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Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
OK, so whoa. Brain-breakingly awesome (as evinced by the fact that I just typed "brean-breakingly" and had to go back and figure out what was wrong). I hope Parkman doesn't die either; I like him. Even if he was being an enormous idiot by going in on his own. I'm sure your pregnant wife would want you alive, dude.

And Nathan has to go and redeem himself. But I LIKED not liking him! Oh well. *shifts her hatred over to Angela*

And Bennet has a first name! I don't know why I'm so irrationally excited about that, but I am. Maybe I'm just having an autistic moment. Dunno. But EEEEEEEEEEEE, BENNET HAS A FIRST NAME!!!

I loved Niki/Jessica in this, and the fact that she and D.L. had Molly as well as Micah.

So, Candice really isn't "huge." She just thinks she is. (At least I'm assuming the whole "knock out the shapeshifter and s/he reverts to his/her original form" rule is what took effect here.)

Was that Sylar's blood going into the manhole?

Also. Ando's line "You look bad-ass" absolutely fucking cracked me up. Definitely makes up for Hiro's bit about how he has to do it himself. It may be true, but I fucking hate that clich�. ("Head them off at the pass? I hate that clich�!" *BANG*) (Sorry, having a Mel Brooks moment here.) ("This is something he has to do himself." "No it ain't!" "Oh. OK!" *BANG*) (Sorry, and a Firefly moment.)

Anyway, back to Heroes. Like the ending. Was expecting the eclipse to be a dragon (to tie in with the Kensei legend) but the eclipse was a good tie-in with the beginning. I wonder if there really was an eclipse over Japan that year?

Also, who's the one person Molly can't find, who looks back at her when she tries? I think we've found our second-season villain.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
I have 1000 quatloos riding on Kensei being Nakamura the elder.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Yeah, I got the impression that the "hero" Molly disliked is next years baddie. And yet that scene with Sylar's blood indicates that Sylar is still alive.I wonder if he does have regenerative powers as he's been seriously injured before yet miraculously heals by the time of his next appearance. I wonder what that scene with Peter and Simone's dad was all about. Was the old man's power to transfer his consciousness to another person?

Edit: Also while Nathan bit the big one, I'm sure Peter must still be alive.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Now THAT was how to end a season. After seeing crappy season/series finales in "Crossing Jordan", "Gilmore Girls", "CSI", & "Jericho", that was an incredible story. Had to love the way Hiro shocked the crap out of Sylar at the loft by teleporting and rescuing Ando. You could see Sylar thinking "Holy Crap". One thing that strengthened the argument of Peter absorbing personality as well as power was his demeanor after Niki came into range of him. He went from afraid to act to beating the crap out of Sylar just like Niki/Jessica would.

Other observations:

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I was going to ask if there was an eclipse at the beginning of the season. I seemed to remember one, but it feels like it's been so long ago that the season started... My guess would be that the eclipse heralds the beginning of a climactic generational event involving the heros of that era.

The second volume is entitled "Generations", so my guess is that the second season will focus alot, at least in the beginning on some origin-type stuff. Why are the heros there. What's the overall plan involved. Simone's Dad told Peter that "there's always one that's good". Seems to imply this pattern repeats itself. I think we'll see a bit of the story involving the climactic event in feudal Japan. I also think it'll take us a while to catch up with Peter again.

Overall, I thought this was a great finale (especially after seeing the disappointment that was the season finale of 24). Lots of stuff wrapped up, with lots of questions still to answer. Who will be back? Will the next season really focus on the same group, or just some of the individuals?

I loved the wrap-up with Jessikki. Jessica stepping aside to let Nikki take over, knowing she wouldn't betray DL and Micah, the Nikki finally finding the will to access her strength without Jessica's help. Coolness.

I don't think the writers know who the One Who Looks Back is yet. Doesn't seem right for it to be Angela, though she's a likely bet. All of the Linderman Group seem to believe they are righteous. Doesn't seem to fit with someone who would scare Molly that badly.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
I wonder if there really was an eclipse over Japan that year?
NASA says no. But who cares?

One thing that strengthened the argument of Peter absorbing personality as well as power was his demeanor after Niki came into range of him. He went from afraid to act to beating the crap out of Sylar just like Niki/Jessica would.
Well he is an empath.

