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Posted by DARKSTAR on :
How do the crew exit Voyager once's it's landed? and how come when we see a shot of Voyager with crew out side it's never to scale?



Posted by trekfan2k on :
I'm not sure about the scale part, but I faintly remember reading in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, that there was a ramp near one of the cargo bays, that let the crew exit when lowered, but I'm not 100% sure.

"You left spacedock without a tractor beam?"

"It won't be installed until Tuesday."

-Captain James T. Kirk to Captain John Harriman

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
There are also these things called "transporters"...

And it isn't to scale because almost nothing in the visual effects is ever to scale.

My new year's resolution is the same as last year's: 1024x768.

Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
When Rick Sternbach designed the landing legs, he drew little crew ladders into their sides. It's a storey or two down from the doors, but hardly a tough jaunt. Anyway, you can typically see the impressions on the side fo the landing legs whenever the ship lands, thanks to the miracle of stock footage.


"Why build one, when you can build two at twice the price?"

- Carl Sagan, "Contact"


Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
TSN lets not bash on people when they actually ask valid questions. Positive reinforcement!

Plus, why go to all the trouble to land the ship when if you are just going to use the transporter anyway!

Paris: "Beam down a landing party? But I just interrupted a Captain Proton episode to land the damn ship. You could beam down a landing party from orbit!"

They might have little turbolifts in the landing struts.


Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Well if Voyager lands it's because of atmospheric conditions that prevents transporting.

The part I don't understand is if it's too dangerous for a shuttle, why then do you take the ship through it and put the entire crew at risk instead of just 5 people on a Type 9.

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Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
It's been stated that the whole ship is sometimes better able to withstand certain pressures than a shuttle would be. Of course other times, it isn't. It seems to depend on whether some all knowing force wants the ship to have to land during that episode...I mean mission.

"A gathering of Angels appeared above my head. They sang to me this song of hope, and this is what they said..." -Styx

Aban's Illustration


Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
There does almost have to be a ramp and or turbolift to the ground - we'll just never see it. If I had to come up with something I'd extend a turbolift to the ground via a retractable 'tube' in the belly.

As far as why you'd want to land the ship - excuses I've come up with for why Star Fleet would want to:

Showing the flag - much more impressive to let people see the ship vice a shiny dot in the night sky.

Ease of repair/maintance away from space dock - assuming have an "airdock" is an advantage.

Being able to hide the ship.

More ideas -?



Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Maintinence if there's no starbase nearby. It's a heck of a lot easier to go scrambling around the hull if you don't have to wear a suit to do it.

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- `OverTheEdge'

Posted by The Talented Mr. Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
About the scale, has anyone noticed that when the captain asks tactical the range of a ship, some value like 1000km is stated? We are then treated to a flashy close-range fly-by. The ships are big, but not that big.

*Kenshiro gets off bed made from solid stone*
*Bed made from solid stone explodes*
Fist of the North Star

Posted by trekfan2k on :
Another reason to land the ship, would be to transport large groups of people at a single time. Wouldn't that be quicker than using the transporter.

"You left spacedock without a tractor beam?"

"It won't be installed until Tuesday."

-Captain James T. Kirk to Captain John Harriman

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"TSN lets not bash on people when they actually ask valid questions."

Good advice, Obi Juan, but what has it got to do w/ me?

My new year's resolution is the same as last year's: 1024x768.

Posted by Daniel (Member # 453) on :
I think ramp is preferable to turbolift. It would take a long time for the crew to disembark if the sole method of leaving the ship was via turbolift. Also, what if there was an emergency and everyone had to get back aboard post-haste? They'd all have to stand there and wait for the tubolift. I'd prefer running up an open ramp than getting shot waiting for the next turbocar. I hope I'm not unintentionally bashing anyone here. My apologies if I am.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Not to mention the images suggested by the ship having an extendable tube. Our more purile members might get the wrong idea.

20th century, go to sleep.
Read chapters one and two of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Show no patience, tolerance, or restraint.


Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Actually, no. I was about to suggest the ramp idea as well. I really like the good old Star Wars way of exitting a ship.

"That's your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!"
- Crighton, Farscape.


Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Christ, yet another thread where Sol brags about his extendable tube. . . 8)

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- Dogbert

Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
...or you could phaser a window in the saucer section and toss people out

Hmmm, interesting thought. Although the Bird of Prey in STIV sunk, Voyager is pretty big and hollow (I'm not talking story-wise...though on second thought)....would it actually float?
And if not....would the saucer section of say...a Galaxy class ship float?
Or even better, if it hit the water at the right angle and velocity...could it skip?
Now THAT, would be interesting to see.

"The Guide says that there is an art to flying...or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." - Life, the Universe and Everything

[This message has been edited by Mucus (edited January 20, 2001).]

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Skip, sure. But floating seems unlikely...well, perhaps the Galaxy saucer.

20th century, go to sleep.
Read chapters one and two of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Show no patience, tolerance, or restraint.


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