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Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
I'm surprised I haven't seen any discussion of this show on here. We've got six episodes out so far. Is anyone besodes me watching?

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Posted by FawnDoo (Member # 1421) on :
I am! Very interesting so far. Even if it took me three episodes to work out that the stripper is the girl from "Final Destination".

Seriously though, I think it's very good - and it's nice to see a truly geeky character in the hero position for once! Is it just me, or could you see someone like Hiro posting on a forum like Flare? [Smile]
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I didn't like the first episode when they repeated the urban myth that humans only use 10% of their brains. Script-writers should know better by now, at least do some basic research. We do use all of our brains.
The CGI bits were impeccable, of course. Nice that they showed that hitman that'd been ripped in two, and the unedited trash-compacted hand of the cheerleader girl.
I just hope the show won't get too emo, between the flying-guy, the drugs-guy and Hiro.

Also, the overly-emotional narrator that spoonfeeds us the plot in the start of the eps, really underestimates the audience. "A man, who's more connected...than anyone...could ever have imagined...(slow-mo clip of smirking man with glasses)".
Yeah, we get it, you want us to think he's the bad guy for the first season, then after the end-season cliffhanger it turns out he had his eye on the ball all along and was just testing them, he's actually fighting an even bigger baddie and will need their help.

Bring it on!

[ November 01, 2006, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Nim ]
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
I'm glad to see there are other "Heroes" fans though I must admit the whole nuking of New York seems a little cliche.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
"Hiro" actor Masi Oka is one of my favorite Asian actors, even if he hasn't been doing too much acting beyond bit parts. Before this, Masi is/was a graphic artist at ILM who's worked on a lot of top-list movies (Pirates II, WOTW, T3, the SW prequels...), and was one of the regular background characters on "Scrubs" for a few years too. The kicker is that he's genuinely Japanese (and sounds it!) whereas his hapless sidekick is a Chinese actor doing a pretty decent job with the language.

Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I really want to watch Heroes, been looking forward to it, but what with class and work I haven't watched any tv at *all* (barring a few eps of South Park streamed online) in about a month. I'll probably have to wait until the season is BitTorrented with large numbers of seeders.
Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
DVRs are a wonderful thing. We record Heroes (well, all of our shows) and watch at our leisure.

So far so good. I'm glad it's a bit more than X-Men meets 4400. OK, more like New Mutants minus the leadership, Xavier institute and anything else established.

I think Hiro might be my favorite character. A fanboy's dream come true.

No mention of Syler this week. Obviously he's not the Blonde's husband, nor anyone else we've seen.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Haven't seen this week's ep, but so far it's been very good. I'm enjoying this way more than Lost, which has been rather lacklustre this season.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I can't afford *food*, let alone a DVR.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I hear you. This winter semester is something. Makes Florida look like Kansas.

My record is macaroni and soy sauce, two days.
The snow just hit Stockholm yesterday.The cavalry captain in the wagon nextdoor gives me weird looks.

I have a hard time coping with the fact that Niki Sanders is considered some sort of MILF in the show and is only three years older than me. What the hell! I'm a student, blagdappit.
Posted by bX (Member # 419) on :
I can't be certain, but I think maybe I don't like the dialogue so much. But then I like Studio 60 so I'm a snob or this season's big loser or something. Anyway what is happening on Heroes is pretty cool despite it being The 4400 with a much bigger budget. Also Ali Larter is teh hot.
Posted by Chris (Member # 71) on :
I've recently come into possession of the first 6 episodes so I plan to watch it shortly. I'm all about the Greg Grunberg, personally. He's good in whatever he does.

And yes, Ali Larter is teh hot. As long as she's not doing cartwheels and farting, anyways.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Heh, Nim...I find it greatly amusing that I'm not at all surprised that you immediately recognized me for a student. Ahhhh, college....
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I've been watching the show religiously as well. It was one of the ones I was looking forward to all summer and one of the handfull that has survived my early season weeding process. Sadly, NBC seems to have started playing musical chairs with Vanished, Kidnapped, and Studio 60 indicating they are likely not long for this world.

The first definite scene with Patrelli flying was tres cool (shirtlessness notwithstanding). Looks like we'll get more this week.

Ali Larter and Whatshercheerleader = wicked hot.

I thought Claire's dad was Syler at first, but it's pretty clear he isn't. In fact, I think he'll turn out to be some kind of Professor X type that everyone will have to learn to trust in season 2.

I'm also wonering about the cop. He hasn't had any connection with anyone else. I'm toying with the idea that the girl he found in the closet was Claire and that his part of the story is actually taking place a few years in the past. The fact that a big chunk of the one episode where Hiro found Mr. Eesak dead took place 5 weeks in the future makes me think they may just try something like that.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
There's something about Nathan Petrelli's voice, smacky lips perhaps, that makes my spine want to jump out of me and head for the sunset.

