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Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Read it at Trektoday

Terry: "Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, ...."
Max: "And?"
Terry: "I forgot."
Max: "Come on, Clinton was the fun one, then came the boring one."
Terry: "They're all boring."

- Batman Beyond (aka: Batman of the Future)

[This message has been edited by Altair (edited March 09, 2001).]

Posted by Gaseous Anomaly (Member # 114) on :
Bullshit. You want to know why?

Because I said so. Oh and the crap title of the episode (which I won't reveal for fear of spoiling).

Now where's my tookpick?

At that point, McDonald fired his gun three times in the air to emphasize his point. The crowd, estimated at 350,000, loudly cheered the new candidate.

"Let me make this clear: I am the law! I am your ruler! And you will have fries with that, motherf*cker!"

[This message has been edited by Gaseous Anomaly (edited March 09, 2001).]

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I know, I saw this on Cinescape. I can't believe they'd call it "Endgame" - it's so clich�d, though, it might be true. And when I read the plotline I immediately thought "All Good Things. . ." Crossed with Timeless.

Another report has the Borg being involved. What, they replace Janeway with a replicant?

Ross: This is not good for my rage. *takes another pill*

Posted by Epoch (Member # 136) on :
Personally with all of the crap floating around out there I'm going to take the wait and see approach to all of this. The final episode of voyager will come whether we know what is going to happen or not.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the weaponry to make the difference.


Posted by DARKSTAR on :
Apparently they are starting to film the finale as we type. They boosted security at Paramount and have closed the sets to all but essential personnel. The actors receive the script read there lines then shoot the scene.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Woah, that's actually pretty much what I heard. Outstanding, Darkiechops. 8)

Ross: This is not good for my rage. *takes another pill*


Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
These four characters will all be appearing in just a single scene, and no further information about them is known.

Now, THAT is useful news, people! (not!)

I don't want to believe Tuvok is going to an asylum. He's a VULCAN, people!

To know a thing well, know its limits. Only when pushed beyond its tolerances will true nature be seen.
The Amtal Rule (Dune)
Titan Fleet Yards - Harry Doddema's Star Trek Site


Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
It sounds interesting...

However I don't think it's a good idea about the "setting" Read it and you'll know what I'm talking about for the sake of not spoiling it.

Signature for sale! For a mere price of $20 per letter you get this wonderful little space to say your own things. Get it now while there's still space!


Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :
Prakesh - Vulcans can go bad too. Remember that bunch of whackos that tried to steal the Stone of Gol and use it to break Vulcan away from the Federation? Lotsa fun, that episode was.

"Okashii na... namida ga nagareteru. Hitotsu mo kanashikunai no ni."
(That's funny... my tears are falling. And I'm not sad at all.) - Quatre Raberba Winner


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Or Sybok... Or the guy in the DS9 ep w/ the "shoot-through-walls" gun...

"...I know this board in secret, intimate ways which are beyond your comprehension.... Let's just say that people should *not* be telling me what to do; it should always be the other way around."
-"Red Quacker", conspiracy theorist and contemporary lunatic

Posted by MC Infinity (Member # 531) on :
Vulcans actually have a better chance at going insane than other races, they repress their emotions for their entire lives, and it was disclosed in TNG that vulcan emotions are much stronger (When Picard melded with Sarek)

Go to my site ST Infinity or you'll cause the release of another Olsen Twins movie. Do you want that on your conscience?


Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :
To say nothing of the fact Vulcan's are just plain STRONGER than humans alltogether. Look what Spock did to that food dispenser in the TOS episode "The Flipside of Paradise." Or whatever the fuck it was called.

I'm not a Trekkie. So blow me.

"Okashii na... namida ga nagareteru. Hitotsu mo kanashikunai no ni."
(That's funny... my tears are falling. And I'm not sad at all.) - Quatre Raberba Winner


Posted by Mikey T (Member # 144) on :
How big are mean then why are you posting here then?

