Welcome to Flare. Were this a normal place, I would share the link to the Official Forum FAQ with you. But this isn't, and the Forum FAQ has for almost a year now sat wholely on my computer, waiting for me to get out of my laziness and finish the damned thing.
I'm sorry First, but I've made it my life to hunt down people who use the phrase "you don't have to be crazy to work here, BUT IT HELPS!" and remove their lungs. Right after I find all those people with "amusing" bumber stickers, and shove their heads into their engines.
------------------ "A fully functioning, cybernetic, technologically advanced team of superheroes... and NOBODY'S got a flashlight?" - Polly Ester; Samurai Pizza Cats
Saiyanman Benjita 2012. This time, why not the worst?
Member # 122
Don't bother with those nuts, Dee. They're just humtin veeing Enterprise? 120 m or something like that. And don't listen to the technobabble about compuuten machin nicht for gwerkin by das dumkopfen. If you do, you might get um dos poppenkorn mitz spitzenspaarken. Das rubbernekkin sight-seering keepin der handz in das pockets relaxin um watchin das blinkenlights.
------------------ Look at the past few years: Jimmy Carter: Who we kidding, Valium Posterchild. We go to: Ronald Reagan, Howdy Doody Sr. If it keeps getting benign, we might end up with: Mr. Rogers, "Can you say Armageddon? Oops, too late." Or we can get macho and have: Jack Nicholson vs. Clint Eastwood, Shortest debate in history, all Jack will have to say is "How can you debate me, you haven't opened your goddammed eyes in twenty years."