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Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
What is your favorite sci-fi space flight sim?

X-Wing/TIE-Fighter/X-W vs. T/F

Wing Commander

Descent (included for completeness)


Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
Somewhere between Bridge Commander (properly modded) and Babylon 5: Into the Fire (still hoping).
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
TIE Fighter. No contest. One of the best PC games ever, I think.

[ March 08, 2002, 00:10: Message edited by: Sol System ]
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Perhaps not entirely the same, but Homeworld was a kickass game.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
tie fighter is great, but the wing commander games are still the best sci fi flight games, imho. i cut my teeth on privateer, and i would play wing commander3 and 4 over and over. i got into wing commander 1 and 2 later on, but they are equally fab.

Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
I totally agree with you EdipisReks.

I got WC1 for my old 386 back in 1991/2, (back in simpler days) then got WC3 when we upgraded the PC to a P1 75 with a CD-rom. I missed WC2 and got WC4 for my own PC (before my recent upgrade).

I'd like to get my hands on Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga (due to missing WC2, having a faulty CD for WC3 and totally missing out on the secret missions for WC1). Does anyone know where in the UK I can get my hands on a copy and will it work on Windows ME? [Confused]


[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
yeah, i played wc 3 on a p75 system right when it came out. blew the pants of my friend who had a 486 dx2-66: "like's...SO SMOOTH!!!" [Big Grin] i've been trying to get my hands on the kilrathi saga, and i haven't been able to [Frown] . the kilrathi saga was just wc 1-3 ported to win95, so it should work fine in winME (but no garuntees, it is, afterall, microsoft we're talking about).

Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
I'm with Harry. Homeworld was really pretty excellent. For those who have not played it it's a little strange and fairly difficult. You command a fleet of ships (capital ships ranging from the lowly frigate up through the destroyer, carriers and even battleships and corvettes and fighters) in a galaxywide plight home. You control the movement and orders of these ships in 3space similar to how you might control ground units in Starcraft. But now you've got this whole 3D thing to deal with and since you can only detect the bad guys out so far it can be hard to get the hang of it.
Tie fighter was still probably my fav fighter sim, though. Was it just me or were the missions getting WAY too impossible towards the end there?
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I would like to see something like "Caesar II" except based on the old FASA "Renegade Legion" RPG.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Tie Fighter was the best ever, also basically any from the Mechwarrior/Battletech series was good. Mechwarriors 2,GBL expac, 3, 4, and Mechwarrior Mercenaries were great. Homeworld reminded me of Battlestar Galactica. Wing Commander was ok. never got into the Descent or the Freespace games. havn't found a Star Trek game that i've found exeptionally well made. But i think bridge commander may be the best in a mediocre line of games IMHO.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Bridge Commander does stand out... along with Elite Force (and BotF, although I have some reservations about that bag o' bugs). Looks like the license is *finally* being put to good use.

Me and sci-fi games go way back... I can still vividly remember playing the first Elite on my old but trusty C-64 [Smile] The epic scope and feeling has never really been equalled - Privateer I & II were decent, but "not quite" on the same level - I eagerly anticipate the upcoming Freelancer.

I try to avoid comparing the Star Wars spacesims to the various Wing Commander installments. Both series have achieved legendary status - and a permanent little corner on my harddrive - and both have their strengths and weaknesses. WC was more epic, though... an experience you'll never forget. Just trying to get the games to load properly was a challenge in and of itself - they pushed the technological edge to the limit.

Homeworld was, and still is, brilliant. Basically redefined the RTS genre.

Worked my way through all the Descent titles and their Freespace spinoffs. Trashing robots was fun, but became a bit repetetive. Freespace I was a rather simplistic WC clone, but its sequel completely blew the competition away.

BTW, Shik: The Renegade Legions boardgame was in fact converted to a space-combat simulator (way back in '95)... solid, but couldn't touch the reigning champions of the time.

The Babylon 5 title has been canned / iced / 86'ed. No chance that it'll ever be released.

[ March 09, 2002, 06:22: Message edited by: Cartman ]
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Yeah, I had was based on "Interceptor." I wasn't too thrilled with it so I sold it (but not before I scanned in all the cool drawings in the ID cards! Fortunately I also have 3 of the games).

