Happy Birthday AndrewR! We are the 21-ers. Young, sexy and in our prime. Ladies, please form an orderly queue!
------------------ "You see, unlike you I understand history! My name will blaze across the stars long after your petty treachery has been for-gotten !!!"
Wow. Strangely enough everyone on the forum seems to be getting older by the year. What strange quirk of reality has caused this "ageing" (as I call it) effect?
------------------ *gasp* "The pictures...they're...coming...alive!" -Abe Simpson, on the miracle of the moving image
Hmmm... I seem to be accumulating years at the rate of one year per year. Does that mean I'm accelerating?
------------------ "If knowledge is power, then willful misinformation is the work of the Devil." -- Barbara "the man who sought Liberty's talents" Mikkelson
Well, in that case, I hardly show my age at all.
------------------ "If knowledge is power, then willful misinformation is the work of the Devil." -- Barbara "the man who sought Liberty's talents" Mikkelson