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Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Will it be as good as the first? If you've seen is it? Has anyone seen the entire series of Ape films, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Conquest for the Planet of the Apes, and finally Battle for the Planet of the Apes?
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
I've the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and beginning of the 5th, but I don't remember much of the 2nd or 3rd. The 4th is still the best of the sequels.
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
When I was in junior high school (in the mid 70s) I went to a theatre event called Ape-o-rama where they showed all five ape movies in a row. Those are my ape credentials. Anyways, I just saw the new movie today. I enjoyed it quite a bit. But the "twist" ending was extremely confusing. I'd appreciate someone explaining it to me. Also, can anyone tell me if they could see the cameo by Linda Harrison, who played Nova in POTA and BTPOTA?
Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Hell, we've all got ape credentials!
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Masao, the ending ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$) is not really a thing that can be explained. You make your own assumption. General Thade replaced the statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln (no, Thade) Memorial. That is the twist. Could you explain how Chuck "Head of the NRA" Heston landed on Earth in the first one? His spaceshipwas orbiting the planet the entire time? I've only seen the original and the new POTA, not the sequels, but I don't think they explain everything. That's left up to you, the audience.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
I've seen it and I think they mixed all the POTA's into one. Like Michael Clarke Duncan's speech at the end reminds me of the given by Ceasar at the end of Conquest and the speech at the end of Battle. Does anyone remember who the characters names were off the top of their head. I went to IMDB and I still don't remember.

It would be a much better ending if he stayed but now he's in Ape jail getting ready for one of the worst Ape sequels ever

Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Actually, all five original Apes films tie in together in a sort of Full Circle time loop. (I don't remember all the names, so I'll go by movie #):

1. Astronaut Taylor lands on a planet where erect, talking apes rule and mute humans are merely primitives. Finds out that he had actually landed on a post-apocalyptic Earth when he discovers the Statue of Liberty buried in the sand.

2. Brent, from a second rescue ship, also crashes on the planet, discovers both Apes and mutated humans who worship a nuclear missile. Missile is activated, blowing up the planet.

3. Zira & Cornelius (off camera) find, repair & launch Taylor's ship before the planet is destroyed. The blast hurtles them back in time to the 20th century, where they become celebrities. They explain Ape history to the present-day humans, especially how during a plague, all cats & dogs died. Genetically engineered apes were then created to substitute the cats & dogs as pets, but they couldn't talk.

4. Caesar, the offspring of Zira & Cornelius, grows up in a faschist U.S. of the future. He looks just like the genetically engineered apes, only he can talk. He organizes a bloody rebellion of Apes against humans.

5. After an off-camera nuclear holocaust, the Apes (who have apparently all learned to talk) join with the surviving humans against mutants from the holocaust. The mutants are defeated (apparently retreating to the Forbidden Zone), and the Apes & humans live in peace. However, a statue of Caesar is seen with tears in its eyes. Perhaps this is because he knows that the peace will not last, or that the Earth will eventually be destroyed.

6. back to #1.

Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
I seriously doubt they will do a sequel to the new POTA, Dr. Phlox. You don't do sequels to remakes! It's unethical! There's already too many sequels to the original! As many as Rocky!(unless you count Rocky and Bullwinkle)
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Actually Veers it depends on box office business. If it's is indeed a flop no sequel. But if it becomes a $200 million blockbuster their will have to be a sequel. 20th Century Fox is hoping for blockbusters. So if this one does well, from looks of business so far it looks like it will, we will have another franchise on our hands.
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
The films were, in order:
The Bride of the POTA
The POTA Strikes Back
POTA: The Wrath of Zaius
POTA: The Early Years

Beneath the POTA
Escape from the POTA
Conquest of the POTA
Battle for the POTA

Re: the ending: According to Dark Horizons: FOX exec Bruce Snyder goes on the record to Zap2It.Com about the ending saying: "You're not supposed to be able to (explain it). If the truth be known, it wasn't really supposed to make sense. It was just supposed to go 'whoa,' make you think. Now is he in another world, did he go back in time, did he get forward in time? The reality is there's no firm answer to that. It's whatever you want it to be".

POTA is projected to gross about 70 million Quatloos this weekend. So a sequel might be in the offiing. I doubt Burton would direct, though.

Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
See? I told you it was for you, the audience, to make up. That's great film making. Leave the audience up to the answer. Cast Away, for example. You never find out what those wings that pop up everywhere represent, that's left up to you.
If they make a sequel, I hope it's good. (I would not want a sequel for this film. This one may have had the second or third biggest opening weekend gross, and break $200 million, but I think they should leave the series be.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I just watched Cast Away last night. The only thing I know about the angel wings is that they're some sort of logo for that artist chick. We never do find out what's in the box.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
The wings are what the woman is making at the beginning, a sculpture perhaps. They're on the pickup truck at the end, and on the box that washes up on Tom Hank's island. In fact, they're in many places in the movie. If you have the DVD, there is an Easter Egg where Director Robert Zemeckis "tells" what his in the box. He says:
"Yeah. It's a solar-powered, battery-operated, satellite cell-phone." A laugh. It is obvious that is not what was in there,and he was joking, so you are left to decide what they are on your own. A spiritual reference, perhaps, because Zemeckis is Catholic?
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
They won't leave the series be because if they milk it the right way we could have another franchise on our hands. That's what's in now,Franchises. Rush Hour, American Pie, Doctor Dolittle, and the upcoming Shrek sequel.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
A Shrek sequel? You got this from the same place that said they're putting in a new category for the Oscars, Best Animated Film, and that Shrek is going to be nominated? Did you, Doctor?
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
Actually, what was in the Fed Ex package was the same thing that was in Marcellus Wallace's briefcase in Pulp Fiction.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
I never said that, it was you Veers. That's only going to happen if we have at least six animated films this year. And I heard when I read an interview. They are thinking of a straight to video release. Anyway I could not have read them at the same place since I never read the first thing.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Actually, I read somewhere what was in the box in Pulp Fiction, but I forgot what it was. It said that what was in the box was mentioned, or hinted at, earlier in the film.
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
You mean they FedEx'ed Marcellus Wallace's soul?