What I'd like of it is a cross between Harpoon, Caesar II, & something else I've got the image of in my mind. :::sighs::: If only i was still in touch with my old friend Nick. He & I used to crosslink & tweak games all the time. What fun we had. Ever replay the Battle of Midway with modern combat jets taking off from old Essex-class carriers? We did.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Originally posted by EdipisReks:
yeah, i played wc 3 on a p75 system right when it came out. blew the pants of my friend who had a 486 dx2-66: "like's...SO SMOOTH!!!"

Yeah, those were the good old days! [Big Grin]

Originally posted by EdipisReks:
the kilrathi saga was just wc 1-3 ported to win95, so it should work fine in winME (but no garuntees, it is, afterall, microsoft we're talking about).

I see . . . so where does WinME fit in the grand scheme of OS? There was Win3.1, Win3.11, Win95, Win98, now Win2000, WinNT and WinXP - what's the order after Win98 and where does WinME fit? Oh yeah, I read in a mag that WinME can't handle 512MB+ of Ram - becomes unstable - that true? [Confused]

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
That's just it. ME doesn't fit in anywhere. It's buggy. Unstable. Slow. To be avoided. Nothing to see here. Move along.

(Or if you must know: ME was released in late '99 - a date best forgotten)

And man [Mad] , cut back [Big Grin] on those [Smile] smilies [Razz]
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
windowsME was just a window dressing {no pun intended)of windows98. it is pretty buggy, but no more than anyother win9x based operating system.

Posted by Ultra von Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Hmm. I've never noticed an error with WinMe. Except a week ago, where I got my registry all messed up. Oh well, backup, reformat, reinstall. Repeat as necessary, I suppose.
Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Something that has been quite overlooked in the community is "Tachyon: The Fringe", by Novalogic in -00.

I quite liked it, in fact I played it all over again, for both sides, when I got my new computer with XP three months ago.

Firing the Deimos heavy laser in crosslinked quad-mode, with 3d acceleration (required) and 1024x768res is really something, and it has the best ship-explosions I have ever seen, really glowy-fiery-Anime like.

Also, the narration by Bill Campbell is great, he really adds the "mercenary scoundrel"-element to the main character.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Tachyon was a good game, but Red Faction is the best FPS sci fi game out there, it may be eclipsed by jedi Knight: Dark Forces 3, but we'll have to see.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Uh...I'm sure it might be, but, those weren't the kinds of games we were talking about.
Posted by Ultra von Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Well then, I thought Japanese Tentacle Rape Fifteen was the best JTR-Shooter yet.
Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Yes, and the famous God with a thousand "heads" is a powerful ally indeed...

And I believe Red Faction is shit. The hyped-up feature that you can blow up anything, like tunnels in walls is so damn limited (50 blasts or so) that it never gives you a real edge against the enemy.

The most exciting space-sim I played was Wing Commander IV, which really sucked me into the plot. Cinematically, it was superior to Tie Fighter, but TF will always be my number one inside.

"X-Wing Alliance" was good, how about that new Millennium Falcon design, the YT-2000? Three turrets and thrice the shielding of any snub fighter... *homer-drool*
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Oh that's just great! Now I'm told.

The guy that I bought it from sells his new PCs with WinME - unless you ask for another. Should I have asked for WinXP? If I get XP in the future, will there be any major problems with the change?

Bugs? Oh yeah, I know about them. The most annoying one is where *.jpg files are saved as *.jpeg and are not recognised by any of my software. [Mad]

WinXP? I wonder if he'll do a swap and just let me pay the difference . . . . . .

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
anyone who thinks red faction (with its bad plot, over hyped geo mod engine, and dated graphics) is the best sci fi game ever probably hasn't played very many sci-fi games. tachyon was good, but i kept comparing it to privateer while i was playing, and i have yet to play a game of this kind that comes close to privateer (i hope that the upcoming freelancer is as good as it looks!). akb1979, as long as you aren't having major problems with winME, i would just stick to it, as XP really isn't that great. the microsoft operating system that i use is win2000 professional, but my OS of chose right now is debian linux. once you learn linux, it's hard to go back to microsoft os's, though it is generally a good idea to keep some kind of windows around for games, etc.

Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Well I emailed the guy and this is what he said in reply:

"Windows XP is good for business use and new games, however if you are a game player it is generally poor."

Now what do you say to that?

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I'd say he didn't know what he was talking about.

XP and 2K are based on the NT core, which is a heck of a lot better than the old 16-bit MS-DOS code-based kernel used by 9X and ME. It combines the stability and advantages of a multi-user OS (such as Linux) with the speed and easy-to-use interface of previous Windows versions. It manages memory a LOT more efficiently than ME ever could. It is far less bloated. It supports NTFS.

In short: do yourself a favor and get rid of Millenium.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
I've played about twenty different games for about four months now, since getting my Dell 1600MHz with WinXP.
I haven't had one blue screen of death or one hangup in one game, except for a demo I downloaded that had a bug, which the producers already had warned about.
And the startup time from pressing the power button is about 10-15 seconds.
No damn memory count or harddrive-ID status check, just "Pop goes the weasel!".
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Red faction is the best fps sci fi game out there because there aren't very many. jackass.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
They almost ALL are. Christ.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Da_bang80, sci-fi games make up a very, very very large percentage of non sports games. go to a computer game store sometime, and do a tally of sci-fi games vs non sci-fi games. and you must have lost part of your frontal lobe if you think that red faction is better than half-life, system shock 1/2, deus ex, unreal, quake, doom, halo or any other multitude of great sci-fi first person shooters. hell, arguably the best game EVER (that game being half-life) is a sci-fi first person shooter! right back at ya, jackass

[edit: how could i forget about aliens vs predator 1 and 2, and the dark forces games! jeez, have you not played jedi knight?!?! that game REALLY REALLY REALLY fucking rocks! man, looks like sci-fi first person shooters make up a REAL REAL big part of the list of great games. oh, but i forgot, there aren't any sci-fi FPS's, so relative trash like red faction is the best [Roll Eyes] .]


[ March 11, 2002, 18:32: Message edited by: EdipisReks ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Not to get into an argument, but yes, ME is in some ways far worse than Win 98. Microsoft release a new OS. It's buggy. A SE and several internet patches later, and it's fine.

Now fast forward to 2001. Microsoft are working on a fairly radical upgrade of the Windows system, while 3 men and a cat of some sort continue to update the older system. Bill is getting bored. Bill wants a new house. Bill needs money to advertise XP. Bill tells the ME lot to just finish the line they are on and release the thing. They do. It's buggy. No-one cares because half the mugs fell for Bill's other tactic of calling NT 5 "Windows 2000", and the other half don't care because ME will only be the "ne" OS for about 5 months.

Simon is right about TIE Fighter. I had a Yamaha XH MIDI card, and it sounded...well...awesome. And at the time, the site of those massive Star Destroyers pretty much made a mess of my trousers. It took all the good stuff from X-Wing, removed the bad stuff (like the endless waiting around and the lack of clarity over mission objectives), and you ended up with one of the best PC games of all time. Alliance is also pretty good, but judging both as products of their time, TIE Fighter wins.

It also portrays cnub to capital ship fighting a teeny bit more realistically than in Wing Commander. Blair could often shoot down several capital ships a mission, whereas in the Star Wars games taking on a Star Destroyer in an X-Wing is pretty much suicide (but just about possible, if you are God).

I do actually have a guilty liking for the WC games. I finished WC4 over a weekend of constant playing. Which also shows it up a bit. The TIE Fighter Collector's CD lasted about 20 times as long, mainly because it had 7 billion missions on it.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i destroyed LOTS of star destroyers with an x-wing. you don't have to be a god, you just have to have a strategy, and you had to know the laser coverage of the ships really well. i'm a lot better sim pilot now than i was then, but i'd probably have a hard time with a star destroyer because i have probably forgotten the laser coverage of the capital ships (though i would have to try it to see if all that playing left an indelible memory or not).

blair could blow up so many capital ships because he was an over the top kinda guy [Big Grin] . i beat all of the wing commander games in a couple days of constant playing. tie fighter always took me about 5 days to beat, if i had the time (i found that it was harder to sit down to tie fighter for 8 hours than it was for the wing commander games, so that may very well account for the time difference.) viva la wing commmander!

Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
The TIE Fighter Collector's CD lasted about 20 times as long, mainly because it had 7 billion missions on it.

Note that Liam is using the proper British English definition of billion which to us yanks equates to approximately a bazillion.

I was able to bring down a Star Destroyer in X-Wing, but I was in a B-Wing, and it took a really long time. The good tactic to use was to make repeated runs at the rear, trying to disable it with the (IIRC) ion cannon, and breaking off when your shields get too low. You hang out behind and above the bridge, and then to unload on it with your main guns once it stops beating the crap out of you with it's turrets. It still took like 30 min. My tiny attention span was so challenged by this.
Part of the reason TIE was so very cool because you could pick off individual gun emplacements (and key systems) on the ships. I seem to remember one of my fav missions was an early one briging down a small Calamari cruiser. Still took a while, but it sure was fun.
Posted by Jernau Morat Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
I also have fond memories of taking out cap ships. There was something about it, yourself in your tiny craft, and this huge destroyer in the depths of space, playing a deadly game of cat and mouse.

Then X-Wing Vs. Tie Fighter came along with its mag pulses and it was a piece of piss.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i believe there was mag pulse in the original tie fighter, too.

Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
There was. Sheesh this topic expanded since I posted it!

Judging from this, I think the next game I get will be Homeworld.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Edipisreks: "blair could blow up so many capital ships because he was an over the top kinda guy [Big Grin] ."

You really put a smile on my face there. :-)

*grandpa mode* That reminds me of "Wings", the old WW1 arcade flight-sim for Amiga 500, one of the true classics.
I played it from about 1990 to 1992, it was a fuck of a lot more entertaining than "Red Baron" (great graphics and audio for its time), and once I downed ten airplanes, two of which were Fokker DreiDeckers, without one bullethole in me plein.
They don't make'em like that no more, kiddies.

This is from the new "Wings"-resurrection to Gameboy Advance.

Oh, to see that Kraut lose altitude and follow his burning plane (close behind, pumping additional bullets into him even though it's not necessary), all the way to the ground, and then sharply turn up. Mmm...
Cliff Yablonski would've loved it, if he could operate a joystick, that is.

Anyone else here played this?
Posted by Flower Man (Member # 780) on :
My top 5 favorite sci-fi games, in no paticular order are.........

Starcraft & Starcraft: Brood War: The cut scenes in this game are classic. Bottom line!

Tie Fighter: I've played that game so much and to this day, I have never beat it. Primarily because, as PsyLiam has stated, Tie Fighter has a seemingly infinite number of missions in it. Many complain about the fact that games nowadays are too short. Tie Fighter had the opposite problem. It was WAY too long.

Everquest: This game is quite addictive. For whatever reason, I go through these phases where I wouldn't play it for 3 months, and just out of the blue it would be the only game I would play for the next 4 months. Wierd. [Confused]

The Journeyman Project 3: Live action scenes. Real actors playing the charactors. A decent plot. (As far as computer game standards go.) A touch of humor. And cool puzzles. What's not to like about this game!?!?!?

The Tex Murphy trilogy: I admit to only playing two out of the three Tex murphy games, but the two I've played where pretty good. I've heard the one that I haven't played (The Pandora Directive) was, by far, the best in the trilogy. I'd damn near do anything to get my hands on a copy of The Pandora Directive. Anywho, like The Journeyman Project 3, it provided live action scenes, real actors portraying the charactors, good and challanging puzzles, and a nice touch of humor. The Tex Murphy trilogy is, by far, one of the best sci-fi games to have ever hit the market.

My top 3 worst sci-fi games are.....

Half-Life: For a simple shoot 'em up game, it is ok, but Half-life doesn't deliver when it comes to a plot or a story behind what the hell is going on. All I've managed to deduce from the game is that some kind of experimental thingamajig (the game doesn't explain what the hell the thing is nor what it's supposed to do.) malfunctions and because of this, wierd monster-like things begin poping up out of no where. (The game doesn't explain where the hell these things are from or why the malfunction is causing them to pop up in the Black Mesa facility. ) While you are trying to escape you manage to get multiple glimpses of this guy in a business suit holding a briefcase walking around in the Black Mesa facility. (The game doesn't explain who the f**k this guy is or what he was doing there. And to top it all off, when the military finally showes up, rather than rescue anyone, they kill everything in sight. Including the survivors of the accedent. ( Once again, the game doesn't explain why.) I'm sure you are begining to see my point at this point. I'll just move on.

