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Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
LF Class

Remember this thread?

Based somewhat on Monkey's work, and likewise inspired by Greg Jein's model, this would be one of the United Earth vessels taking on the Kzinti during the four Kzinti attacks on Earth and allied colonies in the early years of the 22nd century (I do not necessarily maintain continuity with regards to Star Trek Enterprise).

The nacelle and living module still need to be designed, as these black things are obviously just dummies. And the engineering hull needs some more detailing.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
That's some very nice work!
I look forward to seeing the living module detailed.

Monkey's story ideas aside, this design could easily fit into continuity in the late 21st century.
It could even be one of the theorised pre-war ships (like the Valiant & Conestoga) that were fitted with warp dive after first contact.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :

Got stuck on the nacelles just now. I'll get back to it tomorrow [Smile]
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Nacelles are always tricky things to design, especially early ones.
What I like to do is have a 'parts bin' from which I can mix and match the components I like, then go back and refine the detailing and make it look a little more unique.

For example, most of these share allot of common components.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Wow, that's pretty impressive work there, Harry! I can see some commonality with both the SS Valiant and the DY series there... [Smile]

It certainly looks a fair sight better than some other sketches I've seen for pre-ENT stuff!
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Does everything behind the mushroom cap belong to the drive system?
Is this going to have both warp nacelles and a chemical thrust bell?

Looks good so far. My only suggestion at this point is to blend in those elbows on those forward tanks more.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
Nice, Harry. I'm glad my sketches were able to serve as inspiration. I like what you've got so far.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Most (if not all) of what's behind the shield is part of the warp drive. The tanks are probably dueterium tanks (and perhaps some other replenishables, like water). The red spheres are Easily Ejectable Antimatter ContainersTM.
And the aft part is mostly ion (or impulse) rockets.

Masao, what do you mean by blending in the elbows more?

Oh, and Dan, it's pre-TOS, not pre-ENT [Wink]
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
My mistake, Harry. [Razz]

I'd suggest that the ship's sublight engines be a primitive impulse design. (Actually, impulse engines actually ARE ion engines, IIRC -- it's thrust generated by the plasma, really, just a bit more refined and sophisticated.) Actually, if this ship is from the 2090's or so, I think that a basic fusion-powered impulse engine would be just about right for thirty years after First Contact. Either home grown or developed with Vulcan assistance. (Genuine assistance, mind you, not ENT-style "assistance." [Wink] )
Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
So, early Earthlings triumphed over the Kzinti by borrowing Heechee ships? [Smile]

Timo Saloniemi
Posted by Sarvek (Member # 910) on :
Harry, you have a great looking ship so far. She looks like something that was built after the launch of the Phoenix. I can not wait to see her when you get done. Once again, great job. [Wink]


Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
By "elbows," I mean those 90-degree connectors on the longitudinal pipes behind the shield. Rather than the elbows having much smaller diameters than the straight part, I'd just give them the same diameter and have a smooth but bent pipe (or you could have a smoothly tapering pipe).

Just my style, but do what you'd like!
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Very nice!
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :

Added the forward hull (obviously designed by the DY company [Smile] ). I stil have to work a bit on that connection arm, and I just realised that those antimatter pods are not necessary, as matter/antimatter aren't used yet in this era 8)

But I would like to have some greeblies there.. and the Jein model does have some sort of spheres there. Any idea what they might do?
Posted by Styrofoaman (Member # 706) on :
Fuel pods. I assume that whatever powers this thing needs to be shielded and kept away from the squishy little carbon-units.


But I would like to have some greeblies there.. and the Jein model does have some sort of spheres there. Any idea what they might do?

Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
So tell my Harry, is that a DY-732 nose cone on your ship, or are you just happy to see me? [Big Grin]

Seriously though that's some good progress.
Although I wouldn't be a very good fellow artist if I didn't offer some friendly criticism.
First off the ramscoop looks little too read, try shifting it slightly into orange and maybe use a transparent gradient to show some underlying structure, namely the little bulbs and spinning things seen on the E-nil.

If I recall correctly the original painting on which I'm assuming this is based had a brightly yellow/orange coloured crew section. If this is a little too loud for your tastes, try applying the colour to the cargo pods alone.

Again with the colouring, try making the radiation shield (?) a slightly darker shade of grey than the rest of the hull, to indicate it's specific function.

Finally the markings might look more authentic if you used the Friendship One motif. However do I understand that this is not to everyone's liking.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Definitely not [Smile] No deltas on my ships please. My explanation is that UESPA does the scientific work (hence the "Probe") and the Solar Fleet the defensive and logistic tasks.

I know the model has a brightly orange crew section. But this is NOT the supposed to be the same ship. However, I am planning on having some of the bright color return on the forward hull.

I indeed used your DY chart for some typical DY structures. Originally, the 'cargo pods' were much larger, but I had to move them a little to allow for the connecting arm. And then it looked even more like your DY-732 [Big Grin]

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