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Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
So, uh, whoa. This episode was definitely a helluva lot faster in pacing than the others so far this season. Points of note:

-Issac foresaw (lousy cumbersome language) Monica and her muscle-memory "copycat" ability. Mohinder has arrived to "bring her in" to the company, but given that its Mohinder, he'll probably squirrel her away somewhere.

-Man, Parkman Sr is one sneaky character. He even had me believing he was relatively harmless. Boy was I wrong. Quite a neat trick he did there with the nightmares. Which means Matt can do it to...

-"What? Its a common name!" Ando is deciphering Hiro's notes, some of which didn't hold up so well over the 400 years. Kensei and Hiro have to fight off an entire army.

-Really, really bad use of greenscreen techniques to show Bennett and the Haitian (damnit, is this guy ever going to get a name?) in Odessa, Ukraine. What are they doing there, again?

-Helloooo, Veronica! Well, whatever that chicky's name is. And she's looking for Peter on an assignment from "daddy"? I didn't know Keith was on the show too... Kinda creepy that she killed Mickey because it was fun... "It won't happen again, I promise!"

-Peter's coming to Canada! Hope we're ready for him. Montreal, eh? I wonder what could possibly be interesting in the Swamp...
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Hm. Might I suggest our threads be merged. :-/
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Thread merging isn't possible with UBB software... but I can close it and paste your comments.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
From the other thread...

Did anyone else think the scene with the double-dutch was a little weird? Micah's laughing creeped me out for some reason; I was getting a feeling of foreboding that didn't pan out at all.

I can't figure out if Nikki means it about being there to get help, or if she just doesn't trust Suresh. (After all, *I'm* beginning to wonder - first it's just taking Molly there to be helped, next it's deciding they're not so bad after all, then it's turning Parkman and HRG in...)

Hiro's kind of falling by the wayside, but I still can't figure out if he's going to become Kensei or just help him finish his quests. (He did seem awwwfully surprised that Kensei wasn't Japanese, and you'd think if Kensei was a gaijin it'd be noted in the stories).

Nichelle Nichols is far too old to be Monica's mother; I wonder what happened to her parents. In line with the whole heroes-produce-heroes thing, maybe her parents have powers - but if they do (and Nichelle turns out to be Monica and Micah's grandmother as I assume) then Nichelle should also have a power, if all the parents have powers. (Or was she in the Company picture and I just don't remember? Anybody have a cap?)

Finally, here's an on-screen declaration of duplicate powers - "This thing you and I can do, it goes beyond just reading minds." But Parkman broke out of it because he could also read minds; presumably his power works on the real world, and not on his dream-guys. So I guess this means Parkman can cause these dreams too, and not just his father?

Claire wasn't in this, which disappoints me. She's my favorite. Got to love that whole cute little cheerleader cum bloody burned broken soldier look.

Aaaand now my lovely brain decided to forget how the episode *ended....* So I'll stop typing here :-/
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
There have been several mentions of Monica's mother dying in the hurricane. Nichelle is Monica and Micah's grandmother, making DL Monica's uncle.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Also, what's up with Nathan? What's the significance of this burnt alter-ego? Does this mean that NY can still get nuked?
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
I know this is rather mundane for the Heroverse, but maybe he's just gone insane. Losing his brother and all, and maybe the guilt of pushing away at the last second (or how else did he survive?) has caused a split personality. As Mr Burnt Man said, "I am you."
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Originally posted by Fabrux:
There have been several mentions of Monica's mother dying in the hurricane. Nichelle is Monica and Micah's grandmother, making DL Monica's uncle.

Actually I think "Nana" is Micah's great aunt, rather than his grandmother. We saw his actual grandmother in a season one episode where she was living nearby to Niki and DL's place. She is Monica's granny, though, so she could well have a power. I was actually expecting her to be in the oldies group photo.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
You realize that, traditionally, people have two grandmothers...
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Originally posted by Daniel Butler:
I know this is rather mundane for the Heroverse, but maybe he's just gone insane. Losing his brother and all, and maybe the guilt of pushing away at the last second (or how else did he survive?) has caused a split personality. As Mr Burnt Man said, "I am you."

It was a nightmare created by a man who can read minds. The burnt visage is just a personification of Nathan's guilt, I wouldn't take it too literally.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
You realize that, traditionally, people have two grandmothers...

Yeah, but Micah's other grandmother would be white. Which Nichelle isn't.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
Originally posted by Daniel Butler:
I know this is rather mundane for the Heroverse, but maybe he's just gone insane. Losing his brother and all, and maybe the guilt of pushing away at the last second (or how else did he survive?) has caused a split personality. As Mr Burnt Man said, "I am you."

It was a nightmare created by a man who can read minds. The burnt visage is just a personification of Nathan's guilt, I wouldn't take it too literally.
But Nathan's seen the burnt man before, earlier in the season, just in the mirror on occasion. Ever since Peter died.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Yeah, but Micah's other grandmother would be white. Which Nichelle isn't."

I was thinking of that woman who watched Micah from time to time early in the first season. But I guess that was just a friend of Niki, not her mother. I don't know where I got that idea.

So, I guess I don't recall the grandmother who supposedly appeared before.

Anyway, if the Wikipedia can be believed, Nichols' character's name is Dawson, and she is, in fact, Micah's great-aunt. Which makes Monica and her brother Micah's second cousins. Their mother or father was D.L.'s cousin, then.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
It should also be noted that we don't know for sure that the two Parkmans really did have the same powers. That may have just been something Daddy made up to gain some trust.

