The Klingons don't seem to be that fond of new starships. They still use the old B'rel Bird-of-Prey's. How are they thinking to win from the newer Federation classes like the Defiant an Steamrunner. Don't you think they need a better design to replace the old BoP's?
------------------ "There will be an answer, let it be..." Motto of the USS Sutherland
Maybe the Bird-of-Prey is one of those designs that lends itself to easy upgrades without much external modification. It's still in service because the basic design is good, and whenever new technology becomes available (thus far, anyhow) it's easily installed within the existing hull. Newer ships of the same basic design are simply manufactured with the newer equipment in place.
Since the Klingons seem to prefer their ships to remain rather spartan inside, this suggests that the newer equipment, if smaller than the equipment it replaces, allows them to add even more capability to the ship without diminishing the internal volume required for crew quarters, bridge, etc. Otherwise, these vessels would be much roomier inside than they are (or at least roomier than they seem, as seen in the few episodes where we are allowed to see inside them).
Uh, Prakesh, the Excelsiors, Mirandas, and Oberths are just as old as the Birds-of-Prey, and the Feds still use them in large numbers
------------------ "The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey
I agree, I'm sure the BoP's are easily upgradable. I would like to see some new Klingon designs though. I mean, there seems to be a new Starfleet every fricken week. They could put some stock into making a new Klingon or Romulan design. I would much rather see one of them than a new Starfleet design.
Thanks Matt, I was gonna say that too. We first saw the bird-of-prey in ST:III right? Same time we saw the Excelsior and Oberth.
------------------ Calvin: "My life needs a rewind/erase button." Hobbes: "...and a volume control." Federation Starship Datalink - Starship site of the new millennium.
Like Striker wrote, we definately need a new Romulan design. All they have is the Warbird (awesome ship ) but the Klingons have got four active designs - more than every other alien. The Roms need something comparable to the BoP, Defiant, and Jemmy bug. And I don't mean that crappy scout/science vessel either.
------------------ "Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets) Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
I was thinking that Romulans could use another huge ship. Something that not only looks intimatating but actually is. The Klingons could use a new Bird of Prey class.
And call me weird or worse, but I want to see freighters! That, and tankers. Up close.
All the Trek races could use a larger variety of support vessels. One lousy freighter design for the Feds and their hundred-plus ship classes (okay, two if we count the holoship as a freighter). One proper-sized freighter for Cardassians, one for Klingons (the Cardassian one with extra parts, out of scale and painted green...), and plenty of those assorted civilian "freighters" that could probably haul half a tribble if it wasn't a very big one. And no freighter whatsoever for Romulans.
I would like to see some Federation civilian passenger ships. Like a cruiseship in 24th-century style. Or a huge colonization-vessel with room for hundreds of settlers and their equipment.
PS: Is there any progress in the artificial wormhole thing seen in one DS9 episode (I don't remember all the episode titles)?
------------------ "There will be an answer, let it be..." Motto of the USS Sutherland
Well, if TPTB decide to have Voyager go through Rommie space for a while on their way back, perhaps they'll take the opportunity to show us some new Romulan ships...
*a brief pause, then the whole Forum bursts into laughter*
------------------ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him to use the 'net, and he won't bother you for weeks.
Just a thought Prakesh, the Steamrunner is not a brand new ship class. Registry numbers suggest it's been around for awhile.
Keep in mind that Starfleet designs different ships for different mission profiles: exploration, science, colonization, etc. Klingon ships have one basic function, kicking butt! The ships they have can do that. They don't need to design a bunch of other kind of ships. Though I agree that there are probably a few more out there that we haven't seen yet.
Actually, we all know Voyager runs from the Delta Quadrant straight into the Alpha Quadrant, and the first familiar planet will be Earth.
My wish list: -Romulan 500m ship -Romulan freighter -new small Klingon ship, something like Bop meets Vor'cha and Defiant -a real Klingon freighter -a real Klingon shuttle -Starfleet tanker -Federation starcruiser
------------------ "Naomi Wildman, sub-unit of Ensign Samantha Wildman, state your intentions." (VOY: "Infinite Regress")