"Oh for fuck's sake, stop your moaning,
If you fancy a threesome at this time of night, you can't get start getting choosey about which particular three!
-Queer As Folk, UK

Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Wait are one of those people who watch all the Trek shows and know what's going on and refuse to be called a Trekkie/Trekker? I am very disapointed.

Signature for sale! For a mere price of $20 per letter you get this wonderful little space to say your own things. Get it now while there's still space!


Posted by MC Infinity (Member # 531) on :
well i don't think that those people would go and post on online messageboards about something they have no interest in.

Go to my site ST Infinity or you'll cause the release of another Olsen Twins movie. Do you want that on your conscience?


Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :
Michael_T: Interested? *wink*

Seriously tho, I was a Trekkie. A bad one. And then after DS9 went off and the last best, hope for Trek was Voyager - well, there went my like for things Trek.

Even though I DID just buy Last Unicorn Games's Trek RPG supplement "All Our Yesterdays" it's actually a good read. IF you're interested in Trek alternate history/time travel.

"Okashii na... namida ga nagareteru. Hitotsu mo kanashikunai no ni."
(That's funny... my tears are falling. And I'm not sad at all.) - Quatre Raberba Winner


Posted by bear (Member # 124) on : name is....ah....Thomas.....and....and
I am a closet trekkie.....I watch star trek when ever
it's on, and actually make time to be able to either watch it or record it. The worst part is I never get sick of watching the movies....

Access Password

[This message has been edited by bear (edited March 14, 2001).]

Posted by jh on :
It's okay, bear. We've all been there.

It's gonna be okay.

Kiff! I have bedded a woman. Inform the crew.
- Zap Brannigan


Posted by Black Knight (Member # 134) on :
If you're interested, here's an ET video with some film from the final episode...
Janeway says something about tachyons or temporal stuff or something...
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Robert Duncan McNeill says no-one dies. Boo!

"Kif, I have made it with a woman! Inform the crew!"

- Zapp Brannigan

Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :
But doesn't say Neelix will be going back to Earth with the Voyager crew either...

In this crazy world of lemons,'re lemonade!

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
So apparently they definitely are getting back to Earth. Damn.

"Beliefs are dangerous. Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning. A non-functioning mind is clinically dead. � Believe in nothing..."
-Tool, �nima

Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :
Well, not neccessarily...

I've also read that the Episode title "Endgame" is a reference to the girl vs. girl bitch fest 'tween Janeway & miss Borg Queen. Endgame is also a chess reference as well.

So draw your own conclusions from that.

In this crazy world of lemons,'re lemonade!

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
But the title "Endgame" isn't confirmed yet. And it's a bloody stupid one as well.

"Kif, I have made it with a woman! Inform the crew!"

- Zapp Brannigan

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
The idea of referring to a chess game brings up a scary possibility. I suddenly have a very creepy notion that they will try to pull a "Conspiracy Theory" on us and try to say that everything Voyager has gone through was set up by the Borg.

Borg Queen "Remember when you accidently were pulled into the Delta Quadrant and encountered all those species and solved every alien abduction mystery fromt he 20th century, Captain? Well, that was our plan all along. We built the Caretaker, and the Kazon were just Borg drones in disguise and you have just made the BOrg more pwerful than we ever were before. Bwaaaahahahahahahahaah!

*end credits*

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold,
And quite unacustomed to fear.
But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told,
Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer."
Aban's Illustration


Posted by P0sitr0nic on :
The Kazon were actually just drones? Nobody could believe that... even with all of Voyagers continuaty problems. The Kazon just plain sucked.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Kenneth Biller has kept the details about Voyager's finale well under wraps. I have to remain anonymous or I could lose my job, but this is too important to keep to myself.

As a show of appreciation to the fans of The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, Mr. Biller has brought back elements from both series. One element will serve as a bridge to the tenth Trek movie. Voyager fans will also receive a special treat. Kes will make a substantial appearance. Remember the temporal anomaly that was mentioned in the Entertainment Tonight spot? Kes creates it!