For christmas, I'd like to give you all the "Requiem for a Dream"-audiobook, narrated by Alec Bladwin, Ron Silver and Nathan Petrelli (they take turns). They slowly eat pickled eggs while reading for you, leaning real close to the shotgun microphone (Ron Silver's nosehairs whistle just slightly).

Your head-phones will be taped on and you'll be provided with christmas straitjackets (green, with red ballgags). I then play it for you until you love me.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
All you had to do was mention Alec Baldwin. That's enough for me to start screaming.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
What? I like Alec Baldwin.

"Never be anything but a pig farmer's son, boy, 'cause I smell fried balogney awl ova yeeeeew."
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Best Alec Baldwin roles, in no particular order:

  • Adam Maitland, Beetlejuice
  • Jack Ryan, The Hunt For Red October
  • Dr. Jed Hill, Malice
  • Blake, Glengarry Glen Ross
  • Justice Robert Jackson, Nuremberg
  • Shelly Kaplow, The Cooler

    I also have to give the man credit for his stint as Mr. Conductor on Shining Time Station (my mind always added this sequence: "Hey. Train. Wheah the fuck you think you're haulin' to, huh? Wheah the FUCK!!...are you PUFFIN' to in SUUUUUUCH a great RUSH?"), his Jimmy Doolittle in Pearl Harbor (the only saving grace of that shit), his runs as Leonardo Leonardo in the Clerks cartoon (again, the only good thing) & Future Timmy on Fairly Oddparents, & of course, the narrator in The Royal Tenenbaums. I also sympathize with him over his role in The Shadow. Great choice, shitty direction & execution.
    Posted by HerbShrump (Member # 1230) on :
    Originally posted by Aban Rune:

    I thought Claire's dad was Syler at first, but it's pretty clear he isn't. In fact, I think he'll turn out to be some kind of Professor X type that everyone will have to learn to trust in season 2.

    More like a Magneto/Grey King leader. He seems a bit too amoral/evil to be another Xavier. But I'm thinking you're right.

    I like the idea about the cop, but I'm not so sure. After all, they had an encounter with Syler recently. I think the cop will come back into play as they get closer to saving the cheerleader.

    I was not expecting the double-cross with Eden McCain, but should have expected there would be another connection back to Claire's dad.
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    I saw that one coming from a long ways back. She was far too chipper and understanding of the situation to have been an innocent passerby in the hallway.

    I pray to the gods that Heroes will never have tights or names for the gang. One of the few things that the "Mutant X" TV series got right was that none of the characters had superhero names or costumes. They all dressed extremely well, but no tights or capes.

    Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
    That's one of the things that wound me up about the X-Men films, actually - that everyone seemed to have a cool name. For example, Kurt whatsisface, he introduced himself and then added his super-name, Nightcrawler. Now, within the film's reality at least he's been a near-recluse, hiding away from the world, so how come he decided to have a cool name, even if it was just something that other, normal, people called him?

    Xavier: "Welcome to the Institute, young Billy. Here you will find a tolerant and welcoming environment among people similar to you. By the way, you have to have a super-name, what would you like to be called?"
    Billy: "Uh, gee, how about Ultra-Megatron-Sex-God?"
    Xavier: ". . . No."
    Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
    I am sorry, there was a mistake in my post before. In addition to Alec Baldwin, Ron Silver and Petrelli, the audiobook will also be spoken by Adam West, most notably in the chapter "Supercillious Civil Servants Suffer Sadly".
    Have you had enough yet?

    (Aban/Shik, since you don't catch my drift of high-treble, close-mic, wet-lips speaking voices, you obviously haven't watched Salad Fingers)

    I can't believe no one has mentioned the fact that "Heroes" is essentially any scrawny kid's childhood fantasy come true, about losers that suddenly are called upon to save the world and wear swords, fly faster than sound, have superstrength and are unbreakable.
    The whole premise is one big crowd-pleaser, which is what makes it work.
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    I doubt we'll ever see spandex or capes. The one glimpse we saw of future-Hiro in full-on hero role, he seemed to be wearing fairly normal clothes. More Matrix-style than comic-book style.

    Oh... and in addition to my general liking of Alec Baldwin, I also liked The Shadow. It's not Lord of the Rings good or anything... but I've seen it several times and still like it well enough.
    Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
    I'm still a little honked-off at The Shadow. Most of the time I was watching it, I was saying to myself "This should have been Batman..."

