T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
This might belong in Officer's Lounge.
Ok - I'd take a screen shot of this but for some reason VLC just crashes when I try.
In SG-1 1x14 Singularity, Cassandra is lying on the table after going into cardiac arrest, surrounded by medical personnel. Suddenly and randomly her pajama shirt is open and the doctor's bare hands are compressing her bare chest, which I found a little weird.
Then they move the camera out and this girl's nipple is clearly and totally visible on cable TV. She's like 12, 10 at the very youngest. WTF? I pointed it out to a friend and he's a bit freaked out too. I mean I'm personally fine with anybody of any age being naked, but seeing this on TV...is just weird.
Member # 71
MPC won't let me take a capture... And its actually 1x15 at 19:32 into the episode. Weird as hell.
Member # 444
Stargate was on Showtime back then.
Member # 878
The pilot episode had full frontal nudity, so this doesn't surprise me so much.
Member # 71
Its not that its nudity in and of itself... its the age that's weird.
Member # 335
Well that's what would happen in a real situation and frankly I've seen more explicit things than that on certain medical dramas before now (yes, including young teenagers.)
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
I think maybe I didn't make myself clear. I don't have a problem with the naked girl, and I don't think it shouldn't be on TV - I'm surprised that it's on TV is the point. After years and years of bleeps and euphemisms suddenly I see a show from over 10 years ago where there's nipple? It was really weird to see.
Member # 444
Again... it was on Showtime. As in a premium cable channel that you have to opt-in to receive even above regular cable programming. FCC "decency" standards don't touch those networks at all.
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
Does Showtime normally show naked children?
Member # 335
I'd hardly call that 'naked'.
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
Fine. Maybe it's a cultural thing. Where I grew up it'd be considered disgusting if you saw a girl of that age with her shirt off.
Member # 335
Well I'm not saying you see underage girls walking around topless over here but I wouldn't call it disgusting either. It really depends on the context and in this case it's a part of a medical procedure, so while I can't speak for everyone, I personally find it appropriate.
Member # 444
^ What he said. No matter how people rant about this stuff, context always matters.
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
lol Man, it's appropriate but I found it surprising because of her age. I never said it wasn't appropriate, it was just really surprising to me.
Edit: I showed it to someone and he agreed with me, so at least I know it's not just me. Anyway, he also said he thought it was inappropriate for a girl of that age to be on a set surrounded by adults with some stranger's hands on her bare chest and her shirt wide open when it wasn't necessary for the scene. It didn't add anything dramatically. [ October 14, 2008, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: Daniel Butler ]
Member # 71
Call me crazy but I thought defibrillator paddles didn't work through clothes...?
Member # 31
I have to agree that it seems surprising. But, only because, in this country, I would expect the majority (so, statistically speaking, that would probably include producers of the show) to react with exaggerated offense at the idea. So, I'm surprised that someone in a position of authority on the show didn't say "we can't do that!".
"Anyway, he also said he thought it was inappropriate for a girl of that age to be on a set surrounded by adults with some stranger's hands on her bare chest and her shirt wide open when it wasn't necessary for the scene." Why? In what way is that situation going to cause any actual harm to someone? Is the other actor really that likely to try to feel her up while surrounded by an entire TV crew?
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
Trying...not to make....a Shik joke...
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
quote: Originally posted by Fabrux: Call me crazy but I thought defibrillator paddles didn't work through clothes...?
I said it didn't add anything dramatically; I didn't say anything about verisimilitude. You can give up some of the latter when it' s not necessary for the former. It's a story after all, not a simulation of reality.
TSN: I'm a *guy* and I would have been very uncomfortable (which I would class as harm) at that age in that situation.
Member # 417
You're crazy, but I do believe you are right, regardless.
Slips happen all the time, law of averages and all. That it wasn't caught just means the perverts were the ones doing the editing. Meanwhile, back in IL, the one guy caught it.
Will the extremists now get this ep. classified as kiddie porn and owning it a federal offense?
Member # 91
FWIW, I was a bit surprised myself when I saw this one.
Member # 31
"TSN: I'm a *guy* and I would have been very uncomfortable (which I would class as harm) at that age in that situation." Well, that wouldn't necessarily be true for everyone, though. I mean, I'm assuming they at least asked her if she was okay with it.