I need good shots of the the helm/nav console. Particularly the astrogator...where it connects to the console, and closeups of the astrogator or the clock thingy.
If there are any low shots where you can glimpse the underneath, or well lit shots of the knee-spaces.
And any good shots of Sulu's viewer thing coming out of the console.
I had recently gone through all my tapes just to watch the episodes but this was before I was looking for anything and I'm too lazy to go hunting. If you know of episodes with good shots of what I'm looking for, then please let me know!
P.S....that stock shot towards the viewscreen is too dark and grainy to really help me, plus it's in every episode and I know about it already.
Thanks all.
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
I guess the clock thingy is best viewed in "Corbomite Maneuver", while the emergence of the sighting device is seen nicely at least in "Journey to Babel" and "Spock's Brain". I have no recollection of good closeups of the astrogator, though (but you can see some of it in "Corbomite").
Timo Saloniemi
Posted by BRUTUS on :
Thanks! I'll check those out. But I had a thought...wasn't there an episode with the clock changing time as they traveled through time? ...maybe the one where they got that airforce pilot from the 60's?
Also I seem to remember a closeup of sulu rotating the astrogator thingy...but I don't know where that's from.
I'll check out the episodes you mentioned.
[This message has been edited by BRUTUS (edited May 17, 2001).]
Posted by Zor Prime on :
Yes, there's a closeup of the little clocky thing in one of the time travelling episodes. Could be "Naked Time"(?). But I remember checking it out, and as it turns out it changes from one shot to another. There's a closeup, then a cut to Sulu or somebody, then another closeup, and there's some differences in the clock. Also, do you have Captain's Chair? I could do some screengrabs for you if you want. Granted, it's not from the show, but I think that it's darned close. Or whatabout the Bridge Blueprints? They kick butt.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I think I have some Bridge/console pics (rejected CapComs for the most part). I'll see if I can dig them out.
Yep, the McMaster ones are the ones I mean. I'll do some screencaps and send them to you.
Posted by Zor Prime on :
I mailed off some Captain's Chair screencaps for you. What are you needing this for? Modeling the bridge in 3D?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
It's been a while, but I think there's a decent view of the astrogator in the episode "The Children Shall Lead." It was the episode with the telekinetic children who killed their parents and were following the deranged clown dude.
The sequence is one or two of the kids on the bridge, and they zap Sulu, Chekov, and Uhura. The change course and it's here that I think we see Sulu's hand reach down to adjust the astrogator.
Also, I have the Joseph Franz technical manual. Once I get my scanner hooked up and working (maybe a couple of days), I can scan in the helm/navigation console pages.
------------------ God (using a Devil hand puppet): Yaagh! I'm the Devil! I'm evil! I'm spooky! I'm dark! And I'm evil! Gimme an "E!" Gimme a "V!" Gimme a "U!" Gimme an "L!" What's that spell? Evil! Goooo EVIL! Devil: Hey, yo, that shit ain't funny! --from Tatsuya Ishida's Sinfest
Founder, president, CEO, CFO, COO, under-secretary general, mascot, and caterer of theAPAO
Posted by BRUTUS on :
Zor Prime, I got your screencaps. Thanks! They will be very useful. I'm building a scale model of the helm and command chair. I want it to match the real thing as near as possible.
Siegfried, I'll check that episode out, thanks!
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
As promised, here are the scans of the helm and navigation console unit from The Original Series. All five pictures were scanned in from the Franz Joseph Starfleet Technical Manual, 25th Anniversary Edition. All copyrights apply, so there's your legal warning. As my personal warning, these pictures are full-pages and have not been resized. The are frikkin' huge!
------------------ God (using a Devil hand puppet): Yaagh! I'm the Devil! I'm evil! I'm spooky! I'm dark! And I'm evil! Gimme an "E!" Gimme a "V!" Gimme a "U!" Gimme an "L!" What's that spell? Evil! Goooo EVIL! Devil: Hey, yo, that shit ain't funny! --from Tatsuya Ishida's Sinfest
Founder, president, CEO, CFO, COO, under-secretary general, mascot, and caterer of theAPAO
[This message has been edited by Siegfried (edited May 23, 2001).]