    As for the code-name thing. I only had a problem with some of them in the X-Men movie. Magneto's Brotherhood had rejected human society and abandoned their original given names, too. Made sense to me. I can see it as something of a game amongst the Institute kids. Some of them are even punning references to their given names and powers, like Shadowcat and Jubilee. Iceman and Pyro are appropriate. I can see them calling Scott "Cyclops" and it sticking. Notice Jean didn't have a code-name. Kurt was harking back to the only time in his life when he was happy -- when he was a star in the Munich Circus. And Wolverine has had that code-name for decades, a holdover from his Black Ops days.

    About the only ones that bugged me were Rogue and Storm. Marie should have stuck with that until someone at the Institute suggested "Rogue". And Ororo would have, I think, refused all attempts to give her a code-name. But that's the least of my problems with that character as captured by the movie.

    As far as Heroes, I can see Dork-Hiro suggesting it, and the rest looking at him strangely. And Claire saying "If you call me 'Cheerleader' to my face, Ill kick your ass." Hiro's the only one I can see agonsing over it, and even then, I expect he'll grow out of it by the time he becomes Future-Hiro.

    Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
    The fucked-up-ness has ratcheted up a couple more notches.I am staunchly opposed to cute girls getting killed, so I hope Hiro succeeds. Everything else is still spinning. Cop-Dude deserves a break -- and not with his wife, Ted the Nuclear Man needs Prozac, Mohander needs to get the hell over himself and eliminate the angst in that direction, and what the hell's happening with Peter and Nikki and all the folks we DIDN'T see this week? *grumble*

    I tell you, if I survive this first season with my sanity intact, the DVD box set is SO bought...

    Posted by Chris (Member # 71) on :
    Hiro went back just a bit too far, methinks. And what the hell is up with this football-kid? He never talks... what would his power be classified as? Also, it looks like Eden has the power of suggestion, as she whispered something in Issac's ear and he took the heroin again.
    Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
    I think most women have that power with men...

    Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
    Isaac gave Mr Bennett at the door a weird, stern look as he was strapping up. It may have been Eden, in Isaac's body, taking the drugs herself and chastising Bennett with the look.
    Had it been a spell she put him under, he likely wouldn't have cared about the man at the door.
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    Have you guys checked out the Heroes website on NBC? They've pulled a sort of "Matrix" merchandising scheme with this property, offering story stuff on several different media. Lots of cool stuff there, including short "graphic novels" for some of the missing events!

    Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
    Well if it's the same crew who's drauring Isaac's paintings, I'd like to have a looksie.

    Edit: They're very nice, all the same I'm confounded by Claire's bit; she did try to kill her rapist in that carcrash, but they retcon it here greedo-style so that she actually wanted him to live (but with life-threatening injuries).
    Also, she ended up in the hospital, but in the comic she's fine right after the crash.

    And in officer Matt's chapter, he takes a patrol car shift hours after punching out his sleezy colleague. Kind of hard to do if you're suspended.

    [ November 14, 2006, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: Nim ]
    Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
    I personally don't watch the show, but I was aware that George Takei is playing Hiro's father now. Someone on another forum posted this screenshot of Takei's character's car:
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    Probably the same attitude that scripted Chris Eccleston's character to exclaim "Fantastic!" in a certain way last week, too. [Smile]

    Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
    Or Peter to tell Eccleston that if he "Hadn't regenerated..."
    Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
    Yeah I was glad to see Eccleston. At first, I said to myself, "Hey that guy looks familiar." That I realized who it was and I said, "Hey its the Doctor!" which in retrospect is kinda funny since he left the show in order to avoid being remembered only for that role.

    [ February 06, 2007, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Mars Needs Women ]
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    He'll ALWAYS be known as the Doctor, at least to genre fans on this side of the pond. In the UK, more have the luxury to have seen him in other roles before Doctor Who...

    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    I LOVED it when the Invisible Eccles Man punched Peter, and when he said he wanted to punch Nathan everytime he sees his face. I can't stand either of those characters. [Big Grin]

    I noticed Takei's number plate and put my hands over my face. I can't believe they did something so corny!

    The revelation about Claire's dad was the only thing I didn't like in this week's ep. I was hoping it'd be someone new, although seeing her mum who has yet another cool power was very good.
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    I knew it was going to be Nathan. Partly from the shirt sleeve in the previews and partly because they need to start tying the characters together. Officer Matt, Claire and Jessikki still have little connection to the other charcters.

