T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
When is the next movie coming out? I hope the new one will do better than the last one. The last one disappointed me. ------------------ -Surak: "Nothing unreal exists" -Spock: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom..."
Member # 167
Paramount has yet to request a new movie. They pay the bills, so it's their call. I've read a thing or two, that said Berman and company would like to release a new film in 2001. It may or may not have the TNG cast. If not, it may be a whole new group of people, maybe seting up the next series.------------------ Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!! Gandalf
Hmmm...Kosh, that sounds like a great idea to start a new series. Please no one tries to kill me when read this: I am sick of TNG cast. I'm sick of Picard's heroic image. Riker's inflated ego is sufficating me. Data's rank depresses me. New group of people might just be the best idea------------------ -Surak: "Nothing unreal exists" -Spock: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom..."
Member # 136
Must resist urge to have saboc assassinated. True the TNG cast has been around and done everything but they are still the young group in the movie area. I would much rather see them then Bill Shatner and his tribble toupe.------------------ Death before Dishonor! However Dishonor has quite a disputed defintion.
Member # 5
I can see the title now:"2001: a Star Trek Oddyssey"--Baloo ------------------ It is less important that you agree with me than it is for you to to understand what I'm saying. http://members.tripod.com/~Bob_Baloo/index.htm
Now honestly, don't you think that Riker's ego is a bit too big?------------------ Spend all your time waiting for a second chance, a break that would make it ok...
Lt. Tom
Riker's a twit. Ignore him. It's too soon for a DS9 movie (if we ever see one), and I'd like to see the TNG cast go out on a high note. A sendoff at this point would be a bit difficult to manage, but the last TNG moment should be something other than the Ent-E limping away from a planet inhabited by the one remaining race of space hippies--where, I might add, the Federation acted completely out of character. (I'd like to think that the Great Bird would put it in the same category as STV and declare it non-Trek.)
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I disagree about a DS9 movie. I think the crossovers have been established enough that a combined TNG DS9 cast would be great. The movie might deal with Sisko's return (from where shall be left unsaid) and a team up between him and Picard. Sisko wouldn't be acting in a Starfleet capacity but as the Emissary. The rest of the crew would be under Picard. Maybe we do away with Data (since Brent Spiner seems uninterested in doing Data anymore), Troi (though I'm in love with Marina Sirtis), Crusher and some of the other secondaries.------------------ "Resolve and thou art free."
Elim Garak
Member # 14
Insurrection was by far the most "Star Trek"-like of movie of the past decade. The ideals were similar, and so you have a Starfleet admiral acting in what he believes to be the best interest of the Federation (it wasn't necessarily true that the Council agreed to this, remember)... That makes it bad?It was quintessentially Star Trek as it appeared in the first four movies and in TOS. ------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
I would personally like to see a TNG/Voyager cross over in the next movie. This, I think, has more potential, especially if it deals with a return of the Borg, and some kind of Janeway/Seven and Piccard conflict. But one character who really should be brought back (as he has been noticably absent in the last two movies) is Q! The Q episodes were among the best of TNG episodes, especially the first Borg episode and the one where Piccard dies and goes back in time to prevent being stabbed through the chest (Sorry, can never remember the episode names, have to rely on descriptions ). As for when, I wouldn't expect (nor want) another movie before 2001, and if it means a better picture in the end I'd be willing to wait longer for it. ------------------ "But, it was so artistically done." -Grand Admiral Thrawn
Lt. Tom
Aban: While I agree a TNG/DS9 crossover would be possible, I'd rather see a final on-screen adventure for the TNG cast rather than them "passing the torch" to DS9.Elim: Nah, I thought it was bad as a movie. As Trek, I suppose it's what you make it--but I thought it was rather silly. To each his (or her!) own...
