Star Wars movie-maker George Lucas is insisting all the characters in the new sci-fi sequel sport shaggy seventies-style haircuts - so they look like the stars of the original films. Star Wars: Episode III actors Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen, currently shooting the final installment on set in New South Wales, Australia, are showing off unfashionable "mullet" hairdos - because they were trendy when the first Star Wars film was made in 1977. An onset source explains, "The idea is that it will lead seamlessly on to the original Star Wars movie, starring Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill, which was filmed in the Seventies and had certain hallmarks of that era. It's a bid for continuity. They are trying to capture the shaggy look that was popular then
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! (continuous insane laughter as Star Wars fans immolate themselves)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! (continuous insane laughter as Star Wars fans immolate themselves)
That CAN'T be for real. Post a link please.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
Knowing Lucas and his flair for the dramatic, it's real alright.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Link provided. Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
It's "That 70's movie"
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
That's just too funny to be fake... "That 70's Movie"... yikes!
Posted by Triton (Member # 1043) on :
Hmmm... so the characters will wear the same hair styles for over 20 year hunh? LOL. Am I the only one who thinks that years of isolation at the Skywatcher Ranch have driven Lucas INSANE.
Surrounding himself with worshippers hasn't helped the quality of the first two prequel films. Don't any of these people have any taste to say anything?
Plus Rick McCallum comes across as the universe's biggest sycophant. Excuse me Rick, there is lots of brown stuff on the end of your nose, here's a handkerchief. Please wipe it off.
Well the only thing I can say about the prequels in general is:
"Fool me once shame on, fool me twice shame on me."
I won't be seeing Episode III, period. I would like to keep my happy memories of the original series in tact and not see them influenced by Lucas' revisionism. Plus, despite Lucas' high opinion of him, Hayden Christian is one of the worst actors I have ever had the misfortune to watch. Plus all the Jedi deserve to die because in the words of Dark Helmet:
"Good is SO DUMB."
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Wow, you got all that angst from a hairstyle-rumor?
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
ET: "Jennifer Aniston might sport a new do in the upcoming season of 'Friends.'"
It is common, you see.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
This would be, like, SHOCKING news though, if it were confirmed. BECAUSE HAIRSTYLES CAN MAKE OR BREAK A MOVIE!! LIEK SNF!!
Posted by Bigtom (Member # 1068) on :
Woo Hoo!
I'm gonna' be in style again....
Are they wearing polyester suits?
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
quote:Originally posted by Cartmaniac: This would be, like, SHOCKING news though, if it were confirmed. BECAUSE HAIRSTYLES CAN MAKE OR BREAK A MOVIE!! LIEK SNF!!
Nothing will stop it from being a financial windfall for Lucas (it being the last of the SW movies nad all) but that does'nt mean it'll be a good movie by any standards.
For the record, I really liked the second half of TPM and Loved the first half of AOTC... Mabye they could just focus on Ewan and have him act Anakin's part too. ILM could always CGI Christensen's head over later and the acting would be good....dialogue would still be stiff and akward with Lucas at the helm though.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I was rather hoping that, having done the long-haired Kenobi look in AOtC - even though it was a particularly gay-assed long-haired look - Ewan McG would just have short hair and a beard, start him looking a bit more like the ANH Kenobi.
Posted by Triton (Member # 1043) on :
I must apologize for my previous outbursts. True or untrue, it was the straw that broke the proverbial dromedary's back. There was a time when I absolutely loved Star Wars. Sadly that time has passed.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Y'know, usually we moan about lack of continuity.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
"Nothing will stop it from being a financial windfall for Lucas (it being the last of the SW movies nad all) but that does'nt mean it'll be a good movie by any standards."
I'm just saying that, as far as causes for a movie's wind- or downfall go, haircuts aren't exactly the most determinative.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I know. In the grand scheme, it does'nt irritate me near as much as say, Star Wars being revised so Greedo fires first in ultra jerky-fast motion. It's just one more little thing wearing the luster off my childhood's favorite movies.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: For the record, I really liked the second half of TPM and Loved the first half of AOTC...