Yeah, the green screen effects were really horrible. Or at least not suited for HDTV. But they weren't as awful as the Claire and Flying Kid scenes.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Well for us mere mortals with standard definition, it looked passable for a TV show.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
What about Pikachu girl?
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Originally posted by Harry:

Yeah, the green screen effects were really horrible. Or at least not suited for HDTV. But they weren't as awful as the Claire and Flying Kid scenes.

It looked quite bad even on the crumby online video I saw, but it only gets really bad if you watch it a second time and analyse it a bit more. You can see Bennet "walking" at a pace while the fairly still backdrop seems to indicate he's not moving anywhere. Still, it's not supposed to be scrutinised like that, and I'm thankful that they spent less time and money on that if it's what gave us the great shots of NY.

Incidentally, I reversed the "double dutch" that the prison guard babbles in Parkman's hallucination, but it doesn't seem to give away anything meaningful(if this were Lost it'd probably be a bible verse or something..), he's just telling Parkman to keep his arms at his sides.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
Well for us mere mortals with standard definition, it looked passable for a TV show.

And with standard def and a 30-year old hunk of junk, I didn't notice a thing - could've sworn they were standing on a soundstage.

Oh and Johnny, what do you mean by the guard speaking "double dutch"? Double dutch is the two-rope jumprope game that Micah watched Monica play. I think the guard's speech was just distorted to the point of gibberish.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
I thought you meant double dutch meaning an incomprehensible language. Anyway, someone I watched the episode with suggested the speech had been played backwards, so I reversed it and found out he was right. The guard doesn't say anything much of note(pretty much what you'd expect a guard to say), but he is speaking backwards.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
Originally posted by Johnny:
I thought you meant double dutch meaning an incomprehensible language. Anyway, someone I watched the episode with suggested the speech had been played backwards, so I reversed it and found out he was right. The guard doesn't say anything much of note(pretty much what you'd expect a guard to say), but he is speaking backwards.

I feel like I'm reading too deeply into a pretty inconsequential detail, but I wonder if backwards speech has any significance rel. Daddy Parkman's power.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
(Kristen Bell is fantastic.)
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
(At first I felt bad for finding her hot in Veronica Mars until I found out she's in her 20s.)
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
(Heh, Heh Jailbate)
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
(No, Mars. "Jailbait" is a hottie under the legal age of consent.)

I can't wait for Matt to get bck home... [Smile]

Matt: "Suresh? The nightmare man is my dad. I figured out how to break his hold. Where's Molly?"
Suresh: "Uh, she was pretty bad, so I took her in to the Company, even though Bennett told me not to."
Matt: "..."
Suresh: *looks sheepish*
Matt: "I kill you now."

Posted by OverRon (Member # 2036) on :
Originally posted by Daniel Butler:
But Nathan's seen the burnt man before, earlier in the season, just in the mirror on occasion. Ever since Peter died.

Well I assumed the Burnt Nathan, was a lingering fear he has had since he flew his brother off to blow up. Perhaps it's his fear of what "could" have happened had he not whisked his brother away. Parkman's dad, using his ability could probably sense that fear and ramped it up into a full blown hallucination burnt man.

The same could be said for Parkman as well, him being a cop, probably has fears of being locked up unjustly, and with no way to get out. Plus his fear over what happened to his ex-wife and her baby. So he got a double dose of his fears which were amplified by his dad's powers.

Molly has always been afraid of the man who can "see" her, so her fear was that if she did "look" too long at him, he'd notice and she'd not get away. Which is what the nightmare she's in probably is, she's trapped with Parkmans dad somewhere.

So I reckon Parkmans dad can only trap people in nightmares by using fears they have. So he couln't go round trapping people in nightmares about fluffy pink rabbits (unless they're the Monty Python kind [Razz] ).
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Well, that is the best way. The most terrifying nightmare is always a personal one.
It actually reminds me of a bit from that Spielberg mini-series Taken, where the little boy had the power to show you your own life, all of it, beginning to end, driving the person mad with terror and shame. So Matt and his father's powers are less like creating a fantasy illusion and more like holding up a mirror to a person's mind and let it trap itself in it's own reflection.
Of course that shouldn't work on someone who has faced their fear and conquered it, though people with that kind of inner peace are few and far between.
Posted by Johnny (Member # 878) on :
Originally posted by OverRon:

Molly has always been afraid of the man who can "see" her, so her fear was that if she did "look" too long at him, he'd notice and she'd not get away. Which is what the nightmare she's in probably is, she's trapped with Parkmans dad somewhere.

Infact, the graphic novel this week shows us Molly's nightmare. She's being chased around a deserted NY by Sylar and lots of cockroaches.
Posted by OverRon (Member # 2036) on :
Well her fear of Sylar would be a very real one too, seeing as he ate one of her parent's brain and pinned another to the wall with sharp pointy things.

I really should start reading that graphic novel as well. [Smile]
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
I'm way behind with those too.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Electrogirl aside; I kind of want Sylar to take those two kids under his wing.
Posted by Daniel Butler (Member # 1689) on :
You know what'd be a twist? What if Peter becomes evil (as we see his desire to kill Dominic Keating, and as we debate whether he absorbed Jessica's madness), and Sylar, through contact with the Plague Twins, becomes the good guy who has to redeem himself by stopping Peter?

Oh, and has anyone seen that fan series Star Trek: Final Frontier? I watched one of the latest episodes (I think it was a later one, anyway) and I could've sworn one of the actors in it was the guy who played Sylar...and he also was pretty much the only one who could act. No offense to fan series, of course, but I'm not going to sugar-coat it [Wink]

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