I'll leave the heavy lifting to others, but I started this thread because something relatively minor was bugging me. HAR HAR! But, no, OK, to get their alien stem cells they had to go back to that planet from season one, right? From the episode where the bug was the B plot, and the A plot was that their puddle jumper was trapped in the stargate? The stargate that was in orbit? And that would presumably be the same stargate they were heading for when they walked through the gate in Atlantis?
"It took us longer than we anticipated to get here." I bet!
(I've got to be confusing my episodes, don't I?)
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
I was only paying half attention to this, but you do have your episodes correct. But did they go back to the same planet, or was it a different one? I do remember hearing that the Ancient database had quite a bit of information on the bugs, including their home planet, but I didn't pick up on whether that was the same planet.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
It was a different planet. At that time, they hadn't seen the "eretus bug" in the Ancients' databus.