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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well here is another map of the Federation and surrounding powers...

It was something I did the other night, which I just haven't posted yet.

Of course, there are explanations for placements... etc. It basically the same as previous maps... I can fish a text file copy out of it somewhere, if someone wants to see it.

Although, it was mainly an 'art' project than an exact placement.

"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan

[This message has been edited by AndrewR (edited September 17, 2000).]

Posted by Starship Freak (Member # 293) on :
Hey, very nice work, Andrew :-)

"The Starships of the Federation are the physical, tangible manifestations of Humanity�s stubborn insistence that life does indeed mean something."
Spock to Leonard McCoy in "Final Frontier"


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Although, it was mainly an 'art' project than an exact placement."

That's good, because the placement of the stars that happen to be real is incredibly inaccurate. :-)

"It's like the Star of David or something. But without the whole Judaism thing."
-Frank Gerratana, 17-Aug-2000

Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Wow. If only I could get my maps to look like that...

"Wise Papa Smurf... Corrupted by his own power! Can no leader go untainted?!?!"

-Thundarr the Barbarian, Cartoon Network Commercial

Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Very nice map. Don't know the accuracy though. I wasn't big on astrology.

Where's the bathroom on this ship?

Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
:::smacks TLE Stooge-style::: That's ASTRONOMY, numbskull!!

Y'reveresed the locations of the Klingons & romulans, why move Cardassia & the others so far coreward?

"What if, the next time someone tried to pull up a dandelion, it pulled back? What if the dandelion ducked under the blades of the lawnmower?" --Del

Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Same difference. Both look at the stars and make shit up.

Where's the bathroom on this ship?


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Were Monty, our Astronomer in Waiting, here, you would be liable to recieve a thousand lashes. I've half a mind to see them carried out anyway, just on general principle.

(Actually, I'm not sure whether he was going into astronomy or not, but until he corrects me one way or the other...)

love's function is to fabricate unknownnness
E. E. Cummings
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! And party everyday.


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
The Klingon Empire HAS to be there... and not the other way around... it varies with everyone who posts, an older version had it the other way and everyone bitched.


Romulus and Remus has to be close to Earth because:

The Romulan Wars being for in low powered warp ships. from TOS

The Romulans being the closest 'power' and settling Rigel etc. in "Past Tense" DS9

Romulan First contact occured well before Klingon First Contact.

The Cardassians are so 'coreward' as to let the whole
Klingon and Cardassian conflicts to work in DS9

The Romulans were not involved as much in the war with the Dominion as the Klingons and the Feds were

Worf and Alexander managed to reach that Klingon colony in the TNG season seven episode where alexander comes back from the future...

Worf manages to come from Forcas III a full on Klingon location for a Bat'leh competition to the border of Cardassia in a shuttle...

The Betrekka SP? Nebula incident.

OK the Dominion was crossing the Rommie boarder to get into Fed space... but they could easily have gone through a lot of neutral space first... to attack a Federation base...

The Tholians seem to be continually in the thick of Federation Klingon AND Romulan matters... Numerous Fed encounters, the Tholians eventually involving themselves in a Klingon Civil War and the Tholian observer at the Rom/Fed summit in "Homefront/Paradise Lost"

Quark was able to be abducted to the Klingon Empire rather Quickly in "House of Quark"

The Ferengi were well known to the Cardassians before the Feds... 'First Contact' with the Ferengi was in 2364, Quark and Rom plus other Ferengi were on Terok Nor for at least 5 years before the Cardies left it.

The Cardies are on the 'left' side of the Federation along with the Talarians - but if it was on the exact opposite side, well it just make things Tricky with the whole Cardassia/Klingon connection - these two powers HAVE to be close to one another... there are other examples.

The Cardies have to be further away from the Fed, "sphere of exploration" than the Klingons of course... the Klingon were well known well before the Cardassians... by about 100 years??

(see another post elsewhere about my theory reguarding this... I reckon that "The Barrier" from The Final Frontier might actually be the thing preventing the spread of exploration in the general Cardassian/Ferengi direction... just because they say the core of the galaxy doesn't mean that it has to begin right close to the centre of the galaxy... it might have been too hard for ships of the TOS era to cross at the time and been a much 'larger' sphere...)

The Tzenkethi had to be close to DS9 for the Defiant to be called and get there so quickly (relatively).

There are a few others, all of the above was off by heart - I'll go and get the text file... wait a second.


Alpha Beta Gamma and Delta Quadrants
Actual arms of galaxy not shown

Sources, and points of reference.