I don't think the writers know who the One Who Looks Back is yet. Doesn't seem right for it to be Angela, though she's a likely bet. All of the Linderman Group seem to believe they are righteous. Doesn't seem to fit with someone who would scare Molly that badly.
It is the Kwisatz Haderach!
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Originally posted by Aban Rune:
I was going to ask if there was an eclipse at the beginning of the season. I seemed to remember one, but it feels like it's been so long ago that the season started... My guess would be that the eclipse heralds the beginning of a climactic generational event involving the heros of that era.

There was an eclipse at the end of the 1st episode.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Cracking episode and it they didn't answer every single one of our questions, so we really will be seeing our Heroes again. The producers had been making it sound as though the next season would mostly involve new characters.

There's every chance that Nathan flew off before Peter exploded, so I doubt he's dead.

I like the "one who looks back" thing. It's obviously Sauron. [Razz] Great way to set up the next season and create a bad guy who could be even scarier than Sylar.

I was expecting one of the samurai's at the end to be Hiro's dad for some reason, but I don't know what the explanation for that would have been.

I just can't wait for the next season now, only 4 months to go!
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
You know, Nathan could have just brought Peter high enough to let him drop. Then Pete could have exploded while falling and Nate could have picked him up again. But then again the explosion had a wide radius, could Nathan have been fast enough to escape?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well, it's possible that Nathan dropped Peter and flew off, but he wouldn't have even needed to catch him. Nathan seemed to think that he would die but that he would be saving Peter. Exploding won't hurt Peter just like it didn't hurt Ted we he emitted radiation. The fall, even from suborbital heights, is presumably something Peter could survive as well. So I think we can safely assume that Peter is alive and will show up at some point next season.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I have a number of problems with the last scenes of the season. (That's not counting the Hiro-in-ancient-Japan bit at the end.)

First, why couldn't Peter control the radiation power? I mean, I understood it was hard to get a handle on when he first started absorbing it. But, once he got control over it, why did it keep flaring up, and why did it do so critically at the end there? I realize the real answer is "the plot called for it", but it would have been nice if they had given some explanation.

And how was the gun supposed to stop him? That was a huge gun at close range. Wouldn't the bullet go straight through, and he would heal? So far, the only way Claire and Peter have been able to die is if something goes into their brains and stays there.

As for Sylar, how was he able to react quickly enough to stop Parkman's bullets as soon as he heard them fire, but he couldn't stop a guy running with a sword, even though he had time to turn and face him before he started running? I guess Hiro might have stopped time really briefly, but it didn't look like it.

And finally, why did Nathan have to fly Peter out of the city? Peter flies, too.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
It's possible Peter can only use one power at a time. Thus, whilst blowing up he couldn't jet himself out of the city.

The thing about this ending is that I was expecting something closer to what Peter saw in his vision - a deserted daylit street filled with abandonned cars, other people there including Isaac, his girlfriend, ando and later Claude, Claire being in her cheerleader outfit, and Peter blowing up in pretty short order. What happened to all that? Was that more like Mama Petrelli's vision rather than Peter's or anyone else's?

Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
I don't really know why Peter couldn't control the power(after all, he'd had it for a long while), but the idea behind shooting him wasn't to kill him permanently, it was only to put him out of action long enough for the power to subside, just as it did back when Claude punched him in the face and knocked him out.

As for Peter not flying, I think it's just that he has so much trouble keeping the radioactivity under control that he can't concentrate on using anything else. The rest of the time he can use more than one, though.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Originally posted by TSN:

First, why couldn't Peter control the radiation power?

Peter had also just absorbed Niki's power (& temperment?) and perhaps Molly's, Micah's, & D.L.'s as well. With the influx of so much he couldn't adapt fast enough and started losing control of the Nuke'em Power.


As for Sylar, how was he able to react quickly enough to stop Parkman's bullets as soon as he heard them fire, but he couldn't stop a guy running with a sword, even though he had time to turn and face him before he started running? I guess Hiro might have stopped time really briefly, but it didn't look like it.

Sylar was aware of Parkman's approach from his Super-Hearing and could have been reacting to the firing pin strike rather than the actual report. Hiro had already perplexed him with his teleportation before in the loft. One thing about Sylar is he does seem to take extra time to react to things. Whether this is due to his trying to figure things out with his savant power or not is the question. But clearly, he does NOT have a grasp on how to handle Hiro.


And finally, why did Nathan have to fly Peter out of the city? Peter flies, too.

