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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
I'm gonna wait until I can see it again for it to all sink in. Thoughts?

-We sorta figure out how the company is bankrolled. [Smile]

-I can't remember what happened to Parkman's wife...

-Mohinder is THIS close to being recruited to the Stargate Program...

-Hiro's storyline, and what he must do, is pretty danged obvious.

-Hey! That Irish guy with the hat that barely said anything? I wonder if he likes pineapples...

Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
What the hell is up with Nathan? There was that flash in the mirror at the end of a horribly disfigured face. Is Nathan really Nathan? Maybe just hallucinating?

And the "alien" kid at Claire's new school is fucking creepy. I mean, hovering outside her window?
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Nathan saw a nuclear-exploded Peter in the mirror. Didn't you notice the Stallone-wannabe lip? [Wink]

And the alien kid isn't as creepy as he is intriguing, as he's the first who apparently exhibits an identical power to someone we know, namely flying. Until now, everyone's powers have apparently had unique.

Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
OK did anyone else notice that it was Nathan that bumped into Ando when he was brinking Sulu his newspaper? Then Nate calls Mommy-Dearest EEEEEviiil.

Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Ah, my friends thought it was Nathan as well, but I must've blinked and missed it. I saw it with a fairly rowdy crowd ("woo! more cheerleaders!"), so I missed the lines whenever anything remotely dramatic happened, but it seemed to live up to the first season.

I agree that Hiro's path seems fairly clear(save the village, get the girl), but Heroes tends to go left when you expect it to go right, so hopefully it won't be so simple.

I'm most interested in how Kaito will survive and who it was that pushed him off. He can't really be dead!
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Yeah what did Maya do? What was it that happened to their eyes? The scene was too dark.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
I'm really wondering what Maya's power is. I've heard that her and Alejandro are linked, so I guess that whenever Alejandro isn't around Maya's power goes berzerk. I wonder maybe its some sort of sonic blast that liquefied their brains?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
The people Maya killed seemed to have blood leaking out of all their headholes, so I would guess she does something that causes major internal hemorrhaging, which kills them.

Interesting that Nathan was nearby during the appearance of both of the death-threat photos. Especially since the killer is apparently someone who can fall off a building and not splatter on the ground. Naturally, since this solution is so obvious, it's going to have to be someone else.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
In the alternate future episode, President Sylar says that there was a kid in South America who could essentially create vacuums. Could Maya be this kid?
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Actually, I could have swore that when Kaito and the killer fell, there were two splats on the ground when Ando first looked, then when it panned to him and then back to the ground, there was one splat.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
The graphic novels reveal what Maya or Alejandro's power is(they seem to imply both have the same power, but it's not explicit) and it's not pretty.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
One question. How the hell could Nate have survived that blast? Peter I understand, he can regenerate, but Nate? He should be radioactive dust.

Ok, two questions; what happened to the election? is he in office and acting crazy, or did he resign? I forget what happened in the previous episode.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Originally posted by Johnny:
The graphic novels reveal what Maya or Alejandro's power is(they seem to imply both have the same power, but it's not explicit) and it's not pretty.

$$$$$Spoiler Alert!$$$$$$$

Correct me if I am wrong, but the comic seems to indicate that they can inflict some sort of virus on people, right?
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
^ Yep, so I wonder what'll happen when they get to NY? They'll probably develop the ability to switch the power on and off eventually, but in the meantime there'll be people dropping dead everywhere they go.

Originally posted by Reverend:
One question. How the hell could Nate have survived that blast? Peter I understand, he can regenerate, but Nate? He should be radioactive dust.

Ok, two questions; what happened to the election? is he in office and acting crazy, or did he resign? I forget what happened in the previous episode.

I just assumed Nathan sort of threw Peter once they got quite high in the air and flew away before the explosion. I'm more confused about why they all thought Peter would die and why they now think he's dead. Angela of all people should be able to appreciate that if a shard of glass in his brain didn't kill him, an explosion shouldn't either.

Hopefully in the next episode we'll find out what happened after the explosion, but it doesn't seem like Nathan's still senator.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I'm hoping we'll get a flashback to the seconds before the explosion. Nathan seemed to think that he was going to die when he carried Peter off. I imagine it as Peter pushing himself out of Nathan's grasp before he popped and Nathan flying to a safe distance.

It's obvious Nathan's pretty screwed up emotionally. He probably resigned as Senator shortly after he won.

Mohinder's talking about a virus that's within all the special people. If Maya and Alejandro's power is related to a virus, perhaps it's the same virus and they have the ability to mutate it and speed it up so that it can infect and kill normal people. I think Alejandro has the power to block Maya's power, or maybe everyone's powers. Or at least in some way enhance her control of it.

