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Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :'ll be talking about me for a while, so I suppose I'll introduce myself.


Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
The only thing that looks old about the ship is the nacelles .Maybe a more detailed look in the future will reveal the more un-smoothed look that was being talked about.

I saw it revealed at trek today but know its gone from the site. Maybe its all the fans trying to get in there for a look

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Kosa ]

Posted by Kosa (Member # 650) on :
Im pretty sure that at Trek Today i read that the nacelles where to be slightly lower than the saucer section but i cant go back and read it again because the article has mysteriously dissapeared from the site. It will probably be back soon.
Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Right now, I feel like killing this shameless plagiator Eaves, and all of his continuity-despising gang. This is the worst I have seen in 30 years of canon Trek.

Read and join the protest:

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
So where is the petition to SIGN!!!!!!

Non-canon series heading our way!

I mean, I don't care if this series is non-canon - there is MORE than enough Trek already to pour over... I found myself watching "Friday's Child" with awe and "The Defector" with baited breath, and "The High Ground" with thought and "Second Sight" with child-like wonder Last night...

TOATALLY AWESOME! Who needs new crap Trek - we already have some totally beautiful episodes to watch.


P.S. Watching "The High Ground" - one of MANY reasons to have a Crusher-centric storyline in the next Trek movie.

Oh, and our second?? "Jean-Luc there is something that I have to tell you" line! CLASSIC!


Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
If someone sets up an online petition, I will actively support it at EAS.
Posted by Daniel (Member # 453) on :
Oh my God. Please tell me this is some sort of joke. I think I'm actually going to cry. That can't be it. It can't. Bernd, you are completely correct. Plagiarism in the highest degree. It is the Akira, de-modernized, and not done well by any means. It looks like an anachronistic contemporary of the Constitution-class. The lines of the ship are just WRONG for something that came before the Constitution and Daedelus. And if those odd shaped trapezoid-quadrilaterals port and starboard aft are impulse engines...oh God. *buries face in hands* I'm going to crawl under the desk and cry a little now.
Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
There are several differences in the design, though.

Also, the ship appears to be ~250m...much smaller than all but the smallest estimates of the Akira's size.

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Aethelwer ]

Posted by Daniel (Member # 453) on :
Like where the pylon connects with the nacelle, position of the bridge, length of the hull "extensions", etc.? All pretty much superficial. The overall design is so completely plagiarized it kills me. They even mimicked the notch in the forward hull. >.< Ugh...
Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on : is this different from, say, the Constitution- vs. Ambassador-class?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Oh my God, someone doesn't like the design! It's time to die and kill and wear sackcloth and ashes!

No offense, because some of the people with that opinion are my favorite people in the world, but get a life.

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Sol System ]

Posted by Daniel (Member # 453) on :
I'm obsessive compulsive, dontcha remember? And Sol, it isn't that I don't like the design. It's that it was taken DIRECTLY from the Akira. The lines are almost exactly the same. What that shows me is a complete lack of creativity, and I have always found the creative aspect of the show, how they come up with unique starship designs, worlds, sets, etc. one of its best aspects. One of the reasons I watched really bad Voyager episodes.

The Ambassador has completely different lines from the Constitution. It more resembles the Galaxy than a Constitution. The secondary hull of the Ambassador is WAY out of proportion, too short and thick, when compared to the relatively thin and large primary hull. The primary hull itself is completely different. The connecting dorsal is wide and thick. The impulse drives are configured differently and in different positions. On the dorsal for the Ambassador, on the aft edge of the saucer for the Constitution. The nacelle and pylon configuration is very different as well. They don't sweep up at an angle, but rather are configured like that of an Excelsior, with the pylons forming a 90 degree angle.

A better example would be the comparison between the Constitution and the Constitution-refit. Superficial changes. The pylons are swept up and back, not just up. The bridge module changed. The main sensor/deflector was updated. The upper and lower navigational domes were changed. More running lights added. Aft hangar bay doors were modified. The overall lines are identical.

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Daniel ]

Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
Only someone as stupid as Janeway would say "The rebelion is dead."

Down with Enterprise!
Join up, let's get this thing rolling. It's time to kick Berman and Braga out of Star Trek.

Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Hey, maybe the Akira is just WAY THE FUCK OLDER THAN WE THOUGHT, and the version we see in FC is just a refitted type!

Of course, that kind of shoots continuity to hell...but...

Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
LOL , Look Whos to say the pencil pushing designers at starfleet werent looking through the history books one day and found the design of the SS Enterprise and decided to mold the Akira after it!?

I mean really who cares , you cant expect these people at paramount to please everyone , they are trying to make a TV show , not revolutionize the world , this isnt the 60s theres no space race to get people thinking about sci-fi they cant keep making these shows to suit an ever more shrinking group of people. If you all feel that this isnt "trek" which in my opinion it isnt , fine dont look at it as "trek" just look at it as another scifi show.

I understand that you feel that this is "THE END OF TREK , OH MY GOD!" but people said the same about Voyager and about countless other things.

I see people are already doing SIZE COMPARISONS , geez , stop picking the show apart before its even aired , you all know your going to watch it religiously anyway so just sit back and chill out.

I cant believe how much i enjoy things more now that I've stopped tearing them apart and sucking all the fun out of them.

As for my opinion of Enterprise

I'll wait and see , its not Trek , infact i dont think its meant to be , i think its just another show on tv , and whether i enjoy it or not depends on story and characters not what "warp scale" they use or the exact length of the ship or whether the ship looks to "Akiraish"

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Originally posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim:
Hey, maybe the Akira is just WAY THE FUCK OLDER THAN WE THOUGHT, and the version we see in FC is just a refitted type!

Absolutely! Did it ever occur to you that the Akira-Class was created from the original design of the Enterprise?

