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Posted by ciden1 on :
I am looking for sounds from the Star Trek computers, any series or movie. Must be .wav format. If anyone can help me please email me at [email protected] ....




Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
The words 'no' and 'piss off' come to mind. Listen, Ciddychops, we're not going to mail you every sound file we might have. I suggest you give us a clue as to what you want, and why we should assist. Don't just turn up here and demand we all fall over backwards to help you.
Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Hmm. Flood the boards with requests will you? Everyone tells me I have to be nicer to people, no matter how much they may come across as complete assholes. Therefore I'll leave THIS one open out of the goodness of my heart, for anyone to respond who wishes.

Provided you apologise, that is.

Posted by Black Knight (Member # 134) on : has a buch of computer sounds.

A-"Dippidy Doo." Q-"What forms on your dippity early in the morning?"--Johnny Carson


Posted by ciden1 on :
"First One", I sincerely appologize if I have done something I shouldn't have by putting my request on this bb. It was not my intent to offend anyone. There is no reason for you to be in such a snit over it.

"Black Knight", thanks, but I have already been to but they dont have any sounds from the Star Trek computers.

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
This should have what you are looking for.

Outside of a dog, a book is a mans best friend. Inside of a dog, it's to dark to read. Groucho Marx


Posted by ciden1 on :
"Kosh", thanks, but I've been to that site and it doesn't have any sounds from the Star Trek computers.
Posted by Warped1701 (Member # 40) on :
Um...if you look at the STINSV, there are clearly marked links on all of the pages from TOS, to VOY that say "Computers and Sound Effects". Here's the link for the one from TNG:

Hope this helps.

"I see you have the ring. And that your Schwartz is as big as mine!
-Dark Helmet, Spaceballs


Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Out of interest, I went and catalogued all the Trek files I'd dumped in my C:\Windows\media directory and forgotten. . . the lsi is impressive. . .


Shuttle bay doors
Intruder Alert (TMP)


Transport sound
"Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You must comply."
"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
"Resistance is futile."

Computer Voice

Computer beep
*beep* "All systems are functioning within normal paramaters."
"Automatic defense procedures initiated."
"Access denied. Restricted materials. Dukocha (sp?) clearance only."
"Command Codes Verified"
"Diagnostic comlete. Sensors are functioning normally"
"Systems online"
"*error beep* That program is already in use."
"There are no recorded causal relationships between plasma storms and specified neural readings/"
"There is one message waiting for you."
"Transfer of data is complete"
"Unable to comply. Subjects are located inside a spatial destortion field."
"Access denied."
"Program complete - enter when ready" *beep then Holodeck doors*
"*beep* Affirmative."
"*beep* Emergency power engaged."
"Holodeck 3 program is ready."
"One minute till auto destruct" (siren and doors in background)
"Stand by. *alarm starts* Auto-shutdown sequence in progress. Defensive systems offline." (great Exit Windows sound)
*error beep* "Direction unclear. please restate request."
"Red Alert. Take emergency stations."
"Please restate a single question."
"Warning: structural integrity field has collapsed. Hull breach in two minutes."
"Warning: warp core collapse in ten seconds."


"Ah - I have access!"
"Are you able to cease thinking on command?"
" I have an ultimate storage capacity 800 quadrillion bits. My total linear computational speed has been rated at 60 trillion operations per second."
"I'm afraid I cannot answer that."
"It is possible, but absolutely no margin for error."
"Computer! Execute complete shutdown of the holodeck!" *error beep*
"Ode To Spot." (poem)
"Lifeforms" (song)


"Ooh, somebody stop me!"


"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
*activation sound* "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
"Computer! *beep* Deactivate Emergency Medical Holographic program. *beep-beep*"
"I'm a doctor, not a database."
"I was saving Voyager from annhilation when you wre only a GLEAM in your programmer's eye!"
"You know, you really should keep a personal log. Why bore others needlessle?"
"This isn't part of my program!""


"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
"I'm - a doctor, not a commando."
"My brilliant existence cut short! No time to explore the universe, no time to smell the roses, no time for. . . sex!"


"Stop breathing down my neck!"
"My breathing is merely a simulation-"
"So is my neck! Stop it anyway!"


"Access. . . denied! Access. . . DENIED! Don't you know how to say anything else?"


"Did you accidentally inject yourself with some kinda, psychotropic agent?"


"I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward you will service. . . us."

LMH (Bashir)

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."


"I am truly impressed!"
"All I can say is - WOW!"

