This compares my older kitbashes with their new versions. Comment away!
And incidentally: I'm having a little trouble with the HTML on that page. I was trying to get the ship names to span the 2 columns with the name in the middle, but it didn't work...
------------------ Go brain go. -Qualcomm sloagan
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Is anyone else having problems accessing this page? Garak can only get half of it. I can get the whole thing on my machine and my parents's.
*Decides he had better check it out, lest Fabrux kitbashes him. Joking.* Right, here we go.
Accos Has Accos and Accos of space, ya know. Cha-ha? Only good thing about the new one is the freaky deflector. Keep the rest of the old stuff.
Alabama Bridge has it's own porch, rocking chair and spare box of shell casings. I can't tell the difference except I presume you left out the blue in the nacelle. Please say it's two nacelles, and not the one that I fear => FREEDOM!!
Alpine Coming soon in new 'Spring', 'Autumn' and 'Malibu' scents, so your washing can smell better than ever. New one looks miles better with the swept back and lowered nacelles.
Boraj Drop the Sov's nacelles back further, IM(H)O. Newer better happier more productive. Blah blah etc. Love the name - where'd you get it?
Danath It's a freak. Sorry. Change it to a bigger saucer - that might redeem it a bit. A bit. That means "not much".
Dyson I'd honestly need a top & a front view before I'd go all Pilate on it. Put the nacelles back the other way, though.
Eudoxus (such a name!!) Then the Jews returned to mine the Red Sea. I'd probably bust a gut laughing if I saw a head-on view of the new version. Prefer the older one in almost all respects.
Fishel Ah, innit cute? Newer one is better. Where does one relieve oneself whilst on board?
Gauntlet Hasn't this been done on the series? Fabrux, you're gonna be RICH!!! Seriously: newer one looks the better. Definitely. Actually, try leaving the old nacelles the way they were, and using the newer (higher) saucer.
Hawk Now we're talking. And it's only me typing. Oh well. I presume those were Soyuz-ish pods sticking port and starboard in the original. Glad they're gone. Hmm. Engines look too small in proportion to the rest of the body. Soverign engines, with 3/4s of the nacelles aft of the pylon, perchance? Flatten the dorsal section of the saucer?
Icehammer *Stifles giggling* Well, it's different, to say the least. Like the new nacelles. Your own design?
Juta Secondary hull is WAY too large, in both. I honestly don't know which one I don't not like the least. I think.
Maxell Actually, I prefer the original. The new nacelles are better though.
Mercator (I can see the bottom of the page!) A ship whose bum doesn't look big in anything. It seriouly needs an arse of some type; the tapering hull at the back does not sit well with me. The rest, however, sits suprisingly well on my lap. Invert the nacelles, or try a Sabre's (i.e. a nacelle with half its length covered so that a pylon can grab onto something, like the Sabre).
Morrisey Presumably a ship of wailing torment and 80's style deprivation. Newer The slung-forward neck slings it, I mean swings it.
Oracle Comes complete with TV listings, weather and all the best showbiz gossip. I presume that the 'old' Oracle was the 'new' Hawk. Prefer the old Oracle out of the two.
Saluke Stand to attention, you 'orrible lot! Don't like either. Sorry.
Young Same for these ones. Sorry again.
Happy now, Fabrux?
I wish someone paid me the same attention. *Sobs* Ah well, off to the College Bar.
*Hopes to f*ck the server lets me post this*
------------------ "So, no room for Bender, huh? Well I'll build my own lunar lander, with blackjack, and hookers. In fact, who needs a lander, or blackjack? Ah, screw the whole lot o' ya!" -- Bender, Futurama.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Well, guess where I am. I'm here at NBTel's Living Lab and I'm posting from a TV. Isn't that different? Anyways, as you can tell, I can't make any changes here. I may do a thing or two when I get home.
A little thing on the Hawk and Oracle classes: They're practically the same thing, only the Oracle is a science ship and the Hawk is more or less a battleship.
Accos The only differences between the old one and the new one are the change of color in the deflector dishes, the SF arrowhead on the pylon, and the formation lights.
Alabama Of course it only has one nacelle! No, it has two. Yes, I took the blue out of the nacelle. It looks better this way. Also, the red on the ship now goes from light to dark and vice versa, instead of the same color on the whole ship. Again, it also has the new SF arrowhead.
Alpine I think so too.
Boraj The name came from somewhere that I can't remember right now *looks in Encyclopedia* Okay, so it's not in there. IIRC, I was watching a documentary on TLC one night and it was the name of an ancient city or something. The correct pronunciation is BORje
Danath I actually like it. It's a light dreadnought, about the size of the Intrepid.
Dyson The nacelles actually can't be the other way. See how the pylon latches on to the blue part? That's not possible in Trek.
Eudoxus You like the older version better? What are you on? The first one was a result of some kitbashing with little Micro Machines. I think I like the second one much better. It's like a fast something-or-other. N.B. - The name of this ship came from the period of time when I wasn't very creative, so I looked in the Encyclopedia and copied down the names of all the craters on the moon that I liked
Fishel Of course it's cute. And one goes to the bathroom to relieve oneself, of course.
Gauntlet Yeah, the newer one has impulse engines. You can see them if you look closely. And I prefer the nacelles the way ther are. Makes it look bigger.
Hawk To me, this ship and it's scientific counterpart are too perfect to change. The pod on the Hawk is from the Akira, BTW. Sovereign engines might not be too bad of an idea, though.
Icehammer What's so funny? Yes, the nacelles are my own design. This ship was specifically designed for running supplies between planets in the Zeta Aquilae System.
Juta This one stays the way it is. I've always considered it a perfect reminder to myself of what not to do when kitbashing.
Maxell *compares the 2 pics* They're the same bloody ship! Only difference is that the pod and the things on the side are the proper ones, it has the new SF arrowhead on the pylon, and the nacelle has blue glowy thingy. That's it.
Mercator What should I do, give it a shuttlebay or something?
Morrisey I can't remember what my inspiration was for this. But I know one thing's for sure: Here's an unauthorized pic of it on someone's webpage(and a horrible one at that): I had originally made it as an ASCII file.
Oracle Well, the Oracle is the same spaceframe as the Hawk, but it's internal arrangement is totally different. This one has sensor suites, labs aplenty, everything a true science ship needs. Usually it operates with a Hawk on the fringes of Federation space
Saluke Indeed, the Saluke didn't turn out right. So, I turned it into a lowly carrier.
Young Intended to be a Perimeter Aciton ship, I think these will be scouts now.
Yes, Fabrux. I'm happy. Thrilled even. Can't you tell by the sound of my gravelly voice?
------------------ "So, no room for Bender, huh? Well I'll build my own lunar lander, with blackjack, and hookers. In fact, who needs a lander, or blackjack? Ah, screw the whole lot o' ya!" -- Bender, Futurama.