Perhaps this Enterprise is a joint Vulcan-Earth ship, where as Starfleet builds ships mainly from Earth, the designs would be more utilitarian looking.

Since I am a big fan of the Akira-Class, I will enjoy this series even more. I pity those who are too obsessed with weather the design should be one way or the other, they will never enjoy the series as much as they could if they had an open mind about this.

There's obviously been some market testing here. If its a popular design, they will use it. They wont use a crap-tastic design that looks too 22nd century cause a lot of people wont like it. Yes, I know there are PLENTY of fans here that would love a true 22nd utilitarian design, but outside of flare that just doesnt work. People like sleek agressive looking ships. Theres a reason the Akira grases the cover of most novels/and all games its featured in, even if it isnt the strogest or central ship.

Anyway, this is a really exciting time for me.

I look forward to welcoming Enterprise into our new family.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
*deep breath*


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
As people keep pointing out, and some people obviously still aren't getting, the problem isn't just the fact that the ship looks wrong (though that is part of it; some of us don't have superhuman powers of suspension of disbelief), it's also the fact that it's a blatant copy of another ship. I mean, what if the first episode, rather than being about Klingons, was just "Encounter at Farpoint" or "Where No Man Has Gone Before" w/ a few details changed, but so much the same that even pieces of dialogue were unchanged? Would you just say "So what if they're reusing scripts and putting no thought whatsoever int the show? I'll still watch it if it's good..."?
Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
TSN , thats a totally differant matter , the Ship is not the story , the ship is just a vehicle for the story, if the episodes were cut and paste then the show would be dismissed as crap , but the ship is not meant to be the sole driving force of the show , the scripts are.

I mean , we could say the same about the ships in Battlestar Gallactica being derivative of those in Starwars , but the fact is the stories were entirly differant. So the guy likes the Akira , its not likes hes copying work from another Scifi Series.

I agree they could have been more imaginative , but I guess this is what they wanted. Like Wes says , sure we would all love a huge round Tin Can but if your like the majority of TV viewers wouldnt buy into that.

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Dr. Obvious ]

Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
That's a point, Dr. Obvious.

But as our beloved Berman said: "The terrific thing about this for longtime fans is that they'll get to see the development of all the technological gadgetry and capabilities that have become part of the Trek mythos. They'll see them in their infant, trial-and-error stages, before they end up being what we know them to be."

In the case of the ship design he was already wrong (because the Akiraprise is *not* in a visible infant stage), and I anticipate that we get much similar trouble even with the regular technology (think of transporters, supscae comms, FTL sensors).

Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
I tend to ignore Bermans ramblings , the man is a producer , producers are not creative prodigies they are guys with pocket books and budgets handed down from studio execs. He doesnt know trek. But I do agree with you that I hope this isnt a sign of whats to come.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I'll have to agree with a point made earlier. Some of y'all seem to be involved in a contest to see who can complain the most out of Enterprise. It's getting really pathetic, especially since the amount of information is small and what information that is available is from "reliable sources." I would say "just give it a chance," but I've been saying that for a while now. It's apparently falling on deaf ears. Some of you would just rather go about your little online protest petitions and harp on trivial stuff than look at the good that this series can deliver.

Take a good hard look at that picture that The_Tom posted. Am I the only one who can see that this may be a hoax? Look at the unevenness of the outline of the ship. Look at the aft ends of the nacelles and the aft quarters of the saucer. This looks like someone just took a sketch of the Akira and used MS Paint to edit it. But, let us assume that this diagram is what it claims to be. Some of y'all are passing judgement on just one view of the ship. What about a side view, a bottom view, or a 3D pose? Nope, like I said, some of y'all jump at any little chance to start ripping into a series that has yet to premiere.

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
For those of you who choose to be apologists for the producers of Enterprise or who wish to ignore ship designs, kindly allow the rest of us to be upset about this time-shifted Akira. If you don't care, that's fine with me. However, I and others care deeply about the history of starship design and have gone as far as to design our own historical ships. Unless front and side elevations reveal extremely primitive details, I don't think any amount of rationalization will convince me that this is a 22nd century ship.

I also think that using that tired "get a life" putdown is unbecoming for a Star Trek fan. We all choose our own levels of obsession: for one fan to tell another that he cares too much about their mutual subject of interest is to align yourself with the mainstream, which believes that caring at all about "a mere television show" is to be ridiculed.

Posted by Daniel (Member # 453) on :
Well put Masao.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Masao, I'm not saying that you don't have the right to be upset. What I'm saying is that if one is going to balk at an entire series, WAIT UNTIL OFFICIAL INFORMATION IS OUT! Good Judas Priest, I just gave an explanation on why I think that photo may be a fake! I insist on basing arguments and objections on firm and hard data. And I get called an "apologist" for the producers. You take about "get a life" and "it's only a TV show" getting old? Try that damn "apologist for the producers" line.

I know you've done excellent work with the Starfleet Museum. I go there often and sit in awe of the stuff you guys have done. But the early history of the Federation and Starfleet as presented on-screen is sketchy at best. The producers, who are vested with producing the show, and the writers, who are vested with writing the show, have the right to go in try to clear things up. Most of the time, they do stay true to what has previously been presented. Every now and then, they goof up. But I guess if I say something about them "being only human" or that there is "thousands of hours of Trek," I'm going to be branded an "apologist," is that correct?

Yes, you have the right to ticked to kingdom come about any amount of trivial and serious details. But I also have the right to say that when one is flaming an entire show for something little, you are infringing on my right to enjoy the damn show.

Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Dr. Obvious:

The ship is an indicator of what sort of creative effort is being invested in the show. So while it's true that if they screwed up on the ship it doesn't necessarily make it an entirely bad show, it is a pretty damn blatant warning sign that we're going to have a lot more problems on our hands as time progresses.

