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Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I've been seeing the advertisements on the Sci-Fi Channel recently about the big "Stargate" special they're running, including a one-hour behind-the-scenes intro/recap feature.

I've been hearing about Stargate for years now, and never really had time to get into it. But now, I've got only one sci-fi TV show that I'll be watching regularly -- "Enterprise" -- and that's hardly satisfying. "Farscape" and "Firefly" were both cancelled, and "Andromeda" has gone down the crapper at light-speed, as you all know. I figure it's time for another quality show to be put on my list.

My worry is, though, that I'll be way too lost if I start picking up the show now. It's starting its seventh season, right?

What I'd like to know from regular viewers of the show is, would that be a major problem if I just started watching it casually? In the past, I've always made it a point to start watching the shows from the beginning -- both "Farscape" and "Babylon 5" were so much more enjoyable that way. What would you recommend in the case of "Stargate"? Would the one-hour special (which I'm thinking may be similar to the "'Farscape' Undressed" features that SCI-FI ran a few years ago for new viewers to get up to speed on) be sufficient? Would there be too much action from previous years to catch up on, that would leave me hopelessly lost if I just tuned in for the new episodes now? What about watching the shows out of order -- watching the more frequent old reruns that SCI-FI is doing as well?

Thanks! [Smile]
Posted by Griffworks (Member # 1014) on :
Definitely get in to "Stargate: SG-1"! It's a great show with lots of subtle th ings thrown in here and there. All kinds of other SciFi references make it in, especially Trek related. While some of the "science" is technobabble, the character of O'Neill helps to sort of even that out with his "OK What's that mean in English?" responses. [Wink]

I highly recommend you watch the "Stargate Orgy" every Monday night, as they re-run the series from the beginning with four back-to-back episodes. You just missed out a couple weeks ago on the start of the series, maybe six or eight, I guess? They're over halfway thru the second season right now. I've still not seen every episode and have missed out on almost the entire third season, mostly due to having been on several deployments and a one year assignment to Korea. However, I'm nearly caught up on episodes I've not seen thanks to SFC running these Monday night episodes. Another great thing about this is that they re-run those episodes later during the week, tho one each night, starting at 11pm, Central, starting Monday thru Thursday nights.

I don't know for sure what all this 1 hour special will give us, but would hope it would do at least a slight recap of what has happened thus far. You can also check out GateWorld for a great deal of information about the backstory and prior season information, tho obviously there's a lot of spoiler info involved.

Anyhow, I highly recommend the series. Try not to have the preconception that is must be exactly like the movie and I think you'll enjoy the heck out of it. It's pretty consistent internally and while it has it's technobabble science, it's still much more believeable than a lot of "science" that is thrown at us from the Star Trek universe. [Big Grin]

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I agree with everything said thus far and highly recommend you put forth the effort to catch up on back episodes. I was able to download alot of them from Morpheus awhile back, but have since lost them. That's how I got caught up. You can find some pretty good episode guides out there too.

It's a great show and very internally consistant. The stories are good and the continuing plot lines are great.

Watch it. Love it. Live it.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
SG-1 is must see TV. I was expecting something more MacGuyverish, which it isn't.

My wife watches it with me cause she likes RDA....
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Highlander. TNN. 'Nuff said.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yes... I like Anderson as O'niell much more than I liked him as MacGyver.

I was distressed to hear that some cable station is creating a sequel series about MacGyver's nephew (a problem considering, as I recall, Mac was supposed to be an only child). What's worse is that there's a possibility of Anderson guest starring in an ep every now and again if the series takes off.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
What all of them said - watch the show! If at all possible, try to start with "Children of the Gods", the pilot episode. Rent it if you need to. That show is quite possibly the most effective pilot to a sci-fi show ever. Plus, you get to see Vanitare Banderas naked. [Razz]

Posted by TheWoozle (Member # 929) on :
I wonder what they will do with the character of Jonas Quin, when jackson returns? I think that in a lot of ways, this will be a good starting point, to pick it up. In teh last season or two, it REALLY built upon old episodes, but they make it easy enough to follow, that you don't REALLY need to have seen the old stuff.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
I started out with last seasons episodes, about half way through, then got the first two seasons on DVD. I've seen a few eps from 4&5. I'm enjoying it, but I reccomend seeing the earlier seasons quickly. You don't have to see them to know what all is going on,. but it helps.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Thanks for the tips, guys. [Smile]

I have seen a few episodes on occasion in the past -- I knew enough about the premise (and I read Sci-Fi's website) to know the basics about what's going on. Just wondering if it's a major turnaround like how B5 or Farscape handled things, or something more akin to TNG.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Probably somewhere in between. There haven't been any major 180's that I've seen (though I'm a little behind... limited to watching the reruns once a weekon Saturdays which are still in the middle of last season).