*The Quadrant and placement of earth as being on the boundary from the Star Trek Encyclopaedia first edition.
*UFP large over 150 members Picard (Star Trek: First Contact)
*Closer to the Galactic Rim than the Galactic center/core. TOS
*Romulans and Klingons on the 'right side' of the UFP (STE)
*Cardassians and Talarians (Suddenly Human) on 'left'
*Romulus close to Vulcan (TOS)(Unification TNG)
*Romulan Star Empire Close to Earth (Earth/Romulan wars... needed to
be close enough for old warp ships (capable of a few sectors at most)
*Romulans 'known' before Klingons (TOS) (Earth/Romulan wars) Klingon First Contact was afterwards and with the UFP) (disastrous first contact)
*R.S.E. close to earth (Past Tense) in alternate future Defiant scanned for Federation, wasn't there the closest readings were coming from the Romulans occupying a usual 'heavily populated region' of the UFP the Rigel system.
*Planet Khitomer is on the boader between Romulans Klingons and UFP
*In Face of the Enemy - TNG The Commander of the Romulan ship said she was commended for winning a boarder skirmish against heavy klingon assult...
*Romulans next to Klingons... (Redemption II - tachyon detection grid)
*Klingons and Romulans in the Beta Quadrant
*Klingon Empire spills over into the Alpha Quadrant
*Klingon Empire needs to be close enough for
*Quark to get there with in a short period of time (House of Quark)
*The Klingon outposts in Firstborn TNG
*the klingons to enter the war against the dominion before the Romulans... Sisko said once the federation and klingon empire fall, the romulans will be next ??a line of site??
*The Klingons able to War with Cardassia and UFP i.e. at DS9 (Way of the Warrior)
*For the Klingon Empire 'to expand'
*Bajor near Cardassia (Emissary)
*Bashir to travel to Cardassia in the wire in a relatively short time
*Bajor close The Three Cardassian ships arriving in Emissary
*Dr. Bashir Travelling to Cardassia in a relatively short time to visit Enabrin Tain "The Wire"
*Wormhole in Bajor system
*Still be 'Deep Space' from a UFP perspective
*Ferenginar needs to be close enough to DS9
*for Quark to go back and forth with no effort at all
*For the Grand Nagus to visit DS9 readily
*for all those Ferengi to visit DS9 readily at the drop of a hat (The Nagus' supposed death) in (The Nagus)
*Far enough away to be a rumour to the Federation in "Encounter at Farpoint" (Deneb "Farpoint Station" the ferengi were just a rumour)
*Quark and his Bar were on DS9 well before the Cardassians left at least since TNG season 1
*The Xenkathi close enough (but far enough away) for the defiant to 'show the flag' in (The Adversary)
*Doesn't look like the Xenkathi and the Obsidian Order didn't get on too well (or at least Garak) (By Inferno's Light)
*Romulans have had relationships with the Cardassians for a while (Garak being a gardener at the Cardassian embassy on Romulus (Apocalypse Rising)
*Klaestron IV close enough to Cardassia. allies with Cardassia Odo went to Klaestron IV in a runabout and didn't take too long in 'Dax' Bashir went to a medical conference on Klaestron IV in 'Second Skin'
*Kataria close to DS9 for the Katarian woman friend of Quarks to visit intermittently
*Katarians tried to take over the federation - The Enterprise wasn't far away from being at El Adrel, and Romulan Space and Klingon Space (The Game)
*Cassidy Yates said that Cestus three was on the other side of the federation
*Earth has to be atleast a weeks travel from DS9 (Homefront/Paradise Lost)
*Klingon empire can't be THAT close - Martok's Fleet had had a long journey - "Way Of The Warrior"
*Talarians on DS9 - Garak mentioned to Bashir that they took their time eating
*DSk7 near Shermans planet - apparently near the klingons "Trials and Tribbleations"
*The TOS pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before" took place at the galactic edge - next episode (stardate) near the First Federation the Galactic barrier must be a closer distance out from Earth than the cardassian
*Vulcans first contact with earth
*Vulcans and Romulans must be sort of close - descended Romulans left a VERY long time ago - probably not in very fast ships
*Yridians seem to be hovering near DS9 TNG - Birthright and The Chase
*Breen on the desert planet where the cardassian transport crashed "DS9" Indiscretion
*Enterprise near where the black cluster where the Breen were thought to have been near and destroyed a science vessel "Hero Worship"
*the 'disruptor wielders' i.e. the Klingons Romulans and the Breen seem to be close together - "Generations"
*according to (not cannon) the Ferengi book by Ira Behr Robert Wolfe the Ferengi bought Warp drive from the Breen - hinted at in "Little green men" and the Breen settled the polar areas of Ferenginar
*the Prometheus was in the Beta Quadrant on a Deep Space Assignment "Message in a Bottle" on the map from Astrometrics it was a fair way into the Beta Quadrant...
*galornen core on the romulan/fed neutral zone "Unification" "The Enemy"
*there is a (or there was a) DMZ between the cardassians and the federation
*Dopterians a distant cousin of the Ferengi - "The Forsaken" and "First Born"
*The Borg seem to have come through Romulan Space to get to wolf 359 which is 'behind' the UFP in the line of sight to the Delta Quadrant
so the borg cube must have swung around... we also saw in Neutral zone the there had been a borg scout? digging up neutral zone bases...
*wouldn't put the Cardassians on the exact other side of the UFP compared to KE and RSE and Ferenginar cause of what i've said above!

*Dominion in Gamma Quadrant
*The Wormhole Gamma Quadrant Terminus and The distance USS VOYAGER is away from the UFP is about the same.
*Cytherians live close to the Galactic Core. (The Nth Degree)
*The Barzan Wormhole oscillated across the Gamma and Delta Quadrants.


Well there ARE others too... add them.


