Well, let's see. 1 KT is about 1.2e12 calories. So, 20 KT is 2.4e13 calories, which is 1.005e14 J. So, say something has the specific heat capacity of water and can create a really big explosion (unlikely!), that something would have to weigh 8.03e7 kg or 7.9e4 tons or 79 KT. Quite heavy.
-------------------- I haul cardboard and cardboard accessories
Registered: Mar 1999
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Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343
And considering that it's a fuel-air explosive....that sounds about right.
-------------------- "The French have a saying: 'mise en place'—keep everything in its fucking place!"
Registered: Jun 2000
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"'The thirty-seven who were casualties are still casualties. No new casualties due to the shock-and-awe campaign have been reported yet. We trust you to be intelligent enough to realize we're talking about two different phases of casualties here.'"
Well, of course, that's not what they said, but okay. I won't burst your fantasy world.
As for the use of the term "reported casualties", that's not what they said, either. They said "there have been no reports of civilian casualties". Which is a lie because, two hours earlier, they themselves aired a report of civilian casualties.
Registered: Mar 1999
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Yes, 20 kilotons of TNT and it's not convetnional like you think. Let's put it this way it's more conventional then a nulcear bomb. Also, that's declassified data now. From what I learned they had this bomb for the past fifteen years or so. Some think (mostly AO's, they handle and undersatnd ordanance) think that they have more powerful bombs than that.
Like I said it's a not nulcear scale explosion, just the power of the explosion (which is the size of a normal bomb or so) is equal to a 20 kiloton explosion. This is enough to vaporize bunkers made of steel a foot thick.
Registered: Jul 2000
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For Comparison, "Little Boy," dropped on Hiroshima was a 12.5 kiloton bomb.
So what you're saying, Matrix, is that this "conventional" bomb is nearly twice the strength of an early nuclear device.
The great big bomb successfully tested recently was the MOAB, and it's a 20,000 POUND bomb. Not 20,000 TONS.
-------------------- "The best defense is not a good offense. The best defense is a terrifyingly accurate and devastatingly powerful offense, with multiply-overlapping kill zones and time-on-target artillery strikes." -- Laurence, Archangel of the Sword
Registered: Mar 1999
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I have read about a 21,000 pound bomb that is dropped out of a C-130, minimum sized aircraft, but I don't know the exact data for it. Since a C-130 is a big slow aircraft the ADA defense of the area it was to operate in would have to be minimal.
There are explosives that have more kick, pound for pound, than TNT, but I don't think that there is one with 1,000 times the explosive force. Then again, I don't know what type of aircraft they were replacing the SR-71 with either, or why light has different wave length and acts like waves and particles.
CNN annoys me to no end, how many times does RPG have to be explained to people?
-------------------- "You are a terrible human, Ritten." Magnus "Urgh, you are a sick sick person..." Austin Powers A leek too, pretty much a negi.....
Registered: Sep 2000
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The 20-kilopounder MOAB isn't so clumsy that it would have to be deployed from a C-130. That was deliberate disinformation given in connection with the test firing, to make the weapon appear like the older Daisy Cutter. In fact, MOAB is a winged standoff weapon that looks much like a cruise missile, just sans the engine. It's got those fancy "lattice" fins familiar from new Russian missiles, too, in addition to the two conventional main wings. I think MOAB was the cover girl in a recent Time or Newsweek? In a form-fitting orange costume no less.
-------------------- "I am an almost extinct breed, an old-fashioned gentleman, which means I can be a cast-iron son-of-a-bitch when it suits me." --Jubal Harshaw
Registered: Feb 2002
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If it is the one I read about, didn't see a pick that I remember, the warhead was 20,000 pounds, not including the casing and JDAMs type fin assemblies, which means that a B-52 could only carry, at best, 3, depending on how ungainly it was made.
-------------------- "You are a terrible human, Ritten." Magnus "Urgh, you are a sick sick person..." Austin Powers A leek too, pretty much a negi.....
Registered: Sep 2000
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Oh, well my mistake. But I can tell you that there are bombs out there in the low kiloton range. The only reason why I though they dropped a 20 kiloton bomb was because duirng training fighter training, one B-2 dropped a huge bomb only around 5 tons in weight but measured an explosion nearly equal to a 3.5 kiloton explosion. Not nulcear scale.
Also, believe it or not there are bmbs out there that no one knows about including the pilots who drop them. Many POs, CPOs, and even Officers have often stated that they have seen weird bombs that they can not ID, even though they have full qualifications on them. One of them was the Dasiy Cutter until it was semi-publically released a few years back.
Registered: Jul 2000
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Here is what MOAB-tablescraps I could lick up from Janes.Com after registering there. If I want the full image I have to pay money, a policy which I find is very-very-sneaky.
-------------------- "I'm nigh-invulnerable when I'm blasting!" Mel Gibson, X-Men
Registered: Aug 1999
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quote:Originally posted by First of Two: As I said before, I have heard "two scuds" everywhere, and believe the mention of "no scuds" referred to a single day, one when no launches of scuds occurred.
Until I see an official announcement otherwise, I'm staying with that.
I think that if there had been any scuds fired it would have been major news, and been all over the press. That would be seen in the White House as vindication.
-------------------- Sparky:: Think! Question Authority, Authoritatively. “Believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see.” EMSparks
Shalamar: To save face, keep lower half shut.
Registered: Jun 1999
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Depending on how my 'friend' gave it to me it would be a neat toy, just getting the C-130 to carry it around may cause a problem, unless, of course, that is how my 'friend' delivered it.
Registered: Sep 2000
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