*snip*As a point of fact, the Galactic Empire is a well-suited candidate for the job. "They have had eons of experience in bringing control to lawless planets and crushing huge armies of insurgents," says Empire specialist Jeb van Dale of the Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Lol, actually closer to about 30-40 years of experience, but anyway...
Posted by Bond, James Bond (Member # 1127) on :
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, we must be cautious.
The only problem is that Saddam can sneak out the WMD's by using the Jedi Mind Trick on the Stormtroopers.
"You don't need to see our identification."
"We don't need to see their identification."
"These aren't the WMD's you're looking for..."
"These aren't the WMD's we're looking for."
"Move along."
"Move along, move along."
At least until that dude with the gas mask rats out Saddam while he's in the hangar bay.
Posted by Prowl Alpha (Member # 1139) on :
Or hopefully GWB does not hear that the Galactic Empire has WMD at their disposal. I love to hear that speech on television.
Posted by Bond, James Bond (Member # 1127) on :
My fellow Americans, we have learned that the Galactic Empire has nucular weapons and is planning to engage in Base Delta Zero operations against our Homeland...
General Schwartzkopf, you fought under my father during the Gulf War, and I ask you for your help in this time of crisis. Help me Obi-Wan Schwartzkopf, you're our only hope."
Posted by Intruder1701 (Member # 880) on :
I can just hear our troops now
"ssssssssssssss....Imperial Walkers on the Desert Ridge.....Imperial Walk----"