P.S. On my map I'm pretty sure that Betrekka Nebula and Klak (should be Klach) D'Kel Bracht are incorrect spellings.



I'm not sure on star placements in relation to sol... and what the stars for different races are supposed to be - Epsilon Eridani A is what Vulcan orbits, I can't remember Andor's but the rest have never been mentioned...

Could someone post a rough map of star places - I'll fix the map... but well - I don't think there are any real stars known for ANY of the names on the map... (except, again for Vulcan, Earth, Deneb, Rigel and Andor)



HEY! It was an educated guess as to where to place the different Stars, it was NOT shit - I don't think they'd go to this much trouble on the show... I've been messing around with this for at least 4 years...

Even though it began as something to fool around art-wise (I.e its a rough map - I haven't sat down with a ruler etc...) - It doesn't mean that there IS a reason to the actual map.

If you don't like where things are placed - tell me where and give me a reason - from canon Trek.

Join in, do your own... just don't point and bitch.



Please ignore spelling errors - especially in my old explanation list.



Thanks for the complements.


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan

[This message has been edited by AndrewR (edited September 17, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by AndrewR (edited September 18, 2000).]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Andrew: Okay, I shan't "point and bitch". I'll give you the necessary information.

The following list is in XYZ coordinates, w/ Sol at (0,0,0), the Y axis pointing toward the galactic center but parallel to the galactic plane, the YZ plane forming the alpha/beta-quadrant border, positive X values in the beta quadrant and negative in the alpha, and all numbers expressed in light-years. I've only included stars that are already depicted on your map.

Alpha Cygni (Deneb) [Farpoint Station]: (150,1592,52)
Beta Lyrae (Sheliak) [Shelia**]: (130,260,75)
Beta Orionis (Rigel): (-712,-402,-376)
Epsilon Indi [Andor*]: (7,-3,-8)
Omicron2/40 Eridani [Vulcan*]: (-12,-4,-10)
61-Cygni [Tellar*]: (1,11,-1)
Wolf359: (-2,-4,6)

*Technically, these aren't canonically associated w/ these stars, but they're pretty widely accepted.
**The Sheliak aren't necessarily from the star that is currently called "Sheliak", but it seems pretty reasonable that this would be more than a coincidence.

"It's like the Star of David or something. But without the whole Judaism thing."
-Frank Gerratana, 17-Aug-2000

Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Wow. That is a lot of work to make a map!
Even if it's totally fucked up, you should get credit for making it in the first place.
From what I can see and remember, it's close to reality. I think.

Where's the bathroom on this ship?

[This message has been edited by TLE (edited September 18, 2000).]

Posted by Michael Dracon (Member # 4) on :
Why is Wolf 359 on the other side of Earth compared to Borg space??

Ivanova is always right. I will listen to Ivanova. I will not ignore Ivanova's recommendations. Ivanova is God. *And*, if this ever happens again, Ivanova will personally rip your lungs out!

- Commander Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5

Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
In actual fact, Wolf 359 should be to the "lower right" of Earth, if galactic core is "up".

I guess it just goes to show that the Borg are already everywhere, including Alpha and Beta quadrants. They don't have to send a Cube all the way from Delta to check out if our puny Earth is ripe for assimilation - they can simply reassign a ship that already happens to be conducting a mission nearby.

I think we can deduce that at least the Paulson Nebula (where the E-D hid) is in the direct line going through Earth and Wolf 359 - Starfleet would not have any reason to deploy its forces at Wolf 359 if this star was NOT on the beeline from Paulson to Earth, and if the Cube wasn't taking the straightest course possible. And indirectly, we can then also say that Jouret IV and the starbases mentioned in "BoBW" are all in the vicinity of Paulson nebula, and thus in that general direction ("down and right" from Earth in the map). By extension, at least some part of the Romulan Neutral Zone probably should also be somewhere there (but this isn't mandatory).

But I disagree with the idea that this means Romulan space has to be completely "down and right" from Earth, and Klingon space "up and right". The rough map in the DS9 Tech Manual shows Romulan space as extending both above and below the level of Earth, while Klingons are farther "down" still. Using this sort of arrangement would simply mean that the Klingons have had their close encounters with Cardassians somewhere "down" from Earth, not "up".

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Well I still think it should be "upside/down" so as to be alphabetical. First A and B, THEN C and D.
Makes perfect sense, but I guess some fat old admiral-farts couldn't bare to reach out to attach pins for fleetmovements "up there".

Ready for the action now, Dangerboy
Ready if I'm ready for you, Dangerboy
Ready if I want it now, Dangerboy?
How dare you, dare you, Dangerboy?
How dare you, Dangerboy?
I dare you, dare you, Dangerboy...

�on Flux, "Thanatophobia"


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Well, perhaps we are simply seeing the map from below the galactic plane? Just take the map off the wall, flip it around the horizontal axis so the backside faces you, and you have A and B up and C and D down!

The real gripe people have with the arrangement is that the alphbet zigzags across the galaxy, instead of going neatly clockwise or counterclockwise. Perhaps the admirals couldn't decide which one it should be, clockwise or the opposite, so the zigzagging was chosen as a compromise?