    I'm beginning to develop a theory regarding Linderman. He seems to be slowly establishing control over all the main characters. He owns Jessikki's husband, he's blackmailing Patrelli, he has Hiro's sword, he's buying all of Isaac's paintings, and he's blackmailed Jessikki in the past and has now arranged to have her set loose again. I'm thinking Linderman is going to turn out to be the big baddie of the story.
    Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
    Don't forget, Sylar's on the loose.
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    Oh, Sylar's a bad guy for sure. But he's basically just a guy with powers that went nuts. I'm thinking that Linderman is going to turn out to have alot more information on what's going on with the main characters than Sylar does.

    I'm also thinking that with Peter on the way to figuring out how to control his powers, he's going to be the one who ends up taking down Sylar. He'll be able to do all the things Sylar can do, but with the addition of Claire's invulnerability.

    Last week's episode also means that Claire and Peter are related. She's his niece. No hook up for them I guess.
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    Or they DO hook up, and subsequently find out. Hilarity ensues!

    But most importantly, we discover that Peter's power absorbtion is not temporary, and he doesn't have to scoop out anyone's brains to do it. This makes him the equivalent or better to Sylar; he may even be able to absorb the latter's kaleidoscope of powers.

    Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
    Yeah about the brain scooping, does Sylar eat the brain or something?
    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    I think we're all hoping he doesn't. He has that ability to see how complex mechanisms work, so hopefully he somehow studies the brains and then figures out how to recreate their power in his own brain.
    Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
    That ain't chicken in his soup! [Wink]
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    That's kind of what I was thinking. Sylar just studies them and sort of figures them out. I'm also thinking that Peter will eventually defeat him by absorbing Sylar's original power, figuring out how Sylar works, then "turning him off".

    Of course, Officer Matt could turn him off by mooning him or something, I guess.

    Does anyone else find it odd that Matt hasn't interacted at all with any of the main characters yet, other than Claire's Dad? Or did I miss something?
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    You're not missing anything, though he has met the Haitian. More importantly though, it seems that he's meeting the one person whom he might most be able to help... Assuming he'll be able to hear the thoughts of both Nikki and Jessica. Maybe that's why he gets tossed out the window.

    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    He also had a run in with Sylar(well, we don't know it was definitely him since he seemed to be flying) and obviously Radioactive Man as well.

    I reckon Peter will defeat Sylar too, since he can use his existing powers as well as absorbing Sylar's. It's funny really, they're like good/evil twins. Both have the ability to become incredibly powerful, but while one uses it for good, the other uses it for evil(well, he kills people to get more powers - gotta catch 'em all!).
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    Yah, I saw in the previews for next week that Nikki and Matt finally meet.

    Jessikki's powers are kind of odd. I guess I would call it super strength. Right now I'm thinking that Jessica has those abilities too, but only her alternate personality knows how to access them. eventually, I think Jessica will figure it out too.
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    At the present time, only Nikki can use their super strength... Which appears to manifest ONLY is rather gory ways so far. This doesn't seem to bode well for their encounter with Matt.

    Back to Sylar and Nathan... Until this past week, most of us were under the impression that each person could only have one super power: telekenisis, phasing, super strength, etc. Only Sylar was able to somehow take the powers of other people permanently with his scoopages. We'd previously thought that Nathan could only use the powers of others he has met while he's near to or in contact with them. Now, we essentially have two people with the same powers, which are manifested in supposedly different ways.

    The other revelation is an apparent genetic link between those with powers, with the discovery that Clarebear's biological parents are both supers too (plus Nathan and Peter, of course). But if there's some sort of family link, how come we haven't seen the Petrelli den mother show hers off? Is her super power the ability to be overbearing and obnoxious?

    Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
    You're confusing Nathan and Peter with each other.

    I suspect the genetics of superpowers probably work in much the same way as mutations in the Marvel Comics universe or magical ability in the Harry Potter universe. Someone with powers can be born to someone without powers. People with powers are likely to produce a child with powers (but not necessarily?).
    Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
    I like Nathan a lot, he's very funny when talking to Hiro or others in unusual situations. It's only his whispering that's irritating, like that of Claire's father and Ron Silver.

    This makes him the equivalent or better to Sylar; he may even be able to absorb the latter's kaleidoscope of powers.

    Peter absorbing Sylar's powers would probably lead to that massive overload they've been talking about. But obviously we're led to believe that bumpkin sitting in his cellar blowing up his hands is the guy Peter will risk emulating.
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    I'm thinking that there will eventually be a Quantum Leap-style revelation that basically the Good Nature of the Universe (God, Time, Fate, etc) generates extraordinary people every so often to prevent a catastrophe. Hiro's sword-wielding storybook character was of a previous generation of these supers. The swoosh mark that seems to be supconsciously programmed into everyone and that appears on the sword hilt ties into this too.

    I think Linderman will eventually be revealed to be the counterforce to this. The Evil Nature who is trying to gain control of all these people and and use their abilites for his own purposes.
    Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
    Darth Linderman anyone?
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    I dunno... Anyone still thinking "HRG" is a bad guy after this week's episode?

