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Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
Well, only lightsabres.

OK, we've seen Green, Blue, Red and Purple, right?

Who has wielded what color when?

What do the colors indicate? I thought they might mean Padawan and Master, but that's not right.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I don't think the colors neccessarily MEAN anything ...

... with the exception of red, which seems to be only used by the Sith (Vader, Dooku, Maul).

It might just be a thing of personal preference.

I was a bit dissapointed not to see more colors show up in the arena fight ...
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Who sported what when:

-Blue first appeared as Anakin/Luke's and Ben's sabers in ANH.
-Red was Vader's from ANH.
-Green was Luke's in ROTJ.
-Purple first appeared (I believe) on the packaging of Kenner's "Shadows of the Empire" toy line. The Ki-Adi-Mundi figure from the Episode One line had a purple saber. And, of course, Mace Windu had a purple one in AOTC.

What the colors mean:

Essentially nothing. The color depends on the gem that is used to focus the saber's energy. The Sith use synthetic gems that produce a red glow, but apparently there are also natural gems of this color too, as Leia and Adi Gallia both had red sabers. (According to the Kenner figures, that is.)

Snay, I too was most disappointed to see only blue and green in the arena. I've always wanted to see other colors as well, like yellow or white or orange, etc...

-MMoM [Big Grin]

[ May 19, 2002, 21:02: Message edited by: The Mighty Monkey of Mim ]
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
"Blue first appeared as Anakin/Luke's"

So, he gets a blue one at some point after Episode II, I suppose.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Um, Anakin's lightsaber is quite blue in AotC.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Yes, but it gets CHOPPED in half, remember?

And it looked purple to me ... especially in the Tusken camp. Seeing the film again tomorrow, tho.
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
He fights Dooku with a green one, SmarmThrust.



Starts off with a blue one. Loses it. Where? In the Droid Foundry? Doesn't it burn out? After? He gets a green one in the pit fight, and he keeps that one until the end. Right?

He has a red one in some of the promo posters, too. Which mean as much as something that doesn't.

So Obi and Annie have blue at the beginning?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

The Dooku fight is AFTER the Tusken Camp. Have you SEEN the movie yet? LOL.

His original lightsaber is lost in the droid factory -- after he gets his arm trapped by that plate metal. When he's freed, a piece of machinery chops the saber in half. He tries to activate it, realizes it is only half there, and mutters "not *again!*"
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I thought it malfuctioned from being trapped in the metal thingy.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
It gets cut in half, perhaps from being trapped in that metal thingy. Anakin tries to activate it, looks over and sees that the top half is gone and the bottom half is sparking.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
But wasn't Anakin fighting with TWO sabers against Dooku in the final fight scene? Because one had its handle sliced in half by Dooku, and then Anakin kept fighting with the other one until he got his arm lopped off.

I suppose he got his "new" lightsaber from one of the other Jedi... maybe they carry spares? [Wink]
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Oy! Here we go:

Anakin started out with a BLUE lightsaber in the movie. There was nothing purple-ish about it. It was damaged in the droid foundry on Geonosis. In the arena, when the Jedi showed up, someone tossed him and Obi-Wan sabers. (Both of them not their own, naturally.) Anakin's was green and Obi-Wan's was blue. Later, in the fight with Dooku, Anakin uses both these sabers, though the green one is cut in half by Dooku near the beginning of the fight.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
I think I've mentioned this before, in a recent interview with Lucas, he said that Blue and Green are for the "Good Guys" and Red is for the "Bad Guys."

Why is Mace Windu's saber purple? According to Samuel L. Jackson, he requested his saber be different from the rest so that in this giant battle people would be able to pick him out of the rest. "Mace is one of the higher-up Jedi's so he deserves his own color." (paraphrasing)
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I was looking really carefully to try and see what the two sabers that they used in the arena looked like. The Green one that Anakin had appeared to be a reuse of one of the Episode 1 hilts that were barely visible. Doesn't matter, because the only time you see it closely is when it gets chopped in half, and even then you only see it for a second. The Blue one that Obiwan tosses him I only caught for a spilt second, and even then, I only saw the top half, but it looked suspiciouly like Ben Kenobi's from ANH or Luke's from RotJ.

I'm not saying it was, but if the third movie takes place fairly soon after this one, Obi Wan may just keep the one that he got tossed in the arena. That one didn't get destroyed, it's the one Anakin had when he lost his arm.

