HI gang,, I'm back...Yeah, I've been away for a few days, and missed all the good stuff. Sorry, couldn't be helped. Friend of mine was having serious problems, and she asked me for assistance.
**Word to the wise: Don't open doors you don't know how to close. Some of you will know what I'm talking about. The rest of you will think I'm babbling as usual.
You know, the either/or concept is really especially silly, when you consider the thousands of creation myths held by the various religions around the world. Even arguing for the "truth of Creation" isn't a capable argument for the truth of your particular Story. And of course, there's always the option of "UNKNOWN MECHANISM." Something which is neither Creation nor Evolution as such, and has not yet been advanced.
(Incidentally, It was a Greek named Eratosthenes who is considered to be the first person to demonstrate that the Earth was spherical, roughly 2 centuries B.C. This knowledge spread, and was retained in some places even after the Christian Onslaught. Unfortunately, because Eratosthenes was a "pagan" according to the Church, what writings of his survived were either ignored, or more often, burned. -- As they did with the Library of Alexandria, the Mayan manuscripts, and anything else that stood in their way.)
I wish I had time to recap. Suffice it to say I feel that this thread and those like it are lost causes. Neither side will ever be able to convince the other. (well, that's not entirely accurate. Show a scientist compelling evidence which can only be explained by divine intervention, and you've got a shot at convincing him. Show a faithful person something which contradicts that faith, and you're most likely to end up with jihad.)
*Vorlonspeak* Itis a dying topic. We should let it pass.
"We shall not yield to you, nor to any man." -- Freak, The Mighty.