This is topic My transphasic torp theory. in forum Starships & Technology at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by Nevod (Member # 738) on :
Transphasic torpedoes:

In 2396, Starfleet survived a series of Borg attacks, consisting of Tactical and two standard Cubes.In response to disastrous results of three battles,and repeated sightnings of Azdeli vessels, Starfleet's R&D started a development of new weapons against Borg.

After some time, it has been suggested that new torpedo weapon must be able to create chaos in Borg subspace network and overload subspace taps. Initial design was using 12-kilogram M/AM mix to initiate enchanced ZPE actuator, and of shells of tricobalt-tungsten-magnesium and verterium cochrenide to create randomly-variating multiband subspace field. However, even that wasn't enough to guarantee 100% destruction of Borg or Azdeli vessel. Shortly thereafter, idea of using transporter primary energizers embedded in casing, and linked to shield scanner pallet, was used. But the resulting device was just too big to mount even in quantum torpedo casing. Following design of quantum torpedo, transphasic warhead was fitted in even larger probe casing-Type IX. Even then, warhead was so big that resulting torpedo was almost unable of going at warp, and having limited impulse range.

Testings opened extreme efficiency of new torpedo against even conventional enemy ships, not only suspace-powered. Resulting effective yields, in comparsion to standard photon torpedo effective yields, appeared to be of next values: against subspace-powered vessels: 2800, against conventional vessels- 25.

Such extremely successful results allowed Starfleet to began production of transphasic torpedoes immediately. However, transphasic warheads apeared to be very hard to manufacture , so even the most powerful Starfleet battlecruisers now aren't carrying more than 60 torpedoes.

It's a bit non-canon, made just for fun...

[ January 10, 2002: Message edited by: Nevod ]
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
It's also a bit, um, indecipherable.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i can understand it fine, but i pretend that voyager didn't exist so the genesis of the transphasic torp doesn't matter to me [Big Grin] . one question: who are the azdeli?

Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
You imply that the Quantum Torpedo is larger than the Photon Torpedo when their basic dimensions are pretty much the same. If I were to venture a guess, the Photon Torpedo has more volume. Don't hold me to that though, I've never done the mass.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
This reminds me of Monty Python's "Theory of the Brontosaurus" sketch.

"This theory, in its entirety, is mine. What it is, this theory of mine, is mine. My theory is as follows and begins now. The next thing you hear will be my theory. All brontosauruses are very thin at one end, very thick in the middle, and thin again at the other end. The End."
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
very apt, First of Two, very apt. i still want to know who the azdeli are, though.

Posted by Nevod (Member # 738) on :
Originally posted by EdipisReks:
very apt, First of Two, very apt. i still want to know who the azdeli are, though.


What does the word "apt" mean, eh?

Azdeli are just part of my Trek-fic... Really powerful race that enjoy kicking arses.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
You could always look it up.

apt \Apt\, a. [F. apte, L. aptus, fr. obsolete apere to fasten, to join, to fit, akin to apisci to reach, attain: cf. Gr. ? to fasten, Skr. [=a]pta fit, fr. [=a]p to reach attain.] 1. Fit or fitted; suited; suitable; appropriate.

[ January 11, 2002: Message edited by: Malnurtured Snay ]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Designs and Creativity.. ask for it by name
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Andre Bormanis and Rick Sternbach pack you bags.. here comes Nevod [Wink] .

Transphasic.... sounds like subspace weapons.. Was that Romulan supercloak also called 'transphasic'? Pretty useless for a torp to go right through everything [Smile] .

"12-kilogram M/AM mix to initiate enchanced ZPE actuator"

Do you need anything to start ZPE!? I tought you only needed those plate-things really close together... but I don't know that much about ZPE.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Actually, a torpedo that could go right through everything would be very useful. As long as it can turn that feature off. Shoot the torpedo, wait 'til it's passed halfway through the ship, make it solid again, kablammo.
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Out of curiousity, Nevod, how old are you?
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
Bunnies are soft. Unlike Nevod's theory, I can prove mine.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
we did have a little trouble with the math on quantum bunny softness though. i think that by feeling the bunnies we were changing the feel of them by feeling them .. were they soft while we werent touching them?

Are transphasic bunnies soft? You can't touch them.
Posted by Nevod (Member # 738) on :
I'm 14. [Roll Eyes]

Mike, you're right, if you not touch quantum bunnies, they're soft. When you touch them, they began to change in unpredictable ways.

ZPE... Yes, to make Casimir Effect, you need to just push two plates very close... check this

I just stolen that part from Tech Manual.

[ January 11, 2002: Message edited by: Nevod ]
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Is your last name Cochrane, by any chance? If so, you'll probably name your son Zefram and move to Montana....
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
Originally posted by Nevod:

Mike, you're right, if you not touch quantum bunnies, they're soft. When you touch them, they began to change in unpredictable ways.