There were several purple blades in the arena fight (I had really hoped to see yellow and orange too) but Mace Windu's hilt is quite different in this movie from anyone elses. The commercial for the movie calls it an "Electrum lightsaber" whereas all the others are described as "crystal lightsabers". They never really explain why he has a different saber in this movie than he did in Ep 1, either. It's cerainly possible that he lost it somehow.

[ May 20, 2002, 10:17: Message edited by: Aban Rune ]
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
MS: Well, yes. I was slightly dru- no, I was just unsure of what I was asking.

Well, seeing as how people essentially said the things that I was thinking as factual, and that I am certainly not the founts of Knowledge that everyone else is, I know the fucking score right now, British Faeries.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Originally posted by Jeff Raven:
I think I've mentioned this before, in a recent interview with Lucas, he said that Blue and Green are for the "Good Guys" and Red is for the "Bad Guys."

Why is Mace Windu's saber purple? According to Samuel L. Jackson, he requested his saber be different from the rest so that in this giant battle people would be able to pick him out of the rest. "Mace is one of the higher-up Jedi's so he deserves his own color." (paraphrasing)

Well, as I said, the film is not the first appearance of a purple saber, they've been around in other sources for quite a while. But you're right in that the only reason Mace has one in the movie is because SLJ asked for such.

And Lucas is on crack with that comment about "good guys" and "bad guys", unless he just means that's all we've seen in the films so far. There's no reason why any Jedi/Sith couldn't have any colored saber they want, provided thy can find a jewel that fits their desires.

-MMoM [Big Grin]


Aban, are you sure about there being other purple sabers besides Mace's in the film? I didin't see any, and boy was I looking...

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I'm pretty sure that the fight scene in the arena was lousy with purple sabers. In fact, it seemed to be all purple and green. I'll try and look again for some screen caps...but I'm fairly certain.
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
Blue and purple are very similar looking in some certain situations, though, so it could be either. Most likely it was blue.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I just rewatched one of the commercials at I went frame by frame in the group scenes...many of the sabers look distinctly purple to me. I remember they looked purple in the movie too.

I dunno...I'm not saying anyone's wrong...I'm just saying they look purple to me.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Regarding Anakin's lightsaber in the Geonosis droid factory... He was still trapped when it got cut. I'm pretty sure it wasn't even in the trapped hand. He was rolling around, trying to avoid being chopped by those big blades, and, at one point, he didn't roll far enough and his lightsaber was still under the blade when it came down.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
I think the only purple saber in the movie was Mace's. The others were all blue.

TSN, I think the saber was in his trapped (right) hand. I think it was cut in the final chop that freed his arm.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
It was.

Anakin's saber looks purple in the Tusken scene. It isn't. But it looks like it is -- due to all the red and orange about, perhaps?
Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
As far as the movies are concerned(which are all that really matter anyways) Blue/Green/Red convention is what is held.
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yes, whether I'm right about the proliferation of purple sabers in the fight scene or not, Mace's, at least, was purple. I think they attempted to explain this by calling it an "electrum lightsaber" as opposed to a "crystal lightsaber" in the Mace Windu commercial for the movie. That's the only reason I can think of that they would have differentiated at all.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Mace Windu has a purple lightsaber because he is a "badass mother fucker." This should be common knowledge.
Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Hehe...electrum was the gold stuff that Starscream found in the tree-hugger episode of Transformers...
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Now reach into that bag, and take my lightsaber out."

"Er... Which one is yours?"

"It's the one that says 'bad motherfucker'."
Posted by Vice-Admiral Michael T. Colorge (Member # 144) on :
Funny TSN...

Seriously, I don't think we should care that much on what color lightsaber is shown... wait this is mainly a ST techno board. Mybad. It is interesting to note that the lightsabers run on several D-size batteries that heat them up. During filming, Hayden and Ewan both burned their hands while holding them.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
OK...I was reading an article yesterday in USA today, and from what I gather, the lightsabers in that battle scene are all supposed to be blue and green, except for Windu's which is purple because Sammy L. wanted a unique color.

I step down. I'm going to get my eyesight checked tomorrow....
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
In the books there are several other colors of lightsabers. White (on the MF during training it was white in ANH). green, blue, purple, red, yellow, and I think orange too. Got to look it up.

I might see the movie again this weekend, I'll check the lightsabers and Anakin's lightsaber as well.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Maybe sabres are like mood rings...?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Shouldn't Vaders be BLACK then ... ?

"He's in one of his ... black moods!"

Posted by Samuikaze (Member # 829) on :
What do the colors indicate?