Peter was using ALL of his control just to keep from "Mushrooming", had he tried to fly, he might well have exploded right then and there. That is why he called for Hiro initially to teleport him away. But with Sylar's TKoing Hiro, Nathan was the ONLY option other than Cranial Ventilation and even that was not a SURE means of preventing the bomb.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Mark: In "Five Years Gone," at least, he uses invisibility and TK at the same time. So it's possible for him to use multiple powers at once, even if he doesn't know it yet.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
This is true - though it's something he may not know how to do at the time of the boom.

It's "only" four months to the next season! I believe they'll lead off with the "Origins" mini-series first, though.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"...but the idea behind shooting him wasn't to kill him permanently, it was only to put him out of action long enough for the power to subside, just as it did back when Claude punched him in the face and knocked him out."

I don't think so. When he first gave Claire the gun and told her what to do, he specifically talked about needing to be shot in the head. "You know the spot," (or something similar) he said to her. If he just needed to be knocked out, shooting him the brain was a pretty extreme way of doing it.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
It's quite clear that Peter is about as clueless about his own powers as we are. Just the anxiety of possibly becoming a nuclear bomb may have been enough to actually make it happen.

I hope both Petrellis survive. Nathan certainly has the superhero looks, and he can fly. Which is what superheroes do!

Yet another 'previous generation' hero has been revealed: Charles whatsisname. He seemed to be able to talk to someone's conscience through time/after death or he planted a part of himself in Peter's head.. something that looks to be pretty enigmatic and powerful at any rate. And again it looks like all these 'old' heroes knew eachother, and were possibly all part of the Linderman team (before they split up and Linderman became (?) Ozymandias II).

The Kensei at the end.. that was George 'the Dragon' Takei, right? So he is immortal! And quite likely the first hero. His symbol (what did that mean again?) has been used as a tattoo to mark people with powers, right?
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
"...but the idea behind shooting him wasn't to kill him permanently, it was only to put him out of action long enough for the power to subside, just as it did back when Claude punched him in the face and knocked him out."

I don't think so. When he first gave Claire the gun and told her what to do, he specifically talked about needing to be shot in the head. "You know the spot," (or something similar) he said to her. If he just needed to be knocked out, shooting him the brain was a pretty extreme way of doing it.

Yes, it was very extreme, but it was the one thing that would definitely stop him going nuclear, and the fact that he'd come back to life afterwards meant it didn't really matter that he'd die. It was easier to tell Claire(the only person who should be able to get close to him) to shoot him in the head, than to expect her to be able to knock him out. No offense to her, but she's a 16 year old schoolgirl, uppercuts probably aren't her fort�.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
The Kensei at the end.. that was George 'the Dragon' Takei, right? So he is immortal! And quite likely the first hero. His symbol (what did that mean again?) has been used as a tattoo to mark people with powers, right?
That, or he's also a time traveller.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
His symbol, the tattoo, if you watch Pappa Suresh's genome program scrolling As and Ts and Cs and Gs right-to-left, you catch that symbol in the pattern of the base pairs a lot.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
The Kensei at the end.. that was George 'the Dragon' Takei, right? So he is immortal! And quite likely the first hero. His symbol (what did that mean again?) has been used as a tattoo to mark people with powers, right?
That, or he's also a time traveller.
"Also" might be tough to sell, since everyone seems to have unique powers. Except for Peter and Sylar, but they use different ways of absorbing them (Borg assimilation versus Fed learning, if you will).

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
The symbol (Godsend) has been more than a tatoo. Nikki has it tatooed on her shoulder (which Candice didn't when she was imitating her... a nice touch). Claire has it drawn on one of her school books. The Haitian had a necklace that looked like it. It's in the Genome program, as was mentioned. I'm pretty sure it's other places too, but I forget. Everyone with powers seems to intuit it somehow.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Originally posted by Aban Rune:
Nikki has it tatooed on her shoulder (which Candice didn't when she was imitating her... a nice touch).

Actually, Jessica has it but Niki doesn't.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Really? I thought they both had it since it's technically the same body, just a different personality in control. I remember Jessica covering it up with make-up before she went on a hit the one time, though I was never really sure why she did it.

Oh, And I suppose it's possible that Hiro's Dad also has tempral abilities since he's in the same family as Hiro. Though none of the other powers seem to be passed down through family lineage. His dad did say that he'd been waiting for "another" Nakamura to ascend, which to me said that he himself had done so.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Heyyyy Old Man Deveaux's powers. I got it. He can make people dream. Peter dreamed about Nathan when he was around him, and when Deveaux died, Peter dreamed about him saying goodbye. And now when he fainted, he dreamed again.