Dark Forces: What really burned my ass about this game was the absolutly f**ked up map designs in each level. In some of the levels, switches for doors or elevators were tucked away deep within a ventalation shaft or some other obscure area where you'd least be likely to find a switch for a door or something. Then, for whatever reason, finding a Gran packing thermal detonators in the middle of an Imperial facility or something like that wasn't that uncommon in this game. The control consoles you'd have to shoot at in order to operate doesn't help much either.

Star Wars Podracing: I've played the demo of this game, and it is quite dull. I really have nothing more to say outside of that.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
While Half-Life's plot is certainly formulaic, that formula, to me, would seem to make it far easier to understand. Why are horrible aliens pouring through a dimensional gateway? Because that's what happens when you open dimensional gateways. Why is the military killing everyone? Because that's what dark government conspiracies do. And so on.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Also calling Half-Life one of the worst 3 sci-fi games ever is pretty much right up there with "God, LA Confidential was a bit shit, wasn't it" in the big list of all time wrong things to say that are wrong.

Out of curiousity, what are your opinions on Deus Ex?

"The Journeyman Project 3: Live action scenes. Real actors playing the charactors."

My god! What an amazing idea that no-one else did back in 1994 when CD's first came out and then immedietly discared because 90% of all the games that used live actors for the FMV were shit.

EdipisReks: You destroyed lots? Every time one appeared? With no help? And without using cheats and playing the game on hard?

I might have exagerrated how hard they were to destroy. But for me, it was always tense. In Wing Commander, a captial ship was only slightly harder than a fighter to kill.

Nim Pim: You are right. Wings is one of the all time greatest games ever, and certainly Cinemaware's best ever effort. The game was swamped with atmosphere, and it was great fun to play. My temptation to get a GBA is now reaching critical levels.
Posted by Supreme Chancellor Ultra von Magnus (Member # 239) on :

So, it's Best. Game. Ever. Well, best First Person Shooter Action Adventure Roleplaying adventure Set in a Future world with cool Technology and augmentations game. Ever.

[ March 14, 2002, 10:22: Message edited by: Supreme Chancellor Ultra von Magnus ]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Almost everyone in Deus Ex has the worst voiceacting ever, which is kind of sad, considering the quality of the rest of the game.

It's also impossibly hard. Damn you MJ12!
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
Almost everyone in Deus Ex has the worst voiceacting ever, which is kind of sad, considering the quality of the rest of the game.

It's also impossibly hard. Damn you MJ12!

Yeah the voiceovers are a bit crap - needed more people to lend their voices. As for it being hard . . . yeah - managed to win on Easy after about 4/5 months, took a little over 7 months on Medium (I was kinda playing 2 games at once) and gave up on Hard and the cheats. [Big Grin] Sorry, but I wanted to see all that I had missed and enjoy it at the same time! [Big Grin]

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Which brings me to something that had been buggin me for months. Is JC done by the same person who does Cornfed on Duckman?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I can't find the credits for Deus Ex online, but it isn't listed in his IMDb entry.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :

Oy. That explains that.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
The person who does Cornfed also did Grimlock? Wow. The things you learn.

I remember know when he was in the PPGs too. He played a truant officer, "Jack Wednesday" I belive, and he made the Gang Green Gang go to school. Aren't you interested?

Still, our rather cool nano-tech augmented agent was in California Dreams? Oh dear...
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
How fun to hear of a fellow Barnstormer (nudge?), and it being you of all people!

Keeping the ball rolling, what are people's thoughts on "Crusader: No Remorse" and ditto ":No Regret"?

I absolutely loved it, I heard it was based on the same game-engine as "Ultima IV: Avatar" or something.
Anyhow, getting better guns and shooting guards and droids was very fulfilling, as was finding out how to finish a level in the best way possible.