But... there are a number of continuing storylines and episodes that reference other episodes. The episodes with the Aschen, for example. I'd say there are enough key episodes scattered throughout the series that it would be well worth your while to hunt down some back eps. Watch them all at once. Lock yourself in a room for a few days and just go nuts. It'll be fun.
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
Stargate is the best science fiction series on telivision today. Hands down. No contest.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Reviving this thread rather than keeping stuff going in the Galactica thread... But for those of you who don't know, SG-1 is most likely not to go to a motion picture release. As heard on, the plot for the movie is now being made into the 7th season finale. There IS talk ongoing about an 8th season, but IMO they should leave while they're still relatively cool. The 7th season has been cool so far, but I'd like to remember that coolness before letting it degenerate into the mundane.

Whatever "Atlantis" is, I hope it'll catch on. The movie was supposed to act as the setup for the spinoff - but so for that matter was the 6th season finale. Here's hoping that this long-term planning will pay off.


Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
A couple of questions:
Are the sybiotes found in the "Jaffa" the same creatures as "Ra" from the movie?
IIRC, Ra was a parasitic lifeform with a generally humanoid shape in it's natural form: not some worm-like thing in someone's abdomen.
Ra was also supposed to me one the last of a dying race, but on SG1 there are more false god then you can shake a stick at.
What gives there? Why are they only earth gods and not gods of other civilizations?
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
They changed a few things from the movie that didn't really make much sense. Having no physical means to dial a stargate from anywhere but Earth, for example. Either way,











when Apophis died for the first time, due to a lack of a new host, he appeared to age, and his appearance was not wholly dissimilar to Ra's appearance. It's possible that Ra's host, whatever it was, was simply dying and he needed another. What you saw on the screen also had a snake in the back of his neck. Oh, and all the system lords we've seen impersonate (or personify) Earth dieties because there really aren't that many non-human races in the galaxy. Once Ra found Earth, all the surviving Goa'ould came here and got themselves new hosts. All the other groups of humans we've seen were moved to their planets after that occured. Any other races the Goa'ould seem to have wiped out, or they were technologically superior.

As to why the hyroglyphs said that Ra was the last of a dying race, well, they were wrong! Or Daniel screwed up in reading 'em. Or maybe the HOST was the last of a dying race. Or something. And the worms that the Jaffa carry in their pouches are larval Goa'ould, the mature form of which embed themselves in the nervous system of the host. Ra was one.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Any explanation why their technology has not improved in a few thousand years?

Or why they stopped harassing Earth?
It can't be the reason given in the Movie: many of the cultures' "gods" developed after the Egyptian age.

Or why the Asgard aliens like to give anal probes?

What does a full grown worm look like?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
My spin on tying Ra and the grey into the bigger picture is...

that a Goa'uld parasite somehow got into an Asgard - but didn't really take - cause of the Asgard physiology. And that if the Asgard let a Goa'uld into it's body in the first place... was that it might have been the survivor of a crashed ship or something.

The sick and dying asgard with a goa'uld in it stumbled across Earth and found a new planet full of hosts... that were better than the Unas.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by MinutiaeMan:
I figure it's time for another quality show to be put on my list.

In the past, I've always made it a point to start watching the shows from the beginning -- both "Farscape" and "Babylon 5" were so much more enjoyable that way. What would you recommend in the case of "Stargate"?

Well the BEST way to get into it is do what I did... borrow out the first season and watch it over one weekend... you'll be hooked.

I'm sure your local video store will have at least the whole first season on VHS - and I know in the States that the DVDs of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons are available.

The first season came out here just recently on DVD and seeing as I only saw them through borrowing them out - I bought it... it was about $80 Aus... about $48 US.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Proteus:
Stargate is the best science fiction series on telivision today. Hands down. No contest.

What he said.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
LOTS OF $$$$$$$$$POILERS!!!!!








Any explanation why their technology has not improved in a few thousand years?

Who says it hasn't? We've seen examples of technological improvement over the run of the show, which is a mere seven years. And anyway, the Goa'ould are parasites in every sense of the word. Very few of them have the wherewithall to actually make any scientific progress.