Oh and what Sylar did with the bullets, stopping them and then shooting them back at Parkman - I have daydreamed about that since the first Matrix movie. I was 'tickled pink' as the phrase goes. Loved it.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Oh, And I suppose it's possible that Hiro's Dad also has tempral abilities since he's in the same family as Hiro. Though none of the other powers seem to be passed down through family lineage. His dad did say that he'd been waiting for "another" Nakamura to ascend, which to me said that he himself had done so.
True, none of the 2nd & 3rd generation Heroes seam to inherit their parents abilities. However I suppose it's statistically possible, even if it is random.
Either that or Nakamura/Kensai link is more profoundly tied to the powers than we realise.
I mean, I know it's an ensemble show, but Hiro is the star right? The whole plot of the first season rotates around him, he seams to be in every episode, has met most if not all of the others (before the finale) and I doubt his name is a coincidence.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
How sure are we that he's Hiro's father? And not, say, Hiro himself, ala "The Man Who Folded Himself"?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Mmmm... I doubt it's Hiro himself. He said he "never thought it would be (Hiro)" that ascended. If it's far-future Hiro, he would've known. I do believe he's Kensai, though, one way or another.

I was thinking about who the star of the show is the other day too. The story seems to revolve around Hiro and Peter mostly. Though I would also say Claire is a major player. The story started out with her and Hiro and Peter and her relationship with Bennett has been a big focus.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OK, I just finished watching it - and I haven't read any posts yet.

Just wanted to say WOW! FANTASTIC! This is the best show that has been on TV in YEARS!

I also wanted to say - I always thought that that could have been Hiro in the paintings of Kensai! Why there? Why then?

What was the blood in Isaac's loft? Isaac's blood?

How did Sylar survive? What did he see in his eyes before he 'died'. His eyes went white like when Claire and Peter 'died'.

Did Peter die? I would assume that Nathan did. What is the mother's power - she said it was her 'big mouth' in an earlier episode - does she have the power to influence people?

I told ya Charles Devreaux had a 'power'.

Where is Claude - and what is it about that balcony/patio?

And of course who is the next big bad?

What characters are left now or rather who was introduced and then died over the course of the season?

Loved the "end of chapter one" part. Brilliant.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Sylar's eyes went white like they do when he's seeing/painting the future. Right at the end, he saw himself laying there on the street. His future happened just as he saw it. It would be interesting to freeze frame all the other flashes in his eyes right before that though... I might just have to do that.

I don't think Sylar survived. Though they made of point of his blood draining into the manhole and then focusing on it and the cockroach crawling out... so who knows... maybe he did survive in some fashion.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Somebody on HeroesWiki did: he's seeing all his victims.

And I've heard they want Sylar back in the next season, so I'm betting he's still alive. He's died before, remember? In the cell.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
OK... I totally missed something here (blame the bad quality of my VCR tape I guess). At the end, right before the cockroach crawls out, the camera pans along the blood smear running towards the manhole. I thought the initial pool of blood was his body and I didn't catch that that manhole cover was slid open when it switched to the low angle shot for "End of Volume One". But I rewatched it at lunch to do the freeze frame thing and see now that his body's not there and that the manhole cover is indeed open. That totally changes my opinion. He's definitely alive.

However, I have another little problem with the last scene. This is taking place in uptown or midtown Manhattan, seemingly. Now, I don't care how late it is, *someone* would've walked or driven by during all this. And how is it that police aren't there arresting everyone? Two people got shot (though DL and Nikki probably skedaddled), there's a giant pool of blood on the ground, and there was just a nuclear explosion in the night sky.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Hiro's father probably isn't Kensei for the same reason that he isn't Hiro himself. Now that Hiro is in the past, on the battlefield right there with Kensei, we can guess he will meet Kensei and tell him about himself. So, if Kensei were Hiro's father, he would know, in the future, that Hiro would have powers.

Of course, we'll have to wait until next year to see how things play out between Hiro and Kensei.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Re: Deveaux's powers, I had the same thought when I saw it - Deveaux has the same dream projection ability as Sanjog Iyer. Although apparently it works in a slightly different way in that he can project through time as well.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I gotta point out something that's bugging me - It's spelled kensei, not kensai, and its not a name but a title. So "the kensei" not "Kensei." [Smile]
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Sanjog Iyer

Was that the little Indian boy who 'spoke' to Mohindar?

