krenim Imperium
(n) The Tholian Assembly

1. The Badlands
2. Bajoran Space/ Deep Space Nine/ Alpha Quadrant Terminus of the stable wormhole
3. Barzan Space/ Barzan oscillating wormhole
4. Idran System/Gamma Quadrant Terminus of the stable wormhole
5. Delta Quadrant Terminus of the Barzan wormhole
6. Oscillating end of the Barzan wormhole
7. Ocampan Space/ The Caretaker

Alpha Beta Gamma and Delta Quadrants
Actual arms of galaxy not shown

Sources, and points of reference.

*The Quadrant and placement of earth as being on the boundary from the Star Trek Encyclopaedia first edition.
*UFP large over 150 members Picard (Star Trek: First Contact)
*Closer to the Galactic Rim than the Galactic center/core. TOS
*Romulans and Klingons on the 'right side' of the UFP (STE)
*Cardassians and Talarians (Suddenly Human) on 'left'
*Romulus close to Vulcan (TOS)(Unification TNG)
*Romulan Star Empire Close to Earth (Earth/Romulan wars... needed to
be close enough for old warp ships (capable of a few sectors at most)
*Romulans 'known' before Klingons (TOS) (Earth/Romulan wars) Klingon First Contact was afterwards and with the UFP) (disastrous first contact)
*R.S.E. close to earth (Past Tense) in alternate future Defiant scanned for Federation, wasn't there the closest readings were coming from the Romulans occupying a usual 'heavily populated region' of the UFP the Rigel system.
*Planet Khitomer is on the boader between Romulans Klingons and UFP
*In Face of the Enemy - TNG The Commander of the Romulan ship said she was commended for winning a boarder skirmish against heavy klingon assult...
*Romulans next to Klingons... (Redemption II - tachyon detection grid)
*Klingons and Romulans in the Beta Quadrant
*Klingon Empire spills over into the Alpha Quadrant
*Klingon Empire needs to be close enough for
*Quark to get there with in a short period of time (House of Quark)
*The Klingon outposts in Firstborn TNG
*the klingons to enter the war against the dominion before the Romulans... Sisko said once the federation and klingon empire fall, the romulans will be next ??a line of site??
*The Klingons able to War with Cardassia and UFP i.e. at DS9 (Way of the Warrior)
*For the Klingon Empire 'to expand'
*Bajor near Cardassia (Emissary)
*Bashir to travel to Cardassia in the wire in a relatively short time
*Bajor close The Three Cardassian ships arriving in Emissary
*Dr. Bashir Travelling to Cardassia in a relatively short time to visit Enabrin Tain "The Wire"
*Wormhole in Bajor system
*Still be 'Deep Space' from a UFP perspective
*Ferenginar needs to be close enough to DS9
*for Quark to go back and forth with no effort at all
*For the Grand Nagus to visit DS9 readily
*for all those Ferengi to visit DS9 readily at the drop of a hat (The Nagus' supposed death) in (The Nagus)
*Far enough away to be a rumour to the Federation in "Encounter at Farpoint" (Deneb "Farpoint Station" the ferengi were just a rumour)
*Quark and his Bar were on DS9 well before the Cardassians left at least since TNG season 1
*The Tzenkathi close enough (but far enough away) for the defiant to 'show the flag' in (The Adversary)
*Doesn't look like the Xenkathi and the Obsidian Order didn't get on too well (or at least Garak) (By Inferno's Light)
*Romulans have had relationships with the Cardassians for a while (Garak being a gardener at the Cardassian embassy on Romulus (Apocalypse Rising)
*Klaestron IV close enough to Cardassia. allies with Cardassia Odo went to Klaestron IV in a runabout and didn't take too long in 'Dax' Bashir went to a medical conference on Klaestron IV in 'Second Skin'
*Kataria close to DS9 for the Katarian woman friend of Quarks to visit intermittently
*Katarians tried to take over the federation - The Enterprise wasn't far away from being at El Adrel, and Romulan Space and Klingon Space (The Game)
*Cassidy Yates said that Cestus three was on the other side of the federation
*Earth has to be atleast a weeks travel from DS9 (Homefront/Paradise Lost)
*Klingon empire can't be THAT close - Martok's Fleet had had a long journey - "Way Of The Warrior"
*Talarians on DS9 - Garak mentioned to Bashir that they took their time eating
*DSk7 near Shermans planet - apparently near the klingons "Trials and Tribbleations"
*The TOS pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before" took place at the galactic edge - next episode (stardate) near the First Federation the Galactic barrier must be a closer distance out from Earth than the cardassian
*Vulcans first contact with earth
*Vulcans and Romulans must be sort of close - descended Romulans left a VERY long time ago - probably not in very fast ships
*Yridians seem to be hovering near DS9 TNG - Birthright and The Chase
*Breen on the desert planet where the cardassian transport crashed "DS9" Indiscretion
*Enterprise near where the black cluster where the Breen were thought to have been near and destroyed a science vessel "Hero Worship"
*the 'disruptor wielders' i.e. the Klingons Romulans and the Breen seem to be close together - "Generations"
*according to (not cannon) the Ferengi book by Ira Behr Robert Wolfe the Ferengi bought Warp drive from the Breen - hinted at in "Little green men" and the Breen settled the polar areas of Ferenginar
*the Prometheus was in the Beta Quadrant on a Deep Space Assignment "Message in a Bottle" on the map from Astrometrics it was a fair way into the Beta Quadrant...
*galornen core on the romulan/fed neutral zone "Unification" "The Enemy"
*there is a (or there was a) DMZ between the cardassians and the federation
*Dopterians a distant cousin of the Ferengi - "The Forsaken" and "First Born"
*The Borg seem to have come through Romulan Space to get to wolf 359 which is 'behind' the UFP in the line of sight to the Delta Quadrant
so the borg cube must have swung around... we also saw in Neutral zone the there had been a borg scout? digging up neutral zone bases...
*wouldn't put the Cardassians on the exact other side of the UFP compared to KE and RSE and Ferenginar cause of what i've said above!