Or why they stopped harassing Earth?

Originally, it was because we were part of their Protected Planets treaty with the Asgard. Earth itself is untouchable by any System Lord. If any one of them tries to attack us, the others are obligated to stop him/her. The final terms of the treaty were a bit vague to us viewers, but we obviously got to keep the gate. There was discussion of a clause that forbids any human civilization from developing technologically to the point where they would be a threat to the System Lords, and yet allows the System Lords to determine when that has taken place. Of course, seeing as we now have the technology to severely damage a ship even the System Lords couldn't take on and survive doing it, I'm not sure if that treaty is actually in effect any more. It's also worth noting that the Asgard themselves have provided us with weapons and shields for the Prometheus BC-303, apparently in violation of their own treaty. Presumably now that the war with the repliactors is over, they can just come in and kick Goa'ould ass if need be, instead of just using a treaty to bluff 'em. A good chunk of the reason is also that we're still a minor target given the infighting that's been going on among the system lords over the last few years.

The timeline is thus, as I understand it: We killed Ra, and Apophis tried to kill us. We killed Apophis and Hathor, and the rest of the SL's got pissed. The Asgard got them to sign a treaty saying they wouldn't attack us, because the Asgard fleet was too busy to actually defend us from 200+ Hatak-class ships. Sokar, a Goa'ould that wasn't a SL, managed to construct a fleet that was a match for the SL's fleet. We killed Sokar and destroyed his flagship, but a ressurected Apophis took over the fleet. Apophis met with Heru-ur in an attempt to undermine the SL's defenses, and was tricked into killing Heru-ur, at the cost of a good chunk of his own fleet. The majority of the remainder of Apophis' fleet was destroyed when we and the Tok'ra blew up a star they were in orbit of. Good way to kill a fleet, that. Unfortunately, I haven't actually seen the fifth season, but Anubis apparently showed up and started to piss of the rest of the System Lords. Yu was placed in command of the SL fleet to take on Anubis. The majority of that fleet was destroyed, as was Anubis' ubership. Basically, the SL's have been distracted by renegade Goa'ould, first Sokar, then Apophis, then Anubis, all who care more about taking over the galaxy than wiping us out. And now the Asgard are free to help out, and we have some nice ships of our own, so we may have a fighting chance if they try anything.

many of the cultures' "gods" developed after the Egyptian age.

There was a second gate in Antarctica that was used by some Goa'ould to transfer people offworld after the Giza gate was burried.

Or why the Asgard aliens like to give anal probes?


That was Loki. He's odd.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"...but a ressurected Apophis took over the fleet."

I would think you, of all people, would know how to spell "resurrected".

Anyway, what was up that whole "return of Apophis" thing? Maybe I missed a minute of the show, or something, but it seems he just showed up again out of nowhere, and no-one wondered why. I mean, at least if he had been in a different body, I could have understood. But his host grew old, died, and was presumably buried or cremated on Earth. Did Apophis clone his host and add little Borg-ish implants to his face for decoration? Did someone else come to Earth, snatch Apophis' host's rotten corpse/ashes and pop him in a sarcophagus, preheated to 350-degrees, for fifteen minutes until lightly browned? I mean, seriously, what the "fuck" did I miss?
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
Anyway, what was up that whole "return of Apophis" thing? Maybe I missed a minute of the show, or something, but it seems he just showed up again out of nowhere, and no-one wondered why. I mean, at least if he had been in a different body, I could have understood. But his host grew old, died, and was presumably buried or cremated on Earth. Did Apophis clone his host and add little Borg-ish implants to his face for decoration? Did someone else come to Earth, snatch Apophis' host's rotten corpse/ashes and pop him in a sarcophagus, preheated to 350-degrees, for fifteen minutes until lightly browned? I mean, seriously, what the "fuck" did I miss?