In the future, Deep Space Nine's Defiant will appear. The Defiant will be commanded by Captain Nog. Aron Eisenberg will make a brief cameo appearance as Nog. Apparently, it is supposed to be the same Defiant that Captain Sisko commanded in DS9's finale, "What You Leave Behind". The Defiant will join Voyager in a space battle. Captain Janeway will call the Defiant a "Tough little ship".

Upon returning home, in the present, Voyager is escorted to Earth by Starfleet's flagship, the Enterprise-E. We will also see the ship's captain, William T. Riker. Jonathan Frakes' screentime shouldn't be no more than five minutes. Yes, the news of Captain Picard's promotion will be in the finale. This will be the time period where Star Trek X will begin.

Not saying it's true. Just flaming the fuels of ... I mean, feeding the cold to kill the cat ...


Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :
I've got a fanboy, I've got a fanboy, shiny and new.

This is the Trademark Fanboy spew. Enterprise-E? CAPTAIN Nog? The only thing missing is Seven giving TEH HOTT VERTUILL SEXX0R!!!11! To the Camera.


"Instructed by history and reflection, Julian was persuaded that, if the diseases of the body may sometimes be cured by salutary violence, neither steel nor fire can eradicate the erroneous opinions of the mind."

-Edward Gibbons, The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire.


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Well, in all fairness to the author of the above, we have seen Captain Nog before. The Visitor, anyone?

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Neat trick tying into a movie that they haven't finished writing yet.

Not even a god can deny that I have squared the circle of a static Earth and cubed the Earth sphere by rotating it once to a dynamic Time or Life Cube.
Gene Ray
Read three (three!) chapters of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet" Or don't. You know, whatever.


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
P0sitr0nic: I was kidding. I'm just saying that if they go back and try to make it all fit into some scheme by the Borg or anyone else, it won't work in a big way.

And as for that possible ending that Jeff posted, I gotta say, "No way." They would never have the series finale rely so heavily on elements form the other series. They wouldn't take the chance on alienating peopel who have never seen DS9 or TNG. That wouldn't be the Paramount way.

"The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold,
And quite unacustomed to fear.
But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told,
Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer."
Aban's Illustration

[This message has been edited by Aban Rune (edited April 02, 2001).]

Posted by Gaseous Anomaly (Member # 114) on :


You know why?

Same reason as above.

As Mr. Magnus so rightly pointed out, this is fanboy drivel aimed at misleading the sad gits that hinge on what happens to Voyager.

Captain Nog, "tough little ship", and Riker commanding the Ent-E.

Fuck's sake,
could there be more bollixology compressed into that!?

At that point, McDonald fired his gun three times in the air to emphasize his point. The crowd, estimated at 350,000, loudly cheered the new candidate.

"Let me make this clear: I am the law! I am your ruler! And you will have fries with that, motherf*cker!"


Posted by P0sitr0nic on :
Aban, I know you were kidding.. I was just pointing out that the Kazon sucked, as I like to do whenever I get a chance to do so ^_^

As for the Ent-E and or the Defiant, Paramount DID use the Defiant in ST First Contact. And the Ent-D in DS9's Premier. So a ship/personel crossover isnt totally without precident.

[This message has been edited by P0sitr0nic (edited April 04, 2001).]

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yah, the Kazon were kind of boring. But they couldn't have been too powerful or Voyager wouldn't have stood a chance. At least they developed the back stroy of the species a little.

The Defiant in FC: I loved it and thought it was a nice cross over, but it was done too the great dismay of the DS9 people and is generally seen (I think) as a contrivance to get Worf back in the picture. Personally, I think it was a fine way to do it, but Jadzia should've been at the helm...