I think Devreaux's powers are going to be quite special - I don't know if we can work it out yet from what we've seen.

Noah Bennet... fitting - I am seeing him as a person who is 'collecting'/'saving' "specials" two by two! [Smile] Look at him in the future - doing the same sort of thing.

Anyone else think that Papa Suresh is not really dead??

Where is Claude??

Was he there when Devreaux was talking to Peter Patrelli?

DL and Nikkisica were 'paired' by Linderman - I wonder how many others were - Parkman and his Wife??
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
However, I have another little problem with the last scene. This is taking place in uptown or midtown Manhattan, seemingly. Now, I don't care how late it is, *someone* would've walked or driven by during all this. And how is it that police aren't there arresting everyone? Two people got shot (though DL and Nikki probably skedaddled), there's a giant pool of blood on the ground, and there was just a nuclear explosion in the night sky.
I've never been to New York so I'll take you're word on that (though if I do, you won't find me wandering about in the middle of the night in a hurry) but if it's anything like London, then I'd agree. However, you sort of answered your own question.
And how is it that police aren't there arresting everyone? Two people got shot (though DL and Nikki probably skedaddled), there's a giant pool of blood on the ground, and THERE WAS JUST A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION IN THE NIGHT SKY.

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Well.. there's at least one secretive group within the FBI that knows there are 'special people' (apparently lead by that woman that I don't remember the name of). And although Linderman is now dead (well, quite probably he is), his Group (the 'Ma Petrelli Group' now?) is probably still pretty influential all the way around.

But if all police officers have the suicidal "he's the bad guy, so I must shoot him, alone!" tendency that Parkman had.. it's perhaps better they weren't there.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Originally posted by Daniel Butler:
I gotta point out something that's bugging me - It's spelled kensei, not kensai, and its not a name but a title. So "the kensei" not "Kensei." [Smile]

Not necessarily; the word is a not-too-grammatical riff off of "sensei", for teacher (generally used for martial arts). In Japanese, we call teachers "[name]-sensei", using the word as an honorific suffix, or simply "sensei", as a noun/name. No "the" necesscary - reserve that for Doctors and Masters. [Wink]

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
We were in New York last year (my first time) and were walking around town around 10 - 11 pm on our way to the Staton Island Ferry. It was dark and there were still plenty of people out and about. Enough that, if I had turned to my friend and started clubbing him with a parking meter while a super hot model came running over to try and take me out and then my other friends hands started glowing... there would have been a small crowd with camera phones before it was over.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Or...being New York....they would have totally ignored you.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Originally posted by Mark Nguyen:
Originally posted by Daniel Butler:
I gotta point out something that's bugging me - It's spelled kensei, not kensai, and its not a name but a title. So "the kensei" not "Kensei." [Smile]

Not necessarily; the word is a not-too-grammatical riff off of "sensei", for teacher (generally used for martial arts). In Japanese, we call teachers "[name]-sensei", using the word as an honorific suffix, or simply "sensei", as a noun/name. No "the" necesscary - reserve that for Doctors and Masters. [Wink]

I thought kensei was a master of kenshido?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
...anyway... back to MY questions... [Wink]
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Back to your questions, I don't think Chandra's alive. Sanjog showed Mohinder a vision of Sylar killing Chandra and another of Chandra and Mo's mum(I forget her name..) talking about Shanti. The Shanti vision was accurate, so it stands to reason that the Chandra murder vision was also.

The person I think is still alive is Papa Petrelli.

And I immediately thought Kensei(or THE Kensei, whichever) was going to be Kaito Nakamura, but it doesn't look anything like him. He just happens to be an aging asian man wearing a helmet that disguises his face a bit.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Mo's mum doesn't have a name, far as anyone can tell. So, she's Mrs. Suresh. Or Mo's mum works too. And I'm with you on Papa Petrelli (who also doesn't have a name... damn the writers!).
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Reguarding Sylar's powers - one thing I thought of - FBI Agent Hanson - when revealing to Matt Parkman about Sylar - said that she had been chasing him over the country... I THINK she may have said the number of murders she attributed to him. Maybe a way of working out how many different powers he has.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Yes, but we don't know if she's counting "collateral damage"--unpowered people like Frozen Guy's Wife and the beer truck driver from one of the GNs--in that number.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
There probably would have been collateral damage added to that total(and I seem to remember someone saying that his victims had no physical marks.. maybe they were non-powered ones so he didn't cut their heads off), but I'm sure Mrs.Frozen Guy would have had a power, because she was Molly's mother and in several cases we've seen children who have two powered parents.

