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Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
If this book series had a series or movie, who would play the characters?

Captain Mackenzie Calhoun: An unorthodox, decisive young captain who loves his crew and his ship, and loves testing their limits even more.

Commander Shelby: A woman of strong opinions and strong values, Shelby never hesitated to tell her captains when she thought they were wrong, and Mackenzie Calhoun won't be any exception.

Burgoyne 172: The chief engineer of the Excalibur, with the decisiveness of Calhoun, the strength of Shelby, and the gender of both. Burgoyne is a Hermat, and when s/he sets his/her sights on you, s/he isn't an refuse.

As the Thallonian Empire succumbs to violence and insurrection, the U.S.S. Excalibur prepares to launch on her humanitarian mission of mercy. But her departure is destined to be a memorable one, as Calhoun contends with an unexpected stowaway, a stormy relationship with his crew, and -- light-years away -- frightened refugees aboard a dying ship.

Posted by PopMaze (Member # 302) on :
Well, you ought to know by now that only Elizabeth Dennehy, or whatever her name was can play Shelby. Or did you not watch "TBoBW"?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I believe the series also features Dr. Solar (played by Suzie Plakson in TNG) and Lt. Wesley-Kissed-Me (played by Ashley Judd).

Judging by the illustrations of Calhoun, I would have actually said Scott Bakula would have fit the role well.

Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
Dr. Solar -- LOL.


Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
For character info go to this site
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Have you seen "Best of Both Worlds," Doctor? Oh wait, PopMaze said that. Never mind. Is it the same Shelby from that episode?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
MeGotBeer: WHATEVER!!!

But yah...what he said! She's quite the hottie. So is Ashley Judd.

[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: Aban Rune ]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Wow. That site Phlox posted has some really really bad Photoshop jobs on it... *L*
Posted by PopMaze (Member # 302) on :
Veers, it is the same Shelby. All the covers that featured her had Elizabeth Dennehy there. And Selar can only be played by Suzie Plakson and that one Lieutenant that Wesley had a thing for can only be played by Ashley Judd. And all this has been said already.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Actually no they could get actresses that looks exactly like them. It would work since they are not pivital characters in the Trek Universe as of now. But if Patrick Stewart walked off the set and quit that's the end of Picard's story line.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Calhoun does look alot like Bakula. Or possibly Alexander Siddig.

Burgoyne: The only name that pops up is Boy George, though he probably isn't an actor

Kebron: Tiny Ron (Maihar'du in DS9)

McHenry: AARRGGHH! He looks like that 'N Sync Justin guy!

Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Calhoun should be played by someone who is light hearted yet gritty. It needs to be someone of tropical descent.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Dolph Lungren is your man.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Burgoyne: The only name that pops up is Boy George, though he probably isn't an actor

Having seen the infamous episode of The A-Team which he appeared in (ver Team provide security as he does a concert in some midwestern redneck hellhole) I can assure you he isn't. 8)

Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Since I can't find a picture of Dolph, I can only assume from description. From what I've heard he would make a great Frankenstein.
Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
Just go watch a really bad "B" movie ...

He'll be in it. His film credits include:

View to a Kill
Rocky IV
The Peacekeeper
Universal Soldier
Johnny Mneumonic
Silent Trigger



Among others. He's Swedish.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
None of those are B movies.

And Legion had Van Damme, yes?

Posted by Michael_T (Member # 144) on :
There was a movie called Legion? Anyway...I see the chief engineer being played by either the actor who played Laxanna Troi's personal servant.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
"A View to a Kill." An OK Bond film, although Roger Moore should've been replaced by that time.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
I watched it and I still don't know who Dolph Lundgren is. Anyway at first I thought Rob Lowe could be Calhoun, I also think Alexander Siddig would make a great Calhoun. That tall green guy, Lt. Zak Kebron could be played by the guy who played Jake in The Visitor. Lt. Soleta the other main Vulcan looks like that lady from Futures End. Your right McHenry does look like Timberlake.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And, er, that film he was in with Courtney Cox, Robert Duncan McNeill, and that woman who plays Monica's mum.