*Dominion in Gamma Quadrant
*The Wormhole Gamma Quadrant Terminus and The distance USS VOYAGER is away from the UFP is about the same.
*Cytherians live close to the Galactic Core. (The Nth Degree)
*The Barzan Wormhole oscillated across the Gamma and Delta Quadrants.

*Delta Quadrant
*Caretaker way out on the edge
*near Kazon/Vidiian/Talaxian/Haakonan
*nekrit expanse seems to be v.huge a sort of buffer between them and the Borg
*borg space about 10000 LY.s wide
*Borg on the Denkiri arm - "encyc."

This list is constantly expanding
If you'd like to add to it e-mail me
[email protected]

Alamaraine, count to four...

[This message was edited by AndrewR on April 21, 1999.]

Posted by Montgomery (Member # 23) on :

- Vic Reeves


Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Wow. Very nice. Only two tiny problems though...

Nearly every somewhat canon map (at least the Encyclopedia and the DS9TM) have Klingons where you have the Romulans and the Romulans where you have the Klingons.

The Krenim Imperium is much larger than what you have marked. Trust me. Don't make me get out my "Why the Krenim Imperium is over 16000 light-years across" speech...

Garak: Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world.
Bashir: I bet they didn't teach you that in the Obsidian Order.

-Deep Space Nine, "Our Man Bashir."

Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Fascinating. There's still a lot to check, but that's the most precise canon map by far that was ever shown.

I agree with Krenim about the Klingons/Romulans and the Krenim Empire. But now that some basics are clear we can try to explain the details.

I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer. (McCoy in "Devil in the Dark")


Posted by Trinculo on :
Map of the Galaxy
In the episode "Conspiracy", there is a map of Federation space. The map was later seen in episodes of TNG and DS9. And, eventually, the map was duplicated in the Continuing Missions.
First the earth is center. Galactic barrier is south. Galaxy center is north.
According to the map, the Federation has a boundary that runs along the galactic barrier-like the Rio Grande that draws a border between Mexico and Texas. The Federation has no territory outside this boundary. I believe the Federation calls this area of space the Morgana Quadrant (Where Silence Has Lease).
2293-First recorded use of the A-B-D-G designatioon (describes the galaxy). The Morgana Quadrant doesn't fit this system. What other use could the Morgana Quadrant be applied to? An area of space outside the galaxy. According to the episode Where Silence Has Lease, the Enterprise was taking a very long time to reach the Morgana Quadrant. First stated in the Child, the Enterprise was still on the way to the Morgana Quadrant in WSHL. I am sure that a GCS could withstand the properties of the Galactic Barrier.
a. First Federation-This Federation is to the northwest of Earth in an area of space that is largely uncharted.
b. Klingons-
The Klingons are to the northeast of Earth. More importantly, according to the map, the Klingons occupy a portion of the northern hemisphere.
c. Romulans-
According to the map, the Romulans occupy a small region of space directly east of Earth. The Federation has been able to explore areas around the Romulan Star Empire.
d. Tholian Assembly
This is a surprise. According to the map, they are in the first cube that borders the galactic barrier. By their placement in the cube, the Tholian Assembly is in the southern hemisphere.
This map helps define where these nations are.

[This message was edited by Trinculo on April 21, 1999.]

[This message was edited by Trinculo on April 21, 1999.]