I am really disappointed. This ship IN NO WAY looks like it belongs in the 22nd century, a hundred years before the original Constitution-class.

If it isn't obvious to everyone by now, (and it's been obvious to many for far longer than this) it should be: our buddies Rick and Brannon are on a crusade to wipe out the original Star Trek. I know people will say that's going too far, that I'm being a bit extreme. But it's true. They don't like the original show. They've never liked the original show. The don't want anything to do with the original show.

Hey, doesn't that mirror a quote from an interview with some Paramount guy? Probably not Okuda, he's too polite, but someone?

Anyway, I've had just about all I can take of their royal highnesses Berman and Bragga.

Okay, I feel A LOT better now...

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Actually, Sieggy, the cheap MS Painty-look is my fault on the cleanup job... I slapped together the enlargement from the original TV Guide article at 4 am last night and cleaned away the surrounding text and colors.

I'm quite positive it's legit.

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Oh. Okay, then I rescind my argument on thinking that the picture was a fake then.
Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
Siegfried - I agree with you on the judging the ship by this one picture , to me it looks like those warp pylons are up turned , not down turned like the Akira, if they are facing up (I am Hoping) the ship wont look that much like a modern Akira.

Masao - I'm not being apologietic , I am just showing you this issue from both sides , the producers have their motives , now if those motives dont agree with yours , oh well tough cookies its their show.

I guess Paramount doesnt consider losing some fans a bad move if it will gain them new ones.

In my opinion , the trek we all know is a relic , existing only with the established fan base , not expanding. Paramount realizing this figures they will launch a modern Star Trek , its a gamble , but oh well , maybe it will work , who knows!? Maybe it will be a hit. If you notice, the word "Star Trek" is no where in the title graphic i saw.

Either way , all I'm asking is that you all wait and see , you all seem to be racing to see who can dismiss this show first and who can rip it to shreds faster.

Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
Man This Topic is Just red hot , to answer the posts that popped up while I was posting mine..

Monkey Of Mim - As I said in my last post Berman and Braga are doing what they were hired to do , attempt to make Star Trek popular again , they were hired to take a dieing franchise and try to bring it back , I know I'm probley gonna get alot of guff for saying that but its true , The Original Star Trek is as much a relic as John Wayne movies , its a sinking ship and they cant keep shelling out millions to keep pandering to the same hardcore fans who they STILL cant seem to please no matter what they do. Star Trek is good for the silver screen but not a series.

Man I've gone from "Mr Canon Fact Nazi" to this , what a change...

Basiclly I'm still wait and see , on Enterprise , its an experiment , lets wait for teh results before we go on witch hunts.

Anyway , Six Feet Under is on , I must bid you all farewell for now

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Dr. Obvious ]

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
I didn't mean to insult anyone or to single anyone out (except, perhaps, the fellow [who shall remain nameless, Sol] who said "get a life"), but I suppose "apologist" is a dangerously loaded word. I was going to say "appeaser, but that would have been even worse. In particular, Siegfried, my browser window wasn't updated, so I hadn't read your post when I posted and was not responding directly to you. It's just that I get annoyed when someone tells me I shouldn't care about something that I care about. A "don't worry, be happy" attitude means "take it and like it."

I must admit, however, that a lot of what I've heard about the new show bugs the hell out of me. However, despite these strong reservations, I'm willing to give Enterprise a chance (surprise, surprise). While I've invested a lot of time designing my own ships, I didn't really expect the ships of the new series (I hope there will be more than one) to resemble them too closely. The reason I work in the pre-TOS era is that little has been established. I won't say that I'm not dissapointed by the route that the producers have taken, particularly as it differs from mine, but they have the perfect right to take that route as it is their show. On the other hand, what we've seen and heard so far makes me think they've made terrible mistakes in terms of ship technology, including power source, transporters, speeds, and hull layout. Can anyone honestly say that this ship looks anything like they expected a ship in 2150 to look like?

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Masao, I'm sorry for loosing my temper with you earlier. It was uncalled for; I'm sorry.

Part of the reason that this subject is so passionate (for me at least) is that there is a lot of negativity going on when we really have very little in terms of concrete official information. It's still entirely possible for that top view of the SS Enterprise to be a 2150 style ship. But it's so hard to judge based on one view. If the rest of the views turn out to show that it is simply an Akira with TOS nacelles, then, yes, I'll write a protest letter and mail it to Rick Berman and company.

I take offense to being called an "apologist" because I am not. I do believe in waiting until I see the first couple of episodes before completely flaming the hell out of something. If I get the feeling that the new series will be a joke based on those first few episodes, then I too will be upset with the producers and will join in a letter campaign against it. But I won't do that before I see the show.

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Originally posted by Masao:
I also think that using that tired "get a life" putdown is unbecoming for a Star Trek fan. We all choose our own levels of obsession: for one fan to tell another that he cares too much about their mutual subject of interest is to align yourself with the mainstream, which believes that caring at all about "a mere television show" is to be ridiculed.

You sir, couldnt be more wrong. There is a point in which an obsession becomes a mental disorder, weather it be a TV show or anything else.

When it is a mental disorder, people turn to these obsessions to escape other aspects of thier life. In the case of a telivision show following, it might be to escape the passive 'loner' lifestyle a child suffers at school, or even an adult in his or her social life. A lot of you don't want to hear it, but its a pretty widely known issue. Anyway, not that many of you fit this, but sometimes I wonder.

The bottom line is most of you will either watch it or not. No, you won't complain about it till you die, because if you don't like it, you wont watch it. The people who watch it just to bitch about it probably rode the short bus as a kid.

Those are my 2 cents, i'll probably throw in a quarter later.