Well, I can't say I know... but I've read quite a bit on ideas. So have a read at this lot:

Phantom Menace producer Rick McCallum, quoted recently on the official site, said that there are ONLY THREE COLOURS of blade - red, blue and green. Persistent apocryphal material insists that sabre blades can be almost ANY colour (as determined by some stupid, treknobabble mystic JEWEL!), but no other variants have yet been seen in canonical material, although the original ANH-novelisation described blades as simply a "pearlescent white". By LucasFilm's own published canon policy, this novel quote is over-ruled by the onscreen evidence.

Of the eight known canonical sabres, four are blue, two red and two green.

It is obvious that the "standard" colour of the Jedi lightsabre is BLUE. Jedi Anakin's sabre, Master Windu's sabre, Master Kenobi's sabre and his earlier Jedi sabre were all blue.

The two known examples of "evil" lightsabres, weilded by Sith Lords, are both RED. Clearly, as with most things in the mythology of Lucas, sabres are colour-coded for alignment! You can always tell the "goodies" from the "baddies". This much is clear.

THE MYSTERY however, is "why are there GREEN sabres?".

The "real world" solution is straight forward enough. It was discovered that the BLUE blade didnt show up very well against the bright yellow sand of the Yuma Desert in the sail-barge fight sequence in RoTJ. The decision was made to alter the sabre blade colour to a colour that was more constrasting with the warm tones of the desert ... GREEN.

But, in "story terms" what did it mean to have a green sabre? What does it tell us about the character of Jedi Luke Skywalker?

Does it mean that a "master" has a green sabre?
NO - because General Kenobi's & Master Windu's are BLUE.
Does it mean that GREEN if for mere "knights" and his fathers sabre (which he lost in Bespin) was a master's sabre ... BLUE?
PROBABLY NO - because the Apprentice Jedi Kenobi's sabre is BLUE and becaue Master Jinn's is GREEN
Does it signify that Luke's status with the Force is AMBIVALENT? That he is wavering between the Dark & Light?
MAYBE! - the only other Green sabre is Jinn's .. and rumour suggests that he is considered something of an unorthodox rebel .. who is known to oppose the will of the Jedi Council
LIVING FORCE vs UNIFYING FORCE A popular theory running around the Internet at the moment may serve as a partial explanation of the sabre colours, and so deserves a mention here.
Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn speaks at least twice of the 'Living Force' ... whereas Master Yoda and the older Kenobi, in the classic trilogy, speak of the Force as a holistic, or unifying power. 'It binds the Galaxy together'.

PERHAPS, the colours of the sabres could reflect these two slight doctrinal variations in Force philosophy? (Luke's choice of a green sabre for RoTJ probably has no meaning, he probably got that colour simply by randomn choice of Ben's old spare parts and the settings used in tuning the weapon.)

RED = Sith
BLUE = Unifying Force
GREEN = Living Force

*IF* the non-RGB sabre colours hinted at by comic books, toys and apocryphal novels are vindicated by later SW films, then this 'doctrine' theory will need a good hard rethink!

In colour theory GREEN is the directly opposite colour to RED, but in the electromagnetic spectrum, BLUE is more opposite to RED. Perhaps both GREEN & BLUE oppose the evil of RED, but by different means, in different ways, by different approaches?

Mr Curtis Saxton has suggested that the Blue/Green divide suggests active vs. passive aspects of Jedi. Green Luke & Green Jinn may be more active in their opposition to evil, whereas Blue users (except perhaps young Kenobi) seem to be more passive, more content to pontificate!

we now know that Kenobi DID lose his original Padawan BLUE sabre in The Phantom Menace, and that he takes to using his late Master Qui-Gonn Jinn's GREEN sabre.
AT SOME STAGE - Kenobi will have to change from this GREEN sabre to his 'classic trilogy' BLUE one. But not in Episode II


Perhaps Luke Skywalker's sabre (the GREEN one he built just prior to RoTJ) was constructed from SPARE PARTS he finds in old Ben Kenobi's abandoned desert hut. This would explain the similarity in hilt design ... BUT what if the INTERNAL workings were built (unknowingly) using parts left over from QUI-GONN's green sabre! ... that may explain the COLOUR! *** just a thought ***

By Robert Brown.

Since this was written things have changed a tad. We now have Master Windu's purple Sabre. So who knows where the hell the idea is going with that one.

I think I've read something about him mixing crystals to make the sabre. I'll have to dig into it.

I like that idea that Luke may have used parts from Qui-Gonn's green Sabre.Thats could be a great line to run with.

So what you think people?

