Okay, I have never done one of these before but I wanted to take a stab at it. I have been a periodic fan of Enterprise from the beginning; having missed maybe 5 or 6 eps so far. I must say I have not been seriously disappointed with this show yet whatsoever. Granted most will not agree with me, and granted I am one of those individuals that B&B are hoping they can feed off of as they write this Trek series but nonetheless I found this latest installment in what I see as the secondary arc of the Enterprise series thouroughly enjoyable, as really that is all I am feeding off of afterall, there is pleanty that manages me leave a bad taste in my mouth as well.
NOTE: This is probably a review and hopeful premonition to the future of Enterprise then a review of this episode.
Perhaps it is just because Enterprise is investing screen time into a species we have known very little about for the last 34 years (or in my case, 10 years) is what makes this part of the series worth my Wednesday nights on the WONDERFUL UPN Network. What is best, is how I think that this is also being handled in a very tactful way, unlike the way the Breen were, as they were a race who never really seemed to appropriately fit into the role they played in DS9 outside or in the Dominion War.
By using a species we've seen really only in the TOS to their advantage, B&B are truely doing what they set out to do in Enterprise when I initally groaned at the idea of a prequel series-- by writing good, relavent stories that are indicative to the "Birth of the Federation".
As far as "The Andorian Incident, Part III" (aka "Cease Fire") goes I am absolutely enjoying the arc scheme they are playing with the Andorians. Each story remains consistant with the next and the abundance of reoccuring characters (played by the same actors, mind you) is a key to this story and series.
Episodes that this show echoed continuations from include: "Broken Bow", "The Andorian Incident", "Shadows of P'Jem", "Fallen Hero", and "Shockwave" to name a few. This consistancy certainly plays a key role in this series, much unlike the significant number of "forehead of the week" episodes we have already seen for the first and the last time already.
As I see it, if Enterprise can manage to keep the Andorian arc and the Suliban/Future Guy arc seperate they have a lot of room to work with in this infantile creation which they are nurturing.
I do, however, think that they do need to bring in any other races at this time that they intend to have play a card in this "Birth of the Federation" scenario. I say this, because again I do not want to see another "Breen 10 episode affair" and then have them be forgotten again. Which leads me to suggest that they really need to introduce the Tellerites and Orions to this series very soon.
I believe that in the episode "Journey to Babel" those species played a prominent role, in one way or another, to the formation of the Federation (much more the Tellerites than the Orions). I would be very dissappointed if there was a big war at the end of the series (presumably the Earth/Romulan War), I would HATE to see in the last 10 episodes, out of the blue, having the Tellerites showing up on Earths side and the Orions on the Romulan side, with no previously SOLID establishment of these races any time prior to that.
The Orions and the possiblity of writing stories incorporating or introducing the origins of the Orion Pirates/Syndicate at the same time as the Archer antics progress, would seem to be a possibilty for creating original thought for this series and the stories on which it is based.
The same can be said with the Tellerites, as presumably they are a founding member of the Federation (i would hope) as it would, too, be refeshing to this series to have stories regarding these species, rather than: Xyrillians, Malurians, Valakians, Tesnians, and yes, Ferengi. C'mon people, imagine it...pig jokes all around!!!
As far as the "Andorian Incident au tres" went, it was a solid episode, the story was flowing well enough that I really lost track of time as I watched it.
Shran, although shrewd and paranoid, is a solid...neutral character...as he is not quite either an advisary or an ally; building him into what we know to come as an ally will hopefully occur, as it has, over the stretch of the series, much as it did with the Romulans in DS9 (okay, okay, kind of a bad example). However, including yet a new Andorian, whom we never have seen before (Tarah, if i recall) be introduced and then have her betray Shran all in the same episode leaves something to be desired.
Aside from that, the only disappointment I found in this episode was the final resolution. Perhaps I was just expecting more, but it seemed as though nothing was accomplished, with exception of a cease fire, which really robbed me of the pleasure of watching the Enterprise get pummeled in a battle between the Andorian and Vulcan "fleets". I dunno, it kind of left me wondering "what the hell?" at the end there.