Apparently you missed the two-parter in which they try and rescue Sam's father from the volcanic moon of Neytu (think Dante's inferno) by using some left over memories from Jolinar (who had previously escaped by doing pelvic penuckle with Bynar, big bald bloke with one eye and Lord of Neytu).
Neytu just happens to be in orbit of Solkar's homeworld and he uses it as a prison for the types of people that evil overlords like to send to a slow agonising death.
They get into the prison ok and find Sam's dad but getting out is rather tricky coz the only way off the moon (which has no stargate) is through the ring transporters in Bynar's quarters.
While Bynar is interrogating Sam, Neonak (his first prime and wearer of funky metal mask) decides it would be fun to blow a hole in his boss's chest with his staff weapon, he lets her go back to the prison while he pees in the coffee jug and sits in the big comfy chair.
Back in the prison the gang decides it's be nice if they didn't die of heat stroke so the all go off and break in to the late Bynar's quarters and try to access the rings...they are just about to leave when Neonak gate crashes the party and takes off his funky metal mask.
Surprise, surprise, he's really Apophis, whom if you remember was sent to Solkar after his death so he'd quit trying to blow up earth.
As it turns out, Solkar (Evil bloke with Michael Jackson style skin pigment condition) stuck Apophis into a sarcophagus so he could torment his enemy by plucking out his eye and poke him with a stick for all eternity.

I won't spoil the second part for you but suffice to say that Apophis usurped Solkar and stole his big comfy throne too.
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
To clarify a little more, yes, Solkar did get back the body of Apophis' host, not just the remains of the symbiont. We saw the wrapped carcass taken through the gate at the end of "Serpent's Song". Delivery of the body to Solkar was a necessary condition to keep him from wiping out Earth.

Not all of our heroes realized what delivering the body would mean, but at the end of "Serpent's Song", Teal'c rather chillingly told the others that Solkar would be sure to resurrect Apophis for the joy of torturing him.

And see above to find out if that was a good idea from Solkar...

Timo Saloniemi
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
Just so you know, the movie is still planned. This is from the mouths of the writers and producers themselves (see: SG1 Lowdown)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Teal'c rather chillingly told the others that Solkar would be sure to resurrect Apophis for the joy of torturing him.

And see above to find out if that was a good idea from Solkar...

Timo Saloniemi [/QB]

So Solkar is thousands of years old and has ruled his planet since Moses was prepubescent but still has the common sense of a James Bond villian.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I did not miss that two-parter, as that's the episode I was referring to when I said "he just showed up again out of nowhere, and no-one wondered why". Apparently I missed whatever minute or so of that episode they took to explain about the sarcophagus.

I also don't remember their sending Apophis' dead body through the gate at the end of the episode where he died, but it's been so long since I saw it, I'm not surprised.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
they sorta threaded it through the 'gate and after a certain point the gate took a-hold of it and it just was pushed straight in.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Regarding the so-called "lack" of technological improvement by the Goa'uld: I don't see it as implausible. After all, the System Lords were enjoying millenia of relative stability thanks to Ra ruling over everyone, who in turn ruled over the various slave cultures. Experimentation still occured ("Brief Candle" and all the stuff Nyerrti did, among things), but overall the Goa'uld were basically masters of their domain. On the rare occasion that a world overthrew the Goa'uld, they'd simply be abandoned, like Earth and several other planets. There were plenty of other worlds out there to supply manpower and Naquada.

After Ra was killed, the System Lord hierarchy was thrown into chaos. Apophis was number two in the mythology, but in reality was probably just one of several powerful System Lords who were jockeying for the top spot, including Heru'ur and eventually Chronos and Solkar. Chronos had the largest fleet at the time before Solkar showed up, probably followed by Heru'ur, who might be roughly equal to Apophis if their rivalry is any indication. When Apophis inherited the fleet of Solkar, and subsequently those of Heru'ur and Chronos, it really turned him into a badass power.

Anyway, the point of this all is that nothing spurs technological advancement like war. With Ra dead and the Tau'ri and Tok'ra able to effectively fight them, the remaining System Lords found themselves fighting on several fronts at once. There were probably skirmishes for territory prior to this, of course, but with the boss gone...

As for Ra and his supposed "alien" body, it's never been explained. The SG-1 creators probably meant to ignore that little bit, only sticking with the dialogue that Ra was a parasite. There can be any number of explanations, which will probably never be revealed. However, given that extremely powerful Goa'uld like Solkar and Anubis were not entirely human (and who had in fact been banished while Ra was top dog), it follows that Ra himself would've had some improvements done during his tenure. And not just to play the Crying Game.

Oh, and regarding the "last of a dying species" thing, Daniel speculated in the series premiere that Ra had perpetuated that myth himself to help keep the Abydonians under control. How better to remain a deity if you're the only one?

Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by Mark Nguyen:

As for Ra and his supposed "alien" body, it's never been explained. The SG-1 creators probably meant to ignore that little bit, only sticking with the dialogue that Ra was a parasite. There can be any number of explanations, which will probably never be revealed.