[ Ok, I added the Authors name...I just forgot.

As for the site I'll not post a link for it here, I got burned the last time I did that. And yes theres loads more on Sabre's to read. He's done an indepth study on the subject. ]

You want to read more msg and I'll give you the site address else just look for it yourself.

Hey, thanks for the "slap" there UM. I feel a whole lot better now.

[ May 22, 2002, 11:20: Message edited by: Samuikaze ]
Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
Well, it's great that you copy-and-pasted THIS site, without even giving credit. I'm sure the author appreciates that.
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
Jeez UM the kid is trying to help and fit in and you keep hassling him, You could easily have just told him nicely that it is customary to include reference to the author.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
The problem I see with what was written there is that it's just opinions. Other than the production notes involving the colors they chose, none of it's official.

The only real answer we have is, in fact, the production isses of using colors that would contrast each other and the backgrounds. The crystal idea didn't pop up until the expanded stuff was written, as far as I know.

Now, my question is...with all the expanded stuff that has come out (comics, video games, toys, etc.), why would they not include more of those colors in the group battle scene? I don't have an answer...I'm just wondering. Maybe someone will address that in an interview at some point.

Oh...and how would Luke get his hands on parts from Qui Gon's saber? Do you mean Obi Wan's saber? Difficult as well since Obi Wan left his saber on the Death Star when he died.

One of the novels has Luke returning to Obi Wan's hut on Tatooine and using his plans ... but not parts from the actual hilt.

Edit: Ok...I see what you mean now. I re-read the last part of the text you included. I suppose Obi-Wan could've hung on to Qui-Gon's hilt after he rebuilt his padawan hilt...but I think that's a bit of a stretch.

[ May 22, 2002, 11:04: Message edited by: Aban Rune ]
Posted by Samuikaze (Member # 829) on :
By the way if you scroll up a bit you'll see I added a bit to the last post I did in here.

Just pointing it out.

Posted by UM. (Member # 239) on :
Hey, thanks for the "slap" there UM. I feel a whole lot better now.
< bow >
Hey, no problem, that's what I was here for. < bow >


Last post, BTW.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
It's perfectly fine to post links as they relate to a conversation. Starting a conversation for the sole purpose of advertising some other site is where people start throwing rotten vegetables.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

Don't take it personally. UM gets on EVERYONE'S case.
Posted by Samuikaze (Member # 829) on :
Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay:

Don't take it personally. UM gets on EVERYONE'S case.

Thank you Snay,

I think I'm slowly getting used to this place. Hopefully I'll not be too clumbsy and step on too many toes in here.

Gents thanks you for your comments...

Ok. Back to topic... I have studied Aikido for 5 - 6 years which uses a lot of sword play/fighting thus my interest in the Sabre subject here.
A link I was give here was given by a friend whom I train with I think you'll enjoy.

I'll now direct you to a site of a chap whom has studied "Kendo" for many years. He also looked into studied the Star Wars "Light- Sabre" in great detail and its relation to the Japanese form of sword fighting.

Its very interesting, I hope you enjoy the read there...

Sorry about this, my mouse has just died for some reason! I'll just posting this to you then reboot. Then I'll give you the link in the next post gents.

Damn .. hehe


[ May 23, 2002, 18:02: Message edited by: Samuikaze ]
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Actually, if UM wasn't being a dick to you, he'd be treating you special ... [Smile]
Posted by Samuikaze (Member # 829) on :
Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay:
Actually, if UM wasn't being a dick to you, he'd be treating you special ... [Smile]

Hehehe Thank you, tis good to hear Snay. < bow >

Okay now for the link I spoke about. Have a read of this lot... most of all enjoy !

A detailed breakdown on Light-Sabres.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
The guy who does that site must be a total idiot. McCallum never said other colors didn't exist, just that there were only three colors used in the films. (And, lo and behold, AOTC contains a fourth color originally introduced in printed materials! Wow!!!!)

This guy is really a genious...

-Look at his OH SO CLEVER "exposure" of the "fake" Mace Windu pic! He's a real super-sleuth. Oh, except for the fact that there really were two saber props used: one for the publicity photo and one for the film. (This is all explained on, btw.)

-Look at his heroic deposition of the "stupid treknobabble mystic JEWEL" concept and disdainful mockery of the "WEG notion that building a sabre is a COMPULSORY test of knighhood," both of which are not only universally recognized by EU materials, but also by the official Visual Dictionaries and site as well!