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Wait, all those large cloud things were already drawn in? Or did you make them? Also, care to tell us where the Hirogen are?

"The one, the only, THE 359!"


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK a few things -
thanks for the kind comments
the clouds - I drew in...
that map from 'Conspiracy' - isn't it a little iffy - but I have seen it in the continuing mission - its all the planets that the Enterprise - Nil visited wasn't it... or at least general areas...

I assume the federation boarders on the galactic barrier - other more clearer maps - a bit more 'clinical' have it as such

reguarding the Klingon Romulan placement - I originally had it swapped as most do - but Boris - you know - Boris S?? he's around here somewhere - way back when convinced me of the swap

basically - Romulas has to be closer to Earth - the Q'onos - cause of the first contact situations - the Romulan wars were well before the first Disastrous Klingon first contact - by the Adelphi?

100 or so years later

The Krenim imperium - is bigger I guess - but didn't it reduce back to size - once Voyager destroyed the Timeship - was the large size of it because of Annorax's tweaking of the time line?

The Hirogen are in that goldesqu area - near the Krenim space - but it is very thinly spread...

In my clearer maps - you can see the Tholians/Talaraian/Tzenkathi/Katarians/Breen/Klaestron clearer -

The First Federation is prollay (i would say on the 'left' side of the Federation - they could even be part of the Federation for all we know...

Khitomer of course is in the triangle between Romulans/Klingons and the UFP

The house is falling down, 'cause of my loose tounge.


Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
He's going to make me get out my speech, isn't he?

Garak: Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world.
Bashir: I bet they didn't teach you that in the Obsidian Order.

-Deep Space Nine, "Our Man Bashir."

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I don't think the Hirogen have any defined territory. They're a nomadic race, and don't have any formal government to define borders even if they wanted to.

"I'm sick, like Nixon was sick, my defeated heart keeps beating on. I won't die, like Chucky won't die."
They Might Be Giants


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
your right Sol, I guess you could show an 'area of operation' but I didn't put them on the map...

The house is falling down, 'cause of my loose tounge.


Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
Very nice. One of the best I've seen.
Flip the Klingons and Romulans.

Down for Upgrade


Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Galaxy Map, Galaxy Map,
Galaxy Map hates Canon Map,
They have a fight, Galaxy wins,
Galaxy map...

Yeah, that map's really good. I may have to download it and print the pic for use in my gaming group.

I used to think the Breen were on the left, "below" Cardassian space, (Where you put Talarian/Tzenkathi/Klaestron,) but maybe not.

I do agree that the Klingon and Rommies should be flipped, though.

And Krenim is right, the "Original" Krenim before the time meddling had a BIG area of space. Annorax's mission was SUPPOSED to be restoring it.

The only thing more I could ask for would be sharper borders. That's probably not realistic given the vastness of space... I just like sharp borders. Fuzziness hurts my eyes.

*I only SEEM Normal*


Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Okay, here's one of the views of my parametric map of the galaxy, roughly the same point of view as AndrewR's.

*Grumbles that no one said anything when he posted his four wonderful mathematically-created maps from different points of view when he posted them a while back*

Anyway, this gives the proper size of the Krenim Imperium (orange) compared to the galaxy.

WARNING: This map may contain spoilers through the end of Voyager's Season 5.

Parametric Map: Alpha/Beta Quadrant POV

Garak: Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world.
Bashir: I bet they didn't teach you that in the Obsidian Order.

-Deep Space Nine, "Our Man Bashir."

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
*Prays that come Monday, the Malon's appearance soooo far away shall be explained*

�������������-The Breen at Internment Camp 371


Posted by Trinculo on :
This map is very interesting. The map I find of the greatest interest is the one that is being generated now. Three new planets around U. Andromedae? WOW! 20 years from now, the first reflected images of a planet outside our solar system. SPECTACULAR!
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Thankyou, for all your kind words

Kren, I DO like your map - and yes, Krenim space should be WAY bigger - so I'll fix that one up -

and was Voyager passing smack bang through the middle of krenim space or on the outside edge? - it'll help in placing it - I think I'll have to go pull out YOH.

OK, reguarding past maps - I'm posting here a side view (this one is looking out from the centre of the galaxy - beyond ferengi space out to the galactic edge - the Federation is obscuring the Gorn) and here a top view (you'll have to turn this map if you want the quadrants perpendicular - you know what I mean)

now these are older maps - both of the alpha/beta quadrant - I did them on a 3d program I had access to at the time - but not for long - I'd love to have one now to do some more 3d work - it was basically an attempt to translate the map work to a 3d setting.

