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Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I was just browsing through the TNG scrips when I happened across this line.


I cannot justify readjusting
history on the basis of saving
lives in war... shall I return
to Sarajevo and stop the
assassination of Archduke
Ferdinand... or go back to warn
Station-Salem Four of the Bel-zon

Aside from the fact it mentions another Salem Station being devistated, it caught my attention because I've never heard of this species before.
Did I miss something, or was this line just cut from the episode?
What is it about these Salem stations anyway?
They always seam to get attacked and have lines refering to them cut.

For those of you who might not know of the other Salem reference.

We must measure the response
carefully, Number One. Or history
may remember Galorndon Core
alongside Pearl Harbor and Station
Salem-One... as the stage for
a bloody preamble to war.

Supposedly an early draft of 'Encounter at Farpoint' mentioned that an ancestor of Crusher was present for one of these attacks. Not sure which though.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
You going to tell us which script the "Salem-Four" reference is from?

Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Oh sorry, I forgot to mention it.
It was 'Yesterday's Enterprise', in the first conversation between Guinan and Picard.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
"...or go back to warn
Station-Salem Four of the Bel-zon raid..."

A defective can of Raid bug-spray (for killing Bel-Zon ants) exploded in the airlock resultingso in the death of the Federation President of that era.
Conspiracy theories abound of how the "magic nozzle" was able to pierce the President's head and torso....
Posted by Woodside Kid (Member # 699) on :
Possible options:

1) The Salem stations are whipping boys and everybody seems to attack them.

2) In the rush to get Yesterday's Enterprise written, the writing team misremembered the earlier reference to Salem One (the most likely choice, it seems to me).

3) In the altered timeline, the attack which started the war was on Salem Four, and the unnamed species which attacked Salem One in the main timeline was the Bel-Zon (nothing to back this up, I admit, but of the three choices I've named I think it's the most fun).
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
The Bel-Zon could also be some kind of splinter cell extremists (Romulan or Klingon)out to start trouble like the Circle was.
No need to make them a race unto themselves.
The Salem bases could be outposts along the Neutral Zone and would be prone to occasional skirmishes from just about everyone.
Even the Tholians have no problen testing the Federation's resolve from time to time so anything goes....
Soon the Pakleds will be slaughtering Fed citizens for kicks too!
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"The Bel-Zon could also be some kind of splinter cell extremists (Romulan or Klingon)out to start trouble..."

If S-Four was really S-One in disguise and its destruction led to war (as Picard hints at), then no, they couldn't be.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
An ancestor of Crusher's was supposed to have been present on Salem-One. I can't remember that line being spoken in Yesterday's Ent. though,. I'm thinking it must have been cut. But it's good enough reason for me to go back and watch that ep again tonight.

I would also bet that, assuming this line is present, it's a misremember of the Salem One reference.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :

B'Elanna-Kazon? [Smile]

Maybe in the alternate timeline, station Salem-1 was actually station Salem-4.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
The change to the timeline occured well after the Salem incedent. It would have been uneffected.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
It's possible that both references are correct, and both are referring to the same event. "Salem" may be a location, and it has at least four stations around it. Maybe Salem-4 was actually the first one attacked (thus, a time-traveller would want to warn them, not Salem-1), but Salem-1 is the one that's remembered like Pearl Harbor, because it's where the main standoff took place, or something.
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
The other reference to Salem 1 was in "Family".

Jack Crusher:
We named you after Richard Wesley Crusher, my grandfather, who gave me my first flying lesson as a boy. You come from a fine family... of scholars, explorers, artists... your great-great grandfather was a painter whose work once hung in the Prado... We've had a skeleton or two in our closet... someday, I'll tell you about the Crusher who was a horse thief on Nimbus Three... but we also had our share of family heroes... a Crusher fought for the Confederacy at Bull Run. One died at Station Salem One. It's a proud heritage, Wesley.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
A horse thief on Nimbus Three? That's interesting.

2) In the rush to get Yesterday's Enterprise written, the writing team misremembered the earlier reference to Salem One (the most likely choice, it seems to me).
That seams the most likely explanation to me.
Still someone obviously had a particular history in mind to try and slip this reference in on at least three seperate occasions, I'd like to know what it was about.
I know that some people on this board are occasionally intouch with Okuda, perhaps he knows, or at least knows someone who knows about this.

I suppose the Bel-Zon War (assuming there was one) could be anything from a pre-fed Earth conflict, to the war that made Garth of Izar so famous, culminating with the Battle of Axanar...actually I quite like that idea.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
*chuckle* Little pointer to Ron Moore. Bull Run was the Union/Northern name for the battle/location. The Confederates called it by its proper name, Manassas. Given his pride in his family history, Jack wouldn't have screwed that up.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, history being written by the victors and all, it may be that, by the 2300s, "Bull Run" is the accepted name, and "Manassas" is something only historians specializing in nineteenth-century North America would know about.

After all, Starfleet can't be too big on US Civil War history, or they would have ships called Monitor and Virginia, not Monitor and Merrimac(k).
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
When did we get a date for Salem 1? Why couldn't it have occured during the 25 years after the disappearence of the E-C?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I guess it could have. I just always got the impression that it was an event that happened a long time ago. That seems to be the implication. We know it was a preamble to war. I guess it could have been the preamble to the war with the Tzenkethi. "Salem 1" just sounds like an old, pre-federation name. Sounds like an Earth station, not a Feddie station.

That line from "Family" is cool, but i know that wasn't in the episode. Wish it had been. I believe the reference to Wesley's ancestor having been on Salem One was written in Wesley's character background at the beginning of the series. Probably having to do with the history of tragic deaths in the family.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Just a weird thought here... what if "Bel-zon" was some twisted name the humans came up with for their Romulan enemies before they found out what their real names were? (This ignores ENT, I know...) After all, if it took Earth a hundred plus years to figure out what the Romulans looked like, how long did it take to figure out their name?
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Well.. although canon generally refuses to acknowledge it, "Romulans" doesn't sound very alien at all. The most likely explanation would be that the planets were codenamed Romulus and Remus, and because of the war those names stuck, and are still the way the Universal Translator translates them..

Except that "Minefield" (ENT) clearly showed that "Romulans" is the Vulcan name for them. But obviously "Vulcan" itself has Roman roots as well [Roll Eyes] (EDIT: but Romans were influenced by the 'Apollo'-aliens.. so who knows what kind of twisted parallel development occured)

Anyway... "the Bel-zon raid" might also be the name of the raid, instead of the name of whoever was the raider. But it would be an awkward way to say things.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
"I'll be there with Bel-zon?"

"Pull the other one, it's got Bel-zon?"
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Except that 'Minefield' (ENT) clearly showed that 'Romulans' is the Vulcan name for them."

And the Romulan name, for that matter. I like to think that it's just a coincidence that "Romulan" sounds so close to "Romulus", and that that's what prompted the Earth authorities to start assigning Roman-esque names to everything they found out about the Romulans.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
When did we get a date for Salem 1? Why couldn't it have occured during the 25 years after the disappearence of the E-C?
We don't have a specific date but the way in which it is refered to, it's almost certainly a significant event and probably not in living memory.
The more I think about it, the more I like the Izar/Axanar theory. it certainly gives us a nice explanation of certain things said in TOS.

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