"There will be an answer, let it be..."
Motto of the USS Sutherland
Since the Klingons seem to prefer their ships to remain rather spartan inside, this suggests that the newer equipment, if smaller than the equipment it replaces, allows them to add even more capability to the ship without diminishing the internal volume required for crew quarters, bridge, etc. Otherwise, these vessels would be much roomier inside than they are (or at least roomier than they seem, as seen in the few episodes where we are allowed to see inside them).
"You got to be very careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there."
--Yogi Berra
"The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Calvin: "My life needs a rewind/erase button."
Hobbes: "...and a volume control."
Federation Starship Datalink - Starship site of the new millennium.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him to use the 'net, and he won't bother you for weeks.
"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
"Its a CLOCK!" - Sisko, "Dramatis Personae" DS9.
All the Trek races could use a larger variety of support vessels. One lousy freighter design for the Feds and their hundred-plus ship classes (okay, two if we count the holoship as a freighter). One proper-sized freighter for Cardassians, one for Klingons (the Cardassian one with extra parts, out of scale and painted green...), and plenty of those assorted civilian "freighters" that could probably haul half a tribble if it wasn't a very big one. And no freighter whatsoever for Romulans.
Timo Saloniemi
PS: Is there any progress in the artificial wormhole thing seen in one DS9 episode (I don't remember all the episode titles)?
"There will be an answer, let it be..."
Motto of the USS Sutherland
"Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets)
Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
*a brief pause, then the whole Forum bursts into laughter*
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him to use the 'net, and he won't bother you for weeks.
Keep in mind that Starfleet designs different ships for different mission profiles: exploration, science, colonization, etc. Klingon ships have one basic function, kicking butt! The ships they have can do that. They don't need to design a bunch of other kind of ships. Though I agree that there are probably a few more out there that we haven't seen yet.
"Resolve and thou art free."
Actually, we all know Voyager runs from the Delta Quadrant straight into the Alpha Quadrant, and the first familiar planet will be Earth.
My wish list:
-Romulan 500m ship
-Romulan freighter
-new small Klingon ship, something like Bop meets Vor'cha and Defiant
-a real Klingon freighter
-a real Klingon shuttle
-Starfleet tanker
-Federation starcruiser
"Naomi Wildman, sub-unit of Ensign Samantha Wildman, state your intentions." (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
And I sort of like the freighter modified from the Cardassian one. It's one of the biggest cargo haulers in all of Trek, judging by the comparisons with the Rotarran... It's so annoying to see warships consistently portrayed as larger than freighters.
But before we get a real Klingon shuttle (preferably at least a bit remniscent of the Toron class), we need to get a real Klingon shuttlebay! If the smallest BoP can carry two whales, two side-by-side shuttles shouldn't be much of a problem either. But somebody has to decide where the bay doors are on the models.
And I'd finally like to find out who built the "merchantman" ship introduced in STIII. It's been shown operated at least by Klingons the Cardassians and the Altec, and variants have been seen on the Sheliak and the raiders from "The Host". Somebody must be the primary manufacturer who sells the ship to others - the curving front hull and whiskers are somewhat similar to the lines of the Cardassian Hideki, but would a Cardassian ship be available at the time of STIII?
Timo Saloniemi
"I wish that everything went just as I wish everything would go."
John Linnell
If the ship is a Klingon design, then why are the Feds using it? It may be cheaper and better than Fed equivalents, but it's also a political statement that might make life difficult for the crew during those years of cold war. A Cardassian ship in Fed hands at that time would be less of a political affront.
Timo Saloniemi
"Its a CLOCK!" - Sisko, "Dramatis Personae" DS9.
Merchantman: http://www.uni-siegen.de/~ihe/bs/startrek/scans/merchantman-side.gif
Sheliak modification: http://www.uni-siegen.de/~ihe/bs/startrek/scans/sheliak.jpg
Of course, it was among the first ships built by ILM, and their philosophy was to give the ships countless external features including hull corrosion and damages. The only familiar element is the bridge, and here we have a problem. The BoP is supposed to be 110m. There is one scene when the BoP turns away from the Merchantman to begin the attack when the BoP is seen behind the MM, and the latter appears to be only about runabout-sized. This doesn't comply with the ship's very complicated external structure and the lack of windows and doors, and the bridge couldn't be a bridge. It would be even worse if the BoP was 60m as Boris has suggested. If the ILM people messed something up then it was this scene.
"Naomi Wildman, sub-unit of Ensign Samantha Wildman, state your intentions." (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
Which is the warp nacelles? the 'pods' at the bottom - or the grill on the top...
the short grill looks vaguely Oberth Class nacelles...
"Its a CLOCK!" - Sisko, "Dramatis Personae" DS9.
It could also be a ship constructed of parts of other ships..
"There will be an answer, let it be..."
Motto of the USS Sutherland
Spock said that the Klingon Empire had a good 50 years left to her if the Federation didnt help , and of course the federation Started their alliance with the Kilngons and helped keep them afloat , maybe the Klingons decided just to keep refitting their current ships like the Vorcha , and the B'rel Class Bird of Prey so they can save some of their resources for building ships like the Negh'Var and maybe repairing Vorchas , Maybe now that they might have discovered more resources on the worlds they have taken from the Dominion maybe they will use those to replace the BoPs they lost during the war and who knows maybe they will begin building new ships .
As for the Rommies , i think that they have developed many new designs , they just havent brought them out yet.
"I am First Omet'iklan, and I am dead. As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. This we do gladly, for we are Jem'Hadar. Remember, victory is life."
-- Omet'iklan Ds9:"To the Death"
[This message has been edited by Dhunter (edited December 26, 1999).]