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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
What examples are there? We know from numerous episodes that Starfleet uniforms can really soak up water. What happens if they ever run into a rainy planet? And why in over 35 years of Trek has no one ever beamed up or down to one, hm?

The only example I can think of off the top of my head is the trenchcoat -like thing Admiral Janeway was wearing when he was visiting Chakotay's grave. But that's more like a casual, non-combat sort of thing.

Posted by Mr. Pink (Member # 621) on :
Well, more than just rain gear, there seems to be a disturbing lack of variety in Starfleet uniforms. The jumpsuits eem to see all the action, despite the terrain or climate. The only example I can think of of climate specific uniforms is the episode where Sisko, Jake, Ezri, and Grandpa go to the desert planet and find the Emmissary Orb.

Is there any other example of different uniforms for different climates?
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
In Four hundred years, I would imagine there'd be some fairly all-weather material invented. I mean, we have Gor-Tex out now, right?
Posted by J (Member # 608) on :
The spacesuit for the Y-Class planet [Big Grin]
Posted by Springfield Armory Snay (Member # 411) on :
like thing Admiral Janeway was wearing when he was visiting Chakotay's grave.
That explains a lot.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Still, it is kinda odd that away teams either have to go down in full self-contained spacesuits....or exposed normal shipboard uniforms.

I mean, you'd expect a whole suite of gear, simple breather masks for near-earth environments with just small changes in atmosphere, parkas for slightly colder areas, containment suits for planets with unfamiliar virii, etc.

Its not like they lack the energy, design skills, or storage space.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
They wore those light protective cowls in TOS, they could easily keep the rain off you.

And as to cold weather gear, they wore those parka-suits in both DS9 and VGR.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Yeah! Even Lost in Space and Battlestar Galatica had gear. I clearly remember parkas on both shows and breathing masks on BSG. TOS had those funky, cheap-looking red suits and silver suits, of course.
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
They had those field jackets in 'The Cage'. They could provide rain, cold, and heat protection...
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Has everyone forgotten that we've seen two differnt types of field jacket as well as desert gear in just the last year of Enterprise?
Posted by Captain... Mike (Member # 709) on :
I once tried on a maroon Wrath of Khan field jacket at a convention. it made me look like an oompa loompa. that was before i lost all sorts of weight, though.

the big pockets all over would be a great place to stash some weed (thus satisfying the bizarre stereotype that i must frequently bring up mind altering substances, even though i dont think i do so except for rarely..)

but then again, i am pretty drunk right now

the solar system patch on the shoulder was nifty.. but what the hell did it mean?
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
*takes three drinks*
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Quark and Odo wore those pretective jackets to keep them warm in an episode of DS9 ("Ascent"?)
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
And they appeared to be much the same costumes as the ones worn by the future Kim and Chakotay in "Timeless" - except that Odo and Quark had theirs cut-and-resewn.

As for rain gear, I'd *love* to see the "life support belts" of TAS being used in this role. I imagine it would be relatively easy to use a combination of fake rain on the set foreground/background plus some CGI to create an otherwise invisible or perhaps slightly glowing forcefield "bubble" that surrounds the actors and deflects the rain...

I don't think we have yet seen our heroes in heavy rain, at least not when they were otherwise properly equipped. This sort of futuristic "umbrella" would be a really nice touch, and an �bercool visual effect. Plus it would be a TAS referece, however obscure...

As for why we haven't seen this tech before: one could say that this is the future equivalent of an umbrella and not of a raincoat. Those tough military types don't use umbrellas, except when they are acting un-tough and sensible for a change. I could easily see Archer's crew being a bit more "civilian" and stooping to using the forecefield umbrellas.

Then again, TAS belts might be a bit anachronistic for ENT. What I'd REALLY like to see would be these umbrellas in action in a TOS or TNG movie, with the heavy implication that they are NOT new supertech but rather standard 23rd or 24th century consumer gadgets.

Timo Saloniemi
Posted by Colourblind Harry (Member # 265) on :
Starfleet tradition seems to be that if a team lands on a hot or wet (preferably hot and wet), crewmembers (preferably female) strip down to their undergarments (mostly Torres and Janeway).