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Actually, looking from above, Wolf359 is down and to the left. About how it already is on the map, but closer to Earth, and twice as far down as to the left. I think a lot of maps show it different (down and to the right) because they are calculated incorrectly. They use Earth's 0deg declination as the plane of the map, rather than the galactic plane (or a plane parallel to it). If one uses declination, it makes 90deg declination to qudrant border. However, this places the quadrant border at an angle, compared to the galaxy, so the stars seem to be in different places (e.g. W359 seems to be in the beta, rather than the alpha quadrant).

"It's like the Star of David or something. But without the whole Judaism thing."
-Frank Gerratana, 17-Aug-2000

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I don't think the Borg necessarily made a straight trip through Federation space. They could have taken the scenic route. Testing defenses, perhaps. Making sure that Picard's knowledge was accurate. And then heading for Earth.

love's function is to fabricate unknownnness
E. E. Cummings
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! And party everyday.


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Well, the Borg were of course free to take whatever route they pleased. But the underlying assumption must be that Starfleet had SOME means of predicting where the Cube would pass. If the Cube was taking a random route, then it would have made zero sense to deploy starships at Wolf 359 - there was no guarantee the Cube would pass through there, so the only sensible place to gather the fleet would have been inside the Sol system itself.

Of course, it may be that the Cube was taking a complicated but still predictable route (say, a helix of some sort) that Starfleet was able to compute as passing through Wolf 359. But the admirals must have been pretty damn convinced that they had predicted the route correctly for them to send the ships to Wolf 359 and not to Sol.

As for the location of Wolf 359, I was relying on Crhistian R�hl's Hipparcos data from That data shows some easily identifiable stars like Alpha Centauri or Rigel or Deneb in their classic directions, so I thought the "down and to the right" (or rimwards and antirotationwards) direction of Wolf 359 sounded pretty convincing...

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The decision to make a stand at Wolf 359 was made after Worf's dire observation that the Borg had set a course to sector 001, wasn't it? I can see the Borg popping around the Federation for a bit until their semi-final confrontation with the Enterprise, and then deciding to make for Earth. The composition of the fleet Starfleet organized makes more sense the less time they have to prepare.

love's function is to fabricate unknownnness
E. E. Cummings
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! And party everyday.


Posted by spyone on :
The Klingon Empire HAS to be there... and not the other way around... it varies with everyone who posts, an older version had it the other way and everyone bitched.

The Cardassians are so 'coreward' as to let the whole Klingon and Cardassian conflicts to work in DS9

The Romulans were not involved as much in the war with the Dominion as the Klingons and the Feds were

Well, this can be easily addressed by keeping the Klingons in their canon position and nudging the Cardassians _rimward_. The Klingon Empire then forms the entire Rimward border of the Federation, extending well into the Alpha Quadrant and bordering Cardassian Space.

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
There's a big problem with this approach if we want to assume that the various empires are "solid" and "impermeable". Namely, the Feds are known to be traveling to places like Rigel or Mintaka, in the rimward direction and far, far away. This wouldn't be possible if the Klingons and the Cardassians jointly were blocking the way.

But I don't believe in the "solidity" and "impermeability" of empires much. It's more likely that empires consist of a network of corridors joining together spheres of influence around inhabited systems. Only in the densest parts of such networks can an empire hope to block others from trespassing. In the rim areas, everybody simply goes flying through the net.

The "joint border" supposedly shared by the Klingons and the Cardassians could be nothing more than two "outlier" planets close to each other but far away from their respective empires. Much like, say, the Aleuts where Russia and the US are in touch even though the border is of near-zero strategic importance and far removed from either mainland. This would allow the Feds to fly through to the rimward direction as they please.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well, Timo, I agree, that is why I did the map with 'fuzzy' borders... there is no way you can draw in thick lines for borders...

another way might be like this... where there is a central core area, with 'rays' jutting out to out-lying colonies... but even still it comes down to empty areas of space where anyone can travel about...


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Marc Chagall you're not!

Ready for the action now, Dangerboy
Ready if I'm ready for you, Dangerboy
Ready if I want it now, Dangerboy?
How dare you, dare you, Dangerboy?
How dare you, Dangerboy?
I dare you, dare you, Dangerboy...

�on Flux, "Thanatophobia"


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK. you've lost me there... some sort of modern abstract artist!?!


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan


Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Yes, your paint spots reminded me of his paintings. See, you weren't lost!
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
You know, I find this all silly, for one BIG reason. You're thinking two-dimentionally! It was Khan's undoing, after all. The Cardies and Rommies pretty much have to share a border. The Klingons and Rommies share a border, for sure. The Klingons and Cardies share a border. The Fed borders all three. The only way this works in in 3D space. 2D maps will not suffice.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
- George Bernard Shaw


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I'll grant that the original map is two-dimensional. But, that latter one w/ the random blotches isn't...

"It's like the Star of David or something. But without the whole Judaism thing."
-Frank Gerratana, 17-Aug-2000

Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Dont't the Klingons, Cardassians, and Romulans have a little bit BIGGER empires? You've portrayed them in such a way that they appear 3d-rate powers (which they might be after the War, but there is no way the Federation could be so much more massive)

"Cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of Evil"


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I think its a beautiful map.

Thats all from me.