    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    Nope, but clearly Captain Sulu is more involved than we first imagined. And what's the significance of that bloody roof?
    Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
    Originally posted by Mark Nguyen:
    I dunno... Anyone still thinking "HRG" is a bad guy after this week's episode?


    I wanna know if he's alive or not. Next week's episode would seem to indicate he's alive, but it might be a flashback.
    Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
    "Anyone still thinking 'HRG' is a bad guy after this week's episode?"

    Certainly. He only acted "good" where protecting his daughter was concerned. Aside from her, he's still clearly all about the kidnapping and experimenting on people.
    Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
    HRG is still alive. Haitian shot him where it wouldn't be lethal, then erased the memories. My questions are thus:

    1. Who is this other guy?
    2. Whose orders are the Haitian following?
    3. Who is the new chick and what does she do?
    4. WTF happened to Hana? Why didn't she go with Ted and Parkman?
    Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
    What happens to HRG's family (other than Claire)?
    Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
    "What happens to HRG's family (other than Claire)?"

    The Haitian, most likely. Though, what sort of condition that will leave Mrs. Bennett in is anyone's guess.
    Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
    Fabrux: On NBC's website, they do graphic novels that loosely correlate with the episodes. Hana evidently is tracking where HRG's orders come from.
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    Dunno about that... The Haitian is on the run now, and is hiding Claire. He's got no reason to head back and wipe the family again.

    Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
    I thought of another question:

    Who was Claude hiding when Bennett was tasked with killing him?
    Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
    He was targetted for elimination because he was a security leak. I don't think he was hiding anyone. I thin khe was feeding information to Papa Suresh.

    Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
    "The Haitian is on the run now, and is hiding Claire. He's got no reason to head back and wipe the family again."

    Unless he already did so at some point before the scene on the bridge. Though, you're right that, if he didn't already do it, he probably won't.
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    OMG! I've finally watched up to episode 17. This show is just freakin' amazing!

    Claude was hiding someone - that was the reason Bennet had to 'shoot' him the first time. I'm guessing it also is connected to the comment he made to Peter Patrelli about having taught others like him before... maybe Nathan Patrelli? He seems quite adept at flying already.
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    OK What does HRG stand for? Mr Bennet?

    Is the chick - Hana? From last week - who can think through the internet etc. - was she the one back at the paper factory with the clipboard?

    We've seen Claire's fake parents - well one of them - the Doctor who was presiding over Sylar. Where is the mother.
    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    HRG stands for Horn Rim Glasses, he's Mr.Bennet, although some people call anyone in his company "a HRG".

    I thought the woman at the back was WifiWoman at first(maybe infiltrating), but apparently she's a seperate character. There's speculation that she might be able to project visions into people heads or something, which could explain how she'll clean up the Bennet situation.
    Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
    Hana Gittelman is Wireless, the woman that can intercept electronic signals. She was introduced in the companion (canon) graphic novels. On screen she is played by Stana Katic. The chick with the clipboard is Candice, described as "a female temptress" played by Missy Peregrym.
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    I miss Eden - she was all kinds of cute! [Smile]
    Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
    Yeah. She and Hana both.
    Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    I think Claude will return a favour, although not much can be done to save that fringe. [Frown]
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    What fringe are you talking about Johnny?

    OMG just watched episode 18. This show just gets better and better and better and better.

    The endings are REAL cliffhangers.

    Quite a number of revelations in this episode - and more paths cross!

    Another Trek-connection appears.

    Again with the roof of that building in New York.

    As you can see I'm trying not to post any real spoilers.

    And I guess this answers how PP got his scar mentioned by Hiro back in episode 5!

    Just one thing - PLEASE tell me if people are spoiling stuff from future (unaired) episodes here - cause If you are - I'm going to rip your gonads out and feed them to Lassie #4. [Smile]
    Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
    Episode 18 is the current one. No more new eps until April 23.
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    We wait SIX WEEKS until the final run of Heroes?! Gonna be a long wait, especially now that Stargate SG-1 is done next week and Atlantis isn't coming back till the fall... Good thing Doctor Who will be there to tide us over. [Smile]

    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    Originally posted by AndrewR:
    What fringe are you talking about Johnny?

    OMG just watched episode 18. This show just gets better and better and better and better.

    The endings are REAL cliffhangers.

    The one that falls off in the last seconds of episode 18. [Wink]

    I'm going to use these weeks to watch the series again and catch up on the graphic novels.

    There's also the promo for episode 19 to tide us over:
    Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
    I shy away from promos (unless it's Cowboy Bebop, in which case they're satirical), it takes away bang from the buck for me.

