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Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Surprisingly early, 5/20 according to my ZENtertainment news letter.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Sweeeet! I can prove that it was Ro at the wedding chatting with Guinan!!

...that $20 will soon be mine!
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Nemesis is finally opening here in Japan on April 14. Tickets for two are 3600 yen or around 30 bucks! The DVD has to be less than that.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by Futurama Guy (Member # 968) on :
Too bad they are being stingy with the extras, not even reinserting them back into the original footage. If you wanna make a $20 bet, it would be on how long they are going to hold out on us before giving us the our 3 hr movie.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
There are just as many people who don't want cut scenes shoehorned back into a film.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Yeah, that's too bad: you can still see all the deleted scenes in STII when they play it on sci-fi channel but not even on the bells and whistles DVD!
I personally got screwed into buying the regular DVD before I knew I'd have to buy it twice for any extras!
Only Paramount pulls this kind of shit.
In mabye three of four years we'll see a "Special Edition" DVD of Nemesis and ot'll have what we're looking for. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
"Only Paramount pulls this kind of shit."

Negative sir.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
you can still see all the deleted scenes in STII when they play it on sci-fi channel but not even on the bells and whistles DVD!
To which do you refer?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"There are just as many people who don't want cut scenes shoehorned back into a film."

Yeah, but we're talking about a DVD, not a video tape. It's not like they have to do it one way or the other, exclusively.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :

To which do you refer? [/QB][/QUOTE]

I'm told the scene where Scotty introduces ensign "thrid degree" as his nephew is still absent.
As I refuse to give these jerks more cash I'm not 100% sure.
Who else pulls these Special Edition things after the initial release? I know there is the Army Of Darkness and now X-Men versions, but as a rule the DVD tends to have the extras built in the first time around.

Gotta say that DS9's DVD is well worth the cash.
I've noticed several intresting things today:
O'Brien grumbles to himself "I should have signed onto a unmanned cargo drone..."
A TAS refrence of all things! [Big Grin]
....and the Ambassador (Yamagucci?) fires a big beam from it's deflector at the Borg cube in Emissary! Mabye they tried a vriation on Geordi's deflector weapon. [Wink]
The Sternbach(sp?) interview on designing the station is awesome too!
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
....and the Ambassador (Yamagucci?) fires a big beam from it's deflector at the Borg cube in Emissary! Mabye they tried a vriation on Geordi's deflector weapon. [/QB]

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell??? [Confused] I never saw that in the pilot episode, so I'm guessing that it's a cut scene. Damn! They make all the scenes and then cut them out. Bet some of the excellent episodes would have been stupendous with them in. [Eek!] Lousy cheapskates.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
I'm told the scene where Scotty introduces ensign "thrid degree" as his nephew is still absent.

It's there, plus there's an extra bit of dialogue between Kirk & Scotty just after he croaks.
Of course I can only speak for the Region 2 issue.

Who else pulls these Special Edition things after the initial release? I know there is the Army Of Darkness and now X-Men versions, but as a rule the DVD tends to have the extras built in the first time around.
Not so, I've some of the first films to be released as DVDs have been later re-issued with extras although only Starship Troopers and The Fugitive spring to mind.
Again, I can only speak for Region 2 disks.

....and the Ambassador (Yamagucci?) fires a big beam from it's deflector at the Borg cube in Emissary! Mabye they tried a vriation on Geordi's deflector weapon. [Wink]

Come again? I didn't know they had deleted scenes in the series pack.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
You misunderstand:
It was not a deleted scene: I had to use the pause/step feature with the zoom on to confirm it.
The beam is phaser colored but thicker than the phasers fired from it's dorsal strip....and it comes straight from the Deflector.
....and the scene is very fast.
Something else that's a bit odd: the Nebula (Endeavour?) in that scene fires torpedos from under the saucer-the same place the torp launcher is located on the Galaxy class! [Cool]