Or possibly that the host is eventually consumed by the parasite (we're talkin' more tan two thousand years after all).
Or Ra got hold of some asgard DNA and went to "improving" himself to makehis shell more durable.
Mabye that form was really Ra and not just some maggot in his tummy after all. [Wink]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I think as far as the show is concerned, it's pretty clear that the events of the movie happened, but not necessarily as depicted in it.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Kinda like Voyager.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
It's what you were thinking yourself.
Admit it.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
SG1 is a god show. I've seen all of the first two seasons, a little of season three, and some of five. I'm going to pick up the season three discs this weekend.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Originally posted by Kosh:
SG1 is a god show.

So is Touched by an Angel
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Laughstop.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Sol System:
I think as far as the show is concerned, it's pretty clear that the events of the movie happened, but not necessarily as depicted in it.

That's a nice way to put it!

Actually - I find the movie is WAY more enjoyable after watching a few seasons of the show. You go back to the movie an appreciate it on a whole new level... of course things like the Asgard and Goa'uld weren't "around" when the movie was made... but they are supposed to be - and it makes the movie better as it's as if it now is set in a universe of a more epic scale.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
To be honest, I dunno. Richard Dean Anderson has always carried the show for me - but since the sixth season, he's reduced his time on the show. We haven't had an O'Neill-centric show since the middle of last season, and I miss his performances. True, the rest of the cast is very strong and watching them have the space to ham it up is great (especially with the latest episode "Lifeboat"), but dammit, I miss RDA! There are also the ensemble shows, which are usually great, but where they ahve great plotting and pacing they lack somewhat on individual character development.

I guess what I'm saying is that the show has a star, and that the star has been absent. RDA seems content with his reduced time on the show (so he can spend time with his family in the States instead of being in Vancouver), but I think that without the presence he had on the show in its earlier seasons, they should move on before it becomes tedious. I'm happy Daniel's back, and that the original chemistry of the show is basically restored, but without all the O'Neill, it's not quite the show I love.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Underwater spin-off? "SeaQuest: SG-1"?
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I think they're just having too much fun with the "Atlantis" thing.


The season finale has Anubis attacking Earth, and the piddly Prometheus defending - with Hammond at the conn. For the eighth season, scuttlebutt has it that O'Neill may get promoted to Hammond's position, while the show transitions to the spinoff series.

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Well, I'd hardly call the Prometheus piddly. It's equipped with Asgard shields and weaponry, after all. As for Anubis, where DOES he get all those great toys?
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Anubis has doubtless found a source of Ancients' technology. However, per several episodes' evidence he may not have the ability to replicate it.

More to the point, Anubis' technology HAS been able to deafeat the Asgard. Thor's bluff at the end of the fifth season took care of it temporarily, but who knows for how long. The Prometheus MAY be able to take on regular Goa'uld Ha'tac class ships, but certainly not many, and certainly not Anubis' super-duper tech.

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Season 8 - FANTASTIC! Let's just hope they don't get greedy and pull an X-Files... but by season 6 X-Files was already on its way down hill and atm (I've only seen up to Season 6's "The Other Guys") it's at the top of its game!

PLEASE PLEASE PLASE - I'm asking for BIG ARSE SPOILER WARNINGS - as you can't put it at the top of a thread (in a subject) don't just start talking about frikkin' events of season 6, 7 or 9 - infact NO SEASON (ok except for season 1) details should be mentioned in a post (I've mentioned no details here) without CLEAR labelling at the BEGINNING of your post that it contains events and information from that season.

I've already been spoiled about this new ship BUGGER!!!!!

Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Well, that ship's been around for the better part of a year now. How old does something have to be before it's not a spoiler any more? But you're right, someone edit the thread title, please?

Oh, and as for defending Earth, we've come a long way since Apophis' attack seven years prior. Now we have shield-penetrating tech, IIRC, so our uber-enhanced gigaton nukes can actually hit their ships. And I wouldn't be surprised if we have an entire squadron of F302s now. [Smile]
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Then maybe we should start another thread. [Smile] Forgive my selfishness, but I'm about the only SG-1 fan in my neck of the woods, and stoopid Global won't carry the show any time soon. I'm current thanks to downloads, but my only friends who likes SG-1 IRL are only buying the DVDs. I need to talk current!

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I would think that spoilers would, at least, include anything that hasn't been shown in syndication (for those who watch it on network TV, rather than cable). In other words, at this point, anything post-season-5.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Omega:
Well, that ship's been around for the better part of a year now. How old does something have to be before it's not a spoiler any more? But you're right, someone edit the thread title, please?