That's one thing I heard, but I always thought that it was something gold, judging by the reflections. By the way, has anyone ever seen "Kiss Me Deadly," a Mike Hammer film from 1955? It's the prototypical dangerous shit in a box movie.

Regarding a best animated film Oscar, they do have "best animated short" oscar, a "best live-action short" Oscar, and a best film Oscar, so why not a best animated feature Oscar?

Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Oh yeah, it was gold in the briefcase! Thanks, Masao.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
That's what it actually is but I heard it was suppose to be his soul.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Yes, yes, we've heard lots of things.
Does anyone else think that the ending of the new POTA is one of the worst ever? I don't, I thought it was good. I've heard some whining from people though, saying "It's bad because I can't figure it out." WHEN A MOVIE HAS THAT, IT IS A SYMBOL OF GOOD FILMMAKING! If you people can't use your imagination, then why don't you criticize the original, because how could he land on Earth? Or criticize Cast Away. Or Mission:Impossible. I've got an explanation: the other ape, Pericles, fixed Leo's ship and went back in time and seeded an ape culture on Earth. Everyone happy, or should I draw you a picture? You may have your own opinion, but you can't deny the ending was funny, ironic, cool, and other things.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
It was wierd and ironic but I still believe they could have come up with a better ending. Tim Burton took to much time worrying about how realistic the apes were when he should of worried about the script. He's so excited he got it done in ninety days. If they took more time on the plot and shooting the movie it would be a much greater film.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Come up with a better ending, an ending with him leaving the POTA. It has to be ironic, creative, cool, and funny. If you can't, Doctor, then I will assume it's the best ending for the film.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Because, obviously, Dr Phlox is an experienced scriptwriter and director.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
That's a debate that may never be settled, if you know what I mean, Doc.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
It does not have to be funny, ironic,cool etc. He did not have to leave the planet, he could of stayed on the POTA and help the humans and apes live together. I doubt Attar would give up his loyalty to Thade just like that. Markie Mark leaves his bunch and Attar drops the act and has all the humans go back to being slaves.

If your messiah comes from the stars would you let anyone touch him? Mark Wahlberg would be dead right now, Especially since he's a damn dirty human.

And who said I was an experienced director and writer. Ebert bad mouths movies every day and noone heckles him for not being an experienced directer and script writer.

[ August 05, 2001: Message edited by: Dr Phlox ]

[ August 05, 2001: Message edited by: Dr Phlox ]

Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
"Mosiah." Interesting. A cow is now there god? It's spelles "messiah."
And about that Ebert thing, he is experienced. He wrote the "Valley of the Dolls," and other films, and he's the won the Pulitzer Prize. I'd say he is experienced.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
I said director and (italic) screenwriter and just because he won the Pultizer Prize doesn't mean he's experienced. Lots of people get awards who don't deserve them. The Emmys for example, if you win one year you'll probably win the next year. Murphy Brown won Emmys almost every year even when it got bad. Kelsey won Emmys on Cheers and Fraiser, he'll probably snag another one this year.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Shut up. You know he's deserving. You just say critics are stupid. Just because they didn't like a film you did.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
You shut up, Veers! What I'm saying is just because someone wins an award, doesn't mean they are experienced. Second, I was saying critics are stupid as a joke. Why are you jumping on me anyway you of all people. You had a tantrum when I said I didn't enjoy JPIII as much as I did POTA, up untill the ending that is.

I didn't say he wasn't deserving, what I was saying was, listen closely, just because you win an award doesn't mean your the best director and screenwriter in the universe. Experienced, from what you said one script doesn't justify experienced.

Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
A tantrum? When did I have this? I objected to it, but I respected your opinion at least. And I think Ebert is deserving of the award, but I can say that not all awards are given to the deserving person.
For instance, "Gladiator." "Traffic," or "Crouching Tiger," or maybe (wince) Chocolat were more deserving films to win Best Picture at the Oscars.
Since yuo said the critics thing all the time, I never thought it was a joke. I now apologize for that misconception.
Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
That would be ironic ... HAH! I'd be kicking myself in the ass. "Damn, I had a cell phone with GPS all this time? Fuck me!"
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
I assume you're talking about "Cast Away."
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
Did anyone intensely enjoy the enterior design of the ship and pods? I did. I liked the bright colors.
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
Ebert wrote Beyond the Valley of The Dolls which was a porn flick.
Posted by Veers (Member # 661) on :
Which proves he has taste, Doc...
It was adopted from a novel, though, so you can't give him all the credit.
By what do you mean, Wes1701E?
Posted by Dr Phlox (Member # 680) on :
I recently read Entertainment Weekly (EW) And they ssaid something about Planet of the Apes 2.
Posted by Stingray (Member # 621) on :
I know the ending for Burton's POTA, but haven't seen the movie myself. How about this for a better ending.

Mark Wahlberg at the end, comes across the Statue of Liberty but instead of a human female its an ape female represented?

From what I know about the movie and ending, it was not a very good ending, and rather cheesy.

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