And the real actors cast was wonderfully pulp!!
My "favourite" was Weasel the Gunrunner, he was so delightfully crappy in his interpretation of the lines he had been given, me and my friends got some good laughs.
Back in the time when a 486-66 or FirstGen P-90 with a *GASP*Soundcard! would get you where you wanted to go. *sniff*

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I picked up a budget version of both Crusader games when I was in the US back in 1997. I played the first two levels, loved them, and then I sat on the CD and broke it. Ho hum.
Posted by Flower Man (Member # 780) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
Also calling Half-Life one of the worst 3 sci-fi games ever is pretty much right up there with "God, LA Confidential was a bit shit, wasn't it" in the big list of all time wrong things to say that are wrong.

Ok. I must say that Half Life is much better than many of the other games out there, but for me, if a game doesn't have some kind of plot or story behind it, the game becomes nothing more that a senseless "shoot everything that moves" game rather than a "shoot everything that moves because you have at least a semi-good reason to do so" game.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Psy: Kind of like when you, like, meet a nice girl, take her to the Niagara Falls where she falls over the edge.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
uhhh, or person.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Right right, where she falls over the person.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Maybe the "jackass" remark was a little much, but i found half-life to be boring from about the middle to near the end. But Red Faction kept me entertained all the way through. Maybe cause it was different than half-life. cause half-life reminded me of alot of other sci-fi or fantasy games where evil aliens or demons came charging through some portal or something. (Doom, Doom 2, Serious Sam although i wouldn't call it sci fi, Duke Nukem 3d, that one was actually fun for a while) Red Faction was way different, revolting against a tyranical corporation, and finding the hiddin conspiracies. Tachyon was similar, that's why i liked it. And that's why i think it's the best so far. And i used the geo-mod technology to my advantage alot of times. Blowing out parts of the ceiling and the rubble would push the tough enemies to thier doom. instead of wasting 2 or 3 rockets to take them out.
Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
On Half-Life:

If it is trying to kill you, you have a pretty good reason to shoot at it.

In addition, there was a plot, in case you didn't pick it up, here it is.

A big government conspiracy reveals that there is another world closely linked to ours (either through a thinning in curvy space-time or in a totally different space-time, hard to tell).

OUR scientists begin abducting a few of them for studies (mostly barnacles).
Then, testing one of the crystalline substances found in Nevada to see if it would work for the next expedition, we discover the aliens were ready for us and sent their whole damned number of troops through a vortex (as well as some wild animals) to take us down.

And so, the government, a bit upset about this, sends in the military to shut everyone up (and to go through the vortex and conquer the alien domain of Xen).

Not quite knowing what he's doing, Gordon Freemen makes it possible for Xen to be secured.
Posted by U//Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
On Crusader:

Ah yes, one (or two) of the classic DOS games....
It had an uber-cliched plot, horrible acting, an amusing MOD soundtrack, gratuitous violence...but still totally fun
A surreal Easter egg with christmas music too [Smile]

On B5:ITF :

Yep, totally dead. Would have been amazing....but its been dead so long that by now, even if it was revived, it probably wouldn't be all that playable. A real pity. On the bright side, you can get five or six songs from its soundtrack [Smile]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Liking "Red faction" over Half-life is pretty much the computer game equivalent of saying "Return of the Jedi was obviously better than The Empire Strikes Back".

To be fair, in Half-Life's case (in fact, in most computer games cases), the plot itself is less important than say a book. It's about presentation, how the player is immersed, whether it's fun, and whowhatzits.
Posted by Chris StarShade (Member # 786) on :
Character development is very detracting from sci-fi space simms. It didn't do much good for Wing Commander.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Apart from making it a hugely successful franschise?

Wing Commander 1 would be on my top ten list of games. If I had such a list. And although I look back now and laugh, I have to say that at the time I really enjoyed playing WCIII and IV. Despite (or perhaps because of) Mark.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Incidently, what's with that (very amusing) bit in blasphemy where Dante says he prefers Empire over Jedi, and Randal says "Blasphemy!" Is this supposed to be an example of Randal's general cantankerousness, or what?

Er...amusing bit in the film Clerks, that is. I'd change it, but I'm too amused by the mistake at the moment.