Oh yes, I wonder if he's at all related to a certain Major Barcalow... [Roll Eyes]

-MMoM [Big Grin]

[ May 23, 2002, 20:20: Message edited by: The Mighty Monkey of Mim ]
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I've seen this site before. Besides the disdain he shows for the crystal theory, which I happen to think is fairly plausible, the fighting style breakdown is actually very good. However, he seems to forget that this is movie fighting's not enough for it to be technically has to look good. It has to be cool and flowing and it has to keep the butts in the seats.

One of my biggest gripes with his arguements is what he says about Qui Gon going out of his way to protect the "stupid" Obi Wan. Does it not occur to anyone that a Jedi pair probably work as a team on purpose? They can probably sense the other's intentions protect one another as part of their teamwork.
Posted by WERUreo (Member # 662) on :
Don't know if this has already been addressed or not...

I just got back from watching AOTC a second time, and I paid special attention to certain scenes...

First, the battle on Geonosis... Every single lightsabre wielded in that battle, save Mace Windu's, is either blue or green. Windu was the only exception with his purple one. There is also a scene near the beginning of the movie where Yoda is training some very young Padawan with lightsabres. There are blue and green sabres there also. Lastly, Yoda wields a green lightsabre.

So, as far as the colors of lightsabres goes, at least in the movies, Red/Green/Blue seems to be the standard, with one exception (what a bad motherfucka)

As far as the difference between blue and green, I don't think there is any real distinction between who gets what color... I noticed some of the Jedi Council wielding blue sabres, yet Yoda has a green one. Anakin starts with a blue one and ends up with a green one (the one he was given at the battle of Geonosis)

Oh yeah, on the conveyor belt, when Anakin's hand is trapped, his lightsabre is cut in half when the last machine comes down and frees his hand.
Posted by Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
Once the gods smile upon me, I shall recieve the gift of working screencap software. Then, we will see that MUEReieio's words are indeed true.


Fight Sequence #1
Fight Sequence #2
Fight Sequence #3
Anakin's New Green one

The quality is shite, but Greens and Blues only. So whomever says they saw a pink or white or orange one, well they're talking through shit-stained teeth.

[ May 25, 2002, 00:29: Message edited by: The Ulcer Mongoose ]
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :

[ May 25, 2002, 00:30: Message edited by: The Ulcer Mongoose ]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :

Posted by StyroFoam Man (Member # 706) on :

I sense much evil from that photo.... [Eek!]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I suspect that if that guy showed us his lightsaber, it would be flesh-colored...
Posted by thoughtcriminal84 (Member # 480) on :
Isn't that Ralphie from "A Christmas Story"?

All grown up, and off to college...
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I love it when Mike contributes. Did you get that from

Yes, after seeing it a second time, I will admit that we've got blue, green, red, and Sammy L.'s purple blade....and that's it.

I'm still curious as to why they didn't show more colors, though. It's pretty obvious that if we didn't see any others here...we won't see any others. I mean, you get 100 Jedi together and only have one odd's pretty obvious there aren't going to be any different ones.

I'll never believe that the blade color is determined by the user, though. There's just too much evidence against it. It may not be the crystal either, but it's something to do with the hilt. We see people swapping sabers and getting spares...we see non-Jedi using sabers... and the blade color always stays the same. It's got to be the hilt, not the user that effects the color of the blade.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
But wouldn't saying that it's differences in the hilt include the possibility of its being the jewel thing?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Yes. I believe it is the jewel they use. But alot of people don't.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Perhaps the green and blue lightsabres are a sort of Drazi thing. . .
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
Oh yeah, on the conveyor belt, when Anakin's hand is trapped, his lightsabre is cut in half when the last machine comes down and frees his hand.
All I could think of while watching this scene was Homer with his hands stuck in the pop machine and then the fireman asked him if he is just holding on to the pop. Homer says "ya so what's your point" then he is laughed out of the plant.
Makes you wonder if he would have died there just holding on to his sabre.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
actually UM found that pic on something awful.. in the nevermind thread he claimed it was his brother, Reynolds Magnus
Posted by thoughtychops (Member # 480) on :
Makes you wonder if he would have died there just holding on to his sabre.
Probably. I was wondering why he didn't just turn it on to cut himself out. I'm going to go watch the movie again tonight specifically so that I can ponder this weighty question.
Posted by The Ulcer Mongoose (Member # 239) on :
Claimed? Asserted. I've got some plans for Reynolds though. Unfortunately, they must be kept secret.

Also, I've heard that he may be my twin brother, so, that may mean that I am excruciatingly ugly. It seems I have plans for myself too.

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