    Regarding final run, they have been cleared for a second season.
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    Originally posted by Fabrux:
    Episode 18 is the current one. No more new eps until April 23.


    I am SO into this show! I don't think I've been so eager for new episodes since either Season 3 Babylon 5 or When I first got into Star Trek and I was borrowing episodes upon episodes of TNG from a friend to catch up!

    When does Dr. Who come back?

    Oh yes the fringe falling to the floor... is that the reason he HAD a fringe this whole time!?! Just for that scene!?! [Smile]
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    Sylar's last line was awesome. "I'd like to see how that works."

    Whoever called Hana "Wireless" on the last page gave me a thought: is anyone coming up with superhero style names for any of the heroes? I'm sure there are lists out there. A couple of thoughts I've had are:

    Eden = Persuasion
    Candice = Lookalike
    Parkman = Reader
    Jessikki = Schitzo
    The Nuclear Guy = Fireball
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    Claire?? The Cheerleader?
    Isaac - Painter?

    Can anyone list the powers Sylar should have now?

    Telekinesis (possibly accoundts for him 'zooming' away from FBI chick and Matt Parkman out of the sewer.
    Super-memory (from the waitress Charlie)

    He killed that little girl's parents - the one Parkman heard... wasn't one of them frozen or something - so maybe one of them had power over ice or what have you.

    Can he take from 'non'-power people - maybe he became a real bitch after opening up Jackie's head!?! - The wrong cheerleader.

    Anyone else?

    Does this then mean Peter Patrelli can supposedly absorb all these powers too?
    Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
    Probably only with powers excercised in his vicinity. How he did his precog-dreaming escapes me, though. It hasn't been much delved in.
    Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
    I think he absorbs the powers of woever he is in proximity with, whether they're exercised or not. His first manifestation was of his brother's flight power, but he never saw Nathan fly until he rescued him in the first ep. But on the flip side, he can't exercize a power if he doesn't know it's there.

    And Hana is called Wireless because that was the title of the arc about her in the online graphic novels. Sylar took his name from a brand of clock. I don't think any of the rest need nicknames. Although I admit "Ted the Nuclear Guy" sounds cool. *heh*

    Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
    His first manifestation was of his brother's flight power, but he never saw Nathan fly until he rescued him in the first ep.
    He also never flew until his flying brother caught him. He has never used a power that had not already been used on, or near, him. Even the invisibility thing was an ongoing experience.

    Since Sylar has so many powers now, I could see why absorbing all the crap he has acquired since their run-in at the stadium would make Peter go nuclear. But neither he nor Sylar has met nuclear-guy, so he doesn't have the means yet.
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    I think Peter will be able to absorb all the powers Sylar has absorbed including Sylar's original power to see how things work.

    Sylar's killed others, too, since the FBI was already on his trail when we first met Parkman. So presumably, he has more than we've seen.
    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    That's a good point, Nim. Peter hasn't met Ted, so why did he seem to be starting to go nuclear before Claude punched him a few episodes ago?

    I think everyone has a showdown between Peter and Sylar in mind(where they end up using an ingenious combination of powers to beat each other, with Peter winning), so I hope Sylar isn't killed off in the next episode. Peter's bound to overpower him and Mohinder wants Sylar dead, so I wonder how he'll escape death. I suppose Peter's conscience could kick in.
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    I thought the reason Peter was going 'nuclear' wasn't so much Ted but that he was being overwhelmed with powers all at once!?! Although the similarities between the powers are quite a lot.

    Hmmm the connection between Ted and Peter is Matt Parkman... wasn't he in Peter's mind at one stage?

    Also interesting in that Peter was going to go to the Nevada desert and around that time Ted Sprague was there playing with his powers.

    Were Peter's dreams precognition - why were all those people in a deserted New York?

    Jess/ikki, Micha, D.L., Matt (in uniform), Hiro, Ando, Claire, Nathan, SIMONE... I think it might have just been a dream. BUT he hasn't MET all those people yet. only 4 of them.

    Does anyone think that Claire might have another ability to heal OTHERS? I was thinking she might have discovered that after her mother took ill.

    DOES Mohindar have a power? Remember what Mr. Bennett said when Mohindar said he had a list??

    If Peter can heal himself... why can't he heal his scar that he PRESUMABLY gets from Sylar (unless it's a decoy and it's a different scar).
    Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
    "Regarding final run, they have been cleared for a second season."

    True, but I understand it's supposed to be a whole new storyline with different characters and everything. So, this is the final run for this story.

    "When does Dr. Who come back?"

    End of this month.

    " anyone coming up with superhero style names for any of the heroes?"