In conclusion, I must say, "well done" to the writers as it seems they are on track of doing something right. In addition, I would like to plead (because we all know they are reading this, ha!) "keep on the right track, and please, please, please don't fubar it when it comes to the species this series really needs to 'feel' complete: the Tellerites and Orions"
Thanks for your time reading this ev'ryone.
Futurama Guy
[ February 13, 2003, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: Futurama Guy ]
Posted by TheWoozle (Member # 929) on :
I rather thought that the Orions where in the premier. Wasn't that an Orion colony? Weren't those green Orion females doing the butterfly, erm.. dance?
From the Vulcan's unfamiliarity with Tellorites, I expect that they are on the oposite side of Andorian Space or some such.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
I heartily agree!
Bringing back TOS aliens (or TNG aliens) is a Good Thing, if it's done carefully and with good reason. They should really be careful to to overpopulate the small space Enterprise is in with Aliens of the Week.
I agree on the Tellarites. They should come up in the Andor/Vulcan arc some time. And if they really want to be cool, they should use the more obscure races from the movies. Deltans, Saurians, Rhaandarites or whatever. I mean, we only know their names and what they look like, so they're effectively new aliens.
Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
I thought they were blue and purple?
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
The Deltans would be perfect for the kind of episode B&B tend to go for, given that they treat sex like we treat a handshake....on second thought I don't really trust them to handle that delicately enough to be credible.
Posted by Futurama Guy (Member # 968) on :
I dont think that the Vulcans viewed the Tellerites as a spieces that they were unfamiliar with, as it was the Tellerite freighter who managed to relay the Vulcan distress call from Earth 200 years (1957) prior to their present (2152) during the 'Sputnik expedition' of sorts. So that indicates that the Tellerites are no less than 100 years more advanced than Earth technologically and there could be a good chance that the Vulcans have long been in contact with them as they were "in the neighborhood" of Earth.
Also as far as I know, there has been no reference to the Orions. Supposedly in "Sleeping Dogs" the colony they raided was originally an Orion colony, but they changed it to something unfamiliar instead.
Also, I think it is possible for them to continue to use the Nausicaans, as well. Integrate them into the Orion Syndicate/Pirates or something to that effect and I dont think that that would screw with any pre-established history we have on the Nausicaans or Orions. We already know the Nausicaans are pirates and that the Orions are something like that (seeing as their women are sex slaves, it seems) they could easily be allies.
I dunno, this is completely irrelavent anyway, as nothing close to this has been established, however, it does use what Enterprise has already established and doesnt screw with things in the delicate prequel scenario B&B established.
[ February 13, 2003, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: Futurama Guy ]
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Shran can't possibly become an ally. He's played by Jeff Coombs. Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
....mabye he'll re-animate Merriweather. (that kid's always gettin himself kilt or at least wounded.)
[ February 18, 2003, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: Jason Abbadon ]
Posted by Futurama Guy (Member # 968) on :
Thats Travis D. Merriweather for ya. Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
So in other words, Mayweather is becoming the Harry Kim of the show? Hmm, where's that checklist? Ah. . . *tick* 8)
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I'm not sure that's exactly true. Kim actually had lines.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poet: So in other words, Mayweather is becoming the Harry Kim of the show? Hmm, where's that checklist? Ah. . . *tick* 8)
No, he's becoming the Chekov. Every series needsa Chekov to have shit happen to them without ever affecting their long-term psyche. Chekov, Geordi, O'Brien, Kim, & now Travis. Yes.
And wow. Who'd've thunk deep blue cleavage would make me grow a big rubbery one?
Posted by Futurama Guy (Member # 968) on :
I think the "Klingon Kleavage" still has it....
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I've said it many times: those handlebar...er ....antennas are waaaay sexier than the old crabhead. Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I reckon they don't offer much in the way of grip, regardless of... other considerations.