No No No No NO!!!

I hate how you North Americans think you are the only television viewing population in the world.

I'm talking about spoilers for ANYTHING.

I've noticed a LOT of people are even behind me here - i.e. most have seen generally season 1 and 2 and 3. Just clearly state at the top of your thread - WHICH SEASON you will be talking about.

I.e. if you say season 6 - i won't read. if it's 5 - then I will.

The whole THREAD doesn't have to be changed and new threads don't have to be started - just be considerate and type a few keystrokes and let everyone know which season you are about to talk about.

That's all

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Ahhhhhhh TSN - thanks - is that why some Americans have seen new eps while others are a few seasons behind.

And Mark - no problem about talking current - just at the top of your post - state which season you will be talking about. Because starting a new thread will invariably lead to discussions about earlier seasons that others would like to be a part of.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :

The answer to this question will also contain uberSpoilers:

I won't get to see the answer for myself for some time, so tell me, please, how did Daniel end up coming back?

Also... is there a site that talks about the premise of this "Atlantis" spinoff? Methinks another Tauri Gate will be discovered...
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Spoiler for S7

Daniel returns when he's effectively kicked out of the Oma Dessala fan club for interfering. He had been increasingly uncomfy with being basically omnipotent but being unable to effect change on our plane because of some rules Oma had. During all of his S6 appearances, he couldn't help but interfere to help Jack or Teal'c or the team, and eventually it caught up with him. There's still some mystery as to what's going on, as when he initially showed up he had no memory of anything - he's gotten most of his pre-ascension memory back, but still doesn't know most of what happened while he was all uber.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Hmmm... see, other shows could learn a thing or two from this... you don't have to tie everything up in one episode... leave some mystery... let it ride for a little bit.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
SG-1 is *great* with that. They're not necessarily leaving stuff dangling on purpose, but they're very good with picking up and using the stuff that is. Whole episodes have been predicated on the tiniest plot nuance from a previous episode. [Smile]

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Hey Mark! Thanks for that VERY NICE Season spoiler warning.

And no general warnings people - unless it is really general like your suspicion general. If you don't know the season try and find out [Smile] Or use episode names (although I'm not good with them) - just general seasons. Gawd I wish they'd bring back SG1 for the year, here - I'm sure they will soon - a lot of shows are coming to the end of their runs for the year.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Uh....what in hell is "Oma Dessala"?

An I the only one that thinks elevating a main character to omnipotence is a baaaad idea.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
$$$$$$ About Oma Desala $$$$$$

She's an ancient, the race who created the gates and who ascended to become the non-corporeal beings we've seen on occasion. She may or may not be related to various nature religions on earth. Oma's a rather unconventional ancient. They apparently have very strict rules about interfering with the development of other species, but she occasionally helps some ascend to their level, which is just barely within the rules. She's the one that helped Daniel ascend when he was about to die, and presumably the one that kicked him out when he broke the rules.

As for it being a bad idea to ascend a main character to near omnipotence, well, why not? SG-1 is handling it rather well.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
$$$$$$ About Oma Desala $$$$$$

Didn't she also take care of the Harsesis child on Keb for awhile?
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Since there really isn't anywhere to post this...

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to be at "Anime Evolution 2003" in Vancouver. As part of my organization's media initiative, I got to interview most of the guests - including Joseph Mallozzi, co-exec producer of Stargate SG-1. As it happens, he's a major anime fan now, and has some interesting ideas for things to do with anime properties. But while I was at it, I got him to spill the beans on some upcoming SG-1 fun.

Article Here - Spoiler Warning


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I've heard rumors of a function that lets you start entirely new threads, but I'm sure they're exaggerated.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Liar! You lie!

Anyway, I didn't figure it important enough to start a new thread.

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I am full of the smug.

I grow less and less excited about the prospect of more Stargate with fewer cast members. Season 7 has felt kind of lifeless to me, I'm afraid. Right now I think the show peaked in its third year. (An opinion, however, that I'll probably change if I ever get a chance to see all of the fourth season.) Because my viewing has been spotty inbetween seasons 3 and 6, you see.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
That oma dessala overview went and spolied season 7 events Omega... how a certain main character comes BACK!!

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, that probably explains the spoiler warning he put at the beginning of it.

[ August 04, 2003, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: TSN ]

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