    Claire -> "Wolverine"
    D.L. -> "Shadowcat"
    Peter -> "Mimic"
    Candice -> "Mastermind"

    Okay, so maybe the superhero genre lends itself easily to repetition. I'm just saying.
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    Doctor Who comes back on March 31. Coincidentally, this is the end of the first quarter, which for me means the end of twelve hour workdays. I hope. [Smile]

    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    Doctor Who comes back on March 31. Coincidentally, this is the end of the first quarter, which for me means the end of twelve hour workdays. I hope. [Smile]

    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    Originally posted by AndrewR:
    I thought the reason Peter was going 'nuclear' wasn't so much Ted but that he was being overwhelmed with powers all at once!?! Although the similarities between the powers are quite a lot.

    Hmmm the connection between Ted and Peter is Matt Parkman... wasn't he in Peter's mind at one stage?

    Also interesting in that Peter was going to go to the Nevada desert and around that time Ted Sprague was there playing with his powers.

    Were Peter's dreams precognition - why were all those people in a deserted New York?

    Jess/ikki, Micha, D.L., Matt (in uniform), Hiro, Ando, Claire, Nathan, SIMONE... I think it might have just been a dream. BUT he hasn't MET all those people yet. only 4 of them.

    If Peter can heal himself... why can't he heal his scar that he PRESUMABLY gets from Sylar (unless it's a decoy and it's a different scar).

    This is what I love about Heroes, there's so much to speculate about, and unlike a certain other series, we'll actually be getting answers to these questions!

    I think Peter's dreams are precognition, though whether that's one of his abilities or not remains to be seen. One possibility is that Isaac's precognition was rubbing off on Peter. That could explain his NY/Nuke visions, though I can't remember if he'd met Isaac at the time he had his flying visions.

    The other thing to consider is that Peter's vision of NY exploding conflicts with what Hiro experienced when he went forward in time to that point. In Peter's vision Isaac and Simone were nearby, while in Hiro's trip to Nov 8th Isaac was dead when the explosion occurred. What we don't know is whether this means Peter's visions were wrong, or if the future has since been changed. Meanwhile, Isaac is painting pictures of himself with his brain removed.

    As for the scar, the Hiro that met Peter on the subway changed the chain of events from that point on when he told Peter "save the cheerleader, save the world". In the timeline that Hiro came from Peter never went to Texas, never saved Claire and therefore never picked up the healing ability. Presumably he then had a run-in with Sylar similar to the one in the last episode and wasn't able to fix his scar.

    Oh, btw, the reason I thought Peter was starting to go nuclear when Claude punched him was because his hands were glowing like Ted's do when he's using his powers.
    Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
    Right, way at the beginning I mentioned I wanted to see; I've torrented eps 1-18 and watched them.

    Oh. My. Effing. God.

    This show has actually replaced SG:Atlantis as my favorite. The plot twists, the characters, the powers, it's all so very cool. And it's so fun to sit around and speculate about. And then be wrong again and again and again...

    I'm so glad they've been cleared for season 2; I was terrified this 'hiatus' would be permanent.

    Now about Sylar, I'm not so sure he NEEDS to take out the brains to learn their powers - HRG told him they weren't sure what so many alterations of his own DNA would do, so it doesn't make sense that he's altering his brain to match others. I think he takes their brains out because he's psycho.

    Now I always thought Peter would kick Sylar's ass if he met up with him but apparently not - or, not yet anyway. I'm expecting the beginning of the next ep to show him telekinetically throwing Sylar across the room and healing the scar, then going invisible for a really cool battle scene. Well, not expecting....hoping....

    Anyway, I always thought it was fairly obvious that Peter would absorb Nuke Man's powers and just lose control like Nuke Man always threatened to do. I figured the way to stop the bomb would mean killing him eventually, even if he DOES gain control of his powers. Either that or those visions of himself aren't entirely accurate ... maybe they're symbolic: He doesn't literally blow up, he's just the cause of the explosion in that he can stop it, or he doesn't stop it. If that makes sense. And he needed Claire's healing ability to get close enough to Nuke Man to stop it. Hence, 'save the cheerleader, save the world.'
    Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
    *snap* Oh that reminds me, when Claire stopped Nuke Man with the tranqulizers...watching her skin bake off, and then when she comes out all ashy and skeletal and heals slowly...that was really cool. However I wonder what the neighbors think. Also, why didn't the radiation melt the damn syringe?

    Oh, here's a prediction based on nothing but my craziness, which if right will make me seem so cool. I bet Claire's grandmother's power (Nathan and Peter's mom) is that she can speak any language. Just a theory.
    Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
    Daniel: Better question: why didn't the radiation melt her damn hair?
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    Maybe the grandmother doesn't HAVE an ability - maybe it's only something that's started appearing in people born around the 1960's and afterwards!?!


