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Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
I'm working on a rough 3d model of a tug that would replace the Ptolemy Class. It looks a lot like Jackill's USS Hensley class, but he went with two tow pads and I went with one.

I'm thinking about checking with FJ's TM to see if he left any room in his system after the Keppler class.

I've already released one addon for Orbiter called the "Ptolemy Tug Cargo Pods", and I'm looking to update these to TMP era.


Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Atlas class
Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
That's a possibility. It doesn't clash with FJ or Masao's museum either. I looked at Patrick Lichty's Dolland Class tug and his design is based off of a TOS era hull. I've been considering a Keppler (refit) class, using the existing Keppler NCC-'s as each ship gets upgraded. Atlas class tug...Hmmmmm.
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
If yu're willing to abandon the Greco-Roman/Anglo tradition that most ships are named after, there are still plenty of human cultural references to choose from.

Babylonian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Chinese, Japanese (ok, we saw the U.S.S. Yamato, but that's it, isn't it?), Korean, etc...

Basically any culture that isn't the ancestors of the white anglo saxons of today.
Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by HerbShrump:
If yu're willing to abandon the Greco-Roman/Anglo tradition that most ships are named after, there are still plenty of human cultural references to choose from.

Babylonian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Chinese, Japanese (ok, we saw the U.S.S. Yamato, but that's it, isn't it?), Korean, etc...

Basically any culture that isn't the ancestors of the white anglo saxons of today.

I think FJ tried to do that in the tech manual, certainly a lot of his ship names favored Middle Eastern sources. (Just read the names of some of the scouts and destroyers, there are some scary dudes in there!)

Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Versus Jackill, who seems to have gotten all of this thousands of names out of a phone book. [Razz]

Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Originally posted by WizArtist II:
Atlas class

Psst. taken.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :

Yamato, Akagi, Kyushu, Musashi, Honshu, and Okinawa were all just in dialogue. When you get down to screen graphics and other semi- and unofficial material like the TNG TM, FJ's TM, and so on: Kongo, Hokkaido, Hiroshima, Akira, Soryu, Hiryu... and that's not counting the Kobayashi Maru and Shiku Maru. While I don't think those are named after actual Japanese commercial vessels, they still follow the naming convention for such.

And I know I'm forgetting a lot more. These were just the most memorable.

Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
Originally posted by WizArtist II:
Atlas class

Psst. taken.
Very nice, Reverend! I'm going to go with the ships being refit Dolland Class tugs, based on Reverend's revelation. According to the FJ Tech Manual, there is room at NCC-3950 for at least 49 ships. The highest Dolland class in the TM is NCC-3940.

Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Also, Chris... There's no need to be slavish to FJ's registry "system". A lot of his work, while very pretty and definitely a good starting point, showed appalling research methodology. I do not say this out of meanness or dislike for the nam or his work. It's just what an objective analysis unfortunately starts to reveal.

Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by Peregrinus:
I do not say this out of meanness or dislike for the nam or his work. It's just what an objective analysis unfortunately starts to reveal.


I don't think you're being mean. There are some things he could've done better. Overall when you're trying to shoehorn something into that era (Pre-,TOS,-TMP) his system actually works quite well. After the Excelsior and Oberth classes it starts to break down.

I don't have issues with Non-FJ numbering systems, it makes sense that Starfleet would change the method of NCC- allotments from time
to time. I think they did that just after ST Generations, personally.

The only problem I have is when TNG, and older
systems are brought backward to TOS.

Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
Originally posted by WizArtist II:
Atlas class

Psst. taken.
Oh sure....bring THAT up.
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
When I'm thinking of class names, I don't worry only about the lead ship; I also worry more about what other names I can fill the class with. For some ships I'm working on (Ocean class, Giant class, Continent class), I'm going with style the RN sometimes uses by giving the class a generic name (V class, Weapon class, Tribal class) rather than naming it after the lead ship. I wished I given all ships in a class related names when I started doing this kind of stuff 10 years ago, but I was following the haphazard example of TNG rather than FJ.

I also don't worry about the names and numbers conflicting with anything except onscreen ships. There are too many fan- and licensee-designed ships out there.

Edit: grammar stuff
Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by Masao:
I also don't worry about the names and numbers conflicting with anything except onscreen ships. There are too many fan- and licensee-designed ships out there.

Edit: grammar stuff

Thanks, Masao. When I was referring to not conflicting with your site, I was more along the idea of an Atlas tug not being such a good idea if there was already an Atlas Cruiser, etc. I do try to make sure my designs have a purpose. In the case of the refit Dolland class, there is still a strategic need for a large scale transport system within Starfleet to handle colonization efforts or deal with natural disasters like planetary plagues, famines or other situations that would out of scale for ships like the Enterprise A.


Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
In the tradition of the U.S. Navy naming ships after famous officers...

I can just imagine the "Kirk class" probe designed to penetrate ANY heavenly body.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
No need to keep it Earth-centric.
There's plebty of federation worlds out there that are largley unrepresented by Starfleet's names.
(make something up and call it RIgillian or Tellerite)
Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
No need to keep it Earth-centric.
There's plebty of federation worlds out there that are largley unrepresented by Starfleet's names.
(make something up and call it RIgillian or Tellerite)

That's certainly a possibilty. I have no doubt
that if I searched the net hard enough I could find a website that covered Tellerite naming convensions. LOL!

Posted by Jim NCC1701A (Member # 1021) on :
Wagon-train class?
Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by Jim NCC1701A:
Wagon-train class?

