T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 661
Does anyone know if there is a website or something that carries the articles of Star Trek: The Magazine? The official site doesn't, so I was wondering if another one did. I don't want to buy one just for an article. I was just wondering about Issue 23, with the "Federation Ships" technical briefing. I'd like to know what it says. Thanks for any help...
Dr Phlox
Member # 680
http://www.stmagazine.com/ I dont think they have free arcticles though you'll probably have to get the entire issue.
Member # 661
Thanks. I checked it, but it isn't really helpful. Does anyone know about the "Federation Starships" article in Issue 23? I know some of you have it...
Member # 138
My site. I have some of the Behind-the-Scenes articles. I'll be putting up some more Technical Briefing up stuff soon. I meant to do it a long time ago, but forgot.