does anybody know how many shuttles did Chakotay total?
Posted by Michael_T (Member # 144) on August 14, 2001 04:15 PM:
Didn't he total 1 out of 3?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on August 15, 2001 01:01 AM:
Isn't this basically part of the same thread you started eleven minutes earlier?
Posted by Jack_Crusher (Member # 696) on August 16, 2001 01:38 PM:
I think he totaled more than 1 out of 3, but he is dating 7 out of 9.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on August 16, 2001 02:14 PM:
Off hand, I know he was piloting a shuttle that crashed twice. There's also a possibility of a third one, but my recollection of the episode is a bit fuzzy.
The first one that I remember involved Aaron Eisenberg (Nog from DS9) playing a Kazon child who was trying to earn his name. The Kazon ship fired on his shuttle and breached the hull. Chakotay and the kid beamed down to the planet as the shuttle hull breached and the craft exploded.
$$ Voyager Season 7 Spoilers below $$
The second time I'm positive of involved a season seven episode where Chakotay and Seven were in the shuttle examining the planet with the energy field surrounding it to protect the primitive people living on it. The shuttle clipped part of the field and crashed.
$$ Voyager Season 7 Spoilers above $$
A third time that might have been Chakotay's fault was an episode where there's a shuttle crashed on a gloomy world. Janeway is having out-of-body experiences the entire time. I don't remember if he was piloting the shuttle or if Janeway was.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on August 16, 2001 09:19 PM:
The third instance of which you speak was in "Coda" and it wasn't in the 7th season. Kes was still aboard. Third season, I think.
I think Chakotay was at the controls, but Janeway was giving the orders. bad. I see what you did with the spoiler warning there...I thought the second one was about the third example...sorry