2nd half of TPM is fine and I only like the first half of AOTC... everyone else adores the second half of AOTC - but it is SOOOoo CORNY!
It's just c-r-a-p
"It looks as though this battle can't be won on who has more knowledge of the Force - let's decided this with the light sabre" - GROAN! The first truely corny line of the 21st century!?!
Pity it had to be Christopher Lee who said it.
Posted by Triton (Member # 1043) on :
Well thank goodness Lee has the Saruman character in LOTR. I think that he will be remembered for this character, Dracula, and Francisco Scaramanga, not Count Dookuu.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
Nah... Dooku IS Saruman, and vice versa... the characters are carbon copies of each other
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
OMG! I hope you are being sarcastic. Can we have a sarcasm emoticon!?!
Posted by CaptainMike[1].mp3 (Member # 709) on :
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Nah, the rolley-eyes aren't really distinctly sarcastic they're more like "duh that was obvious" or "you are so stupid but I'm not going to say you are"...
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
But they are. Look at them. Both are magicians from a trusted order of same who have secretly gone bad and allied themselves to the supreme evil in town. That Jackson (and ultimately Tolkien) displayed a certain amount of basic competance with their version doesn't change the essential nature of the characters.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
AOTC's second half just bored me to death. Jedi's going down to chicken looking droids. Toyfare Magazine did a nice parody that said "Wow, it's just like Gladiator!....wait, it's exactly like Gladiator!!!" Jedi were supposed to be real badasses and not just jerks with swords, The skeleton army from Army of Darkness fought far better than the bulk of the Jedi's in that arena. Based on a comparison of lightsabre duels from TPM and AOTC, I'd say that Obi-Wan and Darth Sideous would've easily taken out every sorry force user from AOTC by skill alone. ....and don't get be started on the mad muppet moving in fast forward! Mabye yoda will have a '70's fro in the new movie.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jason Abbadon: ....and don't get be started on the mad muppet moving in fast forward! Mabye yoda will have a '70's fro in the new movie.
OMG! Yes! Again, someone else who agrees with me about the absurdity of Yoda in the fight seen. It was so obvious they sped his movements up so the audience's eye couldn't linger on the CGI creation for too long.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
I was really hoping Yoda'd just be his usual slow self and drop a starship on his enemies.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Or Jedi Mind suggest Dooku to sabre himself!
Which makes me wish we saw in the last two movies more types of Jedi skills/tricks. Instead of the ones we learnt about in the First trilogy.
I'm sure there's a whole lot of Jedi skills to be learnt!
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Jedi Powerball number selection.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Sure, They could have an all Jedi episode of Blind date. All the hotties will say the same thing in their post-date interview: "He was such a sweet guy, I felt I had to go down on him.....and something about not looking for droids and giving up Deathsticks and rethinking my life...."
Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
As a Star Wars Fan, I don't see a problem with the hairdos. I've watched the original Star Wars numerous times, the Special Editions just as many, and of course Episode I and II. I see nothing wrong with it.
Why are you all so cynical about everything?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Hair is the absolute least of Star Wars' worries.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
quote:Originally posted by AndrewR: OMG! Yes! Again, someone else who agrees with me about the absurdity of Yoda in the fight seen. It was so obvious they sped his movements up so the audience's eye couldn't linger on the CGI creation for too long.
Sped up his movements from what? The stunt double tiny green man that was originally there?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
quote:Originally posted by Triton: I won't be seeing Episode III, period.
Triton, I love you like an enthusiastic leper. But if that's true, I will eat my mouse mat.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I was thinking about QuiGonn's attempted mind trick on Watto in Ep1 and about how bad that really was. The only reason we knew what he was trying to do was because we've all seen Episode 4. My guess is that people who watch the episodes in order for the first time won't get much of what's going on.
Posted by djewell (Member # 1111) on :
that's true. And when he said "sped up his movements" i think they mean in relation to human movement
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
quote:Originally posted by Aban Rune: I was thinking about QuiGonn's attempted mind trick on Watto in Ep1 and about how bad that really was. The only reason we knew what he was trying to do was because we've all seen Episode 4. My guess is that people who watch the episodes in order for the first time won't get much of what's going on.