[ April 11, 2002, 00:51: Message edited by: Sol System ]
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
EdipisReks: You destroyed lots? Every time one appeared? With no help? And without using cheats and playing the game on hard?

i don't cheat in games (it defeats the purpose). i didn't destroy them EVERY TIME, but i probably destroyed 10 or 15, just when i felt like it. towards the end of my tie fighter days i could destory a star destroyer by myself. whith no help. and without using cheats and playing the game on hard. it took an hour, but i could do it. not to toot my own horn, but i was a GOD at tie fighter. i beat it with the highest rank possible, and i beat it like 10 times. i used to play it for hours and hours and hours. man, those were the days. i wore out 2 "logitech wingman extreme" joysticks playing tie fighter and privateer.

half-life=r0x0rs, red faction=sux0rs (comparatively).


[ April 13, 2002, 21:44: Message edited by: EdipisReks ]
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
Originally posted by Mucus:
On B5:ITF :

Yep, totally dead. Would have been amazing....but its been dead so long that by now, even if it was revived, it probably wouldn't be all that playable. A real pity. On the bright side, you can get five or six songs from its soundtrack [Smile]

The community's still alive. And as long as it is, there is always hope.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Nice and optimistic, although I wouldn't hold my breath.

Sol: I get the feeling that Randall might have been impressed enough with the Vadar/Luke stuff in Jedi (which is really the only good part, especialyl for Randall who isn't going to go crazy over the rather nice space battle) to rate it above Empire. And he's probably just going against the crowd.
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
Oooo! An old thread! [Big Grin] HEHE!

Erm, anyone know how to add extra ships to Star Trek: Bridge Commander? I'd like to fly a Miranda or Excelsior or maybe a Defiant or Negh'Var . . . can anyone help?

(Please keep it simple - I'm not that technical - I still haven't been able add an E-wing to X-wing Alliance [Frown] - I just can't figure it out!)
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
Wing Commander. Damnit they need to make a part 5.
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
They did. Five years ago. It's called Prophecy.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
and it sucks.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
See my recurring tirade on uber-races from other dimensions.

I'd settle for Privateer 3...
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i'd settle for a GOOD Privateer 3. hopefully the upcoming Freelancer will do the trick.
Posted by Nimpim (Member # 205) on :
Good ol' "Tachyon: The Fringe", now that's agility. Being able to selectively switch off inertial dampers, gliding forward regardless of aim.
And when I pulled a Jackpot on the slotmachine in New Vegas I could buy any damn ship in the store. Those were the days...
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Freespace 2. The Sequel to the original Freespace. Freespace itself was a kickass game. Freespace 2 is a triple kickass game. The graphics are so smooth, and so is the storyline. It took me months of looking and $50 to buy a used copy in the states via Ebay. Yes, it's that good. Too bad Interplay discontinued the game.

They just released the sourcecode for Freespace 2. Already, some people are tweaking it to create a new mission pack called Blackwater Operations. This should be interesting.

And, oh yes, I still have Starcraft and Starcraft Brood War. Still looking for some unfortunate winos in the forums to crush like a puny tin can.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
the Babylon 5 Total Conversion for Freespace 2 is pretty good.
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Freespace 2 is perhaps the best space combat simulator ever programmed... with the exception of TIE Fighter, of course.

I tried Starcraft but couldn't really get into it. The game didn't draw me in quite as much as Total Annihilation did, despite it having Blizzard's trademark personality and polish.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I'd be up for a game of StarCraft sometime. I am awful, and have never won. But, to contrast with this, I am also bored often. So win win!
Posted by Free ThoughtCrime America (Member # 480) on :
I see some people want to play starcraft! I am not very good at it, but perhaps I can do some damage before I go...

Though if anybody wants to play Age of Empires II, I will destroy you.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I would be willing to lose at AoE II as well. Usually my entire village is lost to lions and wolves.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
It's like your real life has been transplanted into the game!
Posted by akb1979 (Member # 557) on :
OK, found a site for Bridge Commander mods but - what program(s) do you use to make ships in Bridge Commander? Anyone know?

[Confused] [Confused] [Confused] [Confused] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

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