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Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Can anyone give me an up-to-date report on the current achievements on all Star Trek DVDs? Boxes? Seasons?

Have all the movies been converted (I-VI)?
How far are we in TNG? DS9? TOS? VOY?

Also, if all the old movies (I-VI) have been converted, which ones have gotten the "Special Edition"-treatment?
Will the last movies (VII-X) get any treatment?

Last, but not least, which of these things have in your professional and Treknological opinions gotten the best improvements (whether it be extra scenes or just better image quality)?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

State side anyway ...

All the movies have been released in DVD format. Star Trek VI is the only classic movie which has not yet been released in a "Special Edition" 2-disc set, but is scheduled for release the end of January. Presumeably, the TNG films will then get the "Special Edition" treatment.

Season Seven of Deep Space Nine hit store shelves on December 2nd. DS9, and TNG, is completely available on DVD. Season One of Voyager hits shelves February, and all seven seasons will be released by the end of '04.

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Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Ah! Nice.

And...Snay's opinions? Has he formed any?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Snay's opinions?

The DS9 box-sets are nice, but the cases themselves are kind of flimsy. The menus and screens are also limited, in comparisson to the TNG menus and screens. On the other hand, the quality of DS9 (the series) far exceeds the quality of TNG (the series). In my opinion. The extras on the DS9 DVDs are usually fun, lots of behind the scenes footage, and the actors' affections for each other don't seem forced.

I hate Voyager, so Voyager on DVD is a very BAAAAD thing. I don't love Voyager, maaaan.

The TNG DVDs are super expensive. DS9 I picked up off eBay or Amazon for under $100, and most for under $90 per set. TNG is still going high, including in stores and eBay. Urgh.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
DS9 is super expensive at Best Buy, for some reason.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Region 2 DVD sets come in cool plastic boxes, although the DS9 ones are noticably cheaper.

There are also rumours that TOS will be released in boxes starting somewhere around September, although it doesn't seem to be official yet.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Aren't we (region 2 dudes) suppossed to be getting Enterprise on DVD soon? I can't imagine that the tapes are selling as well as the DS9/VOY ones did, due to the proliferation of DVD and VHS season box sets.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Region four is also in cool plastic DS9 esque cases. BUT TNG and DS9 are both uber expensive at AU$200+
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
Aren't we (region 2 dudes) suppossed to be getting Enterprise on DVD soon? I can't imagine that the tapes are selling as well as the DS9/VOY ones did, due to the proliferation of DVD and VHS season box sets.

Yes.. IIRC, TrekToday claimed Region 2 would actually get ENT boxes *before* Region 1... Rather strange, since in a lot of European countries, ENT hasn't even aired yet.
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Originally posted by Harry:
Region 2 DVD sets come in cool plastic boxes

Well, the DS9 boxes look way cooler than the crappy and shiny TNG boxes. I hope they keep the DS9 design for the Voyager box sets.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Harry:
Yes.. IIRC, TrekToday claimed Region 2 would actually get ENT boxes *before* Region 1... Rather strange, since in a lot of European countries, ENT hasn't even aired yet.

Not really. We are more used to collecting box sets than the US, having been doing it for longer. Buffy and Angel are the obvious examples.

And just because they are releasing season 2 box sets doesn't mean they are going to release them all over Europe.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Any word on what will be included? Nememsis is the Star Trek movie I have on DVD. The one I'm looking forward to the most is First Contact SE. My only question about the SE's are they like TMP with new scenes added in?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Well, Star Trek II SE had some footage inserted, but the rest of the films haven't (to this point). I hope they continue and do the TNG films in a SE format, I don't see why they wouldn't.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Well, my two cents:

I have got all seven seasons of both TNG and DS9.
Here in Germany TNG boxes are now quite a bit cheaper than the DS9 ones. I prefer the DS9 cases, as they are not as scratch sensitive as the silver TNG nuisances. Also the digistacks are far better than the flip-open cardboard/plastic holders for the TNG disks - even though I quite like the Enterprise blueprint design.

I also have Star Trek I through V in SE format and will be able to get Star Trek VI SE in February. All the films are in very good quality and the director's edition of TMP makes even that movie quite likeable.
I hope that the TNG movies will also receive the SE treatment.

