T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
The Ginger Beacon
Member # 1585
Did anybody else catch either the Red Dwarf 3 parter, or the new Doctor Who this weekend gone?
Member # 44
Member # 878
Neither seemed very well received by anyone I know, but I quite enjoyed the Dr Who episode. The bad guys were pretty good, although they didn't live up to RTD's "better than Daleks" claim. Lee Evans didn't annoy me as much as he usually does and I thought Michelle Ryan's character was a better companion than Donna or Kylie. The flying bus was a bit much, but no RTD script is complete without something completely over the top.
The Ginger Beacon
Member # 1585
Oh goodie. The Dr Who eppisode was OK, Lee Evans was good, as he didn't hog the whole thing, and Michelle Ryan was better than Kylie (Catherine Tate was very unlucky to come into the show during a crap season I think - Donna should have been much better).
As for Red Dwarf. Oh dear. Let me put it this way: I hate laugh tracks, but that needed one, if only to show me what the hell I was expected to find funny.
It is possible, that it did have a laughter track, and that it was completley silent should have given me a clue.
I think I can now safely say Doug Naylor is the reason that Season 7 and 8 sucked quite as hugely as they did. Rob Grant was obviously needed in that partnership.
If I wanted to see a remake of season 5's "Back to Reality" spliced bizarly with The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse, with a dash of Blade Runner and no humour on the side...grrrrrrr.
Once again the hype has truely overshadowed the event.
Member # 265
I think the Doctor Who special did exactly what it was supposed to do: be the last 'continuity light' RTD episode. It had CGI aliens, 'physical' aliens and loads of those typical RTD ideas like flying buses and Doctor-worshiping mad professors. A few scary bits, a few funny bits, some half-way decent scifi-ish ideas, and we got a pretty good textbook example of the kind of Doctor Who RTD made. That is of course a pretty good indication that the fanbase is going to be split.
I quite enjoyed it. Seemed like good family value, and it was actually quite nice to have an episode that didn't have to deal with massively important lore or enemies. I think the whole "The entire universe is at stake" genre of Doctor Who needs a break after Davros and his Reality Bomb.
Did anyone catch the teaser for the next Who special, "Waters from Mars"? That seems like a take on the classic 60s "space base under siege" genre. The water-spouting zombies seem like a pretty good monster.
Member # 44
Red Dwarf wasn't what I expected. I was surprised. It wasn't the most BRILLIANT Red Dwarf... but it wasn't the worst either. I had a few actual laugh-out-loud moments.
Doctor Who. Agree pretty much with Ginger Beacon...
Flying bus was a bit too much. It was just an average episode - not really and 'event'. Did RTD really say that about those flying aliens!?! Does he just say this stuff and expect people to believe it?
Member # 1402
Think the Red Dwarf was filmed with the expectation of a laughter track, hence the pauses which really break up the dialog flow when they don't add the laughter...
Member # 13
I watched Doctor Who, but didn't think much of it; it was decent, but not worth the long wait they make me go through for new Doctor Who. I downloaded Caprica and really enjoyed that, though.
Member # 31
The Doctor Who special wasn't bad.
The Red Dwarf one was.