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Tom: I don't want to see them pass the torch either. In fact, I think the movies (how ever many there are left to be made) should crossover alot until the TNG cast decides not to do it anymore. Think of this too: one big extravagant movie with all three crews involving Q, the Borg, Voyager's homecoming and the secret of life! Well, OK maybe not but think of what a spectacular finale for the franchise that would be. If the creators are done creating, maybe that's the way to go.------------------ "Resolve and thou art free."
Lt. Tom
I wouldn't mind all three casts coming together for one Big Finish if it could be done well--it'd be a great way to wrap up the TNG/DS9/VOY era of Trek, and it would give Trek a chance for a breather. Handling all these themes in one movie might be a bit difficult, though. Reflecting on what you've said, what I'd most like to see is one sweeping epic released as two movies in close succession, a five-year hiatus from all Trek, and then a solidly written series about one of the time periods we haven't had a chance to see on screen (pre-TOS or between STVI and TNG).And as long as I'm dreaming, my own island nation.
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Good plan. My vote is still for a Enterprise B series. "Star Trek: Middle Ages" or something.------------------ "Resolve and thou art free."
Lt. Tom
Thank you!I'd personally prefer this solidly written series to be Star Trek: Excelsior, but an Ent-B series would be my second choice.
Nah, I think is should be stricly TNG. Give them one last good show. after that, I don't want to ever see them again unless it's a guest appearance. An Enterprise B would make a good made-for-TV movie.
------------------ -Striker kob.diabloii.net
Alshrim Dax
Member # 258
I read a rumour somewhere that the movie was going to be about the GORN vs the ENTERPRISE. Riker would be captain, and Data and Picard would not be in the picture.. The Gorn invade federation space to seek vengeance on the Enterprise, not the Federation.
has anyone else heard of this.. ?? When i find the site I read it from, i'll post it.
------------------ Alshrim Dax
Sol System
Member # 30
I'm afraid that sounds extremely untrue.------------------ "And if we weren't good to you, Dave, you shouldn't take it all the way to your grave." -- Will Rigby
Member # 191
Alshrim??? I wonder if we're related. Anyway, welcome to the forum.------------------ "Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets) Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
Aban Rune
Member # 226
Striker: What do you mean one last good show? Not that I think it's a bad idea, I'm just wondering what you mean. Are you saying one last TNG era show, then the next installment (series six or another group of movies) would take place farther in the future? You didn't mean another TNG cast show did you? Actually, Frakes and maybe even Levar Burton would probably do another series. What do you think? An Ent E series with an almost entirely new crew? ------------------ "Resolve and thou art free."
Alshrim Dax
Member # 258
Thank for the Welcome.. And yes.. I agree, it sounded a little far fetched for me too.. I was just wondering if anyone else had heard anything to that nature...Other things I've read only say that Stewart and Spiner are too expensive for it, and they were thinking about putting Riker in charge of the Enterprise. That seems to be a consistant rumour, at least.
------------------ Alshrim Dax
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I don't believe that a captain can just be replaced and have the movie or series survive. For Picard to not be the Capt of the Next Gen crew, something would need to happen to him. We couldn't just start the next movie, and "Oh, Picard's been made an admiral and Riker's a Captain. Let's go fight the Borg." I just don't see that being satisfying to anyone.------------------ "Resolve and thou art free."
Aban Rune, What I mean is that we should have one last movie with the TNG crew alone, no DS9 or VOY. After that, I never want to see their faces again, unless it's a guest appearance a ways down the road. It's time to move on, I'd love to see more DS9 stuff, Sisko is, IMO the most realistic captain. I also say keep it in the DS9/VOY time period, there is so much more that needs to be told about this period. I would hate for the next ST series/movie/whatever to be set in the future(More so). ------------------ -Striker kob.diabloii.net
Aban Rune
Member # 226
I gotcha Striker. I agree totally. I don't want to see a jump in time periods either. There's way too much that needs to be talked about. My only concern with keeping DS9 out of the movies is that so much time will pass that we'll miss out completely on what happens to the crew after the war.------------------ "Resolve and thou art free."