T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Tahna Los
Member # 33
I've been catching glimpses of the 3D animated cartoon that is based on Starship troopers. Looks better than the original, but what do you think?
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
If you say so, oh grand one.Honestly, I never saw the CGI "Roughnecks" ... but I did read some reviews about it, and based on those I'd say they're truer to the book (and thus better) then the movie.
Member # 343
USS Vanguard
Member # 130
No gratuitous nudity. So depending on your preferences, the show is either better or a lot worse than the movie.
Member # 29
I watched one episode once when I up at an ungodly hour. I thought that the cartoon was pretty good. I haven't seen all of Starship Troopers, but I've seen enough to know the story and understand where most people's complaints come from. The cartoon seemed to be paced pretty well and aimed at a level greater than your typical five year-old. Not too bad of a cartoon, plus the weapons could actually do some damage against the insects.
Member # 510
the cartoon (from the few episodes i've seen) does seem to be a better representation. however, i do like the tits of the movie, so i guess it's a toss up.--jacob
Member # 167
The movie was bloody awful.
Tahna Los
Member # 33
They should shoot the people who wrote, produced, and directed that movie.
Is there a site where I can obtain information on the Roughnecks?
Tahna Los
Member # 33
bleah[ December 06, 2001: Message edited by: Tahna Los ]
USS Vanguard
Member # 130
I dunno, I still like Verhoeven's Robocop (Uno) and Total Recall. They're the kind of mindless violence and action with sci-fi twist that is enjoyable. Something went wrong with the guy after Showgirls unfortunately.
Member # 426
Oh dear god. Please don't remind me of Total Recall. That movie was awful!
ST was terrible. But for some reason, I watch it whenever it comes on anyways. The nudity was good, but I still can't get past the SS uniforms, the Space 90210 crap or the fact that those chunk headed marines were using dinky machine guns meant to take out normal people against gigantic insects that had strong, bony exoskeletons and were 10 times their size.[ December 07, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]
USS Vanguard
Member # 130
The SS-like uniforms were an interesting addition.
It was ruined because it looked ridiculous on Doogie Howser MD, that's all.
Mark Nguyen
Member # 469
A couple good Roughnecks sites:
http://misterhook.tripod.com/roughnecks/ http://www.trooperpx.com/RSTC/series.html
I *love* this series. To draw one comparison, it's the drama of "Space: Above and Beyond" done realistically. Too bad they never finished the 40-episode series due to funding problems with Sony.
USS Vanguard
Member # 130
God I hate that. Series that are too ambitious always leave you hanging or wanting for more because the last season or whatever ends up never being made.
too bad.
Member # 528
During summer break i'd watch the show. (it was at 2 am) I thought it was pretty cool. The blue stuff coming out of the plasma-bug's rear end looked awesome. The show really seemed to make the time fly by. Before i knew it, it was 2:30, and it would be over.