Jeff's Webcam

From the dawn of time we came, living secretly among you, moving through the centuries, until the time of the Gathering, when those who remain will battle for the prize. In the end, there can be only one ... LEGOLANDER!

Posted by Captain Stark (Member # 70) on :
Accually I believe that you do have the Klingons and Romulans reversed. In the episode Bloodlines where Worf travels from DS9 to Romulan territory they show a map and IIRC the travel route has Worf leaving DS9 in the upper left hand corner of the UFP traveling along the coreward UFP border until he reaches Romulan space which was in the upper right hand corner of the UFP. In the second part of the two parter I believe Data is looking at a map as he is describing the route that Worf took.

Captain Stark

"The man on the top walks a lonely path. The chain of command is often a noose." Dr. Leonard McCoy --Obsession, Stardate: 3619.2


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Yup,that would be "Birthright I/II". But the map in itself isn't conclusive proof, since we don't know its orientation - the "coreward" edge could in fact have been the "rimward" one for all we know, since there is no absolute rule that the core has to be "up" in a Trek map. Note for example that the final attack on Cardassia Prime, starting directly from DS9, went "from upper left to lower right" on the map used in the finale - even though it is pretty well established that DS9 has to be closer to Earth than Cardassia is.

Then again, "Birthright" seems to prove that Cardassian and Romulan spaces are very close to each other, if Shrek's teeny weeny shuttle could travel between them in a reasonable time. This fits well with some travel time data that require both the RNZ and DS9 to be rather close to Earth.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Ok how about this... you have the UFP in the centre of this imaginary map...

Cardassian Union to the top left, and the Romulan Star Empire and the Klingon Empire to the top Right... one on top of each other...


"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan


Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
No problem with Romulans and Klingons being "vertically stacked". Except perhaps the noncanon DS9 Tech Manual map that seems to show a tiny Klingon Empire rimward of a much larger Romulan Star Empire. But even that could be explained as artistic liberty - of the Klingon Empire, only the core would be shown and the parts obscured by the Romulan holdings in that projection omitted.

In any case, I would still like to have Romulus extend more towards the core, and Klingons more towards the rim - that way, the Borg would have a grater chance of running into the former instead of into the latter.

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by spyone on :
OMEGA said:
You know, I find this all silly, for one BIG reason. You're thinking two-dimentionally! It was Khan's undoing, after all. The Cardies and Rommies pretty much have to share a border. The Klingons and Rommies share a border, for sure. The Klingons and Cardies share a border. The Fed borders all three. The only way this works in in 3D space. 2D maps will not suffice.

I can make this work in 2d:
The federation is in the middle, the romulans border the cardassians and the federation, the cardassians wrap around the other side of the federation, and the klingons wrap the bottom.
You can even have areas of unexplored space between the borders: while the klingon border touches the Federation border at some point, there may be large areas that are unexplored.

Of course space is 3d, and one must account for that, but the galaxy itself is not very deep, and at the diameters many people propose, an empire would HAVE to extend from the top to the bottom. While there is additional space above and below the disk, there are amazingly few stars out there, and what there is are Population One stars that are highly unlikely to have any planets (as they formed when hydrogen and helium was all there was in the universe). Depending on who you ask, the galactic disk near Earth is from 1000 to 3000 lightyears thick. An empire 4000ly across would have encountered the edge of this area a while ago.

the most reliable data I have says:"Thickness of the Galaxy at/near Earth:
An area 50 Parsecs (163ly) thick will include 65% of the stars, while an area 1000ly thick will contain 95% of the stars."

While someone has proposed that the space empires will resemble a bucket full of marbles, a frying pan full of golf balls seems a better analogy.

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.


Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
The Romulans also have a border with the Klingons.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
- George Bernard Shaw


Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well, My first map, is 3D... if you were to move it around... you'd see a rough 'bubble' its basically a rough estimate, cause we don't really know on such a large scale how the borders move... so I've just had the more colour the closer to the center, the more likely it is say, Breen space... there are gaps... OF course the closer you get to Earth, the more likely it is that you are in Federation Space. They 'fuzz' or overlap with each other, that is why I don't like to draw straight line boarders... its hopeless. I tried once and realise you'd go crazy trying to even draw it as a straight line. It'd be like trying to draw the coastline of Australia - when all you had to go by was a list of cities and general locations... Brisbane is North of Sydney, Hobart is in Tasmania etc.

"I threw bitter tears at the ocean
But all that came back was the tide..." 'I Will Not Forget You' Sarah McLachlan


Posted by bX (Member # 419) on :
Andrew, I think your map is beautiful, and very well thought out. If you're interested, I'd like to generate a 3D version from a 2D version. I fear it might cause even more controversy, but it would certainly be fun to try. I'm not a cannon-god or anything, but I do a lot of 3D stuff, and I'd be very interested in constructing a quasi-definitive map...

"I�d say we have about three hours before we get a call from mister brain-bomb." - VIDROS

Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Ooh... 3D map...


"Have you ever tried factoring Optimus Prime?"

-TSN, TrekSunday, 9/17/00

Posted by spyone on :
OMEGA said:
The Cardies and Rommies pretty much have to share a border. The Klingons and Rommies share a border, for sure. The Klingons and Cardies share a border. The Fed borders all three. The only way this works in in 3D space. 2D maps will not suffice.