The Ent. D in DS9: This was done totally on purpose using TNG to launch DS9. It provided the initial carryover that the series needed to establish its place in the Trek universe. It was also carefully coordinated with TNG so that TNG would be involved in the Bajoran/Maquis conflict. Bottom line...the carry over worked. Sticking elements of the two series in at the end of Voyager would serve no purpose other than to make the fan boys soil themselves. Not that it wouldn't be sort of cool, but if Riker's only in it for 2 minutes, than it's just a guest shot ala "Deathwish". And pointless guest shots shouldn't be used in the series finale IMHO. They have more important issues to focus on.

"The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold,
And quite unacustomed to fear.
But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told,
Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer."
Aban's Illustration


Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Yeah, but what about the other crossovers - one ep where Riker contacts Quark for help with something or other, and another one where Bashir seeks Data's assistance in examining an alien device (which ends up triggering Data's dreaming; also, considering it was a sciency project, shouyld have been Dax, but Terry Farrell was unavailable to do it)? Those seem to have just been to stimulate interest in the spin-off show. . .

"Kif, I have made it with a woman! Inform the crew!"

- Zapp Brannigan

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yah. And to establish a sense of continuity. And that was fine. But it wasn't done in either show's season, or series finale. The fact that they were there wasn't used to wrap anything up and it didn't take attention away from the story that was being told. They were just extras. I think throwing easter eggs like that in at the end of the series just for the hell of it would be cheap.

"The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold,
And quite unacustomed to fear.
But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told,
Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer."
Aban's Illustration


Posted by P0sitr0nic on :
Unless they really ARE gonna use a tie in to a movie. But of course I heard the exact same rumor about TNG's finale leading into Generations.

I would like so see a crossover, but its probably not gonna happen.

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Actually, O'BRIEN should've been at the helm of the Defiant in First Contact. It would've been great to have him and Worf back with the crew of the Enterprise!

IMHO, of course ...

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
He's no helmsman.

While we're on the subject, let's not forget that Sisko probably should have been commanding the Defiant. It's what he built her for. He shares, with Picard and probably with hundreds if not thousands of other Starfleet personnel a personal grudge against the Borg.

Of course, you couldn't have had Sisko be in it and get the same film. Would have made for a great alternate one, though.

Not even a god can deny that I have squared the circle of a static Earth and cubed the Earth sphere by rotating it once to a dynamic Time or Life Cube.
Gene Ray
Read three (three!) chapters of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet" Or don't. You know, whatever.


Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Personally, I think the movie should've started off at DS9 with Worf and the Defiant being ordered to Earth to help defend against the attack. Cameos by Sisko and Dax would've been sweet. The Enterprise's first appearance should've been when she swooped in to rescue the Defiant.

Think about it, everytime we've seena new Enterprise, it's been with this huge fanfare of music or action. How did they intrduce the Ent E? Oh, she's sitting in a nebula...

That's a little off topic and just MHO, of course.

"The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold,
And quite unacustomed to fear.
But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told,
Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer."
Aban's Illustration


Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Personally, I think the movie should've started off at DS9 with Worf and the Defiant being ordered to Earth to help defend against the attack. Cameos by Sisko and Dax would've been sweet.

That's what happened. Supposedly Avery Brooks filmed a scene where he sends Worf to join the fleet.

The Enterprise's first appearance should've been when she swooped in to rescue the Defiant. Think about it, everytime we've seena new Enterprise, it's been with this huge fanfare of music or action. How did they intrduce the Ent E? Oh, she's sitting in a nebula...

Never heard anyone complain about the first appearance of the E-E before. I thought it was quite nice, the slow bloody endless crawls over the various ships in spacedock were getting pretty tedious. If ever there was a class that should be seen in space, it's the Sovereign, go-faster stripes and all. 8)

"Kif, I have made it with a woman! Inform the crew!"

- Zapp Brannigan

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I thought the whole movie lacked a sense of drama for new stuff though. And for the whole beginning of the story. The borg are here again. Oh, ok. They're attacking Earth. Oh, OK. Hey, we're on a new ship. Oh, OK.