    Another thing - a fight between Sylar and Peter... Peter might turn invisible - Sylar will be able to hear him.

    Also - what of the little girl that was saved by Parkman - wouldn't she also have powers... Sylar seemed to have killed both her parents, presumably for their powers... or maybe he was looking for her - and she has a power!?!
    Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
    "I bet Claire's grandmother's power (Nathan and Peter's mom) is that she can speak any language."

    Possibly, one of the Petrelli parents has/had precognitive powers. That would explain where Peter could have picked up his visions before he ever met Isaac.
    Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
    I think its Mrs Petrelli has the powers. She was doing stuff to get attention earlier, maybe she couldn't control them or something. I also posit that Mr Petrelli was part of the organization that I think Linderman leads. Petrelli the elder had all those dealings with Linderman to keep his family hidden.
    Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
    I speak fluent French. Mrs. P's power, if anything, is to butcher French so damn much that even I can't understand what the hell she's saying. The Haitian I got just fine.

    Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
    Originally posted by AndrewR:
    Maybe the grandmother doesn't HAVE an ability - maybe it's only something that's started appearing in people born around the 1960's and afterwards!?!

    It was sort of implied that that ancient Japanese ruler who had the sword also had powers, but other than that, it does seem like only the two most recent generations have powers. "In recent days", I think the first ep says.

    Still, it'd be cool if Granny Petrelli and Grandpa(oh come on, he's bound to be alive really) had powers too.
    Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
    Meh hehh, Mrs. Petrelli having precognitive abilities makes sense when you think of Peter's early visions. Goooood point, TSN. I hadn't thought of that. However, I'm trying to figure it out based not just on plot, but on things like what TV shows usually end up doing with twists (although Heroes likes to be pretty unexpected). Also, what kind of power would help her protect Claire form afar?
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    I think the uberRevelation will be the significance of the rooftop everyone keeps showing up on. Wasn't it the roof of the building owned by the guy Peter was taking care of?

    Claude's pigeons are there. Issac and his girlfriend kissed there. Claire was handed over to HRG there. Hiro and Ando future-tripped there and found out they still haven't stopped anything. Somethin's going on there.
    Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
    You know, it makes you wonder. How does this mutation gene pass from generation to generation? Claire has a power, so do both her parents. Micah has a power, so do both his parents. Hiro has a power, but his parents don't appear to. There's some indication that Shanthi had a power, but neither Chandra nor Mohinder have one. Do Nathan and Peter's parents have powers? Will Parkman's kid have a power? Hana's mother and grandmother didn't have anything special about them, either.
    Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
    Well, Peter doesn't really have precog dreams so much as they are clairvoyant (dreamed of the accident as it happened) or connection with another (Nathan, Mr. Devaux). So I'm willing to write the dreams off as part of his empathy.
    Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
    He first dreamed of being at the rooftop and falling in the very beginning of the first episode, long before actually doing it, and then he repeatedly saw visions of the coming NY incident, before getting into that coma. What was that all about, by the way? And what got him out of it?

    Funny, he says to Simone "I keep having these amazing dreams every time I close my eyes...", his first line in the show.

    I'm curious, how do you define empathy in this particular context, Nebula?
    Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
    Well, if Peter WAS being clairvoyant, perhaps that's his mom's power rubbing off on him. After all, that WOULD be a helpful power to keep someone safe from across the country. And with the whole Destiny thing, I get the feeling everyone has their particular power for a reason.
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    Will Parkman be able to hear the baby's thoughts while it is still in the womb? I suppose it doesn't "speak" until about 1 and a half... so does he only pick up on the 'spoken word' thoughts?
    Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
    Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
    Originally posted by Nim:
    I'm curious, how do you define empathy in this particular context, Nebula?

    Empathy not in the Betazoid sense (emotions, etc.) but in a more general, "connecting with others" sense.

    Also, in the "Cute. A nurse who's an empath." sense.
    Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
    Originally posted by AndrewR:
    so does he only pick up on the 'spoken word' thoughts?

    Apparently. HRG tried to hide his thoughts by thinking in Japanese. So he probably wouldn't be able to understand an infants thoughts, having no language to communicate with.
    Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
    I wouldn't doubt it if the spoken word thoughts are simply the only ones he's picking up on at the moment. As he develops his powers and learns to control them better, and to separate what he's feeling from what he's picking up from others, I wouldn't be surprised to see him pick up on images or emotions. (Maybe the Agency is even giving him training now that they've kidnapped him a second time and plan to use him.)

    (Oooh. Also, this was my 47th post here. Go me.)

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