I stand corrected on the "Special Edition" thing.
I guess these multiple releases thing is just more hollywood greed in action.
A bad trend to be sure. [Mad]
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I personally hate it. I buy a DVD and a few months later there's a new edition with more stuff. It's bullshit. I knew ahead of time that was going to happen with FOTR which is why I held out until the extended edition came along. They'll more than likely do the same with TTT.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
....not that it costs them anything like what they'll charge you for the "added features" either.
Personally,I bought the LOTR boxed set for the added footage....and it was worth it, but I could care less about all the documentary or behind the scenes crap that came with it.
The added footage should have been in the basic set.
Same with the Trek movies. A DVD's selling point is the picture/sound quality as well as the extras.
To me watching all that takes away some of the magic.
....if only Kazaa was better quality...
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
the Nebula (Endeavour?) in that scene fires torpedos from under the saucer-the same place the torp launcher is located on the Galaxy class!
Except that the Galaxy has three launchers: one at the rear of the secondary section, one on the neck above the secondary section, and one at the rear of the saucer. Since the Nebula-Class's second section does not bear much resemblance to the Galaxy-Class (same with the saucer), your statement is in error.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I mean that the Nebula fires torpedos from the same place as a Galaxy's forward launcher: just above the main Deflector.
Not a lot of clearance there on a Nebula.
I think the Nebula in First Contact fires from this location as well.

Where is the aft launcher on the Galaxy's saucer?
It's got to be where the saucer joins the "neck".
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Yes, as per the technical manual. (And presumably the blueprints, but I can't say I remember looking for it.) I don't recall whether we see anything that looks like a launcher on the model, though.

And it seems our DVD philosophies Differ. (Hint: Lots of people don't want to sit through a fifty hour Lord of the Rings, but instead would like to be able to purchase and watch the version they saw in theaters. Extra footage does not in and of itself equal quality or desirability! I say with emphasis! For some reason! Two versions caters to the Whole Market, which is a Good Thing. The release date for the expanded version of The Two Towers is already penciled in for November 4, with the theatrical version scheduled for August 4 [the same days Fellowship came out on last year]. One can hardly complain of a lack of advance notice.)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Two versions I can see. TLOTR has three: each with more footage and a higher pricetag than the last.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
LOTR has two versions, with two different pricetags, and one of those comes packaged with bookends, and costs more, but has no extra footage.
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
Okay, let's see some DS9 screen caps now then.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Simon: Again, it's a DVD, not a tape. There's nothing preventing them from putting in a little option that says "Watch movie w/ deleted scenes / Watch original movie".
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
That assumes that the scenes were cut after they were finished -- if they weren't, why would you want to see them in the movie unprocessed, without sound, etc.?
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Not so, I've some of the first films to be released as DVDs have been later re-issued with extras although only Starship Troopers and The Fugitive spring to mind.
Again, I can only speak for Region 2 disks.

The Matrix. Just after I bought the first version as well. And then they start selling the special features disk seperately at almost the same price as the film [Mad] .
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Well they need to pay for Keannu's acting classes don't they?
I can't believe he's going to be John Constantine in the Hellblazer movie.... [Roll Eyes]

It was my understandinf that the "bookends" version of TLOTR has 7 minutes of additional filmtime over the "regular" specialeditionbellsandwhistleslimitededitionversionboxed set. [Roll Eyes]
I could be mistaken, as I won't spring for bookends I'll never use.
Anyway you look at it: multiple releases of the DVD is a marketing scam.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
If "effective marketing to multiple market sectors" = scam, sure.
Posted by Futurama Guy (Member # 968) on :
I just dont understand why they dont release the original 2:50 min movie that was the original cut. It was decided to cut so much from the movie because of somebodys pre-determined requirement for a trek movie length, among other things. However, in the end it was noted many many times that the movies biggest weakness was that it was too heavily edited and it lost something in the process. Why not restore it to the original cut and let us be the judge of what we missed and see how the movie could have been. Its not as if we are asking them to recut the movie with rock creatures or a plot that makes sense!
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I want rock creatures! ...far cooler than aliens in SUV's chasing our heroes.
Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
Originally posted by Futurama Guy:
I just dont understand why they dont release the original 2:50 min movie that was the original cut."

3 hour first cuts are not uncommon. In fact, what a lot of people don't realize is that a lot of those minutes we hear about in first cuts are dead air that is removed to tighten up the pacing. Often it's pauses between lines of dialog, actors entering into scenes, etc. I read the Nemesis script and I cannot image there's a whole 'nother hour of scenes out there waiting to be integrated. There was not enough "there" there for that long a film.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I agree that the missing footage from Nemesis is likely to be mostly "dead" footage, but I still want to see Wesley's speach and anything else that enriches the story: that is anything with dialogue....and mabye some bueaty shots of the ships in space too.

In the cae of TLOTR, we see that even the 30 minutes of stuff taken from the movie for time concerns makes the film sooooo much better and enriches the whole movie (for me at least!).
If we see any theatre re-release of TLOTR (ever) I hope those minutes are restored.

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