I know How you feel about the Rom/Klingon boarders - this 3d version - you may like a bit more - since they are apart from being side by side - above and below one another.

also - I'd like to have a bit more size on the Ferengi/Breen etc. but I couldn't tweek the picture - cause I didn't have the program long...

but the breen would be closer in too - not out there so far...

but - this is primarily a first attempt from a while back at a 3d map - and also - First of Two - whoes eyes hurt :P


Remember comments are always welcome *grin*

The house is falling down, 'cause of my loose tounge.

[This message was edited by AndrewR on April 23, 1999.]

Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Voyager was passing along the edge of Krenim space.

Garak: Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world.
Bashir: I bet they didn't teach you that in the Obsidian Order.

-Deep Space Nine, "Our Man Bashir."

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
As regards the Morgana Quadrant, remember that it was a while before the 'four Quadrants containing lots of Sectors' concept got established. the terms were in fact completely interchangeable throughout TOS. So the Morgana quadrant could have been an old name, a holdover that since it applied to a specific region of space, has survived. I mean, consider the Typhon Expanse - expanse of what? But the name remains.
Posted by Federation Shipmaster (Member # 15) on :
*drools even though I don't agree with the Romulan and Klingon placement*

What bloke invented signatures?

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
*agrees with TFO on that Morgana point*

I for one don't like the size of the Federation relative to the others in Andrew's Map. In order for the Federation to be easily transverable, it's gotta be a lot like an octopus, with the arm-tip to arm-tip distance at 8000ly but the core fairly small.

As for the Rom/Klingon thing... isn't is possible they're prety much stacked on top of one another? This sould explain how both of them share a border with the Cardies and the Federation.

�������������-The Breen at Internment Camp 371


Posted by Trinculo on :
In my thread "Galactic Map", I provide canonical evidence of a Romulan-Cardassian border.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
One question. WHY is the Federation nearly 4x bigger then anything else on the map? Haven't the Klingons and Romulans been in space longer then the Federation? Shouldn't they have expanded more?

Wait, thought of another question. How the heck did Prometheus get over to where the large dots are on the map?! (the communications grid)

"The one, the only, THE 359!"


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK, I agree with the octopus idea - thats why the first map is fuzzy - but remember the solid map (my earlier attempts at 3d maps - were one off - untouchupable maps - It was just to give you a 'clearer' idea of the top map

about the Romulans and the Cardassians sharing a boarder - I find this iffy

The Romulans and the Federation is VERY CLOSE TOGETHER - look at 'past tense' look at the Romulan wars, first contact was with Romulans before Klingons - first contact with the Cardassians was not long ago - definately after TOS, about 20 years ago...

I feel there is a LOT of 'neutral' territory between powers -

The federation has a lot of space - because it is a collective of races and their 'space' so they could theoretically fill in the 'neutral' space once they join the federation - cause no one could say otherwise...

but with the Romulans and Klingons - even though they might have been in space longer - they both and the cardassians - are made up of - so it seems fewer races than the federation - and theoretically devote a HEAP more amount of their population to the military etc.

I don't agree with the Romulan Cardassian boarder - i.e. that reference to In the Pale - i think - where the Dominion go in and out of Romulan territory without problems - It is easy to think that the Dominion is spread out through out neutral space between say the Bajorans Federation Klingons and Romulans - but the Klingons HAVE to be closer to the Bajor system than Romulas - because of the short travelling times we have witnessed in DS9 - and the ability to annex parts of Cardassia - and keep a hold of them - this wouldn't be easy if they were surrounded or with out supply lines

see: "House of Quark"
and "The Way of the Warrior"

the Romulans - have been out of the war for quite a while - they are closer to Earth and the Rigel systems - which we know - with Earth is a fair way away by warp

the Klingons AREN'T close - but their not as far as the Romulans...

but I'm repeating myself

also remember - the Klingons and the Federation STRADDLE the Alpha Beta quadrants where as the Romulans are basically in the Beta Quadrants

also about those hirogen dots - the capture was taken when the grid was forming - there were more dots and circles to appear

also I had to push the Fed etc up and the Kazon down etc. cause the whole circular grid wasn't visible.

The house is falling down, 'cause of my loose tounge.


Posted by Curry Monster (Member # 12) on :
This is an excellent map, Andrew. But it does not account for the fact that parts of some species space may be above or beneath parts of others.

*Really wishes they could display in 3d*.

'Sir, you've been ordered not to take Polermo'

'Ring General HQ, ask them if they want me to give it back'.


Posted by Federation Shipmaster (Member # 15) on :
Isn't it Palermo?

What bloke invented signatures?

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Daryus - check my links to two (out of several) pics - in this same thread - they are from a while back - it is my first attempt at a 3d map ----

The house is falling down, 'cause of my loose tounge.


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