------------------ Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges." Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!" -Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
Chinese Canadian, or 75% Commie Bastard.
Member # 33
It was quite a while ago. Manning and those Reform weenies were trying to come up with a name for their soon-to-be-bust United Alternative.
You're very Close Fabrux. It's called Canadian Conservative Reform Alliance Party, or CCRAP. The Reformers never intended for the word "Party" to get in there, but now it did and well..... *hyuk* it's a very CCRAPpy name!!!!!
Now they've changed it to the Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Party or CRCAP. I can still smell the crap from here.
------------------ "My Name is Elmer Fudd, Millionaire. I own a Mansion and a Yacht." Psychiatrist: "Again."
Well, I heard it on K100's top news of the week thing coming home from Wal-Mart.
------------------ Ross: "Inter arma, enim silent leges." Bashir: "'In the time of war the law falls silent.' Cicero. Have we become a 24th-century Rome, driven by the fact that Caesar can do no wrong?!" -Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
------------------ "I promise you, Wilma, that not one man on this force will rest until the criminal scum that did this are behind bars. Now let's go get a bite to eat." - Frank Drebbin, Detective Lieutenant in Police Squad