The "The Cage" jackets were the only thing of the sort we saw on TOS, apart from the flimsy red and silver suits. Movies 1-6 had all sorts of field jackets and protective suits.
TNG had no suits whatsoever. The only different uniforms were Beverly's surgeon-suit and some early jumpsuits on engineering extras.
VOY did have a lot of different uniforms, but mostly without an obvious reason (a training uniform and two kinds of field uniforms). Finally, DS9 had desert and combat suits. And those FC uniforms look a bit warmer and tougher than the previous uniforms.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
I was in a quandary (a small Korean hatchback): could I berate you all for really scraping the barrel-bottom discussion-wise, knowing my post would send this thread to a second page and thereby prolong it even further? Then I got interested. . . 8)

Hasn't Patrick, er, Spike/Fitz (I forget which he uses here) been keeping track of all the uniform variants? And weren't all the ones seen on Voyager really stupid, for the most part?
Posted by Magenta Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
From what I remember, Voyager gave us the following variants:

-Training Uniform from "Learning Curve".
-Climibing/Field Uniform from "Blood Fever".
Short Sleeve version of same.
-Pilot Uniform from the racing episode (which, by the way, bears a remarkable resemblance to a fan script I read before the ep came out...).
-The FC uniforms with the All Good Things Communicator from "Timeless".

I never minded any of them too much. I mean... I thought they made sense. I wouldn't even call the training uniforms "uniforms"... more like standard issue drill gear.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I wouldn't even call the training uniforms "uniforms"... more like standard issue drill gear.
Except that as I recall, Tuvok was wearing the same thing. So that basically makes it something like a "workout uniform."

I haven't seen "Learning Curve" in eight years, but I seem to recall that the "fatigues" that they used there (a grey shirt with the departmental color stripe across the chest) were the same ones we saw in "Blood Fever" and were used by the Starfleet infantry soldiers that we saw in "Nor the Battle to the Strong" and "The Siege of AR-558."

Of course, I *much* prefer the other Starfleet policy -- to have the officer strip down to some demographically-pleasing attire. [Wink]
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Originally posted by MinutiaeMan:
I haven't seen "Learning Curve" in eight years, but I seem to recall that the "fatigues" that they used there (a grey shirt with the departmental color stripe across the chest) were the same ones we saw in "Blood Fever" and were used by the Starfleet infantry soldiers that we saw in "Nor the Battle to the Strong" and "The Siege of AR-558."

And I haven't seen "NtBttS" for a while (and "TSoAR558" not at all) but I don't think so. In the former it was a black heavey-materialed outfit with the departmental stripe, surely? I'd agree that the "Blood Fever" cave-mining outfits were the same, however.
Posted by Jack_Crusher (Member # 696) on :
There were some season 1 Voyager episodes, and "Friendship One", where the Voyager crew were wearing kool jackets.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Like This?
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
*pulls Magnus out of this thread so I can hurt him* [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
So, my master joke was passed by? My punnage is too highbrow.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
You suck at the joking...
Posted by Captain... Mike (Member # 709) on :
And he jokes at the sucking!
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
The uniforms from "Learning Curves" and "Blood Fever" were quite different.

Learning Curves

Blood Fever

Friendship One
Posted by Magenta Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Odd that they would make two long sleeve variations. I would've thought they would've just reused the climbing suits for Friendship One...

Maybe someone won the lottery that week...
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
It's the TNG admiral uniform all over again.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
I suppose they had to find something for the costume designers to do. After all, just you try churning out nothing but fancy waistcoats for Neelix every week. 8)
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
True. Between him and Quark, at least 99.9999% of all clothes designed for modern Trek have been fancy waistcoats and jackets. Noel Coward would approve.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I'm curious -- how many times have we actually seen live precipitation (rain, snow) on Trek? I can think of only one real example: "Ex Post Facto," where the rain was mainly to set the mood, a la "It was a dark and stormy night..."

Hey -- It's been a while since I saw that episode, but IIRC Paris was soaked to the skin by the rain -- I guess those Starfleet uniforms don't do much good after all.

There was also the snowstorms kicked up by an asteroid's impact in TNG's "A Matter of Time," but that was all visual effects, we didn't see the actors running around in the snow.

One more: the rainstorms on Risa in "Let He Who Is Without Sin..."

Are there any other examples?
Posted by Spike (Member # 322) on :
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Hey. We had snow costumes in "Timeless" (VOY).

[ August 02, 2002, 10:04: Message edited by: Harry ]
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
"Sub Rosa."

Don't hit me.
Posted by Greg (Member # 739) on :
What about the premiere episode of Enterprise - "Broken Bow"? Wasn't it snowing when Archer, T'Pol and gang were pinned down by the Suliban? Or was that just ash and dirt that was being swirled around by the Shuttlepod's exhaust?

Been a while since I saw the episode.

Just my $.02.
Posted by Ryan McReynolds (Member # 28) on :
Oh yes, very snowy.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Originally posted by Spike:

D'oh! How could I forget something that obvious?! [Eek!]

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