Leonard Nimoy

"Highly Illogical." (song)


"Sir, your submicronm matrix activity is increasing exponentially."


"You're going to. . . realign your sensors with Seven's? Sounds like fun."

Paris & Tuvok

"'Wow,' indeed."


"Tea, Earl Grey, Hot!"
"Make it so."
"Shut up, Wesley!"

Picard chat-up line

"As you can see we are physically quite different from Malkorians, and - with your permission - I'm prepared to prove it to you."
"I would like that."

Picard & Borg

"I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard-"
"- PicardCaptain of the starship Enterprise registry N-C-C-One-Seven-Zero-One-D You will lower your shields and prepare to transport yourself aboard your vessel. If you do not cooperate we will destroy your ship."
"You have committed acts of aggression against the United Federation of Planets. If you do not withdraw immediately-"
"You will surrender yourself or we will destroy your ship. Your defenive capabilities are unable to withstand ours."


Appearing sound
"Oh, come, Picard! Why do you distrust me so?"
"You see this? This is you. I'm serious! Right here, life is about to form on this planet for the very first time. A group of amino-acids is about to combine to form the first protein. The building blocks *laughs* of what YOU call 'life.' Strange, isn't it? Everything you know, your entire civilisation, it all begins right here in this little pond of goo. . ."
"Goody! A CHALLENGE! This is going to be fun. . . "

Q (Suzie Plakson)

"Don't try to understand it, it's FAR beyond your limited capacity to comprehend. . ."


Quark's Jingle


"We won't go back! You don't know what it's like in our universe! The federation;s gone, the Borg is everywhere! *pants* We're one of the last ships left, please - you've got to help us!"


"Hello, computer!"


"I have no desire to have fun."
"Pleasure is irrelevant."
"This activity is truly unproductive."

William Shatner

"Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" (song)


"Space: the final frontier. These are the continuing voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new lifeforms and new civilisations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. . ."


"I protest! I am NOT a Merry Man!"
*beep* "Captain - Incoming message!"
"I am a graduate of Starfleet Academy. I know many things."
"I have a sense of humour!"

Other sounds

E-D leaps to warp
E-D leaps to warp while TNG fanfare plays
Doors various
TOS Phaser
TOS Photon Torpedo
TNG Phaser
Enterprise-A at warp
Picard playing flute (from "Lessons")
TOS theme (mp3)
First Contact (midi)
FC Quatum Torpedoes (good for Recycle Bin)


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
That wouldn't happen to be the entire "Highly Illogical" song, would it?

"And much of Madness, and more of Sin, and Horror the soul of the plot."
The Conqueror Worm, by Edgar Allan Poe

Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
No, just the intro.
Posted by ciden1 on :
"First One", if it wouldn't be too much trouble *asking sincerely and nicely* could you tell me where you found some of your computer voice files, alarm sounds, communicators sounds, etc., or email some of them to me? I would be deeply indepted and appreciative of the time and energy on your part.
Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
Honestly, Ciddy, I have no idea. Some came from a site (now closed) called Pete's TV Waves. He had a lot of then-recent Voyager and DS9 sound files and I got a fair few there. Others I got from alt.binaries.startrek, where they do still occasionally turn up when they're not reposting multi-part MPEG files of episodes. Go to the newsgroup and ask for whatever specific it is you want, and I'll sure someone'll repost it.

I womder why I have them all. I guess I tend to hoard them in case someone needs them. Like nude photographs of Tracy Scoggins, you never know when somebody will be looking around for them. . . }B)

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

Outside of a dog, a book is a mans best friend. Inside of a dog, it's to dark to read. Groucho Marx


Posted by The First One (Member # 35) on :
. . . but if you think I'm going to catalogue THAT directory, you've another thought coming! 8)
Posted by Aaron the Overlord on :
Heres a good site with some sounds on it

Outpost 21

'Today is a good day to die!' - Worf


Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
When I saw the first reply on this topic I almost posted something that would get me banned. Oh well it is no longer timely to kick the coyote at this point anyway.

[This message has been edited by Obi Juan (edited October 03, 1999).]

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Hey, Two blasts from the past. Haven't seen either of you in a while. Welcome home.

Outside of a dog, a book is a mans best friend. Inside of a dog, it's to dark to read. Groucho Marx


Posted by ciden1 on :
"Aaron the Overlord ": Thanks, man, that was exactly what I was looking for. Great help!!!!
Posted by Aaron the Overlord on :

'Today is a good day to die!' - Worf


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