Well technically Watto does give an explanation as to what Qui Gon was trying to do about half a second later. "What, you think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian! Mind tricks don't work on me, only money." The fact that he was being sarcastic doesn't matter, the audience gets the joke.
Mind you, the Jedi mind trick was never really explained in the original trilogy either, all Kenobi said was:-
"The force can have a strong influence on the weak minded."
The term "Jedi Mind Trick" wasn't even coined until RotJ, by Jabba and by then the trick is old hat.
So I think it works fine whichever order you view the films in. Of course the best JMT moment has to be in AotC, during the Outlander club scene.
"I don't want to sell you death sticks"
I laughed my arse off the first time I saw that.
"I want to go home and rethink my life."
I still love it.
EDIT: I just remembered that the first time (chronologically) we saw the JMT was at the beginning of TPM, with Boss Nass. So you're right, that might not make sense. Oh well.
Posted by djewell (Member # 1111) on :
You could pretty much extrapolate what was going on though.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Although I will admit to that going completely over my head during my initial viewing. Although that might have been due to my brain having been numbed by a combination of really pretty CGI, hoardes of Gungans, and Brian Blessed playing...a CGI Brian Blessed.
One thing I never got about that is how come Boss Nass managed to "set them up" if he was being influenced? Or was he not being influenced, and Qui-Gonn just thought he was?
Posted by djewell (Member # 1111) on :
Perhaps Qui-gon wanted to go through the Plaaaaanet Corrrrrrrre because he wanted Obi-wan to get training. That would also explain why Obi drove.
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
Or then Qui-Gon's Jedi powers don't include Driving @ Insane Speeds 101, while Obi-Wan's (and Anakin's) do. Or then the padawan is simply always supposed to drive. And polish the shoes.
As for the hairdos, I'm all for a 70s look in a movie that wants to "recapture the magic". The overwhelming reason T3 is such a flop is because it is a 2000s eye-candy movie trying to act out a 1980s paranoia/dystopia plot. It's visually completely wrong. Flashy convertibles, impeccaple hairdos and colorful flat-display computers filmed from flattering angles don't cut it.
Flashy convertibles, impeccable hairdos and colorful flat-display computers filmed from unflattering angles, thrashed for good, portrayed as uncool and expendable... Now that would work, as in T1. Cameron at least tried with T2. Those rotating computer graphics, mobile phones etc. were not "showcased" even though they were hot at the time. (And the guns were real, and had correctly sized magazines!)
Lucas shouldn't stop at hairdos, though. 1970s camera angles; harsh lighting; "American night" and true darkness only instead of the "real night" shots enabled by modern film types; long lenses with objects between the target and the camera; targets off-center... All that should still work just fine. SW is a nostalgia piece first and foremost, not cutting-edge sci-fi.
(And even cutting-edge sci-fi looks best when it's "non-modern" visually. "Modern" is just another word for "utterly outdated in a year", after all. "Old" is the word for "something that didn't completely disappear in a year".)
Timo Saloniemi
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
But how would he manage those nostalga shots when his entire backdrop is CGI?
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
With a CGI "fore-drop", silly!
Deliberate de-rezzing of CGI and modern film in general, to emulate a variety of past techniques, is a challenge yet to be properly tackled. DS9 did rather nicely with "Trials and Tribble-ations", in a limited sort of way (although I'd have liked more grease-lens shots of Dax, of course, not to mention the almost-upskirt angles TOS cameramen so loved).
Maintaining the hairdos across I-III and IV-VI doesn't seem to be necessary from the continuity point of view, really. The trilogies are temporally clearly separated. Seventies was in for IV-VI, that's clear - but there's no reason it should be in for I-III Coruscant, even if the backwater (backsand?) Tatooine maintains the same fashion from century to century.
OTOH, many things in the Republic/Empire, especially in the Jedi Order, could be expected to stay the same across millennia. And fashions on Coruscant in turn could be expected to change by the hour.
Timo Saloniemi
Posted by Capt.Blair245 (Member # 1113) on :
The fact of the matter is that Lucas already screwed up IV, V, and VI by making I and II look more advanced. What I'm asking myself is what difference will the hairdos do?