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Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
A couple of years back, Star Trek - The Exhibition was in Cologne. They showed a documentary about the making of Generations on a large videoscreen. It featured a detailed part about the filming of the saucer crash sequence.
At the time I asked if it was possible to buy that video. I was told that it had been on sale in the US.
Has anybody seen this making-of video? And do you know whether it can be found on the Web?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
It was given out free here in Australia a long time ago, when you bought a Star Trek video... mine's upstairs on my shelf.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Great. You are to be envied. Why can't they do this promotion here in Germany. After all those Trek videos I bought I should definitely be entitled to such a treat.
But I suppose you don't have any possibility to convert this to mpg and post it?
Anyone else, by any chance?

[ August 01, 2001: Message edited by: Austin Powers ]

Posted by The Red Admiral (Member # 602) on :
It was the same in the UK. The making of Generations was a free video at the time of the movie's release. I doubt it's still available anywhere now.

Making an Mpeg of it would be highly impractical, for it was be huge in size, probably 100's of megs. I could do one, but my ISP wouldn't allow such a large chunk of data to be uploaded, nor would any free server store it.

If you've got something like the sci-fi channel look out for late night slot fillers, I've seen things like this documentary screened every now and then in the fashion.

Posted by The_Evil_Lord (Member # 256) on :
Well, I could make a DivX rip of my copy... the only problem is storage space. I don't know any (free or otherwise) hosting provider that would allow such a large file to be uploaded.
Posted by DeadCujo (Member # 13) on :
Originally posted by The_Evil_Lord:
Well, I could make a DivX rip of my copy... the only problem is storage space. I don't know any (free or otherwise) hosting provider that would allow such a large file to be uploaded.

How large do you think the file would be? If you do make a copy of it, you can upload it to my ftp site if you'd like to.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I have a DivX copy of The Matrix. It's almost 600MB. But it's fairly large, and obviously longer than the documentary would be. If you rip it at a smaller screen size and a lower quality, it might be manageable...
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
That would be so great. I wouldn't need the whole thing, just the part about the making of the saucer crash. (Although I wouldn't mind having the whole program you know )
Some time ago I downloaded several episodes of Red Dwarf (mpg format), each at around 250 megs. Took me about five hours per episode - so I'm used to long downloads. Yet, anything larger than 400 megs would be just too much IMHO.
Posted by The_Evil_Lord (Member # 256) on :
I have the DivX version of The Matrix as well... let's see now, that's a high-quality rip, approximately 120 minutes in length, and nearly 600 MB in size. The Generations video is about 30 minutes long, so a DivX rip of the same quality would weigh in at a fairly reasonable 150 MB. I'll see what I can do
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Greeeaaat. (Am I sounding too much like Tony the Tiger? )
That would really "make my day". Or my week, month,... for that matter.
Thanx a lot in advance for all your help!
Posted by Michael_T (Member # 144) on :
What is in this documentary? I'm just wondering if they would show or explain the scene with the shuttles on the saucer section near the end of the movie.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Don't expect that. It's just a plain and simple making-of documentary, yet quite a good one IMHO. That's why I'm so keen on getting it.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Where do you live again?? Germany? What is the video conversion thingy there... Pal NTSC? or is it Seacam?? (is that correct) maybe someone in Europe who has a copy could just COPY it on to a cassette tape!?!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Germany's PAL I think. Don't quote me, but I believe only the French (and certain breeds of canine) use Seacam.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Ok, I'm back from vacation.
You're right, we have the PAL system here in Germany. Unfortunately I don't know anyone in Germany who has that tape.
That's why I posted this thread hoping someone might have it.

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