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Wes: Of course, I'm excluding persons with actual psychiatric disorders from this discussion (in the interests of full disclosure, I have to admit I'm wearing my Capellan Teer costume right now). What I was trying to suggest is that to end a discussion by saying "you have better things to do than living in your parents' basement and worrying about such things" is not very constructive. Trek fans get this sort of put down all the time from non-fans who think they are being extremely clever. If a fan wants to worry about ship lengths or registries or the the number of hairs on Shatner's toupee, other fans should respect their right to do so. Agree, disagree, or remain silent, but don't tell them they have no right to worry about such things.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Guys, need I remind you that when TV Guide posted pictures of Voyager for the first time, THEY WERE WRONG? The finished Voyager did not look like the ship in the picture from TV Guide.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Surely, whoever designed the Loknar class frigate for FASA must be laughing his head off somewhere.


Posted by Obi Juan (Member # 90) on :
I always laugh when I see someone on this forum tell someone else to "get a life." Most people would probably say that anyone who frequents a friggin Star Trek forum needs to get a life.

Not to mention the fact that most people who write it can be found in other areas of this forum obsessing over whatever their personal Trek interest is

Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
Thank You 359 , thats exactly what I'm saying , dont count your chickens untill they're hatched.

Masao , as a Trek Fan I'd have to agree with you the ship looks to advanced.

But i dont see why they still cant have a good show , though I'm not ruling that out i just dont choose to start make a noose for Rick Berman and Braga , after all they are doing what they were hired to do . You all seem to forget that those 2 people arnt the only ones on that staff and they too have bosses they have to please.

Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
I hope this thread doesnt get so heated It needs to be deposited in that place with the flames and fire and the burning it hurts me!

yes yes i know that was a bad Prof. Frink Impression , i will go now...

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
There shouldn't be any more trouble, unless, of course, that Sol System guy starts telling people to get a life
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Hey, what about me? I can start my fair share of trouble.

Just think about some of this stuff, guys:

#1. The bit about Starfleet being founded before the Federation. That's quite a stretch in itself. But what's sooooo outrageous is that this Enterprise is now going to be a STARFLEET ship. And, nobody sees a PROBLEM with this? It's been etablished for friggin' decades that Kirk's was the first Starfleet vessel named Enterprise! Plus, the reg is said to be NX-01! You don't think we would have heard something by now abount an Enterprise that was also the first ship in Starfleet???

Okay, let's move on to...

#2. It has also long been established that Humans' first contact with Klingons was a disasterous affair, regardless of WHEN it happened (the dates aren't what concerns me most) and that there was unremitting hostility between the two up until Kirk's day. But, according to that marvelous script review, that's not exactly what's to become of this affair, is it now?

#3. The whole ship thing which I'm still pissed as hell about but won't talk to death anymore. Oh wait, maybe just a little bit more. I'm not saying the design isn't a neat looking design, it is. So is the Akira. but what's really sad is that that's all anyone cares about is whether the ship looks 'cool' or not. I would have no problem accepting this ship as a contemporary to the TOS style ships. It would probably fit in very nicely in the early to mid 23rd century. BUT NOT A CENTURY EARLIER!!!! It just doesn't look like a really old ship, which is what we're supposed to be talking about! A really old ship. It really should look more like the flippin' Phoenix, damn it all!

Okay, I'm done with that little rant. Tune in tomorrow, kids...

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
The bit about Starfleet being founded before the Federation. That's quite a stretch in itself.

Not really. As I've said before, the only on-screen evidence for Starfleet being founded at the same time as the Federation is a date of 2161 on the Starfleet Academy banner. And as I've also said before, there could have been another entity that served as a training institution prior to the Starfleet Academy.

But what's sooooo outrageous is that this Enterprise is now going to be a STARFLEET ship. And, nobody sees a PROBLEM with this? It's been etablished for friggin' decades that Kirk's was the first Starfleet vessel named Enterprise!

Well, has it been expressly said that the NCC-1701 was the first vessel named Enterprise in Starfleet? Assuming so, could it not be possible that this, the SS Enterprise, is operating under the Earth Starfleet? And that after the founding of the Federation, the Earth Starfleet became the model for the Federation Starfleet?

Plus, the reg is said to be NX-01! You don't think we would have heard something by now abount an Enterprise that was also the first ship in Starfleet???

You got me on the registry. I can't think of a way to get this to gel with the rest of Star Trek. The only possible way for me is to say that this is the Earth Starfleet and that the Earth Starfleet used a registration system that was also adopted wholesale by the Federation Starfleet. But that in and of itself is a bit of a stretch.

It has also long been established that Humans' first contact with Klingons was a disasterous affair, regardless of WHEN it happened (the dates aren't what concerns me most) and that there was unremitting hostility between the two up until Kirk's day. But, according to that marvelous script review, that's not exactly what's to become of this affair, is it now?

You don't think that a Klingon being shot in a corn field by a human and then being returned to the Empire by the humans only to have that Klingon kidnapped en route isn't a disastrous first contact?

I would have no problem accepting this ship as a contemporary to the TOS style ships. It would probably fit in very nicely in the early to mid 23rd century. BUT NOT A CENTURY EARLIER!!!! It just doesn't look like a really old ship, which is what we're supposed to be talking about! A really old ship. It really should look more like the flippin' Phoenix, damn it all!

Okay, first of all, the Phoenix was launched about a century prior to when Enterprise takes place. Not to mention, it seems that the Vulcans have some sort of alliance-type friendship with Earth. The Vulcans could have helped shape the design of Earth's interstellar ships. And, as I've said before, we're basing criticism of this new Enterprise on ONE view of a small picture from TV Guide. This ship could look to your definition of old based on the other views.

Okay, I'm done with that little rant. Tune in tomorrow, kids...

Anyway, you do bring up good points, but it is difficult to make objective criticisms of Enterprise until we see the final product of the efforts of hundreds of individuals.