So, my challenge here is to create a map that is 2d, and that shows a Federation bordered by Klingons, Cardassians and Romulans, such that:
a) the Romulans border the Klingons and the Cardassians
b) the Cardassians border the Klingons and the Romulans
c) the Klingons border the Romulans and the Cardassians.

Should be easy enough.
In the GIF below, the Federation is red. The other 3 colors my be assigned to whichever empire you think it suits best. I believe this fits the need.

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.

[This message has been edited by spyone (edited October 10, 2000).]

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Well, that works as far as it goes, but you also have to have open space in there for them to explore, and Bajor, and the Federation's borders with the Tzenkethi, and Tholians, and Gorn, and those dudes from "Conundrum"...

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it."
- George Bernard Shaw


Posted by spyone on :
attn TSN:

The following list is in XYZ coordinates, w/ Sol at (0,0,0), the Y axis pointing toward the galactic center but parallel to the galactic plane, the YZ plane forming the alpha/beta-quadrant border, positive X values in the beta quadrant and negative in the alpha, and all numbers expressed in light-years. I've only included stars that are already depicted on your map.

Alpha Cygni (Deneb) [Farpoint Station]: (150,1592,52)
Beta Lyrae (Sheliak) [Shelia**]: (130,260,75)
Beta Orionis (Rigel): (-712,-402,-376)
Epsilon Indi [Andor*]: (7,-3,-8)
Omicron2/40 Eridani [Vulcan*]: (-12,-4,-10)
61-Cygni [Tellar*]: (1,11,-1)
Wolf359: (-2,-4,6)

Are you SURE you did that right?
See, this data conflicts with a lot of what I have heard.
First off, as I look at the map with Earth directly down from the Galactic core, the Alpha Quadrant lies left of Earth and the Beta Quadrant right.
I'm just making sure we're using the same terms, because your coordinates put things I'm pretty sure go to the left of Earth on the right.

Second, are you dure you got the order right for Deneb's Coordinates? The ones you list put it 150 ly from the Alpha/Beta border and almost 1600 ly coreward. Everything I've seen says that Deneb is slightly rimward and mainly "left" of Earth.

And, should you be kind enough to volunteer your time, can you also locate:
gamma hydrae
gamma tauri
delta orionis (mintaka)
epsilon bootis (Izar)

Thank you.

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.


Posted by spyone on :

I grant you all that. This is why I bothered to quote you statement.
It is quite possable that you cannot make a satisfactory map of all the powers except in 3d. It is quite possable that you can't do it EVEN in 3d. But that is not what you said. You said That one couldn't map those 4 powers with each bordering the ones it is supposed to in 2d, and I knew I could.

As for adding other powers.....

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
spyone: Well, I once found a site that explained how to calculate galactic coordinates from right ascension and declination, so I'm pretty sure these are right. They might seem funny if you're thinking of the alpha/beta border as being perpendicular to the Solar system. I used to do that, too. The proble is that the Solar system is not parallel to the galaxy.

Anyway, I should have those other coordinates. Let's see...

Alpha Scorpii (Antares): (499,-67,130)
Alpha Carinae (Canopus): (-13,-88,-42)
Delta Orionis (Mintaka): (-1308,-586,-443)
Epsilon Boötis (Izar): (35,28,93)

Yeah, Mintaka really is that far away. :-)

I'm afraid I haven't got Gamma Hydrae or Gamma Tauri. They're both on my list, but there aren't any numbers. If you can get me the right ascension, declination, and distance, I think I still have the program I wrote on my calculator to find the coordinates...

Teal'c: "I am a traitor to no-one."
Jaffa woman: "Except your god!"
Teal'c: "False god! Dead false god..."
-Stargate: SG-1, "Into the Fire"

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I use the following:

R = Distance
b = RA
l = DEC

X = R * cos b * cos l
Y = R * cos b * sin l
Z = R * sin b

To check the work use

tan l = Y/X
sin b = Z/R

I am working on plotting out 291,211 stars that are with in 8,200 light years from Sol. I decided to use only stars with a parallax of 0.0004 arc sec. and higher.

mmmm, yeah, it's a slow process.

I used a Quattro Pro Spreadsheet.

Stupid bastards and religious freaks,
so safe in their castle keeps...

[This message has been edited by Ritten (edited October 10, 2000).]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Ritten: See, the problem there is exactly what I was tlaking about. It doesn't account for the fact that 0° declination is not parallel to the galactic plane, therefore 90° declination is not the alpha/beta border. Your coordinates will give you an accurate map, I suppose, but you won't be able to properly include the alpha/beta border.

Teal'c: "I am a traitor to no-one."
Jaffa woman: "Except your god!"
Teal'c: "False god! Dead false god..."
-Stargate: SG-1, "Into the Fire"

Posted by bX (Member # 419) on :
Speaking of Trig, this guy is heading in the right direction:
Christian Ruehl's Cartography

"I�d say we have about three hours before we get a call from mister brain-bomb." - VIDROS


Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
True, I had seen it posted here, someplace, what the Galactic North Pole was in RA, but unable to find it, that adjustment will give a more proper map.
What is the RA for the Galatic Core?
The positions will be proper, from Sol being the 0,0,0 point, but the alignment will be off unless I come up with what the Galatic Cores RA is. Which I had not given a thought to until this thread and the other started by SIR SIG started.
I am searching that out now...