I don't think the guy who killed Hiro's dad is anyone we've seen before. He knew who it was and hinted that he was part of the original group. I do think it's the same scary guy that the little girl is dreaming about.

So how did Peter end up handcuffed in a crate? And where did his necklace come from? Someone obviously knew he wasn't dead.

And how in the world is the Bennett family going along with this relocation thing? I didn't think they remembered anything. Did HRG explain everything to them? Or did they just pack up and move after their house burned down... and then change their name?

I'm definitely jazzed about the new season. I hope they tie in the eclipse we saw at the beginning of Hiro's story to something happening in that time. I hope they don't just forget about it.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Yeah, that guy who "looks" at Molly sure sounds creepy, especially with dream she keeps having about the eyes staring back with the symbol in between them.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I was under the impression that Claire didn't really feel pain - she burned her hands pulling a thing out of the oven and just sort of hissed (but it looked more like an Oh-shit expression on her face than an Ouch-that-hurt expression), and she never did more than groan a little when she fell off of buildings or whatever...but when she did that back-*tuck* off the tower, and broke her leg, she really cried out, dinshe?

Also, if Sulu, the Petrellis, Linderman, et al were the Company indeed, then the guy I'm calling Midas has now confirmed that they all had powers.

And finally, I'm with Parkman on this - his using his telepathy to pass the detective's exam is nothing like cheating. A baseball player has talent; so does he. Or you can look at it another way - he can really help people, with his power. If you don't mind him doing it to REALLY help, why would you mind him using it to PRETNED to help, in the context of a test constructed to see whether he'd be allowed to REALLY help?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I think the test she was referring to was the written test. She mentioned something about pulling the answers out of people's heads. Though, I suppose what he gleaned from the actors on the training course could have been considered "answers".
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
(Arguably, since the point of either test is to garner visual clues from the situation or your personal experience in order to solve the puzzle/shoot the bad guy, rather than "read their minds," he did cheat, but, like, if I had psychic powers I sure wouldn't care. ((Then ultimately I would have to be destroyed by a terrified populace.)) Also it depends on what you think the tests are actually testing for.)

I was a little excited when I heard Dominic Keating was going to be on the show this season, but that was not a very convincing Irish accent, even by the standards of TV Irish accents.

Ah, well, we'll always have Kristen Bell.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Was that Dominic? I didn't notice. But yeah, if it didn't *say* Cork County, Ireland, I wouldn't even have known that accent was supposed to be Irish for the first few minutes...

Hey Mark, I just remembered, what did you mean about Mohinder being recruited for the SG program? I missed the joke...

And yeah, I noticed Nathan bump into Ando when he was giving the newspaper to Mr Nakamura, and he came in the door where the second death-note was left. Maybe he *is* working for 'them.'
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Dominic Keating barely spoke in this episode, I don't think. His face was mostly obscured by a hat.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Yes, but what he did say equalled suren I be Oirish, lad.
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Hey Mark, I just remembered, what did you mean about Mohinder being recruited for the SG program? I missed the joke...
Mohinder starts off the episode trying to convince a room full of people about amaxing tales of superhuman fancy flights. Not unlike how a certain Doctor Jackson did about ancient Egyptian aliens... Only difference is that Daniel is recuited by a serene old German woman; Mohinder meets up awith a fat bald guy.

Posted by HopefulNebula (Member # 1933) on :
(apostrophe key doesnt work on this comp; massive apologies to all)

Liked the episode. Im betting that Angelos power is more along the lines of the Haitians; that is, he can block other peoples powers.

Also, that was Dom Keating, what?

Other thoughts, as posted on my LJ several days ago:

Got off to a slow start--in fact, was really slow throughout, but after HTSAEM, you'd kind of have to expect that. I was glad to see more of Maya and Alejandro--their story in the GN last week piqued my interest.

*squees at Matt Parkman* Oh, I love him I love him I love him. Especially with Molly, poor thing. And he got his badge!

So, what happened to Matt's wife and unborn baby, anyway? No mention except that we know he's getting divorced.

Interesting development with Nathan. He's a lot less dickish now, and someone had to tell Angela to stuff it.

And Hiro and Kensei--love the banter between them. Kept thinking of ST: First Contact.

Claire... well, I can't say I like her more, but she's less annoying. Reminds me a bit too strongly of a whole lot of people I know for me to really be unbiased, though--that's just a function of her character.

OMG, they offed Kaito! Question is, who's "they"?

As for Peter. I'm not a fan of the "amnesia" angle, especially since amnesia is so poorly done on TV, but I can't get over the image of him being surprised and amazed by his own TK.

Still nowhere near "Godsend," "Unexpected," "Company Man," or "Five Years Gone," but still good.

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