This is topic ...and you think U.S. teens have problems? in forum The Flameboard at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on : 4000271731

13 years old, and she's taken part in the ritual murders of 48 people, and murdered a 2-year-old on her own.

[ July 27, 2001: Message edited by: First of Two ]

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Thus proving everything's A-OK in the USA!
Posted by Wes1701E (Member # 212) on :
huh? according to the 2000 International Human Development Report (HDR), comparatively, everything is fine in the US. According to the HDR in 2000 for crime, here are the rankings:


#01) Canada
#02) Norway
#03) United States
#04) Australia

other countries that might interest you:

#10) United Kingdom
#12) France
#14) Germany
#20) New Zealand

The rankings are based on People incarcerated, juvenile convictions, Total recorded crimes, drug offences, rapes, and recorded homicides.

the statistics and rankings are based of percentage and population, so countries with larger populations don’t get their occurrence numbers compared to countries with smaller populations. Its quite interesting. In example, according to these statistics, in a random sampling of 100 teens from any country, the US is least likely to have a large number of convicts (excluding Canada and Norway, of course).

These statistics and a whole bunch of others can be found at

[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: Wes1701E ]

[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: Wes1701E ]

Posted by MorphStar (Member # 681) on :
The United States - third place? That's rediculous.
Plus Norway can't possibly have second place, no one lives there! (ok, that was kind of harsh but true)
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
It only seems rediculous because it goes against what you've been told by media and the pundits.

What you have to remember are two things:

1: The media would tell you that purple pandas were invading from Neptune if it would keep you watching and them getting ratings, and lucrative commercial deals.

2: If the problems that the pundits pretend to rail against actually went away, they'd be out of a job and reduced to irrelevancy. They don't WANT you to think that the problem isn't big.

Posted by MorphStar (Member # 681) on :

I'm suprised there are no third world countries in the list.

Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Wait, what? Huh?

Canada is the worst in crime?

When did this report come out? I have never heard of such a thing.

Posted by MorphStar (Member # 681) on :
I agree,

Canada can't possibly have the worst crime level in the entire world!

Rusland would be my guess, or the US.

Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Halt! Halt! I think you people have it backward, the statistics rate countries from "best to worse" not "worse to best", note that....Wes says

Its quite interesting. In example, according to these statistics, in a random sampling of 100 teens from any country, the US is least likely to have a large number of convicts (excluding Canada and Norway, of course)

Of course, we don't know the criteria used...but we can "still" American bash as long as we live in Canada (or Norway)

Posted by MorphStar (Member # 681) on :
So generally you're saying the crime is worse in holland and the US is one of the countries with the least crime? lol Disneyland stats.

[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: MorphStar ]

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Well, the Dutch do have all those tulip smugglers to worry about...
Posted by BlueElectron (Member # 281) on :
U.S. has less then 5% of the world's population, but contain 25% strong of the world's prison population.

That dosn't sound "A-Okey" to me.

Beside, U.S. is a developed G8 country, with a standardized education system, same cannot be said for Nigiria.

The conparison cannot be made to justify the "safeness" of U.S. teenagers.

[ July 28, 2001: Message edited by: BlueElectron ]

Posted by Jeff The Card (Member # 411) on :
A large part of our prison problem is who we throw in jail. We clear out convicted murderers to make room for people who are addicted to drugs. Obviously, our "war on drugs" is a dismal failure, has been since it's inception, and needs to be re-evaluated.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
I agree that anit-drug...umm...what the hell was that word? anti-drug somthing... it's too late to be doing any thinking. anti drug thingies aren't doing much. even in Canada it's bad. people in my town are even thinking of putting up needle drop off points for the druggies to put thier needles. instead of throwing them on the ground, If i were a druggie (i'm not by the way) i would probably be too stoned to care. i heard on the news that people were putting something into thier crack to get a bigger high.
Posted by MorphStar (Member # 681) on :
Sounds good Da_Bang, crack isn't illegal in Canada or something? If there were needle drop points the cops could easily pick up the junks there ...
Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Yeah, it's not like they wouldn't see it coming.

A big, yellow door, with a sign, saying "Dispose of your needles, bags and other narcotic paraphernalia HERE." "-Hmm, ok, looks good, man...Lessee... 'Click', "dumdidumdidum"...*whack*..*thud*!! "-Wow, looks like we got ourselves a big one this time, Clancey!"

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
They're starting the needle-giveaway programs to get people used to the idea.

Then, in a couple of years, they'll start lacing the free needles with some fatal substance (deaths from which they will then blame on a bad batch of drugs). Badda-bing, badda-bang, end of drug problem.

Well... I'D do it that way... but then again, I'm Evil.

Yeah, Bob Evil, the Dr's equally diabolical but vastly more effective half-cousin. BEWARE, Austin Powers!

Posted by MorphStar (Member # 681) on :
They should legalise sniffing glue though, no needles involved with that

[ July 30, 2001: Message edited by: MorphStar ]

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"i heard on the news that people were putting something into thier crack to get a bigger high."

What stunning news reporting. Next they'll inform us that "some people drink more to get more drunk".

"Sounds good Da_Bang, crack isn't illegal in Canada or something? If there were needle drop points the cops could easily pick up the junks there ..."

As Nimrod said, you don't think they'd see this coming? You think the government would spend a huge amount of money setting up these centres, just for the one-of use of catching a few drug takers who are responsible enough to actually want to despose of their needles safetly?

Besides, it would be an extremely unethical thing for a government to do.

Posted by MorphStar (Member # 681) on :
Nah really Psyliam? I might be a newbie but I'm not that stupid.
Posted by Jeff The Card (Member # 411) on :
Evidence to the contrary.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Be nice Jeff.
Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
Funny, before, if one changed their sig line it didn't change the recorded sigs of past posts. But the name and status line did change everywhere if it was modified.
But Jeff still reads as Kattus Magnus here, when he's clearly gone on to MeGotBeer.
What's more weird, he does read as MeGotBeer in the "topic review" at the reply page.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
You need to refresh your cookies, I think. Hold down CTRL (or possible ALT) and hit refresh.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
No, it only gets updated in each thread when the thread itself gets changed (someone posts to it, or edits a post, or whatever).

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