Stupid bastards and religious freaks,
so safe in their castle keeps...


Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Barring the RA for the GC you could use the Galatic Long and Lat to align a few stars and align them to as close as perfect as possible, increasing accuracy.

Stupid bastards and religious freaks,
so safe in their castle keeps...


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
The page explaining how to convert to galactic coordinates. Click "next section" for the bit about adjusting from the declination plane to the galactic plane.

Teal'c: "I am a traitor to no-one."
Jaffa woman: "Except your god!"
Teal'c: "False god! Dead false god..."
-Stargate: SG-1, "Into the Fire"

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Yeah, you have to use Galactic coordinates rather than celestial coordinates to have any chance of making an accurate map. This page is a good resource for galactic mapping: It tells how to convert celestial coords to galactic. What I actually did once was to take a clear plastic sphere and draw constellations on it I mapped out both celestial and galactic coordinates. A fun project for a rainy day.

For a glossary of Galactic terms, look here

The north pole is in Coma, at RA 12h 49m, Dec 27.4

When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum


Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Good info there, now to re-re-readjust all my information........

Ok, the going just got slower......

Stupid bastards and religious freaks,
so safe in their castle keeps...


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Masao: Cool. We both linked to the same site. I guess it must be good... :-)

Teal'c: "I am a traitor to no-one."
Jaffa woman: "Except your god!"
Teal'c: "False god! Dead false god..."
-Stargate: SG-1, "Into the Fire"

Posted by spyone on :
Well, TSN, I find your figures produce maps that look like other maps I've seen (even professionally published ones) if I just rotate 90 degrees.

Let's see: regarding only Antares, Rigel, and Deneb,
use the first value for the y coordinate, the second for the x, and invert the sign on the x coordinate.

For those who are making lists, I would love to get a copy. To be most useful (to be used by my software), it should follow the following format (plain ASCII text):
0,0,0,Sol,0,G2V,0.00,0.00,0.00,from Sol,"9planets,asteroids,KuiperBelt,DiaOortCloud=0.4ly;""Sun"""
-7.43,2.11,0.95,Wolf 359,7.78,M5.8Ve,-1.89,-3.90,6.46,7.78,"FlareStar,dia=0.1Sol;CNLeonis,LFT750,LTT12923,Gl406,G45-20,LHS36"

To be honest, I have no idea what "Xg,Yg,Zg" means.

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.

[This message has been edited by spyone (edited October 10, 2000).]

Posted by spyone on :
Found some of my own help, TSN:
According to the "galactic coordinates" are:
Galactic (X,Y,Z) coordinates in ly: The coordinates of this star in space, relative to our own sun, in units of light-years. The first ("x") coordinate points directly toward the center of our galaxy (which, in the Earth's night sky, is at a right ascention of 17h42m4s and a declination of -28�55'). The second ("y") coordinate points along the galactic plane in the direction of galactic rotation, at right angles to the "x" axis. The third ("z") coordinate points straight out of the plane of the galaxy, parallel to the galactic north pole, at right angles to both the "x" and "y" axes. Our sun represents the point [0, 0, 0] in this coordinate system. These coordinates are used to find the distance between any two stars, instead of just their distance from our own sun.

This means that the standard used in astronomy is to designate the x axis along what I, at least, would call the y axis. I think it makes life simpler if _I_ change (as opposed to trying to change an entire scientific community to suit my needs).

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.

[This message has been edited by spyone (edited October 11, 2000).]

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
The Xg, Yg, Zg is eithre the Galactic X,Y,Z or the yearly change of X, Y, Z. The yearly change of the Coords is more important than the Galactic Coords, since a star system can move in the span of say 10 years, and with the change rate you plot to go right to the system, instead of going to the old coords and then chasing after the nearest star.
To get the Z,Y,Z change you would now need to figure in Galactic Radial Velocity and Parallax change, which for what I am doing is a bit much.
Maybe when one of you comes up with the Warp Drive I'll work on the Navigation/Astrometrics Department.

Stupid bastards and religious freaks,
so safe in their castle keeps...


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
spyone: Yes, if you adjust those coordinates to switch the X and Y axes, as you've said, you should get approximately the values I have...

Teal'c: "I am a traitor to no-one."
Jaffa woman: "Except your god!"
Teal'c: "False god! Dead false god..."
-Stargate: SG-1, "Into the Fire"

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
The site is pretty helpful. From the explanation of x that is given, that would seem to be the north on most of our galaxy maps. Sometimes though, there is some confusion of looking up at the sky or looking down at a map which causes everything to be switched right to left. For example, both Sirius and Regulus, which are southeast of Earth on maps, have negative coordinates for x and y, which would place them southwest of Earth. So maybe you have to switch x and y and change the sign of the new x?