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Siegfried ]

Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Bad man, eh?

I'm not even gonna say anything...

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Dude, it was a joke. Hence the winkie smilie. But, I'm editting it out.
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Wouldnt NX-01 be Dauntless?? (assuming the man that created the dauntless had access to a federation databank before he made it)
Posted by Hunter (Member # 611) on :
Well it was a fake. But it's hard to say if the Federation had a NX01 given that the crew of Voyager didn't seem to sense a fake.

Of course the Enterprise is supposed to be a United Earth vessel so the NX 01 rego dosent matter. Of course it blows my idea that the N** stood for Federation to hell.

As to the design of the new Enterprise whilest the design does appear to be an Akira we really need to see some other angles to be certain

Posted by targetemployee (Member # 217) on :
As I thought about the issue, I came to be less angry.

The new show Enterprise is intended not for the deep core fan, like me and others who are on this board, who grew up knowing TOS and the subsequent movies and series. The show is intended for those who grew up knowing TNG and its subsequent series and movies, along with their children who will grow up knowing Enterprise. This is the stated intent of Rick Berman who said the new series will be dependent on the last three series. This producer sees the future of Star Trek in the parents, and especially their children, who are familiar with Star Trek of the past fifteen years.

Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
The new show Enterprise is intended not for the deep core fan, like me and others who are on this board, who grew up knowing TOS and the subsequent movies and series. The show is intended for those who grew up knowing TNG and its subsequent series and movies, along with their children who will grow up knowing Enterprise.

That would be me. And I'm still pissed off about these new developments.

I'm trying my best not to be judgemental about this show before it even starts, but it's not very easy at all.

I'm preparing to write a commentary today: "'Enterprise' - A Slap in the Face of Fandom."

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"Berman and Braga are doing what they were hired to do , attempt to make Star Trek popular again , they were hired to take a dieing franchise and try to bring it back"

Do you know who Rick Berman is?

"It has also long been established that Humans' first contact with Klingons was a disasterous affair, regardless of WHEN it happened (the dates aren't what concerns me most) and that there was unremitting hostility between the two up until Kirk's day."

Just to be sure, what is the exact quote regarding this, and what episode is it from (my brain thinks Day of the Dove, but it's not sure)?

Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Just to be sure, what is the exact quote regarding this, and what episode is it from (my brain thinks Day of the Dove, but it's not sure)?

Actually, it's "The Undiscovered Country." Spock makes a comment about "the end of seventy years of unremitting hostility..."

Just seventy years?

Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
(Potential spoilers ahead)


I'm coming into this argument kind of late, so bear with me.

I've read everyone's posts both at this forum and the Starships forum concerning the Akiraprise. Without mentioning the "Enterprise" show itself, I'm just going to give my $.02 about the ship design.

I, like many people on this board, am a starship freak. One of the most interesting aspects of Star Trek are the many ship designs we get to see. I think that's why I, Bernd, Timo, et. al were so tenacious in trying to find the information about the Wolf 359 models.

Anyway, let's think about this. When was the last time we saw a truly new starship design? IIRC, it was about three years ago, during "Equinox" where we saw the Nova class ship. If you're a ship freak like me, three years is a hell of along time to go without seeing a new ship design.

Then came the Voyager finale, which promised us a slew of new ship designs per interviews with people like Sternbach et. al. What did we end up getting? Just a minor modification of the same Nova we saw three years ago, plus a fleet of the same old ships we've seen before.

So naturally, barring the show itself, I was excited just to know there would be a new ship design, albeit from the 22nd century. And again, absolutely no thought was put into the Enterprise's design at all. It's not a new ship. It's an old ship that was modified very minimally. And it doesn't even work for the time period.

Maybe "Enterprise" will turn out to be the best Star Trek show ever. Maybe it will be crap. Maybe the ship's interiors will be very well put together. But maybe they'll be as anachronistic as the exterior. I like to reserve my judgement until I've actually seen the show. But I do have to say that I'm very disappointed right now.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
THANK you, Duckie. Very well put. I was so looking forward to seeing what Eaves could do with the criteria and conditions he'd have to take into account. I know he's very proud of the Akira design, he put the most into it. . . but he could have done better. At this stage if he'd just chosen to use his Steamrunner design I'd probably have been happier. But the Akiraprise - heh heh, I like that name, reminds me of the Worfzooka - arrgh. . .
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Didn't Alex Jaeger from ILM do the job on the FC "background" ships..?


Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Obviously you guys have yet to see the poster...

Poster of Enterprise

Now you can see the ship in better detail. The actual article mentions that the interiors will be similar to a submarine, very cramped and dark. The ship will have a crew of 70.

Some other things brought over from the Akira:

The little openings on the side of the saucer, which appeared to be torpedo launchers on the Akira, look like shuttlebays on the Enterprise

The tip of the hat to the old P-38 Lightening's turbochargers on her double hull that was on the Akira, are also on the Enterprise.

Also, the nacelles do go up, as does the weapons pod, so looking at the back of the ship we almost have a sort of W shape to it.

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
359, thanks for posting that picture of the new Enterprise. Seeing a picture that is more detailed and blown makes me feel better about the ship. She does appear to be a beauty, in my honest opinion.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Another thing I noticed is that the catamaran hull goes downward as it reaches the end of the saucer, and the actual part extended off the back of the ship is almost even with the lip of the saucer, so the structure sits much lower then it would on the Akira.

Also, does anyone else think the cutout at the front of the saucer could be a deflector dish?

Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
Yes I know who Rick Berman is , he is the Executive Producer of the Star Trek Franchise , hes not a director , a writer , set designer or creative consultant. His Job is that of Boss to those countless people that actually MAKE Star Trek , Okuda , Braga etc.

