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Posted by Timelord (Member # 717) on :
This is the headline I am anxiously waiting to read at the UPN website. Enterprise is a lame, sway-backed mare desperately in need of a mercy shot to the head. Kill it - KILL IT NOW.

Of course, this opinion is certain to get me flamed big-time, but the end for this sorry immitation of Trek is near, and you know it, so flame on oh you denizens of your parents' basements...

When Enterprise premiered, a few insightful viewers pointed out the many glaring similarities (rip-offs) between the new show and previous incarnations. Kirk's 1701 was the FIRST Enterprise as firmly established canon (but Braga and Berman are the producers and do as they damn well please). The ship design is an Akira rip-off (it IS, get over it...)Then we have the transporter, the phasers (oh, sorry "phase pistols"),the Vulcan science officer, the Klingons, Ferengi, and Borg - oh my...

Most of those who vehemently disagreed with my opinions argued we should give the show a chance, so here we are a year later and look what you have - a low-rated, tiresome space opera.

To be honest, the defenders of this runt of an offspring, suckling at the dry, empty udders of the Star Trek cash cow, have shown more originality and skill in attempting to rationalize the innumerable affronts to continuity than the writers/producers have in crafting the show...

I was actually optimistic when I first heard of a new prequel series. My distrust of Braga/Berman notwithstanding, I was hoping to see something innovative and original, a chance to explore the origins of Starfleet and the Federation in a dangerous galaxy full of unknowns. This show could have been a fantastic opportunity to explore interesting questions that the characters of the TNG time period knew the answer to but the audience never did. What tragic events led to the creation of the prime directive? Why do pre-TMP Klingons look so different? What was the aftermath of the Earth-Romulan war?

Enterprise is a sad, watered-down version of a show that was ground-breaking, innovative, and thought-provoking. It is, in my opinion, nothing more than an attempt by failing producers to hold on to lucrative positions as head of the "franchise." They probably have deluded themselves into thinking there is life yet in their misbegotten creation. After all, there is over 35 years of other people's intellectual property they can steal when they need a plot, character, or setting.

This series is certain to be cancelled. And when it is, you can bet there won't be any campaign to bring it back. Thank god... Sorry, Gene. [Frown]
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
That was productive.
Posted by Futurama Guy (Member # 968) on :
Yeah, this is old news....

....lets beat a dead horse.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
If "Voyager" ran for seven years, why would "Enterprise" not? Nevermind that "Enterprise" is a much better show.

Also, Kirk's Enterprise was established as being the first ship to bear the name in the UFP Starfleet. Certainly you're not suggesting that the existance of a US aircraft carrier named "Enterprise" is non-canon, are you?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on : call yourself "Timelord" and yet have the gall to bitch about Enterprise?
At least Archer's not running from pepper shakers! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Hooray for trolling.

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