A slight problem with galactic coordinates might be that they're based on the center of the galaxy. Since the earth is not exactly on the true equitorial plane of the galaxy, the "galactic plane" is this coordinate system is at a slight angle to the true galactic equitorial plane. By I guess that since our distance above the plane is much smaller than the distance to the galactic core that problem is too small to produce any serious errors.

Anyways, If you omit the z coordinate, you can easily produce a map looking down on the Galactic plane from the North Pole. That easier than working back from galactic longitude and latitude. (By the way, "stellar" is misspelled in the link in spyone's post and leads to nowhere).

TSN: Wendell Chung's site is pretty cool. I don't remember how I first found it. He's already made a lot of local space maps for those of us who don't want to travel too far from earth.

When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum


Posted by spyone on :
Okay, I fixed my typo'ed link.

The best way to reconcile astronomy maps with Star Trek maps, now that I understand the problem, is to take your star trek map and rotate it counter-clockwise 90 degrees. Now use the standard axes taught in geometry:
The x axis runs through Earth and the center of the Galaxy, with negative numbers being towards the center of the galaxy from earth (to the left of earth), and posative numbers to the right. The y axis runs vertically on the page, positave is away from you and negative is towards you. The z axis is, of course, above and below the paper.

I can't tell what Warp9 uses the Xg,Yg,Zg for, but I kinda doubt it is Galactic Coordinates.

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.


Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Spyone: I don't know if only rotating counterclockwise will work. Rotating counterclockwise 90 degrees still puts stars with a negative x and y in the left lower quadrant (on standard maps). According to that site, y is in the direction of galactic rotation. Since the galaxy rotates clockwise when you look at it from above and earth is south of the core, positive y would be to the left of Earth rather than to the right. This would work and correctly put stars with -x and -y in the right lower quadrant. For example, I know that Wolf 359 is ESE of Earth on standard maps. It's x,y coords at the Stellar Database are -1.897, -3.905. Since +x is towards the core, -x is south of earth. Since +y is in the direction of galactic rotation (to the left), -y is to the right of earth. So these coordinates find a spot just where I know W359 to be: 4 to the right and 2 down. So, if you're used to having +x to the right and +y to the top, you'll have to switch x and y and change the sign of the new x (old y).

When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum

[This message has been edited by Masao (edited October 12, 2000).]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Actually, on the page I linked to, I think it uses a plane parellel to the real galactic plane. It even says that, to use the plane that actually runs thorugh the center of the galaxy, you can just shift the Z coordinates (add 50ly, IIRC).

Teal'c: "I am a traitor to no-one."
Jaffa woman: "Except your god!"
Teal'c: "False god! Dead false god..."
-Stargate: SG-1, "Into the Fire"

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
I see. That actually makes a lot more sense.

When you're in the Sol system, come visit the Starfleet Museum


Posted by spyone on :
Been off-line for a while. Figured out my error in the interim. Thanks for posting the correction, though.

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.


Posted by SIR SIG on :
Hey Spyone, why dont you send some of that info my way please. Or atleast on the boards

An Aussie Trek Narrator


Posted by spyone on :
Which info? I've been recieving far more than sending in this thread.

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.


Posted by SIR SIG on :
Well check the treknet board. Ive been doing some calculations from the Startrek Maps. Which used real data for its time. ie 1960's
Deneb works out to be 1488 ly from Sol.
And the TOS fed had a known space area of 1500ly radius from the Central Navigation Beacon: cordinates from Sol in Parsecs -23.?/-63.?/0.0

An Aussie Trek Narrator


Posted by spyone on :
well, I do my best to cross-pollenate relevant data between the boards I am on.
Which, for the record, are:
Flare (here)
Section 31 (
Csoft (
Trek BBS (
Trek RPG (

You're a Starfleet Officer. "Weird" is part of the job.


Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
"While someone has proposed that the space empires will resemble a bucket full of marbles, a frying pan full of golf balls seems a better analogy."

Bravo. Best analogy I've yet encountered.

By the way, the reason the Federation sphere is so much larger than that of other powers is because it is comprised of several large powers, each doing its own commerce and scientific exploration before/after contact/membership.

A 3d map WOULD be possible. Check out some of 7's maps in Stellar cartography. By use of perspective, an underlying grid, and translucent splined territory markers (each a different color), with only major systems included, such a map is eminently workable. I would suggest that you first get as many XYZ locations from actual astrometry/canon sources as possble, and enter these into a 3d art program. Then rotate the POV until you have a reasonbly attractive and revealing viewpoint. After this, use photoshop to improve detail/add place names on an upper layer, which can be removed.

To me, this sounds like a fun project. Any takers/collaborators?

Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :


Posted by Wes (Member # 212) on :
Thats the best source of Trek territory info ive seen.

Wes Button[email protected]
TechFX StudiosThe United Federation Uplink
Janeway: "Dimissed"
Neelix: [stands there dumbfounded] "b..but.."
Janeway: "That's Starfleet for get out"


Posted by Treknophyle (Member # 509) on :
I agree.

After we get some consensus on XYZ coordinates (could everyone please check out this site?), and at least get a system which is gun (a small canon), I am going to try to create a perspective map of the nearby systems, Federation etc, (possibly several scales of detail) which parallels the look of Stellar Catrography (love those grids).

There are reams of data on this site. I have to glean it down to essentials.

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