As far as prizes go, the SE's are quite expensive (RRP of 24,99 Euro)

Oh and about VOY: I will definitely NOT buy any of those as I really loathe that crap. Won't waste my hard earned money on that.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Oh yes. Special Edition TMP is a wonderful movie. Especially the beatifully long intro theme.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Yes. Pity that it didn't just stop there.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay:
Well, Star Trek II SE had some footage inserted, but the rest of the films haven't (to this point).

I think that is mainly due to the fact that there really wasn't much in the way of extra footage for III & IV, evidently Nimoy has a much better grasp of structure and running length than most directors.
As for ST:V, I don't think it was worth the money even trying to fix that film.
If I recall there are quite a few cut-scenes in TUC, some of which have already been re-inserted since the theatrical release. So we may yet get some extra footage.
Generations had a whole bunch of stuff cut out; orbital sky dive, borg nano-probe/torture scene, more nexus & saucer crash stuff plus an alternate death scene for kirk and a closer look at the Shuttlecraft at the end. So I think there is plenty of material there for a special edition or failing that a deleted scenes menu on disk 2.
As for the other two I'm not so sure just how much was cut out, it'd probably just be a matter of a few lines here and there, nothing really substantial.
Remember that the whole point of the TMP:DE was that the film was never properly finished, aside from the mess that was TFF all the other trek films (as far as I'm aware) were all finished with time to spare.
Nemisis I couldn't care less about. That film bored me to tears.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Oh. Wow. You said "Couldn't care less!" *HUGS REVEREND* Nobody EVER says it right!
Posted by kiltedbear (Member # 1138) on :
I heard that Shatner asked Paramount for some cash early last year to re-edit TFF, but TPTB weren't willing to cough it up, saying that it wouldn't sell enough copies to justify the expense.

I must admit that I would be interested in seeing what they cut out of FC and Insurrection, but I must agree with Reverend in that I dont think that Nemesis needs a reissue on DVD.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Oh. Wow. You said "Couldn't care less!" *HUGS REVEREND* Nobody EVER says it right!

Am I missing something? How does everyone else say it?
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Indeed. I am almost getting curious.

Although, to be really honest...well...I couldn't care less! [Wink]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay:
Well, Star Trek II SE had some footage inserted, but the rest of the films haven't (to this point).

Generations had a whole bunch of stuff cut out; orbital sky dive, borg nano-probe/torture scene, more nexus & saucer crash stuff plus an alternate death scene for kirk and a closer look at the Shuttlecraft at the end. So I think there is plenty of material there for a special edition or failing that a deleted scenes menu on disk 2.
Wow. Please elaborate on this "borg nanoprobe torture" scene.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
People who don't know what they're talking about say "I could care less", which of course means the exact opposite of what they intend.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
I have never heard anyone say or seen anyone write "I could care less"!
It's complete and utter nonsense.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
People who don't know what they're talking about say "I could care less", which of course means the exact opposite of what they intend.

Indeed, and it means all but what they intended (which is another common annoying bass-ackwards phrasing, since most people use "all but" to mean "very, very").

As for my topical two cents, the DS9 packaging in the U.S. is, in my opinion, far better than the TNG packaging. Short of having some wide open space on a table to unfold the thing you can't get to a particular episode easily, whereas with DS9 you just flip and you're there.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Which brings up the point - how does the US packaging look anyway?
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Wow. Please elaborate on this "borg nanoprobe torture" scene.

You know how, in the movie, Soren comments on Geordi's response to his interrogation by saying "his heart just wasn't in it"? That's a reference to the form of torture used in the novelization in which Soren injects Geordi with those things to stop and start his heart. The scene was also filmed but edited out for gruesomeness, or something.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
It wasn't THAT gruesome. He just held his breath and twitched for a little while.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I agree that Generations has a lot more to offer in regards to added scenes. I rather liked it too, then again compared to Insurrection and Nememsis there's not much of a competition.

I don't know what, if anything, was left out of First Contact. Personally I think it'd be cool if they make the battle with the cube a little long showing the battle before the Enterprise-E arrived. I remember seeing that for the first time being completely amazed.
Posted by Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
I want a longer battle scene between the Borg Cube and the Federation starships in First Contact. I'd pay for that... especially if a variety of starships were shown in the background blowing up or shooting at the Cube...

