Topic: 2 students are dead, 13 more are injured in school shooting.
2 people died and 13 more were injured in a high school shooting in California earlier today. The suspect has been captured. He is a 16 year old student who goes to the very school where the shooting took place. You can get more info on Fox news and/or MSNBC.
------------------ If anyone has a Star wars action fleet E-wing starfighter or Tie defender toy they want to sell, please E-mail me at [email protected]
Did you people get together while I was asleep and plan out how best to make my day difficult? And I've got to work, too. And record Babylon 5. It's a mess, I tell you.
(Yes, this thread will probably need to be moved later on. Not just yet, though. We shall see.)
Perfect some little shit has to go out a blow a bunch of holes in his classmates on my birthday. I'm going to go down there and kick his ass myself. The only thing I wanted to have happen today was me getting messed up with a bottle of irish whiskey. Stupid little moron.
------------------ God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the weaponry to make the difference.