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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Guardian 2000: [QB] All the best for you and your family. As for Flare . . . there really is still a great deal of pure research to be done about Trek, and this group is the best to bounce it off of, sometimes. For a 'recent' example: . . . and I was recently (as in last year) noticing short travel times in the early TNG episodes I was rewatching that had ramifications regarding warp velocities which, as far as I know, no one's ever brought up . . . so it isn't like the topic is not on the brain. The thing is, we're all of ages where we haven't the time for such luxurious expenditures of wasted effort. Whether it's family medical issues or career or what-have-you, such thinking is often best done quietly as a simple Paul Stubbs baseball game, as it were, rather than a discussion involving lots of typing. Were I to win the lottery I'd probably spend a bit more time on this sort of thing, but as it stands I don't even have time to finish this sen [/QB][/QUOTE]
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