T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Mr. Christopher
Member # 71
Well, here's the fruit of many hours' work. I started working on the Elani Friday, and I finished what I wanted to get done yesterday. It all started on Friday when I was at the museum with the kids (part of my job; I work at a daycamp). There's a nifty geology exhibit there, that depicts the Earth in various stages of evolution. I thought the paleogeographic globes there would look nifty as alien planets in Star Trek. So, I took a map of the Earth during the Cambrian Period (510 000 000 BC or thereabouts) and called it Elanus. Then I created the Elani, and decided to use the ships and tech from the Zetans, the guys I created a while ago but left on the back burner. So, I made a new page, updated all the schematics I had made, and now I have this, The Elani Union Enjoy.
Member # 29
Well, I've been telling you ever since you begun that you've done an excellent job.I think you ought to know, though, that the orbital defense platform picture is missing.
Mr. Christopher
Member # 71
No it's not. *shifty glance*
First of Two
Member # 16
Cool.Where'd you get the planet map?
Mr. Christopher
Member # 71
Hmm... Let me see here...Here we are! http://vishnu.glg.nau.edu/rcb/Cambrian.html
Member # 411
You know, I just scanned through the "fleet" ... Thats a kind of high officer/enlisted ratio, don't you think? Nice job, BTW.
Mr. Christopher
Member # 71
Member # 411
You know, if you're not going to answer, please don't waste my time by posting a "shrug" reply.
Mr. Christopher
Member # 71
Well too bad! Look, people have told me before that I have high officer/enlisted ratios, but no one ever tells me what a resonable one would be! It's annoying.
Member # 411
Well, you could've said that.I think an average USN ratio is something like 1/20 ... I'm sure some of our current and ex- military members can clarify that a bit. [lisp]Honestly, Fabby, baby, if you don't ask, you'll never learn ...[/lisp]