I don't disagree with the fact that the ship shouldn't have been newly out of spacedock nor do I think that we should've gotten a shuttle craft tour of the thing. I just think our first shot of her should've had a little more oomf.

That said, I loved FC! And I had heard the rumor about the Sisko scene too.

"The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold,
And quite unacustomed to fear.
But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told,
Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer."
Aban's Illustration


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
He's no helmsman.

Then what in god's name did Picard have him flying the engineering hull in Encounter at Farpoint for?!

We've seen O'Brien at the helm more than once. Where did we first seem him on Star Trek? Oh, yeah: at the conn of the Enterprise's Battle Section. He's been at the Conn on the Defiant a few times. Makes sense that the Chief Engineer of a starship know how to fly the thing, wouldn't you say?

Besides, O'Brien didn't have to be at the helm -- he coulda been at Engineering or whatnot. But I think they missed a great opportunity to bring Colm Meaney in. Bullocks for them.

I always thought that Worf's presense at Earth was coincidental. Or, perhaps, Worf was commanding the Defiant on a convoy mission escorting some stuff to the Cardassians or whomever and Starfleet ordered him to haul his butt to Earth to fight the Borg. No time to swing by DS9 and pick up Ben.

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001

[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited April 05, 2001).]

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
O'Brien still isn't a helmsman.

And the Defiant wasn't at Earth, as far as I recall. The intercom stuff seems to strongly imply that she was part of the fleet that met the Borg in the Typhon sector, no?

Not even a god can deny that I have squared the circle of a static Earth and cubed the Earth sphere by rotating it once to a dynamic Time or Life Cube.
Gene Ray
Read three (three!) chapters of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet" Or don't. You know, whatever.


Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Also, I heard that as originally as planned Word would be on Earth to coincide with the birth of O'Brien's second child, since he found the first one so traumatic! He wanted to get as far away as possible. . .

"Kif, I have made it with a woman! Inform the crew!"

- Zapp Brannigan

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Worf was supposed to have been visiting his parents on Earth, but that was before Kira Yoshi got transplanted into Kira. This may have altered the time table a little bit. I suppose it's possible that the Defiant was at Earth for some reason when the Borg attacked so off they went to the Typhon Sector to help intercept them.

Or Worf's visit home and the Defiant's presence at the battle could be two totally unrelated incidents:

"Hello Capatain, I'm back from Earth."
"Mr. Worf, get your ass back on the Defiant. The Borg are about to attack Earth..."

Personally, I think the Defiant was already doing something close to Earth. Doesn't it take at least a few days to get there from DS9? The Borg have never been ones to send out invitations for the battles.

"The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold,
And quite unacustomed to fear.
But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told,
Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer."
Aban's Illustration


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
O'Brien still isn't a helmsman.

Maybe not now, but he has been in the past a very proficient helmsman. And again, we've seen him at the Defiant's helm on a few occasions I'm thinkin'.

The Defiant could've been at Earth, and ordered from there to go to the Typhon Expanse and fight the Borg. Worf's line when he learns Keiko is pregnant again does seem to indicate he plans on being far far FAR away when that happens ...

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted)
"Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!"
-Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
I'm not sure if O'Brien is an ace pilot or not, but he does have plenty of experience. His main fields of training may have been infantryman cum transporter chief cum starship/station chief engineer, but he flew plenty of missions piloting those runabouts...

I don't think he piloted the Defiant more than once, though ("Rules of Engagement"). It is a weird job for the engineer of the ship to be doing. Perhaps O'Brien had come to the bridge to give Worf a report on the progress with intercom repairs ("Still not working, sir, and the commbadges are all low on power now - so please meet Christina. She knows her way down to Engineering if you need me again. Just attach this message scroll to her leg and..."), and the Klingons chose exactly that moment to strike. And since the poor regular helmsman was sitting right next to a console... I guess O'Brien was the most practical replacement in the heat of the moment.

Timo Saloniemi

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