You know the one. Possibly the greatest sci-fi film of all time.

Posted by P0sitr0nic (Member # 553) on :
I always saw Calhoun as one of the Baldwins. Take a look at the cover of the newest book, and you'll see what I mean.

As for Burgy, A female would have to play hir, as s/he is described as having smallish breasts, and somewhat feminine shape, but also male traits.

McHenry... pick any guy off a soap, he'd do fine.

Kebron.. anyone, as long as they are wide enough.. he is described as a walking land mass.
Prostetics can make a head look like mostly anything.

Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
No you can't just get anybody. You need someone who fits the character. That's what Trek lacks today. TOS was cast down to the bone, you couldn't imagine anyone else playing Spock or Scotty even Chekov. With the exception of Uhura. TNG was also cast well cast. DS9 had was well cast except for Dax. With VOY someone else could play Harry, Neelix, Kes, Chakotay (they could of got a real indian). From the looks of the trailer I could see Ming Na playing Sato and I don't think that's far off.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
TOS was cast down to the bone, you couldn't imagine anyone else playing Spock or Scotty even Chekov.

Am I the only one who sees the glaring lack of common sense in this statement?

Posted by Stingray (Member # 621) on :
Well, he sorta has a point. Though if the actor is good enough, then the statement becomes mute.

Some actors/actresses just aren't good enough to go beyond one type of character. If anybody has ever seen the Brian Denneghy version of Death of a Salesman (as oppossed to roles where he played military leaers or the like), then you'll know what I mean.

[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: Stingray ]

Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Give me at lest 5 other people would could play Spock, Mcoy, Scotty, Chekov, Sulu and Kirk.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Everyone in Hollywood in 1967?
Posted by P0sitr0nic (Member # 553) on :
Thats true.. if someone else had played ANY of those roles, you would be saying THEY were the one that no one else could replace. Its simply because for 30+ years now, people have seen them in those roles. Same with any of the other casts.
Janeway was supposed to be Gennivive Bujold. (sp?)
If that had worked out, would anyone here say "Oh, you know, I think that that semi unknown actress Kate Melgrew would have made a better janeway." (I say semi unknown, because without being in Trek, truely how many of us would even know her name?)
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Each actor brings something new and different to every chartacter and the series. If Gennivive Bujold wouldn't have walked out because of to much technobabble ( It's trek what do you expect) it would change the dynamic of the show. Mulgrew played Janeway gritty and rugged but still was attractive.

Where is if Gennivive Bujold played Aunt Kathy it would make different story lines differet views and ideals. If Mel Gibson got the role of Picard Next Generation would be a whole different experience.

Posted by Mr. Christopher (Member # 71) on :
Back when they were going to have Voyager be a relic from the Cardassian Wars Janeway was going to be a man. Forget who they were going to get to play him, though. He's a relatively well-known actor, I think...
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Interesting. I've never heard of this. Pray tell, Chris, what was all this about Voyager & the Cardassian wars?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
You might have seen the older-looking original version of Voyager?? Well, supposedly she was to have either been a ship during the Cardassian wars - or she was a ship that made her mark during the Cardassian Wars, but was now and older ship. It's a nice design - a nice connection between the Excelsior and the Galaxy - she's I guess of the Ambassador's era

I have been meaning to collect my old magazines (the only way of getting Trek news before the net was widely used) And collate all the old 'Voyager News' articles... like where Riker was supposed to have been a possible contender for captain etc. etc.

[ August 17, 2001: Message edited by: AndrewR ]

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Riker's possibiliy for captain was sort of followed up on in the series when Q said that he was betting "Riker would get this command."
Posted by Michael_T (Member # 144) on :
In the first issue of ST:M, there was an article about the casting of each of the four previous Star Trek series including picutres. Can you imagine Lloyd Bridges as Kirk?

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