My Quantum bunny changed into a swarm of Smurfs that tied me up and stole my wallet!
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
the odds seemed to be against that..
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
But hey, anything's possible with quantum theory...
Posted by koy'peled Oy'tio (Member # 796) on :
I neglected to put spoiler sign on this simply because if you like star trek enough to be here then you damn well have seen endgame...So...Transphasic torpedoes...I found were theseTT specs (non-canon) and some more TT Specs . I'd like to learn more about TT's but frankly the canon info is scarce, so I tried my best looked around and found somewhat semi-non-canon info. So how do they pack such a punch? Your first reaction would be to say simply there is a larger antimatter storage on board the torpedo but to me that is highly unsophisticated. I’m leaning more towards the idea of compressed antimatter. You read it right…but assumptions aside I hope to see this weapon in Nemesis.
Posted by U//Magnus (Member # 239) on :
"I neglected to put spoiler sign on this simply because if you like star trek enough to be here then you damn well have seen endgame..."

Except, if, you, know, you're in like, you know, not, like, the North America. You're hopeless.
Posted by koy'peled Oy'tio (Member # 796) on :
Posted by Boris (Member # 713) on :
There are many other ways for foreigners to see episodes these days.


[ May 01, 2002, 14:25: Message edited by: Boris ]
Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
People around the world may potentially have to wait months (or even longer) to see episodes that have just aired in North America, and this is an international board. To assume everyone here has seen "Endgame" just because you saw it months ago is to potentially incur the wrath of said people.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Of course, it also seems rather bizarre to be blamed for a lack of spoiler warnings in a thread you didn't actually create. Or to apologize for the same reasons. But, heck, let's not let that get in the way of a nice round of newbie-bashing.
Posted by Cpt. Kyle Amasov (Member # 742) on :
You know what's really scary? If Braga would have convinced some people to use the earlier drafts of First Contact, transphasic torpedos would have been the new Starfleet weapon instead of quantums. He incuded them in those scripts, and the big Borg-battle would have had many destroyed Borg ships - destroyed by federation vessels with transphasic torpedos. It's scary how he finally managed to 'invent' them for Trek. And I'm quite sure his ablative armor was in some abandoned script version of an episode, too. [Eek!]
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
You want to know what's really scary? People like you decided that the "quantum" torpedoes that appear in the first draft of Star Trek First Contact were entirely the work of the great Satan Brannon Braga without the slightest shred of evidence. And that the decision to remove them was made by someone other than Braga, again based on nothing but speculation. And that on account of immature speculation like this, the poor guy has had and continues to have to deal with death threats from rapid fanboys. No wonder he isn't keen on extending an open invitation to Trekkies on the net to vote in online polls to choose what happens in every episode.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
chro'Nicpain In'theass also ended up providing a spoiler warning anyway, simply my mentioning that he wasn't providing one.

Now, listen, koy...whatever. If you're going to talk about an episode that has not yeat aired/been released in a significant portion of the area in which our Forum-goers live, you will provide some sort of indication of that before spoiling anything. If you don't know which episodes this entails, just ask. I'm sure plenty of people around here will be happy to provide you w/ that information.

If you persist in the attitude you expressed above, you won't be given any more opportunities to post spoilers. Or anything else, for that matter.
Posted by Cpt. Kyle Amasov (Member # 742) on :
Originally posted by The_Tom:
You want to know what's really scary? People like you decided that the "quantum" torpedoes that appear in the first draft of Star Trek First Contact were entirely the work of the great Satan Brannon Braga without the slightest shred of evidence. And that the decision to remove them was made by someone other than Braga, again based on nothing but speculation. And that on account of immature speculation like this, the poor guy has had and continues to have to deal with death threats from rapid fanboys. No wonder he isn't keen on extending an open invitation to Trekkies on the net to vote in online polls to choose what happens in every episode.

OK, I have no idea who invented them, but given the fact that Ron Moore and Brannon Braga wrote the script and Braga was the one who wrote 'Endgame', it seems only logical to assume that it was his idea. The fact that evenyone keeps blaming 'The Killer-B's' for everything is caused by the fact that Berman and Braga are now in charge of the whole franchise. I don't think Braga is the source of all evil in the world, in fact, he's one of my favourite writers, but later Voyager and now Enterprise show that he's obviously not able to handle so much power. Since he is his own boss it bacame worse. I think that's a fact, too.
I don't know what's your opinion about me, but I have to correct you; I am not such a 'crazy fanboy'. I'm just really disappointed with Endgame and speculated about the origin of the ideas for that show.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
This is a thread i would have rather seen stay dead. Since Nevod (and later boy'smelled Like'poo) are just pulling bullshit technobabble out of their asses (or in koy's case, pulling bullshit out of other people's asses), why wouldnt this be designs, artwork and creativity.. there's hardly a shred of anything thats actually been on Trek here, except for those contentious Endgame spoilers.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Originally posted by Boris:
There are many other ways for foreigners to see episodes these days.


Yes, I have personnally developed a way to watch them using the power of my mind...
Anyway, you're the foreigner... [Big Grin] [Razz] [Big Grin]

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