He is the "Money Guy" Paramount gives him cash and he works with the creative staff to bring what they see to life.

Also , because the credits read "Story By Rick Berman & Brennan Braga" doesnt mean he WROTE it , it means he brought it to the network for approval , but you never know maybe the man did have something to do with it.

Whether he is qualified for this job was up to the Studio Execs to decide and they seem to believe he is. They Have their motives.

The people that dont like this design seem to the think that this reflects the ammount of "creative effort" being put in.

Lemme Ask you a question , why not such a big uproar when we say all those Kit Bashed ships in Ds9 and TNG ?

Those ships were actually CUT AND PASTE jobs , now i understand that those were "background" ships but the fact still remains those were extreme hack jobs.

By the way , the warp pylons are facing up , not down like the Akira , this may help distingush the two ships. I may be wrong , make up your mind for yourself...

This series is an experiment , to try to add a new spin to an old story , they are trying to seperate this show (ENT) from the normal Star Trek "geek" stereotype in order to make it more mainstream

Notice "Star Trek" is not in the title graphic as it was in the other shows

There wont be any "Crossovers" with past cast members since they are all centuries from being born. (I am praying , please , No crossovers , but after all Sisko did seem to sneak himself into TOS so i have no idea what to expect

Either way , I will wait until the premire to dish out my complaints.

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Dr. Obvious ]

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
This must be what it feels like to be Lee, minus the girlfriend and the posh IT job.

At any rate, though I say again that I don't mean to be insulting, I stand by my comment. Mountains from molehills. The design of the ship isn't what the show is about.

Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
It still looks like a bloody Akira!

And what's with all that surface detailing? The point of early Starfleet ships is that they didn't have surface detailing. (a la E-nil) They were smooth, white, and non-detailed on the exterior. This is friggin' ridiculous!

That NX-01 isn't going to do anything but screw stuff up. How can it even be NX-01? Now you'll all want an Enterprise-class. Up until the 23rd century, ships classes weren't even named, they were numbered! (DY-245, RT-2203, BBI-993, etc.) Plus they showed us in Voyager that NX-01 was the Dauntless. (Yes i know it was a fake) We know they're not going to be consistent with the old show from the sixties, but they could at least be consistent with their own pride and joy, (VOY) which only went off the air a couple months ago!!!

If Starfleet has been in existence for that long, that means we'll have to go back and count every bloody (formerly) Pre-Federation ship in our ship lists! What a rotten break!

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"Actually, it's "The Undiscovered Country." Spock makes a comment about 'the end of seventy years of unremitting hostility...'"

Nonononono. I don't mean where does the unremitting hostility line come from. I mean where does the line about the hostility coming from a botched First Contact come from?

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
And what's with all that surface detailing? The point of early Starfleet ships is that they didn't have surface detailing. (a la E-nil) They were smooth, white, and non-detailed on the exterior. This is friggin' ridiculous!

Someone hasn't watched enough Car Trek.

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Why would the ship have to be smooth? Phoenix sure wasn't smooth. Neither was Friendship One.

Besides, the ship only remotely looks like an Akira from the top. I've already told you the arrangement of the nacelles and everything is different.

Another thing I noticed. The lip of the saucer is similar to the Excelsior, in that it is wider at the bottom then at the top and goes down at an angle.

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
When we saw the Olympic-class USS Pasteur in "All Good Things..." did we scream "It's a bloody Daedalus!" When we saw the Ambassador-class USS Enterprise in "Yesterday's Enterprise" did we scream "It's a bloody Constitution!" No, we did not. So why are we yelling "It's a bloody Akira!" now? The two examples I just mentioned show a future ship that is directly based off of an earlier ship with just a few changes thrown in to modernize them.

Let's look at this SS Enterprise, shall we? It has a rough surface to its hull. Well, the TOS Enterprise wasn't perfectly smooth. Look at some of the close-up hull pictures: there are grooves in the hull. The pictures we've seen of the Daedalus class shows that there was some texture to the hull. The saucer of the SS Enterprise is circular. So were the TOS and TOS Movie Era Enterprises. The nacelles resemble the TOS Enterprise nacelles. Take a lot at the excellent work Masao has done at the Starfleet Museum. A lot of his ships use variations on the TOS nacelle. The SS Enterprise has an honest-to-goodness sensor dish at the tip of the saucer. Just like the TOS Enterprise! The nacelles, contrary to the Akira class, bend upwards. Just like the nacelles on all the following Enterprises. In my opinion, I think that this SS Enterprise will fit in with the era the new series is set.

Some of us seem to be forgetting something important. The ship is simply the vehicle by which the drama is allowed to take place. Star Trek has NEVER been about technology and cool special effects. Star Trek is about the interaction between the characters and humanity's role in the future of the galaxy. The ship makes little difference in the overall scheme of things. I think the ship fits in; a lot of people think the ship is an abomination. The Anti-Ships may be right, but it will be the characters that drive the series NOT whether the shape has X device or not.

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :

Theres your comparison

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Also, i've taken the time to touch up the enterprise (rotated, removed text, backround, and page crease, and color corrected). I have posted it here:

Enterprise NX-01 - Touched Up

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Wes1701E ]

Posted by Daniel (Member # 453) on :
Oh Lord. Well, a detailed pic at last. So, again, what's with this detailing on the hull? And WINDOWS?! WIndows on the upper side of the primary hull?! And facing DIRECTLY UP? In the cieling?! Gugh. I am relieved about the nacelles and the forward dish though.

So, now for a more detailed analysis. Who thinks those gold caplike things on the forward "extensions" are warp core dumps? And I'm glad to see we have one turbo rotated about thirty degrees to port of the centerline, a la the original E. Those trapezoidal things p/s aft look like they ARE impulse exhaust vents, but not as I pictured them. They look better. The center section between the extended pylons on the primary hull is the shuttlebay. But I'm dissapointed about the pylons. So Constitution-refit. Ah well.