...the fanboy in me is coming out...
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
So whack the little prick on his head and force him back in. He'll stop coming eventually. B)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by Cartman:
Wow. Please elaborate on this "borg nanoprobe torture" scene.

You know how, in the movie, Soren comments on Geordi's response to his interrogation by saying "his heart just wasn't in it"? That's a reference to the form of torture used in the novelization in which Soren injects Geordi with those things to stop and start his heart. The scene was also filmed but edited out for gruesomeness, or something.

Hey, thanks! [Wink]
I thought it was some kind of flashback thing Picard had when Soren was talking to him in Ten Forward or something.
Soren definitely had an inside track on what Picard was going through: mabye El Aurians are empathic or slightly telepathic or something.
Soren is my favorite Trek badguy.
Cool gun too.
Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
I think that is mainly due to the fact that there really wasn't much in the way of extra footage for III & IV, evidently Nimoy has a much better grasp of structure and running length than most directors.

I dunno if I'd go that far...

Most of the time scenes are cut because in the editing the film starts taking on a life of its own and develops rhythms, and the filmmakers discover that this or that bit isn't necessary to the story or actually break up the flow or momentum. Sometimes they rearrange scenes in editing for more impact (TWOK). Just because Nimoy decided to use virtually every seqeunce shot doesn't mean he has a better grasp of structure, just that his decision was to keep scenes that another director might've decided to cut.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Austin Powers:
I have never heard anyone say or seen anyone write "I could care less"!
It's complete and utter nonsense.

Me neither. It must be some US thing. Like how they say "nucular" and do other silly things.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Guardian 2000:
Indeed, and it means all but what they intended (which is another common annoying bass-ackwards phrasing, since most people use "all but" to mean "very, very").

Er, doesn't it mean "almost"? As in "they did everything bar such and such"?

"Voyager all but destroyed the Star Trek franchise", "The Borg all but wiped out the Federation", and so forth.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Most people (that I've heard) are stupid and say "could care less", but I don't think I've heard anyone use "all but" to mean anything other than "nearly" (like in Liam's examples) or literally "everything except".
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Austin Powers:
I have never heard anyone say or seen anyone write "I could care less"!
It's complete and utter nonsense.

I can't stand when Americans say "look it!" ARRRGH!

It is "Look at that".

"Look it!" is reserved for Boo from Monsters Inc. or morons.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, how about we assume it's spelled "look 't", and is simply a contraction of "look at [whatever]"?
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
I begin to realise what I am NOT missing by just having learned British English in school instead of that concoction the Americans call "English"...
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
Well, how about we assume it's spelled "look 't", and is simply a contraction of "look at [whatever]"?

Well, it's not "look 't" - they say 'look it'. PLUS they would add OBJECT to "look 't" if they were just contracting things.

On top of that it's just wrong. What REALLY gets on my goat - and it's REALLY prevalent in scientific papers... the word "commonest" ARGH! It's "most common" - but laziness has allowed "commonest" to creep it's way into the lexicon.

common, more common, most common.

It'd be like saying beautifulest. ARGH!
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Or like saying "it's" when you should say "its" and "its" when you should say "it's". ARGH!
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
You want examples of bad American English, try going to the south where I lived. You've probably heard of the sterotypes, but not all sterotypes are false. Not to mention the southern accent, which thankfully I don't have. Then again, I still have living Russian relatives. That was fun when it came to getting a security clearance explaining that I'm 1/4 Russian with family that still lives there. I guess some old military types wish the cold war was still going on.

Going back to Fleet-Admiral Michael T. Colorge's post, a longer battle scene wouldn't be hard to do. Assuming they still have the CGI models. Now say if they reconstructed the Defiant bridge and got the same actors including Worf for more scenes... as much as that would impress me I know it'd be too expensive. Godforbid the NX-01 shows up and Captain Beckett quantum leaps down for a quick cameo.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
Well, how about we assume it's spelled "look 't", and is simply a contraction of "look at [whatever]"?

Well, that's how it's pronounced over here at this. "Look at Tim's beard" sounds like "Looket Tim's beard", with the first two words run together. But I've never heard "Look it" by itself.

