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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sean: [QB] And then you have members like me who joined years after all of that...and weren't part of the "founding fathers" of this community so to speak. I still love it here though. This place was the first internet forum I joined, and the first form of "social media" I ever used...before Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and all that new-aged stuff. I don't tend to visit many forums anymore though. I guess since my internet time is so monopolized between the aforementioned sites, or actual useful things like researching crap for papers (going on 3 years in...and those really don't get any less painful. :p ), I choose to spend it blowing off steam in a mindless manner. And with the general lack of stimulation in the Star Trek world as of late, there hasn't been much to discuss, unfortunately. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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