I think Papa Petrelli's still alive because they've said he had a power and he "committed suicide", which is the same cover story Nathan used when Peter first used his powers. Maybe he disagreed with his wife's plan to blow up NY?
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
If Mrs. Frozen Guy had had a power, Sylar would have cut her brain out. Unless she didn't know about it, and he didn't know about it. Either way, he didn't get the power.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Oh, I wasn't sure if she'd been can-opened or not. I suppose Sylar would have taken her power if she'd had one.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
Nope. Skewered and pinned to the wall with every knife in the kitchen.

Of course, if she didn't know she had a power, Sylar might not have known either. He *was* going by Suresh's map. So you could be right. Either way, though, we have no idea the ratio of powered to non-powered people he's killed.
Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
It looks like they're gonna be continuing the GNs through the hiatus. There's a Haitian story up now.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
A few more things...

The cockroach on the sewer manhole cover - after the "death"? of Sylar... there was also an insect in the cell (a cockroach I think) he was kept in at Primatech paper - when he 'died' previously. I wonder what this is about.

Secondly, Bennett asked Mohinder at one point "are you on the list" - is it possible he has got a talent?
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
The cockroach is just symbolism really. One of the writers stated explicitly that Sylar doesn't turn into insects, just in case anyone had been wondering.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
The plaza where the showdown took place is actually in L.A., not New York (yay local filming!). Jen and I took our pictures in front of the orange thing when we happened to drive past it whilst we were in town for Celebration IV last month. I'll have pics up soon. [Smile]

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Well, we've only just finished in the UK. But we got a Torchwood season 2 trailer, so, nyah.

I've been thinking about the timeline, ever since "Five Years Gone."

The way I see it, in the original timeline Hiro tried to stop the bomb by killing Sylar, only to have him regenerate because he had taken Claire's power. Apart from that, everything else happened pretty much as we saw it over the course of the season apart from the absence of Claire because she'd been gotten early on.

Perhaps in that timeline Hiro still got flicked towards that building by Sylar and had to make his emergency jump to 17th Century Japan, and when he got back it was too late. He then spent all that time in Isaac's loft figuring out what he had to do to change things, and came to the conclusion that if Sylar couldn't regenerate, then he'd succeed at killing him. Hence his (future Hiro's) trip way way back to tell Peter "Save the cheerleader, save the world."

However, when he gets back to his present, he finds things the same. But this time there's a difference - "our" Hiro appears, and tells him something he didn't know - his message worked, and Claire was saved (but has been in hiding, so to Future Hiro she's still dead, effectively, but actually isn't).

One question that hasn't been answered from my perspective is this: do you need regenerative powers to survive being the source of an Exploding Man-style nuclear explosion? Because if you do, it leads to a bit of a plot hole: in the first timeline, who was the Exploding Man? It couldn't be either Peter or Sylar because they're still alive (Peter in hiding; Sylar as the president, having gotten Nathan and Candice at some point before or after the explosion) - so it might have been Ted. In the second timeline, it was definitely Peter because he says as much, but he has the regenerative ability because he saved Claire (but then, why that scar?). Of course, if the Exploding Man power doesn't harm its actual wielder then it's not so much of an issue.

Or, perhaps there's only ever been one timeline! Claire always survived, but Future Hiro mistakenly assumed it was Jackie who was the cheerleader who needed saving.

So in the end it came down to the way things happened at Kirby Plaza. Future Hiro was actually right in that you saved the world by saving the cheerleader, but not in the way he originally thought. Because Claire's survival meant she met Nathan, and was able to speak to his conscience and thus get him to intervene at the crucial moment.

Someone's promised us all the s2 eps to date, and we may take them up on it. Unless Minutey wants to give me another lecture on intellectual property rights. . ?
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
I think Ted's power didn't harm him. I also don't think the other heroes knew it wouldn't harm Peter. I know Peter was only concerned with not blowing up New York, and wasn't thinking about himself. Notice in the early episodes of the second season, Peter's considered missing, and not dead.

How does that revise your theories?


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