I'll see that *snigger* and raise you a *guffaw* 8)
------------------ "I rather strongly disagree, even if I share the love of Dick. Speaking of which, that would be the most embarrasing .sig quote ever, so never use it."
Hey Tec... I dunno about "high-population". That's open to interpretation. Not too much residential. Some of the Denny Regrade is built on fill, but it's mostly all the stuff down by Harbor Island and the areas just South of downtown. Industrial.
**TRIVIA TIME** The fill in Elliot Bay is mostly rocks used as ballast in the ships coming up to Seattle for timber to build San Francisco. My historical irony sense is tingling here. SF's Seattle lumber burned in th e1906 quake, and in the big on in the PNW, it'll be the stuff on the San Francisco fill that suffers most.
------------------ "It's obvious I'm dealing with a moron..."
I'm not talking about fill in the bays I'm talking about sedimentary rocks that fill what most of these cities sit on. We are looking at a line from Seattle down to Eugene, OR and every city in between. The ground is not solid bedrock it is sedimentary rock which actually amplifies the intensity. I hope I will be back home on solid rock before the big one happens cause it isn't going to be pretty.
------------------ God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the weaponry to make the difference.