"I could care less" is definitly a US thing though.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
I've heard "at" pronounced more like "et" in places other than following "look". And just for the record, around Nashville at least speech at least tends to make sense, though I still hear people say "point in case" on occasion. But then, accents around here aren't nearly as pronounced (or at least as close to the stereotype) as farther south, so YMMV.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Well, that's how it's pronounced over here at this. 'Look at Tim's beard' sounds like 'Looket Tim's beard', with the first two words run together. But I've never heard 'Look it' by itself."

Well, even though Andrew wrote "look it", I think Americans normally spell it "lookit". Though it's probably usually pronounced more like "looket" or "lookut". But, yes, we do use it by itself, without explicitly stating what object is to be lookited.

"On top of that it's just wrong. What REALLY gets on my goat - and it's REALLY prevalent in scientific papers... the word 'commonest' ARGH! It's 'most common' - but laziness has allowed 'commonest' to creep it's way into the lexicon."

Well, Oxford lists "commoner" as the comparative form of "common". has two entries that list "commoner" and "commonest" as the comparative and superlative forms, and they don't mention "more/most common" at all.

"It'd be like saying beautifulest."

Not really. Single-syllable adjectives typically take "-er" and "-est". Three or more syllables, and you'd usually use "more" and "most". But disyllabic adjectives are kind of 50/50 on using "-er"/"-est" or "more"/"most".
Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
And my "favorite" english manglers online:

1. Writing "could of" instead of "could've". Hello? "Of" doesn't mean "have"!

2. Using "your" in place of "you're" (that's worse than confusing "to" and "two"). More problems with contractions...

3. "Definite" being spelled with an "a". There's no "a"! No no no!

And, finally, to bring this back to Star Trek...

4. Split infinitives!!! "To boldly go" my ass. [Big Grin]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
One of the ones I especially hate (both written and spoken) is "all the sudden".
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Can someon explain the "split infinitive"?

From what I can work out from "to boldy go" is that something is split [Smile] that you have to boldy (insert verb) and to go - but the two have been combined?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
The split infinitive is something that no-one who has any semblence of a life cares about in the slightest. You almost certainly do it all the time in real life. I don't think that it even counts as "bad English" anymore (according to important people who are important).

I agree with the contractions thing, especially "your/you're", but split infinitives? Come on.
Posted by MrNeutron (Member # 524) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:

I agree with the contractions thing, especially "your/you're", but split infinitives? Come on.

Hello? J O K E.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Can someon explain the "split infinitive"?

I should really leave the details to Timmy, because he lives for this kind of thing and I don't want to spite him too much, but I shall offer mine just so I can showcase my own VAST knowledge of English. B)

Now then. A split infinitive is an infinitive that has one or more adverbs between its "to" and "verb" components, which is clearly UNGRAMMATICAL since the Latin infinitive is a single word and so the English construction should also be treated as if it were one unit and people who persist in splitting them open should be hanged from the highest tree and have their livers picked out by ravens.

And while we're listing favorites, I SO despise the proles who always mix up "there" and "their". Such ignorami fill me with rage, man. RAGE.

[ January 10, 2004, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Did you search for that, or do you keep things like that handy just in case an opportunity to use them comes up in the future? Because I can see Batman doing something like that. Yes.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I keep lots of things handy.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I keep lots of things handy.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I keep lots of things handy.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Including the Triple Post Super Powerup button?
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
In your (NOT you're) utility belt?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I think your all being silly. After all, is there a definate way to spell when to or more countries post in the same forum?
As to Trek, there's no way they could of incorperated "split infinitives" into a storyline.

Somewhere MrNeutron's head has just exploded.
Posted by WizArtist (Member # 1095) on :
"To Split Infinitives and Beyond!"
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Does anyone know the series "The Thin Blue Line" starring Rowan Atkinson as police inspector Fowler??

In one episode he explains to his colleagues the meaning of their job:
He talks about crime and says "It is our mission to seek it out..." upon which his rather imbecile colleague adds "To boldly go where no one has gone before!".
Fowler tells him off "Don't split your infinitives..." but the other protests "Captain Kirk does!"
Answer from Fowler "Captain Kirk regularly accepts people painted blue with plastic forehead extensions as beings from another planet. He should not be taken as any authority whatsoever."
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
After all, is there a definate way to spell when to or more countries post in the same forum?

Yes. "Definite" and "two", for starters.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Nice explaination cartman, aside from one thing... what is an infinitive?