P.S. I just realized, should I have posted all that in the Starships & Technology forum?

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Daniel ]

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Some of us seem to be forgetting something important. The ship is simply the vehicle by which the drama is allowed to take place. Star Trek has NEVER been about technology and cool special effects. Star Trek is about the interaction between the characters and humanity's role in the future of the galaxy. The ship makes little difference in the overall scheme of things. I think the ship fits in; a lot of people think the ship is an abomination. The Anti-Ships may be right, but it will be the characters that drive the series NOT whether the shape has X device or not.

You couldnt be more right.

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
We all know they look relatively similar from above. That's obvious, and nobody's disputing that. But we almost never see the ship from directly above anyway. Drop the camera to a more typical angle and they look quite dissimilar.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Shit. Eaves, Jaeger, always confusing those two. So Eaves has plagiarised someone else's design instead of one of his own. That makes it all all right.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
um, Wes, why did you add "PROTEUS" to the left nacelle pylon?

I think the Enterprise should be much smaller then the Akira. Just look at how few windows there are compared to the large amount of windows on the Akira. Besides, the ship only has a crew of 70!

Also, the gold things on the catamaran hull are the tips of the hat to the P-38 Lightening's turbochargers. The plane had a similar catamaran fuselage with it's prop engines located in the dual fuselage. On top of the each fuselage was part of the engine's turbocharger that looks exactly like those gold things. As for what they do on the Enterprise, no clue. They probably will never explain that.

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: The359 ]

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
"Shit. Eaves, Jaeger, always confusing those two. So Eaves has plagiarised someone else's design instead of one of his own. That makes it all all right."

LOL, its quite obvious that Jeager is the better designer.

"um, Wes, why did you add "PROTEUS" to the left nacelle pylon?"

I don't know what your talking about.....

Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
The ship is roughly 225m, I suspect.
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
I think the Enterprise should be much smaller then the Akira.

Okay, I've resized it assuming the "caps" are the same size.

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
OK, I quickly drew up what I think the side of this ship will look like, from what I can gather from the top view.

Enterprise Side View

#1 - the "turbochargers" on the top of each of the catamaran hulls

#2 - the bridge, which I am guessing is tall enough to be seen over the catamaran

#3 - the "bays" on either side of the saucer, most likely for cargo I am assuming. Although, as I look at it, it does seem as if the actual gray are may be DOORS for an elevator of some kind.

#4 - This is the dip in the catamaran that I am talking about. Looking at the top view, on the left catamaran, around this area you see that it is a bit shadded, showing that there may indeed be a dip here.

#5 - The impulse engines on the side of the saucer. I am guessing they extend down below the lip some just so that they have a little more room

#6 - The "pod" in the middle. This thing will have to be sitting fairly high in order to clear the bridge, although if the saucer is NOT curved on top, the pod should have no problem.

Other things to mention:

- The gold area at the front may not be a deflector dish as I look at it, because look at how incredibly thin it would have to be (vertically). They only way it would work is if there is an extension on the bottom of the saucer, but this might give the ship a sort of "ugly chin".

- When the catamaran hull dips down, it may not be as thin as you may think because the catamaran may also be on the BOTTOM side of the saucer.

- I believe the very end of the catamaran hull may be more impulse engines, since they seem to look like vents, and the Akira also had some impulse engines there too.

[Edit] Har Har, very funny Wes. You removed the PROTEUS from the left nacelle pylon but added it onto the tail end of the left catamaran. Now stop editing the picture and leave it the way it's supposed to be.

Some newbie is going to come around and think the ship is supposed to say Proteus on it...

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: The359 ]

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
its amazing how diffrent the design seems when the nacells go up instead of down.
Posted by Akula (Member # 319) on :
Well, I have to say I'm Pisst about the ship. If this show was to truely be about the humanity of exploring the galaxy they never would have had a ships that looks far more avanced then the dautlaus! Insede the chose a approch that would appeal to a "more general adduence". Now don't get me wrong I love a good SFX show but not if it violates the rest of the Star Trek timeline. I mean what will we see next hand phasers and type X arrays, or posible a ship that goes as fast as the orignal Enterprise, or maybe botton less panels. I also think it violates the Enterprise heritege of Primay secondary hull designs.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
This Enterprise is before the heritage though. The good ol 1701 may have STARTED the heritage.

Also, for all we know the Constitution class may have been alone in having the "streamlined, featureless hull". Maybe it was an experiment that they tried on the class, and then took off at the refit?

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Akula, have you thoroughly read through all of the threads dedicated to the SS Enterprise? This ship IS NOT going to violate the Star Trek timeline! I've mentioned the reasoning for this many times by now: it is possible for the 24th century Akira class to be based on a 22nd century ship. Look at the Olympic: based on the Daedalus. Time between them? About two centuries. The design lineage between the Constitution and Ambassador, Constellation and Cheyenne, and Excelsior and Sovereign are other good examples.

This ships does not look more advanced than a Daedalus. The Daedalus has an efficient design. It's compact, sleeker, and supposedly can hold about thirty more crew members than this SS Enterprise. It shows an evolution in starship design. We have the Phoenix, the first warp-capable Earth ship. It was flat with nacelles sticking out the sides. This SS Enterprise is still flat, but with the beginning of the circular primary hull that will become the basis of ships to come. In this step in the design, the nacelles move to an upward position which will be followed by later designs and, in particular, the following ships named Enterprise. Next, you have the TOS Enterprise. It has a circular primary hull and nacelles angling above that primary hull, but it now includes a secondary hull a la the Daedalus. There is a logical evolution in ship design here!

Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :
I just picked up the TV Guide and I feel much better about the ship , in The_Tom's picture it looked like the ship had phaser strips , upon closer inspection with the official picture i noticed that was not the case.

That Sketch The359 Posted is exactly what i figured it would look like from the side , and it gives the ship a whole new look, still Akira like but i mean , the Enterprise B C D E and almost every other ship design had the Saucer , Secondary hull and Naccele design combo , whos to say thats not plagerism?

And as for the ship looking much more "Rough" , are you guys telling the space shuttle is squeeky clean and perfectly smooth , whos to say those tiles/features dont serve a purpose?

Maybe the Pattern on the hull is capable of reflecting or other wise dulling the effects of radiation , or perhaps they serve as armor or something. Theories abound the ship looks nice it more then fits the role , I understand its futuristic looking but its not a run of the mill Starship.

Insede the chose a approch that would appeal to a "more general adduence". Now don't get me wrong I love a good SFX show but not if it violates the rest of the Star Trek timeline.

Nothing About That Ship violates the timeline. Let me ask you a question , Compare the Russian Soyuz Space Capsule to lets say the Gemini or Apollo Vehicles , they are both space vessels from the same era , yet they look TOTALY differant , why cant this be the same in Star Trek ?

Oh Lord. Well, a detailed pic at last. So, again, what's with this detailing on the hull? And WINDOWS?! WIndows on the upper side of the primary hull?! And facing DIRECTLY UP? In the cieling?!

Daniel , Ever heard of a Sun Roof or a Sky Light ?
Why Not Portholes on the roof? If I'm on a ship in the middle of no where , maybe i want to see something thats not a bulkhead when i look up in bed.

I dont think those Gold Caps are super charges , my brother and I suspect they are sensor palletes or part of the comm system.

As for the Submarine Like interior , I like it , I like it alot! I was hoping for something not TOS like.

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Dr. Obvious ]

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Dr. Obvious ]

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Yeah, I was saying that on the P-38 those things were turbochargers, and they are on the Akira/Enterprise as an homage. As for their purpose in the Trek universe, no clue.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Umbilical connection hardpoints?
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
I doubt if those would be umbilical hardpoints, because why would they be on the top of the ship there?

And here you can see the SUPERCHARGERS (I accidentally had been saying Turbo Chargers before) on the P-38 Lightening, which are almost identical to the things on the Akira/Enterprise:


Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Originally posted by Siegfried:
This ship IS NOT going to violate the Star Trek timeline! I've mentioned the reasoning for this many times by now: it is possible for the 24th century Akira class to be based on a 22nd century ship.

I have also been saying this for quite some time.

I love you Siegfried. I really do.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Why wouldn't they be on the top? What difference does it make?
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Because if they are on top you'd need elevators and everything. They'd be better if they were on the side of the ship, where the airlocks are, so you can transfer them easier.
Posted by The Vorlon (Member # 52) on :
I'm going to make my prediction about the whole thing...

In regards to the underside of the saucer, who here will agree that it will likely have a terraced, utilitarian appearance like the Soverign Class? Possibly with a cylindrical midsection which extends towards the front of the saucer to meet up with the deflector dish.

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Wes1701E: Thanks a bunch, but you don't really love me. I'm a bear in the mornings and I snore.

Vorlon: Actually, from the picture being bounced around, the dish in the notched out section of the forward part of the saucer. As for the underside of the saucer, I'd bet that it's either flat or slightly curvey.

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
I've been hyping myself up for Enterprise now. I have completed a CG model of the ship:

Enterprise Render

It's low poly so it doesnt look like my typical renders, but I plan on completely removing the name and importing it into Dominion Wars and Armada. I will try to guess on what the sauser underside looks like and post a diffrent view eventually.

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Wes1701E ]

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Link doesn't work
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Damn man, your quick. I fixed it like 10 seconds after i posted it
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Nice work, Wes. It's really cool that you chose that angle. From this perspective, you can really see the way the nacelles are different from the Akira. Plus, you get this cool angle for the sensor dish at the fore of the saucer. Overall, your render looks really reminiscent of the original Constitution class. Well, minus the secondary hull, of course.

[ July 09, 2001: Message edited by: Siegfried ]

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Regarding an earlier comment... I would assume Wes wrote "proteus" on the image so no-one can take it and claim it as their own. That's not really uncommon.
Posted by The one and only TOS man (Member # 663) on :
Is it me or any of you has noticed that the Akiraprise nacelles are out of proportion, even the akira has them bigger. In TOS the Enterprise had bid nacceles beacuse the technology couldn't make them, smaller, them comes this new ship making the tos enterpise look out of shape and antiquated and has nacelles smaller than the ones of the "voyeur"
Posted by Dr. Obvious (Member # 271) on :

Its Not the 60's , its 2001.

Did they ever say the Nacceles of the E-Nil were large because the technology required them to be?


They were probley long because it looks nice , kind of like the cars of the era , long , huge , American.

The Design is advanced , because we are no longer in the 60s , we cant model this series to look older then TOS , because it wouldnt make sence.

Get Over It.

[ July 10, 2001: Message edited by: Dr. Obvious ]

[ July 10, 2001: Message edited by: Dr. Obvious ]

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Besides, nacelle size has never seemed to have anything to do with tecnology.

The Ent-A and Ent-D engines were the same size. But the Excelsior's are a bit bigger, and the Sovereign's are MUCH bigger. Voyager's are tiny.

There's no correlation.

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Nacelle size may have something to do with hull geometry. but that would explain the Nebula's.

Anyway... I have another view of the mesh.. this time the back.

And the original:

The question is... what should the bottom look like? I know there are already more models being made with diffrent bottoms.. but what do you think is the most realistic?

Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Eeek! The impulse engines aren't quite right. I will fix later.

[ July 11, 2001: Message edited by: Wes1701E ]


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