Desilu Class! USS Lucy, USS Ricky, USS Fred
and USS Ethel.

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
And the Shuttlecraft "Little Ricky"!
Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by Masao:
And the Shuttlecraft "Little Ricky"!

I'm still leaning toward Dolland Class and to that end here is a quick WIP of the model so far. The pod is a Mark I Bulk Liquids carrier and features fore and aft docking ports as well as one where the towpad meets the upper hull.

Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Hmmm..I"d go with something besides the standard Miranda class with a trailer hitch.

It just does not seem unique enough to warrant it's own class when we've seen Mirandas with far more extensive mods remain "in the family" as it were.

I had a simmular notion a few years back and made my USS Gao Yao

Mabye you could replace the torpedo pod (like it's gonna go into combat with several thousand tonnes of whatever towed along) with a heavy-duty tractor beam emitter or something useful to a transport ship...

Even an additional impulse engine prahaps?
Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:

I had a simmular notion a few years back and made my USS Gao Yao

Mabye you could replace the torpedo pod (like it's gonna go into combat with several thousand tonnes of whatever towed along) with a heavy-duty tractor beam emitter or something useful to a transport ship...

Even an additional impulse engine prahaps?

That's a possibility. There's no reason why I couldn't add a tractor beam in place of the torpedo mounts. Extra impulse engines could make sense too, like the one's on the refit Excelsior
class. Nice work on the Gao Yao, it reminds me of something privately contracted as opposed to a Starfleet design.

Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Hmm..mabye a civillian-use ship (as I dont subscribe to the notion that starfleet runs all stellar travel and commerce in the Federation).

The ship is a FASA homage (nacelles close together, partly protected by superstructure is a FASA-background design trait of Andorian shipyards).

For your ship, why not take a page from the Soyuz class and have four pylons stemming from the central hull- each with a rear-facing tractor beam emitter to haul the containters and no physical connector at all.

That way there's zero stress on the ship's hull during manuvers or course corrections, and swapping cargo containers would just be a matter of tweaking the beam.
Posted by ChristopherT (Member # 1634) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
That way there's zero stress on the ship's hull during manuvers or course corrections, and swapping cargo containers would just be a matter of tweaking the beam.

Who did FASA's designs? Some of them were actually quite decent once you get past the gamey aspects of them. The only problem with using a tractor beam is the simulator only supports hard docking ports at this time.

Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I think there was a whole group of FASA designers...not too sure who exactly.
Gary Perry was one, I think.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
It'd probably look better if the nacelles were mounted on the dorsal side (like they were originally going to be) that would keep them safe from docking mishaps and make the design look a little less "kitbashed".
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
One person was actually responsible for most of the ship design work. I will try to dig out my old Recognition Manuals to tell. My FASA faves (with some work to make them work a little better) are the Chandley, Wilkerson, Loknar, and Larson.

Incidentally, I think Tom Paris learned piloting from an old tug driver. "Faster than light, no left or right" seems like something to remember when hauling a cargo train of those containers at warp...

And Jason? Dayam! but that's a nice conversion. May I steal that design into my "personal canon"?

Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I'd be honored!
I've got a couple of more pics too.

Anything you like, just ask- tough not all the designs are my own- many are canon or Ravenstar studios' with my own mods.

Like this : my latest model from Ravenstar.
The album (apologies for the crappy pics- my photograpger pal is not in town).
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
According to Brad Torgersen's FASA site, the designs are credited to a fellow named Forest G. Brown
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Hmmm...I wonder what ever happened to that guy?
He'd be cool to talk to.
Originally posted by Reverend:
It'd probably look better if the nacelles were mounted on the dorsal side (like they were originally going to be) that would keep them safe from docking mishaps and make the design look a little less "kitbashed".

A hell of a good idea!
I may just build me one o' them- I have a Miranda built except for her nacelles already... I was trying to think up a unique configuration for it and forgot about it for several months.

Mabye I'll go with the nacelles up and a hardport that can accomidate modular additions?
I can see an Oberth pod underslung from a central mount...possibly even a large tractor beam emotter for towing ships or Regula-sized stations from place to place (FASA has a powerhouse tug for just such a purpose, though it's mostly unarmed, it can raise shields like nobody's business!).
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
I dunno... He seemed to favour long, unnecessarily bendy engine pylons. I consider the Northampton his worst offender. By the time the warp plasma reached the nacelled, it would just be a warm breeze. And Jeffries' whole purpose of those pylons was to get the field effect out away from the habitable volume of the ship, and those engines are tucked up nice and neat (or was that the Remora...?).

Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
Nice one Masao, I'd wondered where that had gone!
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by Peregrinus:
I dunno... He seemed to favour long, unnecessarily bendy engine pylons. I consider the Northampton his worst offender. By the time the warp plasma reached the nacelled, it would just be a warm breeze. And Jeffries' whole purpose of those pylons was to get the field effect out away from the habitable volume of the ship, and those engines are tucked up nice and neat (or was that the Remora...?).


I like the trend toward the organic shapes on the FASA designs- it shows wade variance in designs between classes and a gradual trend toward what would become (though unintentional on FASA's part) the TNG look of rounded corners and no shaprp edges on starships (you could poke your eye out, Jean-Luk!).

I made a DS9 era Northampton design a while back:
Translates pretty well overall.
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
Hmmm...I wonder what ever happened to that guy?
He'd be cool to talk to.

I thought there was an interview with Forest Brown up at that site at one time, but I don't see it any more. From what I remember, though, the interview wasn't very revealing.

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