Guessing from your post... things like to come, to go, to be, to look...??

In French usually end in er and sometimes ir and ur? And even more rarely 're'? Schools don't deal much with grammar anymore - I learnt more about the English language in French class!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
In French usually end in er and sometimes ir and ur? And even more rarely 're'? Schools don't deal much with grammar anymore

You're kidding.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Schools don't deal much with grammar anymore?
You live in Australia, right? [Wink]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Yes. 'Definite' and 'two', for starters."

Wow. A joke that went completely over Liam's head. I don't know if that makes it funnier, or less.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
His fat and roguish hair have made him sloppy.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
True. Although I did briefly consider that it could have been deliberate. But then I looked at the appalling spelling mistakes that liter all of JASON'S other posts, and I came to the conclusion that he just isn't that subtle.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Nice save. Clumsy, but nice. B)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
True. Although I did briefly consider that it could have been deliberate. But then I looked at the appalling spelling mistakes that liter all of JASON'S other posts, and I came to the conclusion that he just isn't that subtle. read my posts?
I'm touched, Liam. Really.

I did pay extra attention to spelling the mis-spelled words that way to ensure the joke's effect.

I thought it was obvious though. [Wink]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Only because of the head-exploding line at the end.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
That was a bit over-the-top obviousness.

The fact that I intentionally used all of the mis-spelled words MrNeutron was complaining about was really enough.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I had long ago forgotten that post. It was in the distant past, before the time of "I'm 26 next year". Scary.
Posted by WizArtist (Member # 1095) on :
Originally posted by PsiLiam
True. Although I did briefly consider that it could have been deliberate. But then I looked at the appalling spelling mistakes that liter all of JASON'S other posts, and I came to the conclusion that he just isn't that subtle.

Wow....Jason's errors are being measured by the LITER now?
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Well, it was about time they started doing that, wasn't it?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I'm American: measure my errors by the pound or the gallon.
Posted by WizArtist (Member # 1095) on :
Originally posted by Jason:

I'm American: measure my errors by the pound or the gallon.

Americans don't make "errors", we bomb them.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
We bomb them AFTER we make them.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And Brits don't use liters. We measure our liquids by the litre.

Although I'm the one whose wrong spelling has caused this.

I'll be going now.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I know about the missing "e" but the joke works without it (at least verbally it would, anyway).
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"Although I'm the one whose wrong spelling has caused this."

Yes, and just FYI, I WILL be keeping this incident handy, so don't even think you can run away from it. B)
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Yes, but...

I hate you.
Posted by WizArtist (Member # 1095) on :
Another "Hate Crime" in progress.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Why cant we all just go back to when we loved each other and all got along and...
Oh wait...

Wrong universe.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Wrong everything.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
[Big Grin] [Razz] [Big Grin]
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
What, I really made you laugh?! Incredible... [Wink]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Our brief verbal tussle in the Flameboard made me laugh too: Flare is the place for those with thick skin and sharp teeth. [Wink]

...we lose more newbees that way....
Posted by WizArtist (Member # 1095) on :
And the psychiatrists make more money....
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Pft. No-one has ever been permanently damaged. Yet. Except possibly DARKSTAR, but he was from Swindon, which of course did little to mitigate our ribbings. B)
Posted by WizArtist (Member # 1095) on :
Well, I feel I have survived...or at least most of my personalities have...
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
You're claiming DARKSTAR wasn't permanently damaged long before he ever got here?
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Well, OK, bad example. Come to think of it, most of the people who actually fled didn't really seem to have all their sanities intact to begin with, so wether thicker skin and sharper teeth would have notably increased their chances of survival here is debatable at best. B)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I think K-Mart is still in electroshock therapy.
He just flipped...
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
I think I have both thick skin as well as sharp teeth - no, I am NOT a Klingon! [Roll Eyes]

As for the Flameboard, well we all go a little over the top there sometimes, don't we!?

So @Jason: don't take everything I said there too seriously. Basically I'm a nice guy who is just allergic to spelling mistakes... [Wink]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
S'Okay. [Wink]

I give you permission to shoot me if I start posting everything in bold upper case.
Posted by Austin Powers (Member # 250) on :
Great! Thanx Jason! [Big Grin]

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